Stage 3



  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member

    Just pondering why this thread gets less traffic, people quit after stage 1 or 2, or just everyone is in their groove by stage 3 and don't need to talk as much about it?

    I was very excited though about getting through them -I'm 53 and it occurred to me that if I wasn't doing these I may never have jumped again!
    I'm enjoying this journey, the first time I've actually trained for anything. Just one work out to go at Stage 3 and still enjoying it.

    deks - I think its because a lot of people quit/decide to do other things. You all should participate in the daily chat thread, too! I try to lurk on the prior threads (I am in stage 4) to keep it from getting too quiet!

    blacknivory - That is a powerful realization...what is great is that increasing fitness is just a starting point. Who knows what else you might do that you never thought you would do!
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    I'm still here too! Just had ten days off due to a ridiculous work schedule! Have done two stage three workouts, but not going to count them and start the stage again...
  • LuvtheCubs
    LuvtheCubs Posts: 161 Member
    I'm proud of getting through stage 3. Hardest thing for me was the one arm DB overhead squat. The balance for that was crazy.

    I never liked the BWM but I saw great gains in my strength and endurance. I looked like a big doofus but hopefully no video of me out there!

    This was the stage that I had the trainer say what a great workout I was doing and I looked like I must have been a dancer because I was doing all those balance and strength lifts. Cool but also funny cause I'm pretty much a non-dancer!

    Good luck ladies. Moving on the 4 next week. Stay strong!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Okay, so I started Stage 3 last night. That DB overhead squat was surprisingly hard. Well not hard, so much because I wasn't trying to do crazy heavy weight, but it was really awkward. Then I went to do the next alternating exercise, the DB incline bench press and realized that I had to try to load up another set of dumbbells with an appropriate weight because I'd still need the other two at the lower weight for the overhead squat. *sigh*. I made do with another old set of DB's but they were all rusty and crappy. I never needed to use my extra old ones because there weren't any alternating exercises that I required a different weight.

    And it took sooooo long, I didn't do the body matrix stuff after. I'm going to cheat and do them today instead.

    But overall I liked it better than Stage 2. I feel good today.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Just wanted to say.....

    <<<I have a baby gun starting. WOOT!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Just wanted to say.....

    <<<I have a baby gun starting. WOOT!

    Very nice!!
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    I only have a few workouts left of stage 3- scale hasn't changed at all and I'm not sure if clothes are fitting better thanks to TOM. I really feel like workout A is just so easy for when I did it Thursday I ran before hand to warm up and it really helped keep my HR up. And I didn't rest between alt 3 ex's. I have workout B today and enjoy that one.
  • blacknivory
    blacknivory Posts: 30 Member
    Stage 3 done
    This took time but just thought I needed to mark the occasion. My final results for Stage 3:
    A: one armed dumbell snatch 7kg (15.4lbs)
    B1: Dumbell sigle leg Romainia deadlift 14kg (30.8lbs)
    B2:Barbell bent-over row 25kg (55lbs)
    C1:Dumbbell single arm overhead squat 6kg + 3kg (13.2lbs)
    C2:dumbbell incline bench press 10kg (total) (22lbs)
    D1:Plank 90secs (on bubble for 2 sets which is harder and one set normal)
    D2: Reverse wood chop 20kg (44lbs)

    A. barbell romanian deadlift bentover row 25kg (55lbs)
    B. B1:Partial single leg squat 2x3kgs (13.2lbs total)
    B2:Wide grip lat pull down 32lbs?
    C1:back extension 5kg plate (11lbs)
    C2: YTWL 2x2kg (8.8lb total)
    D1: Swiss ball crunch 3kg arms up (6.6lbs)
    D2: Hip Flexion – incline
    D3: Lateral Flexion - swiss ball arms up
    Prone Cobra 3x90sec

    I looked back at some other posts and I think I am only lifting about half of most people but there you go -there may be others out there not pulling big weights and I think it's great this program can just work to wherever your at.

    I found the workouts pretty easy while I was doing them and wasn't sore but then was very fatigued for the following couple of days.

    I noticed that on some exercises like the pull downs and YTWLs that my form wasn't great because the muscles around my shoulder blades are still so weak. This is why I deliberately don't push ahead with more weight so don't start hunching my shoulders.

    See you in Stage 4 :smile:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I think YWTL's or whatever are just ridiculous. My arms do not want to work that way, even with very light weights. And I can't read the directions while trying to do it too so I don't know if I'm even doing it right. And I did not do 3 sets.

    I bought a 20 pound bag of bird seed today, I had a cart because I was looking for some other items too but ended up buying just the bird seed. I had a hard time not laughing when the clerk asked if I needed help putting it in my car.
  • blacknivory
    blacknivory Posts: 30 Member
    I think YWTL's or whatever are just ridiculous. My arms do not want to work that way, even with very light weights. And I can't read the directions while trying to do it too so I don't know if I'm even doing it right. And I did not do 3 sets.

    I bought a 20 pound bag of bird seed today, I had a cart because I was looking for some other items too but ended up buying just the bird seed. I had a hard time not laughing when the clerk asked if I needed help putting it in my car.

    I actually really like them because I think they are good for my rotator cuff which gets sore if I load up too much or don't move correctly. Especially the Y & T seem to make me pinch my shoulder blades back which is just the sort of work I need for my posture. I've always been the sort of skinny hunched winged-shoulder blades shape (but now the pot-bellied getting less hunched sort of shape).
    You remind me of how impressed I used to be with girls at the animal supplies that used to help me haul around the big bags of dog food. I think I'll be right if I need to go back!
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    I think YWTL's or whatever are just ridiculous. My arms do not want to work that way, even with very light weights. And I can't read the directions while trying to do it too so I don't know if I'm even doing it right. And I did not do 3 sets.

    I bought a 20 pound bag of bird seed today, I had a cart because I was looking for some other items too but ended up buying just the bird seed. I had a hard time not laughing when the clerk asked if I needed help putting it in my car.

    It's funny to me that cashiers just assume that lady shoppers are weak and need help. It always happens with dog food when I buy it.

    I dislike the YWTL's too but they are great for scapular strength and posture so even though I can't do too much weight with them, I know that they are beneficial.

    I ave 2 more workouts of each and I'm on to stage 4- and I meant to say I like workout A and dislike workout B.

    Blacknivory- great results!! And yep, it's great that anyone can do this program!! As long as you are making progress you don't need to compare yourself to anyone.
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    I finished stage 3 today and I really loved it - even those dreaded YWTLs. I couldn't believe how hard it was to lift a 5lb weight in that combination! I read about how it targets the smaller muscles, so I felt better about the tiny weights and enjoyed it more, knowing I was helping my shoulders get stronger.
    The Body Weight Matrix nearly killed me the first time (couldn't even do the second set on the first workout) and by the end it was taking me longer to finish than when I first did them. Can't figure that one out, but whatever, my form got better and my legs are much stronger and starting to show definition which is super cool.

    My progress was as follows:

    Workout A
    One armed dumbbell snatch 12# barbell --> 35# barbell
    Dumbbell single romanian deadlift 20# each hand --> 25# each hand
    Barbell bent-over row -->30# --> 70#
    Dumbbell single-arm overhead squat 10#/20# -->12#/25#
    Dumbbell incline bench press 20# -- >35#
    Plank --> 1:30 secs all
    Reverse wood-chop 2 plates (unsure of weight) --> 3 plates + small one on top
    Bodyweight matrix began at 4:18/4:08 last workout was 5:55/7:17 (wth?)

    Workout B
    Barbell Romanian Deadlift/Bent-over row 70# --> 85#
    Partial Single Leg Squats BW --> 25#
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 72# --> 72 + small plate on all reps#
    Back Extension 25# --> 35#
    YWTL 5# --> 8#
    Swiss Ball Crunches -- 30# on chest-->15# over head
    Prone Cobra --> 1:30 secs all
    HIIT -- whew! - hard to do after all the above but got through it on the stair mill

    Favorite exercise: One arm dumbbell snatch. Just feels cool to power that weight through the air!
    Least favorite: YWTL (of course)

    Can't wait for stage 4 - even though each stage starts out feeling awkward I always end up enjoying the sequences and look forward to my workouts. I never thought I'd like weight lifting this much, but I totally feel like I've found my groove. It was so fun doing the 35# incline bench press - the men around me were all "whaaa?":laugh:
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    I finished stage 3 today and I really loved it - even those dreaded YWTLs. I couldn't believe how hard it was to lift a 5lb weight in that combination! I read about how it targets the smaller muscles, so I felt better about the tiny weights and enjoyed it more, knowing I was helping my shoulders get stronger.
    The Body Weight Matrix nearly killed me the first time (couldn't even do the second set on the first workout) and by the end it was taking me longer to finish than when I first did them. Can't figure that one out, but whatever, my form got better and my legs are much stronger and starting to show definition which is super cool.

    My progress was as follows:

    Workout A
    One armed dumbbell snatch 12# barbell --> 35# barbell
    Dumbbell single romanian deadlift 20# each hand --> 25# each hand
    Barbell bent-over row -->30# --> 70#
    Dumbbell single-arm overhead squat 10#/20# -->12#/25#
    Dumbbell incline bench press 20# -- >35#
    Plank --> 1:30 secs all
    Reverse wood-chop 2 plates (unsure of weight) --> 3 plates + small one on top
    Bodyweight matrix began at 4:18/4:08 last workout was 5:55/7:17 (wth?)

    Workout B
    Barbell Romanian Deadlift/Bent-over row 70# --> 85#
    Partial Single Leg Squats BW --> 25#
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 72# --> 72 + small plate on all reps#
    Back Extension 25# --> 35#
    YWTL 5# --> 8#
    Swiss Ball Crunches -- 30# on chest-->15# over head
    Prone Cobra --> 1:30 secs all
    HIIT -- whew! - hard to do after all the above but got through it on the stair mill

    Favorite exercise: One arm dumbbell snatch. Just feels cool to power that weight through the air!
    Least favorite: YWTL (of course)

    Can't wait for stage 4 - even though each stage starts out feeling awkward I always end up enjoying the sequences and look forward to my workouts. I never thought I'd like weight lifting this much, but I totally feel like I've found my groove. It was so fun doing the 35# incline bench press - the men around me were all "whaaa?":laugh:

    Great progressions with your weight!!! Super awesome!!!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Sup everyone...

    Last night was my 3rd S3WA, and I had such a huge improvement. Wow, it is amazing the increases I have made.

    One armed dumbbell snatch - Currently at 25lbs
    Dumbbell single romanian deadlift - Currently at 30lbs each hand (wow, this works grip strength like crazy)
    Barbell bent-over row - Currenlty at 75lbs, and this is a 5lb increase from last week
    Dumbbell single-arm overhead squat - Currently at 10/20 lbs, increasing next week
    Dumbbell incline bench press - Currently at 25lbs
    Plank - Last night I upped the game and did 60 seconds with one leg raised, alternating every 30 seconds.
    Reverse wood-chop - Currently at 50 lbs (I love how this works your obliques, so much better than side crunches)

    I still skip the body matrix, mainly because I have 2 mile run after this workout. By far my favorit exercise is in this stage, and that is the one armed snatches. I love the power it makes me feel I have, and I love turning heads in the gym with it.
  • courtniemarie
    courtniemarie Posts: 172 Member
    Started Stage 3 on Monday so I’m doing workout B tonight. I am definitely feeling Workout A everywhere today but mostly sore in my hamstrings. Body weight matrix was insane and I only got through 24, 12, 6, 10 – ha! Hopefully better at that on Friday.

    I do my overhead squats against a stability ball at the wall to keep my back straight. I can’t tell whether this is cheating because I’m slightly leaning on the ball or if it’s better to have the good posture here.

    For planks I did not make it to 90secs but working up to it: 70s, 80s, 85s.

    I’m a bit bummed that there are no pushups in this stage. I feel like I’m very behind with those since I am not at the floor yet (still about a 30degree incline).
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Finished workout A last night. Took me 1.5 hours! Is this normal?? I much preferred it to Stage 2. I hate push ups as my shoulders and triceps tire before my chest so I don't get any chest work (with the narrower arms in New Rules) so loved the bench presses. I didn't like the squats with uneven weights - found it really difficult to get the right weights and went very lopsided! The Romanian deadlifts were tougher than expected - wobbling all over the place! And that body weight matrix is evil!

    Think I might need a two day rest before workout B as I'm stiffening up already!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    It took me awhile the first time because I had to do a lot of changing weights around. After I figured out what weights to use then next time it went faster. The uneven weight squats were very awkward the first time but the second time I did them it went much better.
  • courtniemarie
    courtniemarie Posts: 172 Member
    It is still taking me around 1.25 hours to complete both workout sets with the body weight matrix and interval training. Still having a hard time completing the BWM but going in for my third time on workout A today so hopefully I've made some improvement there. Also hit 90secs for my plank on Monday for my last set! Phew! It helps me to look at my stopwatch and know that i only have XX seconds left haha

    Keep it up ladies!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member much as I loved stage three, alas it is time for me to be moving on. Here are my final stats in this stage:

    Start date: April 30
    Finish date: May 24

    Begining body stats:

    Weight: 148 lbs
    Neck: 13 inches
    Waist: 31 inches
    Hips: 37 inches
    Body Fat%: 29.2%

    Ending Body Stats:

    Weight: 143.4 lbs
    Neck: 13 inches
    Waist: 31.5 inches
    Hips: 36.5 inches
    Body Fat%: 29.2%

    Total Changes:

    4.6 pounds lost

    Stage three end weights:

    One-armed Dumbbell Snatch: 25 lbs > 35 lbs
    Dumbbell Single-leg Romanian Deadlift: 20 lbs > 30 lbs
    Barbell Bent-over Row: 70 lbs > 80 lbs
    Dumbbell Single-arm Overhead Squat: 10/20 lbs > 15/30 lbs
    Dumbbell Incline Bench Press: 20 lbs > 25 lbs
    Plank: 90 sec regular > 60 sec alternatiing one leg
    Reverse Wood Chop: 40 lbs > 55lbs
    Barbell Romanian Deadlift/bent over row: 70 lbs > 80 lbs
    Partial Single-leg Squat: BW > BW+ 10 lbs
    Wide-grip Lat Pulldowns: 85lbs > 70 lbs (new equipment)
    Back Extensions: 10 lbs > 25 lbs
    YTWL: 5 lbs > no change
    Decline Sit-ups: 30lbs > no change
    Incline Reverse Crunch: BW > no change
    Lateral Flexion: BW > moved to swiss ball
    Prone Cobra: 90 Sec > no change

    See you all in stage 4.

    ETA: I ended up skipping the BWM because I have a 2 mile run that day.