Fun topic - What Bothers You Now That Didn't Before?



  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I am reviving this yet again because I have to vent about air fresheners.

    Yes, air fresheners. Seriously, what is some people's obsession with them?

    Admittedly I have an oil diffuser in my office, but it's rather subtle and is a slow-release thing that literally lasts for about six months.

    Our receptionist, however, is nutso with them. Since we own our own firm, my husband and I provide the cleaning supplies, including air freshener sprays for the bathrooms. Now don't get me wrong; the thing of Glade that I just bought for the ladies' room (since we were out) was all of a buck twenty-five or something like that. It's not a money thing, really, but I don't go out and stock up on them - I pick one up when I know that we're out of it and I happen to remember that we're out while I'm at Target or something. We also recently bought a four-pack of Lysol sprays at Costco. Two of them we kept at home, one for upstairs, one for downstairs, since we need them for diaper pails. The other two we brought to the office this past Friday.

    This morning the receptionist goes in to use the ladies' room, which is on the other side of the far wall of my office. While I can't hear what business anyone is doing in there over the fan (thankfully), I can hear the toilet flush and the spray of air freshener very clearly.

    She goes in, and I hear a flush, followed by a super long spray. She was only in there for a minute, so I'm guessing she didn't do anything more than pee, unless she's super quick. Admittedly I spray after I pee, but it's literally a half-second spritz.

    Then another super long spray. Already this would be overkill even for the worst #2.

    Then she opens the bathroom door and does yet another super long spray, then I hear the clink of the spray can on top of the toilet. Thank God, I think, she has put it down.

    Then she grabs the Lysol from the supply shelf and starts walking up and down the main hallway, spraying it. My office door is open, so within a minute I'm choking on the Lysol smell.

    Now I totally appreciate that our neighbors on either side of us have regular plumbing issues, and so from time to time we get a weird sewage smell in our office whenever they have problems. (It's an old building with major plumbing problems, but we are in the process of purchasing our own office and will be moved out of here by the end of June.) I'd rather smell Lysol than crap, but I don't want to suffocate on Lysol, thankyouverymuch.

    I closed my door to escape the smell, but I have no idea if she noticed. I think she's rather oblivious to that kind of thing anyway. Once I had my son in the office with me, and I put him in an empty office to take a nap. She took it upon herself to put a brand new scented oil warmer thingie in the wall. It's a small office, and when I opened the door to get him, the scent hit me like a brick wall. Meanwhile, my son was napping in it. Trust me, the office didn't smell bad (it didn't smell like anything) beforehand. I pulled the scented oil thing out of the wall, and she caught me putting it away, so I told her point-blank that I didn't want him suffocating in air freshener. She knows how I feel about it, but man does she continue to overdo it! Maybe it has to do with the fact that she and our other employee are chain-smokers (in which case, if you hate the smell, quit smoking).

    My husband's opinion is that it's a small cost to worry about - that's the way he sees it - so to him, there's no problem. I don't care that much about the money because it really isn't that much, but I don't want to be suffocated by air fresheners. So now I have to go ask her what the deal was with all the Lysol and then ask her not to do that because I was being choked out of my office. It's not like I have a window at all, let alone one I can open.

    It's like the people who bathe in perfume and don't realize they are not making the world smell better but rather suffocating the people surrounding them!

    Ok, rant over.

    PS - I just got up and grabbed the Lysol as well as an unused one for comparison purposes, and it's literally half the weight. We brought the Lysol into the office on Friday, and when I put it away, I noticed that there was already an almost-empty can there. So since Friday she has finished off the old can and used up HALF of the new one. We have not done any deep cleaning in our office since Friday, so I am guessing most of it, if not all of it, has been used up by spraying.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    ^ I would stop buying air fresheners! I would get so grumpy sitting in a thick cloud of "Mountain Mist" or whatever scent it is.

    But you should totally hide a can in your desk in case the neighbor's poop smell makes it's way over!
  • _ylime_
    _ylime_ Posts: 661 Member
    RBX. OMG... YES what is it with people and the air freshener????? Our bathroom here stinks of the stuff... in small doses it is nice... but not the empty half the can in one spray type of doses we are talking about... yipes... I know some of it has to do with my current pregnancy related nausea... but seriously does anyone (pregnant or not) think that smells good??????? It makes me want to puke.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I asked her what the deal was, and she said that she could smell that sewage smell today. My office is in the back, far away from where she sits, and sometimes when I go up front I can smell it when that happens. So I believe her that she smelled it up front even though I couldn't smell it in the back. I said to her that if that happens, just spray up front by them, I can't smell it in the back (and if I can, I will handle it) but that dousing the office in Lysol was really unpleasant. She laughed and asked me if I'd rather smell crap (that's just the way she handles things - she'll never apologize or admit that she did something wrong but make a joke out of it), but I said that today I think I would have preferred that smell than suffocating on Lysol.

    Anyway, hopefully she won't do it again. Unfortunately we do need Lysol for cleaning purposes, and I prefer to have the air freshener because our bathrooms are small, one-person bathrooms.

    As for scented oil things that plug in, we stopped buying those a long time ago because we initially brought them in to use in occupied spaces, but she started putting them in (non-smelly) storage rooms and unoccupied offices. They all got used up pretty quickly, and the cost of those adds up fast, so we just stopped buying them.

    But yeah, ew. Especially if you have morning sickness, I feel for you. There's nothing worse than feeling nauseous and then feeling like you can't breathe!
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    Oh... I love this topic... LOL!

    - People that think they have to tell me what I should and shouldn't eat... and how I should workout. I have made it VERY clear that I have talked to my doctor about how much I should eat / gain, and I have her OK about my workout routine... including the heavy lifting... I did it before, things are going well, I can (at this point) continue... ugh... All the sudden everyone is an expert... LOL :laugh:

    hmm... and despite the fact I lift big weights I *can't* possibly lift a box on my own... I appreciate that people want to be helpful but seriously... I can carry the paper to the copy machine... :laugh:

    YES! Absolutely this. I lift heavy things too. The amount of comments from people about "oh, be careful... should you really be doing that?" are crazy. Yes, of course I'm careful; I love this little parasite, and I wouldn't do anything to harm it. I'm 29 weeks along, have the full support of my doctor for everything I do, and I work with a trainer to make sure I'm using proper form. I'm definitely safer and more cautious than most gym goers.

    The "oh, should you still be working out?" comments also get me. And I have a lovely bus friend who comments how nobody moves for me (which, really, I take the train twice a day and no one has ever moved once... and my belly is gigantic... it's a fair comment). I know she worries and always pushes me to have a seat if one opens up, but really... if I can do 185 lb deadlifts right now, I can probably stand for one or two train stops.
  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 257 Member
    If one more person tells me what I should or should not be doing I'm going to punch them in the face! I know what I should be doing and what I should not be doing. I don't need you to tell me. If I wanted your opnion, I would ask for it.

    I'm also sick of people telling me how big I look. I'm very aware of how my body looks. Telling me I'm big does not do any good for anyone. It makes me hate you and it makes me feel bad about myself. Then I go home and cry to my husband because I'm so emotional, poor guy. I'm sure he's sick of it too!

    "Just wait!" & "You have no idea!" If I never heard these again in my life it would be too soon.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    If one more person tells me what I should or should not be doing I'm going to punch them in the face! I know what I should be doing and what I should not be doing. I don't need you to tell me. If I wanted your opnion, I would ask for it.

    I'm also sick of people telling me how big I look. I'm very aware of how my body looks. Telling me I'm big does not do any good for anyone. It makes me hate you and it makes me feel bad about myself. Then I go home and cry to my husband because I'm so emotional, poor guy. I'm sure he's sick of it too!

    "Just wait!" & "You have no idea!" If I never heard these again in my life it would be too soon.

    I agree with all of this! Last time I was pregnant, I had a co-worker report on a daily basis how "preggo" I looked. (I also hate that word, "preggo," so it made me extra pissy.) She would literally stop me in the middle of whatever I was doing, when it was convenient for her, and make me turn to the side and stuff. It got pretty uncomfortable, and I happened to mention it to another co-worker, whom I suspect told our boss, because it suddenly stopped. I liked her a lot, so I didn't want to hurt her feelings by asking her to stop (she was just really excited for me), but I'm glad it did stop and it didn't seem to affect our relationship, working or otherwise.
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    I guess this would have bothered me before I was pregnant, but I didn't really have to deal with it.......

    What's up with some people always asking how much weight you've gained? I can see asking after the pregnancy is all said and done, but during the pregnancy? And continuously wanting updates on your weight gains? Weird.

    I was raised to never ask...... If people bring it up on their own, I discuss....but never come out and ask.
  • _ylime_
    _ylime_ Posts: 661 Member
    I guess this would have bothered me before I was pregnant, but I didn't really have to deal with it.......

    What's up with some people always asking how much weight you've gained? I can see asking after the pregnancy is all said and done, but during the pregnancy? And continuously wanting updates on your weight gains? Weird.

    I was raised to never ask...... If people bring it up on their own, I discuss....but never come out and ask.

    Yes... I find this very strange... and if I do respond they usually say something like "oh you are going to gain WAYYYY more than that" - well no *kitten* I am only 22 weeks into the pregnancy... do you think it just all comes on at once...?

    I also "love" when people tell me how fat I am going to get and that I shouldn;t even bother working out becuase there is no point.. "I will never get my body back" .... thanks people... thanks. I am sure they would love if I came back and said oh wow you are getting so fat, and you know what your butt will never look good again... nope... it will always be fat after this...

    People seem to think they can say whatever when you are pregnant, like for some reason I no longer care what my body looks like

    I also hate when people tell me how much I need to change who I am becuase I am now going to be a Mom, specifically that my house will never be clean again (I have 2 100+ lb dogs and a messy man in my life, and I have OCD, no matter what my house will be organized and clean, I have honestly been able to teach my dogs to put their toys away in the toy bin when they are done playing... I think I'll manage.... LOL... and yes I know I am a crazy person... :laugh: ). Or that we will never have the same relationship, and that my career will suffer... Really encouraging stuff... ya know. :noway: People make me laugh... :laugh:
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    I guess this would have bothered me before I was pregnant, but I didn't really have to deal with it.......

    What's up with some people always asking how much weight you've gained? I can see asking after the pregnancy is all said and done, but during the pregnancy? And continuously wanting updates on your weight gains? Weird.

    I was raised to never ask...... If people bring it up on their own, I discuss....but never come out and ask.

    Yes... I find this very strange... and if I do respond they usually say something like "oh you are going to gain WAYYYY more than that" - well no *kitten* I am only 22 weeks into the pregnancy... do you think it just all comes on at once...?

    I also "love" when people tell me how fat I am going to get and that I shouldn;t even bother working out becuase there is no point.. "I will never get my body back" .... thanks people... thanks. I am sure they would love if I came back and said oh wow you are getting so fat, and you know what your butt will never look good again... nope... it will always be fat after this...

    People seem to think they can say whatever when you are pregnant, like for some reason I no longer care what my body looks like

    I also hate when people tell me how much I need to change who I am becuase I am now going to be a Mom, specifically that my house will never be clean again (I have 2 100+ lb dogs and a messy man in my life, and I have OCD, no matter what my house will be organized and clean, I have honestly been able to teach my dogs to put their toys away in the toy bin when they are done playing... I think I'll manage.... LOL... and yes I know I am a crazy person... :laugh: ). Or that we will never have the same relationship, and that my career will suffer... Really encouraging stuff... ya know. :noway: People make me laugh... :laugh:

    Exactly!! The "negative nelly's"......
    "Your life is over........ It'll never be the'll never take a vacation........ Just wait until you have the baby......bawhahahah!!!!"

    I don't need or want your negative energy negative nelly's. My parents raised us plus took in numerous kids throughout the years. They loved being parents and approached it with a positive attitude. It was hard, but I've seriously never heard them complain, even now.

    I think you'd have to be a real idiot to not realize that life is going to change in a BIG way, but why do people want to bring you down and only focus on the negative? I don't get it :huh:
  • jonniemomof9ak
    jonniemomof9ak Posts: 62 Member
    Other than that I haven't been too bad. Facebook has been an issue though too. I "checked in" at a Mexican place a few weeks ago and my mother in law's cousin (whom I've never met) gets on there and comments that I'd better eat all my spicy food now because if I want to breastfeed, I can't. Then I retorted and my cousin's wife said I'd better give it up or I'll have a crabby baby. Um... HELLO... I haven't even had the baby yet, most of that crap is just a myth, and how about I find out for myself??? I can't even say where I'm eating without people talking smack. I just deleted the entire post. I'm also planning a natural birth and going to use cloth diapers, and I've done my research and all that.... everyone is criticizing me and saying I won't be able to do it. Well, that just gives me more willpower! Every mom does her own thing and especially for us first time mothers, we learn from experience. Leave me to mine!

    Wow, people need to shut their pieholes!

    yeah I ate almost exclusively mexican food with my first 5 babies, and they are fine, and I breast fed all of them. Mexican is delicious when pregnant for some reason. I always joke with my children that I am suprised they didn't come out speaking Spanish.

    I ate a lot of Mexican the first time I was pregnant, and my son was/is far from crabby. Though I probably just jinxed myself with that.
  • jonniemomof9ak
    jonniemomof9ak Posts: 62 Member
    being touched really bothers me. It just makes me feel prickly.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    being touched really bothers me. It just makes me feel prickly.

    Oh, I had a whole thing with an employee with this. Do. Not. Touch. Me. Even when I'm not pregnant, I'm just not a touchy-feely person, and I cherish my personal space, as well as respect yours.

    As for the comments on weight gain and never getting your body back, etc., I've had one baby already. I lost my pregnancy weight and then some. I looked way hotter than I ever had before. Other than a small section of loose skin on my lower abdomen, which would only be noticeable in certain positions (and even in that particular position, um, my husband wouldn't be in front of me), my body was ROCKIN'! My boobs were sad because I'd lost weight, and it had little to nothing to do with pregnancy, especially since I didn't exactly have an easy time with breastfeeding.

    So yeah, you can totally get your body back or even improve it after having a baby. My sister is living proof, too! I can't wait to get back on it after this baby and fit back into my size 4 and 6 clothing - sizes I *never* saw before having a baby. (The smallest I'd ever been before was a size 8, and I was never into fitness, either. Now I really miss my workouts!)

    Also, who the hell asks how much weight anyone has gained, pregnant or not? When the hell did that become an acceptable question? If someone asked me that, I'd ask them how much they weigh and if they didn't mind sharing that with the general public. I joke with our staff that I have gained a lot because I know I have, but they know I hate it and wouldn't ever call me a cow or ask me for specifics or anything. Jeez.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Ok, I am SO reviving this yet again - I just walked out of my office to my husband's office for something, and our receptionist and paralegal's mom is here (our receptionist and paralegal are sisters). She sees me walking down the hall and, I guess since it's been probably 3-4 months since she's seen me, she says, "Oh, look how big you've gotten! You're huge!" She was with some lady whose eyes got really big and quickly hid her face as if to say, "I can't believe she just said that." Without skipping a beat, I said, "Gee, thanks," and disappeared into my husband's office.

  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Ok, I am SO reviving this yet again - I just walked out of my office to my husband's office for something, and our receptionist and paralegal's mom is here (our receptionist and paralegal are sisters). She sees me walking down the hall and, I guess since it's been probably 3-4 months since she's seen me, she says, "Oh, look how big you've gotten! You're huge!" She was with some lady whose eyes got really big and quickly hid her face as if to say, "I can't believe she just said that." Without skipping a beat, I said, "Gee, thanks," and disappeared into my husband's office.


    I'm not pregnant anymore, just creepin' on this page....BUT this was so annoying to me. I got pretty big with both my pregnancies...not fat, I gained the appropriate amount of weight. But I carried every last pound in my belly. Up until the day I delivered, people would constantly joke/ask if I was having twins. SERIOUSLY?! What makes people think they can say that?? What surprised me most, was that often times it was women...women who'd had children before. I just wanted to yell at them, "Don't you remember what this is like?? Don't you remember how big women get and yet still don't wanna hear your comments and critiques?!?!" Ugh. Hang in there!!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Ok, I am SO reviving this yet again - I just walked out of my office to my husband's office for something, and our receptionist and paralegal's mom is here (our receptionist and paralegal are sisters). She sees me walking down the hall and, I guess since it's been probably 3-4 months since she's seen me, she says, "Oh, look how big you've gotten! You're huge!" She was with some lady whose eyes got really big and quickly hid her face as if to say, "I can't believe she just said that." Without skipping a beat, I said, "Gee, thanks," and disappeared into my husband's office.


    I'm not pregnant anymore, just creepin' on this page....BUT this was so annoying to me. I got pretty big with both my pregnancies...not fat, I gained the appropriate amount of weight. But I carried every last pound in my belly. Up until the day I delivered, people would constantly joke/ask if I was having twins. SERIOUSLY?! What makes people think they can say that?? What surprised me most, was that often times it was women...women who'd had children before. I just wanted to yell at them, "Don't you remember what this is like?? Don't you remember how big women get and yet still don't wanna hear your comments and critiques?!?!" Ugh. Hang in there!!

    The paralegal-daughter came up to me a few minutes ago and said she gave her mom a bunch of crap for saying that to me :wink: I said I hoped she didn't think I was being a b*tch for responding the way I did, but NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR THAT!!! She said no, her mom felt bad and wasn't offended - if she's anything like her daughters, it's hard to offend her!
  • kmburns3
    kmburns3 Posts: 46 Member
    Oh this is a good thread! Where to begin though???
    First my in-laws, specifically my MIL. We had just told her we were pregnant and she starts gabbing about the baby shower, I was 6 or 7 weeks! Then, she informs me that she will be inviting her whole family, approx 130 people, since I've never met them! (Hubby and I didn't have a wedding). Umm, no not gonna happen. She tells us how we're going to drive our baby down to her house so she can watch her while we work...mind you, they live an hour and half away from us in the opposite direction of our work. Again no way, we'll pay for the 3 hours of day care, a few days a week as he works afternoons and I'm on days.

    She is contantly nagging me about wearing maternity clothes and how not wearing them is hurting the baby. I have maternity clothes, I just don't see why I should wear them when I still fit in most of my pre-pregnancy clothes. She has me so annoyed on this point that I don't care what kind of rigging it takes to hold my old jeans up, I will not wear maternity clothes around her. My birthday was a couple weeks ago, she told everyone I wanted/needed maternity clothes, when she knows I have plenty! I'm really not a spoiled brat here, but seriously?!? I would have loved some new books or a massage or anything else, I did not need maternity clothes.

    When we found out we were having a girl at the ultrasound she promptly took out her cell phone and called my FIL to tell him and then texted his sisters. My husband is one of 4 kids and the only boy, him and his father are VERY close and she took away his chance to tell him. He is the type to normally brush things off but even he said that it had hurt his feelings that he wasn't the one to tell his dad. On the way home from the ultrasound she was planning my nursery, aboslutely no way. I love the current gray & yellow themes out there so that is what I want. She got so mad at me about not wanting pink, really? I am in no way girly, why in the world would I want the over-loaded pepto bismol pink nursery. I swear she'll go out of her way trying to make my daughter a girly-girl just to p*ss me off.

    Second, my aunt.
    I told her we were having a girl and she kept saying how disappointed I must be, how sad that I didn't have a boy the first time, etc. All I wanted was a healthy baby, just because she isn't a boy like I predicted does not mean that I am upset about it. And then I told her the name we picked out and she said "Oh you're kidding right? Where the f*** did you get that at? I can't believe you'd name her that!" My mom, my aunt's sister, passed away about 3 years ago so we are using my mom's name as her middle name. She proceeded to tell me that my mom would "roll over in her grave" if she knew that we were naming our daughter after her. Who says that? I was so upset for days after that and my husband is still so mad. But then he said that my mom would want me happy, and if naming our daughter after her makes me happy, then I shouldn't care what anyone else says.

    End rant.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    Oh this is a good thread! Where to begin though???
    First my in-laws, specifically my MIL. We had just told her we were pregnant and she starts gabbing about the baby shower, I was 6 or 7 weeks! Then, she informs me that she will be inviting her whole family, approx 130 people, since I've never met them! (Hubby and I didn't have a wedding). Umm, no not gonna happen. She tells us how we're going to drive our baby down to her house so she can watch her while we work...mind you, they live an hour and half away from us in the opposite direction of our work. Again no way, we'll pay for the 3 hours of day care, a few days a week as he works afternoons and I'm on days.

    She is contantly nagging me about wearing maternity clothes and how not wearing them is hurting the baby. I have maternity clothes, I just don't see why I should wear them when I still fit in most of my pre-pregnancy clothes. She has me so annoyed on this point that I don't care what kind of rigging it takes to hold my old jeans up, I will not wear maternity clothes around her. My birthday was a couple weeks ago, she told everyone I wanted/needed maternity clothes, when she knows I have plenty! I'm really not a spoiled brat here, but seriously?!? I would have loved some new books or a massage or anything else, I did not need maternity clothes.

    When we found out we were having a girl at the ultrasound she promptly took out her cell phone and called my FIL to tell him and then texted his sisters. My husband is one of 4 kids and the only boy, him and his father are VERY close and she took away his chance to tell him. He is the type to normally brush things off but even he said that it had hurt his feelings that he wasn't the one to tell his dad. On the way home from the ultrasound she was planning my nursery, aboslutely no way. I love the current gray & yellow themes out there so that is what I want. She got so mad at me about not wanting pink, really? I am in no way girly, why in the world would I want the over-loaded pepto bismol pink nursery. I swear she'll go out of her way trying to make my daughter a girly-girl just to p*ss me off.

    Second, my aunt.
    I told her we were having a girl and she kept saying how disappointed I must be, how sad that I didn't have a boy the first time, etc. All I wanted was a healthy baby, just because she isn't a boy like I predicted does not mean that I am upset about it. And then I told her the name we picked out and she said "Oh you're kidding right? Where the f*** did you get that at? I can't believe you'd name her that!" My mom, my aunt's sister, passed away about 3 years ago so we are using my mom's name as her middle name. She proceeded to tell me that my mom would "roll over in her grave" if she knew that we were naming our daughter after her. Who says that? I was so upset for days after that and my husband is still so mad. But then he said that my mom would want me happy, and if naming our daughter after her makes me happy, then I shouldn't care what anyone else says.

    End rant.

    Oh, that is just horrible!!! I hope you can figure out a way to straighten her out because she will likely get worse and try to walk all over you after the baby is born! My fathers wife was like this and it was a painful experience having to enforce boundaries with her AFTER the baby was here.

    I hope it gets better!
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    Oh this is a good thread! Where to begin though???
    First my in-laws, specifically my MIL. We had just told her we were pregnant and she starts gabbing about the baby shower, I was 6 or 7 weeks! Then, she informs me that she will be inviting her whole family, approx 130 people, since I've never met them! (Hubby and I didn't have a wedding). Umm, no not gonna happen. She tells us how we're going to drive our baby down to her house so she can watch her while we work...mind you, they live an hour and half away from us in the opposite direction of our work. Again no way, we'll pay for the 3 hours of day care, a few days a week as he works afternoons and I'm on days.

    She is contantly nagging me about wearing maternity clothes and how not wearing them is hurting the baby. I have maternity clothes, I just don't see why I should wear them when I still fit in most of my pre-pregnancy clothes. She has me so annoyed on this point that I don't care what kind of rigging it takes to hold my old jeans up, I will not wear maternity clothes around her. My birthday was a couple weeks ago, she told everyone I wanted/needed maternity clothes, when she knows I have plenty! I'm really not a spoiled brat here, but seriously?!? I would have loved some new books or a massage or anything else, I did not need maternity clothes.

    When we found out we were having a girl at the ultrasound she promptly took out her cell phone and called my FIL to tell him and then texted his sisters. My husband is one of 4 kids and the only boy, him and his father are VERY close and she took away his chance to tell him. He is the type to normally brush things off but even he said that it had hurt his feelings that he wasn't the one to tell his dad. On the way home from the ultrasound she was planning my nursery, aboslutely no way. I love the current gray & yellow themes out there so that is what I want. She got so mad at me about not wanting pink, really? I am in no way girly, why in the world would I want the over-loaded pepto bismol pink nursery. I swear she'll go out of her way trying to make my daughter a girly-girl just to p*ss me off.

    Second, my aunt.
    I told her we were having a girl and she kept saying how disappointed I must be, how sad that I didn't have a boy the first time, etc. All I wanted was a healthy baby, just because she isn't a boy like I predicted does not mean that I am upset about it. And then I told her the name we picked out and she said "Oh you're kidding right? Where the f*** did you get that at? I can't believe you'd name her that!" My mom, my aunt's sister, passed away about 3 years ago so we are using my mom's name as her middle name. She proceeded to tell me that my mom would "roll over in her grave" if she knew that we were naming our daughter after her. Who says that? I was so upset for days after that and my husband is still so mad. But then he said that my mom would want me happy, and if naming our daughter after her makes me happy, then I shouldn't care what anyone else says.

    End rant.
    The nerve of your MIL and aunt! How dare they be so insentive and I totally agree with your hubby- if naming your daughter after your mom makes YOU happy then it doesn't matter what your aunt says I am sure if your mom was around she would be honored that your naming your daughter after her. If I were you I put a lot of distance between your aunt and mil....because you don't need the drama esp. while your pregnant....