Daily Check In Thread



  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Week 4, day 1 today, and for the first time I couldn't do the complete run. It only happened on the last one, and I didn't give it up completely, just alternated a few jogging paces with a few walking steps. It was hot and humid, so I probably just need to build up my stamina in the Florida heat. Surprisingly, I didn't feel discouraged. I still feel like I had a good run, and I stayed out an hour to do my full 5K and a bit more. Just gotta build myself up.

    This actually helped me decide how to handle my goofy schedule this week. I'll be tied up covering an event for three days, which means today and Sunday are the only days I can run (I normally do Tues, Thurs, and Sat). I'll be walking a lot at the event, so I'll do week 4, day 1 again on Sun., then do day 2 twice and day 3 once next week.
  • ennuifreezone
    ennuifreezone Posts: 20 Member
    I finished wk4d2 yesterday, but it was pretty rough. I run on an inside track, and I can't imagine doing this outside in our summer heat! The running store near my workplace has a free c25k running club they are starting next month, and I thinking of joining. Even though I'll be almost finished by then, I figure making the switch from indoor to outdoor running will be significantly harder, so it might be worth it to start over with them.
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    Finished W4D1 today... that 5 min is so tough, but am so proud of myself for doing it! :)
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    I did week 4 day 2 today. I almost completed it. I just had to walk the last minute on the final jog. I hope to finish it completely on Thursday! It was very hot and humid, so that didn't help.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Hey all....

    Good job to everyone! Today's run was a short 2.5 mile after weight lifting. Ended up on the dreadmill...but wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (I try to avoid the treadmill). Just had to suck it up...I will run in the rain but won't run in a storm lol.

    Anyway....foot is feeling good, body is getting stronger, and I have 2 5Ks coming up next month! Woot! Can't wait. Shooting to break the 32 minute mark.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Ugh I have been slacking. Haven't run since I did the 20 minute on Thursday, I'm really trying to talk myself into getting out there tonight but ugggh I don't know where all my motivation went! Haha

    ME TOO! I HAVE to do it tomorrow. No more hiding.
  • charlenequinn94
    Well, yesterday was W2D2 for the second time in two weeks. I think I might have been overdoing it. My right hip and left knee have been hurting big time. So instead of doing the biggest loser cardio max work out on my offnight( tonight). I did the Yoga Meltdown. I am looking forward to tomorrow. On Wednesday I usually run inside on the rack. But, I am thinking I will run outside tomorrow. Good luck to all.
  • silverbelle69
    silverbelle69 Posts: 14 Member
    Good Morning All! I finished W6D3 this morning. Part of me has wanted to quit, but there's a part of me that says if I quit, I will never know just how close I was to enjoying it! I am determined to graduate. I am hoping something clicks and I improve steadily.

    Have a great Wednesday!
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi everyone! This is my first go at C25K so today was week 1 day 1.
    I have done running before normally on a treadmill at the gym, but I have done outside running before years ago.
    I want to take part in a 5K in the autumn, but need to find a local one.
    I actually ended up doing a longer distance - there's a road that's a mile long by my house so I did the workout and was at the far end of the road so walked the rest of the way back, so it ended up at about 40 minutes.
    Is that ok! I mean I'm doing the workout (I've got an app on my iPhone that tells me when to walk and run) so the rest is just extra walking.
  • msfaithful
    msfaithful Posts: 88 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    That moment when you can increase your speed to a continuous 5+ mph even if it's on the treadmill [bridged C25K to C210K]
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    W2 D2 done, in danger of tmi I really needed a wee though...lol
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    W5D3 DONE! A single run of 2 miles!

    My legs were a little jelly-like when I slowed to the cool down walk, but really not as hard as I thought it would be! I can do this!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    W2D2 done! It's warmer and more humid today than it's been, so I did the run a little earlier in the day than I have been. I need to figure out how I'm going to handle it when it gets really hot. It may mean running before my work day starts. My dogs will love it, me not so much.

    Congratulations on the W5D3 !!!!!!!!!!!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    Trying to get back on track and did W2D2 after being away from it for over a week. I'll probably do three total before moving on to week three. I went to a running store today and got fitted for new shoes and they seem to help my shin splints. I was on the treadmill today. I did feel some discomfort on the bottom of my feet, but hoping that's just because the shoes were 3 hours old.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Hi everyone! This is my first go at C25K so today was week 1 day 1.
    I have done running before normally on a treadmill at the gym, but I have done outside running before years ago.
    I want to take part in a 5K in the autumn, but need to find a local one.
    I actually ended up doing a longer distance - there's a road that's a mile long by my house so I did the workout and was at the far end of the road so walked the rest of the way back, so it ended up at about 40 minutes.
    Is that ok! I mean I'm doing the workout (I've got an app on my iPhone that tells me when to walk and run) so the rest is just extra walking.
    I do some extra walking almost every session. I like to do the total equivalent of a 5K. Sometimes I even toss in some extra jogging, but I'm careful not to overdo it. Listen to your body and use common sense.
  • drink_me
    drink_me Posts: 46 Member
    W6d2 finished!! Still can't believe I have stuck with something for this long! Lol! My run went great, I wanted to give up most of the way but I made it threw and I even really picked up my pace in the last minute. I feel great :) excited for the 22 minutes on Friday.
  • FestivalDiva
    FestivalDiva Posts: 84 Member
    W6d2 finished!! Still can't believe I have stuck with something for this long! Lol! My run went great, I wanted to give up most of the way but I made it threw and I even really picked up my pace in the last minute. I feel great :) excited for the 22 minutes on Friday.

    Well done ! so glad to hear you kicked your own butt again and got back to your running plan. Great work
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    W4, D2.

    Best distance so far (2.47 miles). 11 minute mile pace while jogging seems sustainable.
    Lots of tightness on the inside of my left calf. Seems to be a problem area. I'm trying to figure out what it is about my stride that is giving me that particular issue.
  • drink_me
    drink_me Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Another day down!

    Halfway through week 3... and I found myself dreaming about running last night.