Introduce yourself!



  • pandahead76
    pandahead76 Posts: 122 Member
    Just got my dvd set today, woohoo! Monday, April 8 is my first day.

    I've never done a Jillian Michaels workout before, but I've always loved her on Biggest Loser, and I'm incredibly inspired by the latest winner, Danni Allen. Before my last pregnancy, when I was pretty fit, I also had Jillian's book "Making the Cut" (still love it to this day), and followed the plan.

    I will be doing extra cardio along with the circuits. Because I'm a gym rat. :)

    I'm looking forward to having my butt kicked!
  • perfecto10
    Hello everyone, I have just started the body revolution today (Friday 5th April) and i am following the seven day kickstart diet. Wish me luck :-)
  • fitmomma_t
    Hello everyone! I just ordered Body Revolution today and can't wait for it to arrive. I have been on this "get fit " journey way too long and have tried everything. I have always had success with Jillian's workouts but was looking for a long term plan that was scheduled so I started Insanity. I loved it and did it for two months but then life got in the way. I am a busy Mom of 3 and a teacher. I coach softball and go from school games to my kids' games and have very little time to workout...I figure if these workouts really are only 30 minutes, I've got that time. I can't wait for my DVDs to get here!
  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    Hi everyone. I just joined this group. I have been on mfp since January of this year and I have been doing JMBR for about a 1 1/2 months. I'm in week 2 of phase 2 doing WO5 & 6. The pounds are coming off slowly, but it seems like my belly pooch is getting I'm happy about that. I have about 50 more pounds to lose. This workout is challenging and I hope to find some buddies on here so we can push play together. Friend me anyone.
  • ramsfan84
    ramsfan84 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I am starting BR today, Monday, April 8. I am also finishing up about 3 days on 30 ds and just started C25K. Looking for support to keep me going. With my present group of friends there are 2 of them that are more than half way through the program. They have nothing but great things to say about it. So she was offering a sale on FB and I ordered it. So I am excited. Just looking for some friends to help motivate and support me and I in return will do the same.

    Thank you
    Please feel free to add me if you wish.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    A very big warm welcome to all the new members, apologies for not saying hello sooner!

    Thanks for joining our BR group, i hope it serves as a useful tool on your journey to achieving your goals!

    Good luck!
  • JenRN2
    JenRN2 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Jennifer. I'm 31 years old, wife for almost 9 years and mom to 3 kids ( 7 year old boy, 5 year old boy, and 3 year old girl). I started Turbo Fire over a year ago and finally really started busting my butt last Oct. and from Oct to Feb. I lost 20lb. I thoroughly liked turbo fire but need something new so I got JMBR. I need to lose atleast another 60lbs to be at my prepregnancy weight and another 20 after that to be at my wedding weight. I started JMBR on Monday (April 8th) and like it. I am using this site to count calories and using some of her recipes but honestly, I just don't have the time for all those meals to prepare. I am trying to stick between the 1200 calories she suggests but also allowing an extra 300 here and there like MFP suggests. I'm trying not to use any of the calories I earn back.

    I'm really hoping for weight loss with this program so any support, advice, comments would be great!!!

    oh and how did I get the cool JMBR ticker??? So cool. I wish I used one for turbo fire!!!!

  • jennbme24
    jennbme24 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, my name is Jennifer and I am a 34 yr old single mom of two very active boys. I ordered JMBR and it should be arriving today!!!! Hopefully will be starting tomorrow morning. I am very excited. I have lost about 22 lbs in the last year and have a goal of 40 more total. I set a goal of loosing 30 more by the end of July. For the last two weeks I have kept my calorie count around the 1200 mark. I have lost about 5 lbs just doing that with a work out here and there when I can fit it in. In 2012 when I lost the 22 lbs I was able to go to Zumba class 4 days a week. Which I love but as a single mom I cant keep up with leaving the boys 4 days a week for an hour each at 7 pm anymore. I did it mostly during the summer last year so it didnt interfere with their school or sports schedule. With JMBR I can do at home before they wake up and after they go to bed at night. I have read great reviews and seen great result pics from JMBR so I am really hoping that this will get me on a good track and turn this flab into some muscle or atleast tone it!!!! I am going to do the 7 day jump start but probably not follow the diet plan. Keep at 1200 calories a day and make sure to get my water in!!! I look forward to hearing about everyone progress!!!!!!!
  • frizbeemom
    frizbeemom Posts: 101 Member
    I'm Cheryl, have a husband, two kids, cats, the house, the picket fence, a career and a busy life, like many others. :) I originally started losing weight in 2008. I first started out doing this on my own through healthy eating and exercise. Lost 60 lbs, hit a plateau, regained a bit and joined WW. Lost what I regained, and lost more to hit 116 lbs lost. Went back to school for my MBA, went through a layoff, and regained 15-20 lbs. Losing weight while working and going to grad school is TOUGH! Just couldn't find the WW mojo anymore but really wanted to get to goal weight once and for all, be healthy and fit, so I decided to try JMBR. Still have my WW membership. If I find the right support system, I will cancel it but until then I will at least keep weighing in even though I'm currently not tracking WW points plus. Have another 60 lbs or so to get to goal weight.

    I am in Phase 1, Week 1, day 4! I have already seen a bit of weight loss, more energy and feeling strong. The workouts are becoming easier and more manageable. I tried to start with the Kick Your Metabolism diet, but have had to make some changes. I tend to eat very healthy and clean, but it wasn't quite enough food/healthy fats. I couldn't do my normal workouts at the gym when I was going to the gym instead of doing the cardio dvd, and I need enough fuel to be able to do a great workout! I also get very HANGRY when I'm starving (Hungry + Angry lol) so for the sake of my family I added just a touch more food. lol.

    I am looking forward to being a part of this group. I am really looking for support and accountability for sticking with the program. I love hearing how other people are doing.
  • jennbme24
    jennbme24 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Cheryl, Congrats on the weight loss!!! Wow that is amazing! I am on day 2, phase 1, week 1 of JMBR. Little sore this morning but I am doing the kickstart so after my work out and moving around some its a good soreness. I read that you are not doing the diet on the kickstart but are you doing the two a days? I am following the diet some, just a picky eater so I am substituting some things but trying to stick with the same food group and calorie intake. I originally started my weight loss last year around this time and dropped 22 lbs but then gained 4 back and here I am again. I have decided to weigh myself weekly and measure myself every two weeks. Of course I am going to measure myself after this first week just to see how I did with the kickstart. What about you?

    I could definetly use the support and encouragement from someone that is going thru JMBR also!!!!
  • Baby_sway86
    Baby_sway86 Posts: 62 Member
    Hey I'm samara and mine just come in the mail today! Can't wait to start.
    Iv been doing the 30 day shred, abs n gym.
    My guy has also joined me, well his first work out today - hopefully she kicks his butt!
    And because everyone else put in random normal life stuff, I have a puppy lol. Not a good work out buddy at all.

    I don't think I can do the meal plan, I only eat chicken. But ill do my best trying to work around it.
    Wish you all luck and would love to keep track with everyone
  • Hoosier_Fatty
    Hoosier_Fatty Posts: 4 Member
    This is my FIRST POST on myFitnessPal! I'm a married Mom of 2 kiddos and just had weight loss surgery in February. I want to end up fit - not flabby. So, I started 30 Day Shred a couple of weeks ago and then learned about Body Revolution. Have only just started Body Revolution, but I am following the exercise and water plan to the letter. (Did Workout 1 yesterday morning and Cardio last night).

    Never been much of an exercise person, but really like Jillian's DVDs because they feel so achievable at only 30 minutes in length.

    I am not doing the diet plan because I still am physically unable to eat that many calories each day. And yes - it's a wonderful problem to have....first time in my adult life that I haven't been STARVING!

    I'm super sore today - was not able to do all the moves in both workouts, but I sure didn't stop moving. Big goal to look good on vacation in late July. BRING IT ON!
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi there! I just started body revolution on Monday. I started it last spring but only completed phase 1. This time I plan on completing the whole program. I love reading body revolution success stories. They really motivate me!
  • Julijulz
    Julijulz Posts: 119 Member
    Hey guys, I'm Julia. I purchased the program as a birthday present to myself back in November. I just got around to doing it since my husband is deployed and I have so much free time and focus on my hands. I just finished Phase 1 and I'm 25.8lbs down so far!!! :)
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Hey guys, I'm Julia. I purchased the program as a birthday present to myself back in November. I just got around to doing it since my husband is deployed and I have so much free time and focus on my hands. I just finished Phase 1 and I'm 25.8lbs down so far!!! :)

    Wow what great results so far :)
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I also get very HANGRY when I'm starving (Hungry + Angry lol) so for the sake of my family I added just a touch more food. lol.

    Lol Cheryl - I get HANGRY all the time too. You gotta do what works for you.
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Donita. I am a mother of three and I have had problems with weight since I had my first baby. I just started Body Revolution on Monday. I'm so excited about it! I'm glad there are others doing this so that we can all push each other through!
  • pkinblue
    pkinblue Posts: 140 Member
    My name is Tara--I have 2 boys and will celebrate 20 yrs of marriage this July. I work in high-tech in the Seattle area and I have steadily gained 1 lb a year for the past 20 years and have to stop that. I have done 30 day Shred and liked it..but found it repetitive. I am starting week 4 of BR and so far have lost 3 lbs and about 1.5 inches off my hips which is a good start. I am NOT following the meal plan--my family would never eat that--but am struggling to keep within the limits MFP sets for me. I upped my weights a bit today (not for everything and not for all reps) but I am surely noticing it. Glad to find so many others on this journey.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Welcome to the group everyone!

    Enjoy your body revolution journey - Jillian makes a habit out of kicking your butt, but she does it totally out of love!
  • pkinblue
    pkinblue Posts: 140 Member
    funny kind of love (haha)