2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Well, the group TRX class last night was pretty good. Only 6 of us (it could have held 16), so it feels pretty "private". Too much "cardio" for my liking, though. Reminded myself through all the "jump squats", "jump lunges", etc., that I don't need to do the 'jump" part if I don't want to - it isn't military school or anything, lol!

    I thought it might interfere with my lifting today, but it didn't....I went to the gym and am back to fibonacci pyramids for a week. 90 friggin' minutes in the gym, today. Ugh. But, my *kitten* is UBER-sore, so yep, my glutes got THE TREATMENT!

    Have a great weekend, ladies!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I counted 9502 which is 602 over my goal over 8900. That was tough. I could have done a couple of more workouts so I will try again this week. Dad has chemo tomorrow so I won't be checking in but hope everyone had a great weekend and some stars;)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I ended the week 601 cals over goal. I totally attribute that to my weakness on Friday night for ice cream. And a little bit of an almond binge throughout the week.

    Overall though I feel pretty good about my week. I could have worked out a bit more, so I will focus on that this week, especially since my energy level seems to be increasing. And we leave for vacation on the 18th, so I would like to feel as good as possible for that. We are going to the Keys for about 9 days, I am so excited to get some sun and relaxation!

    Amy- I will be thinking of you today!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Let's just say I don't get a star....I didn't log Friday or Saturday and don't plan on back logging. 2 of my free days for my other challenge. I actually didn't eat a lot, but drank plenty, soo...... Feel a little yucky today. On top of our debaucherous weekend, I had to work 4 hours yesterday and my kid had a high fever so we were up a lot last night with her. I did get a run in on Friday before our Oaks festivities so that was good. No "long" run either day; just a 3.3. But a tough 3.3.

    I'm feeling a bit bummed because I'm certain I won't make my weight loss goal on Friday. Maybe my measurements will reflect some changes.... Need to be good this week. And I just had 1/3 piece of Derby pie for "breakfast". Was planning on a mini fast. I had also sort of planned a juice fast but just didn't have time for the store yesterday. I'm ready for vacation.

    Even though I indulged, I did have a good time. :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I have 10,290 calories for Monday, April 29 - Sunday, May 5 - giving me a SILVER *. This is SUPER-impressive because Saturday was a BLOW-OUT like I haven't had in a long, long time.....we ordered pizza and, even though it was thin crust, I ATE HALF THAT PIZZA!

    I did a 90 minute walk and a 40 minute bike ride, yesterday (outside! +24!!!), plus 75-minutes of scheduled cardio on Saturday, to try and make up for it....I squeaked in at JUST 490 calories OVER my 9,800 goal!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Good luck with your Dad, Amy....please post when you can!

    Chloe - boy, that vacation sounds SUPER-NICE right about now! 9 whole days with hubby - you are ONE LUCKY GAL!

    Better - LOVE that pic! Both of you look DARLING!! I bet you'll hit your goal - or really close to it this Friday. You're a competitor - you're in this to WIN THIS!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    For the next 2 weeks:

    a. calories bumped to 1,500 per day - that is to account for the fact that every day I will either: walk (burn 150-200 calories) OR weight-train (burn 200 calories), so, it really means 1,300 net calories - hopefully the scale will continue to trend downward;
    b. either WALK or WEIGHT-TRAIN everyday. It is getting nice enough out that I just have to take an hour at home in the evening and walk. Not even RUN - just walk!
    c. try to drink a little less water than I've been doing. Water moves bloat off, true - but I'm not bloated many days anymore, so would like to see if I can get away with 12 x 10 oz glasses, rather than, say 16 x 10 oz glasses. (The pee-ing at night is messing with my sleep!)
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I clocked in at 9,152 calories for the week (52 over my goal.)

    Better - great photo! This weekend was a tough one for the drinking for me as well.

    Chloe - super jealous of you vacation

    Amy - best of luck today.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Sounds like everyone had a fun weekend!

    Jen--I'm 16 weeks now. So still kind of in that stage where I look fat rather than pregnant unfortunately….

    Amy--That's cool that your husband does comedy! Did you ever watch the L.A. Complex on the CW? It was pretty cheesy but entertaining watching them all try to make it, including the stand up comics. I hope your dad's chemo went well!

    Chloe--A vacation in the Keys sounds so nice! I'm glad to hear you had a good week.

    Ashley--Glad to hear you had a good weekend! Sounds like you were pretty good on eating, which is probably the best you could hope for with a weekend like that.

    Beeps--I've been known to eat a WHOLE large thin crust pizza in my day, so half is only half as bad! And sounds like a good two-week plan! I've never seen anyone try to cut DOWN on the water they're drinking, but 12 x 10 oz glasses sounds like plenty.

    I had a fun weekend, but it involved TONS of eating and not enough sleep. All delicious, but way too much. I did manage to get in a run/walk around Central Park with my husband on Saturday, a good run around the park on Sunday, and lots of walking throughout the weekend. I'm actually looking forward to exercising more and eating less this week. So here are my two-week goals:

    1. Log everything M-F (there's just too much going on the next few weekends to try to keep up) and stay within my calorie goals
    2. Get in some kind of exercise every day
    3. Cut back on the sugar--try to limit myself to 100 calories of dessert foods a day
  • Dinah2
    Dinah2 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi everyone

    Can I join the challenge? I am only 5'1'' so I want to keep my calories to a minimum. I try to stay between 1000 and 1200 calories a day and try not to eat my exercise calories.

    I also have a fitbit and try to get my 10,000 steps in. I do the Herbalife 24 dvd's on week 7

    So my goals for the week are;

    1. 8400 calories for the week
    2. 10,000 steps a day, 10 flights of stairs
    3. Do the DVD five days a week


    Is this how it works?
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Welcome Dinah!

    Ris - those are god goals, I am also working on eating less sugar

    Ramalem - not bad being only 52 over, good job

    Beeps - wow that's a lot of water! I actually need to increase mine a bit

    Better - great pic!

    Chloe - hope you have a fabtastic vacation

    Amy - hope your dad's chemo goes well

    I had a great week last week. I hit all my goals for the 1st week of my two week challenge. Even with everything going on and the wedding I managed to stay under my calories. Goal - 12,600 Total - 12,043!
    I skipped the rehearsal dinner Friday night because I just started another ballet class on Fridays and then I was too busy for the Ladies Tea on Saturday afternoon. I splurged at the wedding reception, but kept myself under control yesterday at my parents - even with drinking 2 margaritas & a Corona - we were celebrating cinco de mayo. I ate light all day, stuck mostly to raw veggies for apps, had a reasonable portion at dinner and skipped the ice cream and cookies for dessert. I can do this. I will have to do the same this week as I am taking hubby out to dinner Friday night for his birthday.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Forgot to mention my 2 week goals:

    1. Drink 64oz of water daily
    2. Get some type of exercise in daily (even if it means waking up early to do it)
    3. Start taking and tracking measurements
    4. Keep calories (net) at 9,100
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    ramalem - GOLD * for you!

    abigail - PLAT* for you!

    Dinah2 - welcome - and jump right into the "star" challenge, please....we run it Monday - Sunday, so today would be the "start" of our next challenge week!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanks, everyone for your kind words and wishes, things seem to be going pretty well, the cancer seems to be responding and shrinking or stable in the spots they are watching, so that is as as good as we could hope for.
    Ashley, cute pic! love the baby and the dress!
    Chloe, the Keys does sound nice and 9 days, that is about right!
    Ris, I never did hear about LA Complex, was it about various different talents? He's worked with a lot of the comics on Last Comic Standing. We saw Chris Hardwick Saturday.
    Todays cals were not as low as they should have been, might have to see what I can do this week-exercise for one thing!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Whew, so much going on!!

    Amy - glad to hear the cancer is responding! That is wonderful news! As for your husband, that is great you are being supportive. I'm sure it could be scary leaving the security of a steady check, but I bet it he is so appreciative you're there for him to make his dreams come true :)

    Ashley, absolutely adorable pic!! WTG on the food!

    Ris, so glad you had a wonderful trip. Sounds like you stayed really active! Oh yes I remember the "fat" rather than pregnant stage, lol! It will pass before you know it ;)

    Abigail - excellent job, lady!! Cheers to you!!

    Chloe - Great goals and your trip sounds divine!

    Beeps- You go girl! See, you were able to splurge and still hit your goals! Fabulous!

    I had a great week. Got in all my workouts, ate great and had my planned cheats this weekend. The worse things I ate were rotel cheese dip (Saturday) and pilsbury sugar cookies (Sunday). My total net is supposed to be 8862 and I came in at 7513. (Mostly due to big cal burns throughout the week.) But I'll take it. I actually hit another low weight Saturday morn and my abs were actually showing! But with the drinks and sodium from Sat night, I was up a little Sunday.

    So this week (Mon-Thurs) my nets may be low because I leave for Chicago Fri morn and will not log from Fri-Sunday and the only exercise I will get will be from walking the windy city. Unless I'm really anal and get in weights one time at the hotel :tongue:

    Goals for the week: water, weights x 2, cardio everyday, eat clean!!! Have a great week ladies!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I've got a short week as I'm leaving for FL Saturday morning and will be there all next week. So my goals are:

    1. Just to do as well as I can before I leave to get rid of the leftover weekend bloat. I'm taking updated measurements and I'd love to see some progress from 3/31.
    2. Run at least a couple times while in FL. (My sister is going too and she's also a runner, so that could be fun). Maybe even a little swimming.
    3. Don't get hammered every night.
    4. Drink water.
    5. Get a tan :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Here's what I have for STAR CHALLENGE Apr 29 - May 5:

    Date: report in on May 6, 2013.
    Handle of Participant Week 6

    Beeps 2011 SILV*
    ChLoE 1130 BRZE*
    Better_Balance NO*
    abigail1977 PLAT*
    jenomaha PLAT*
    asjerven BRZE*
    ramalem GOLD*

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanks for keeping track, Beeps! I have to say, the challenge really helps me! I like the weekly calorie allotment because it means I don't throw away the day when I get off track because I have to make it up during the week with diet or exercise so I don't go for a binge.
    I'll admit, though, when I saw that I was on the low side for getting the bronze star I was like, I can eat that cookie and still get a bronze:tongue:
    But overall, the weekend was much better. I pre-logged the alcoholic beverages, got my run in and did a 1200-cal day on a Saturday! and even though I didn't do the 900-cal Sunday, my weekend was so much better than usual!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    The "keeping track" helps me, HUGE, Amy. It really does.

    And, whereas *BEFORE* I liked tracking every day, by a daily alotment of calories, I NOW realize (for me) that if I track on a weekly basis, just like you said, and ONE day is a complete "binge-athon", I can just make sure that I rein in my calories for the rest of the week.

    Or, vice versa (which is what I'm practising my discipline in, right now...), when I *know* that Friday is gonna be "restaurant" out night, I can eat less on Monday, Tues, Wed, Thurs and head into Friday, GUILT-FREE, with some 'banked calories'.

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Amy - glad to hear the cancer is responding! That is wonderful news! As for your husband, that is great you are being supportive. I'm sure it could be scary leaving the security of a steady check, but I bet it he is so appreciative you're there for him to make his dreams come true :)

    So this week (Mon-Thurs) my nets may be low because I leave for Chicago Fri morn and will not log from Fri-Sunday and the only exercise I will get will be from walking the windy city. Unless I'm really anal and get in weights one time at the hotel :tongue:

    Thanks, Jen, I think he's earned it, I think of it like a sabbatical-less pressure. there's so many variables that don't depend on talent and hardwork...
    And have a great time in Chicago! I have never been but I would really like to go someday. this should be a nice time to be there.