May 2013 Due Dates



  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS all around! Welcome to the world Joseph Andrew and Tatum!!!!

    I owe everyone a birth story... my little guy has just been keeping me so crazy busy! I'm also zoned out in total mommy ecstasy with my sweet baby.
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    So happy to hear about Joseph's and Tatum's arrivals!! Congratulations, mommas! :flowerforyou:
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    Congrats RBX and EHG on your babies! It sounds like you had awesome deliveries...hope your homecoming is/was pleasant and comfortable :O).
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I have to rant guys! I have a c-section scheduled for next Wednesday. This is my third child and I have never been in labor. I have never been able to progress. Last night was possibly the most painful night of my life. I think the baby completely turned around over night, I had horrible gas-like, period-like pains all night. I haven't kept anything down since lunch yesterday and now have diarrhea on top of it. It doesn't feel like I am sick. I have never actually felt like this before. Has anyone felt like this before going into labor? If it stays like this, I don't think I'll make it until Wednesday!
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    I have a down moment so let me share our little birthing experience!!

    I had been having BH contractions off and on all day Monday (20th) after I had cleaned the house, and even timed them during the evening but at 20+ minutes apart knew it was nothing to get excited about.
    Tuesday (21st) super sleepy, grumpy, all day. Literally had no energy, and for once sat around and did almost nothing all day long. The hubs got home from work, and thought well maybe I just needed to get out of the house for a bit so off we went to Lowe's & the grocery store. At Lowe's (7pm) I noticed I was having some pretty good BH contractions. By the time we went to get some groceries 15 minutes later, I realized no these are actual timeable contractions. But I also needed to pee really bad, so I figured they would just go away when I peed. Got home, went to pee, wiped and there was some pink on the TP. At this point I was getting super EXCITED! Contractions continued, got to about 10 minutes apart and stopped for a couple hours. Which worked out great, as it gave me time to vaccuum, help with the kids bath time, get them down for bed etc. As soon as we had them down, I got my shower, laid down and started having contractions again 10 min apart.
    I had been telling my husband all along that I would really like to labor at home for as long as possible this time (I've always raced to the hospital before) so that I could relax & hopefully avoid getting an epidural like I did with my last two.
    Laid down at 10pm, at about 130am the baby started having hiccups. I'm having contractions 7 minutes apart at this point, and her getting hiccups really freaked me out!! That's never happened before, and I wasn't sure if that was normal. It was definitely for the best that she did get the hiccups because it got my butt in gear, and made me start thinking we needed to head to the hospital (we live an hr away). All of my contractions up until this point have been totally bearable (think strong period cramps) but at this point pick up in strength.
    By the time my MIL go to the house to stay with the kids it was 220am.
    We made it to the hospital at 315am. The whole way there my contractions stayed at about 5 min apart. Walked myself into the ER, contractions were at 3 min apart, and they were HURTING!!! They got me immediately to L&D where they checked me....I WAS AT 8 CM!!!!!!! The nurses freaked!! I was in serious pain at this point, and when she said 8 I was like "OH NO, you mean I can't have an epidural?!" LOL! She's like we'll try, but it was all over her face that she knew I wasn't getting an epidural. I have never experienced a drug free birth, and it was INTENSE! I At 350am I thought I had to pee, the hubs walks me to the bathroom, hardly pee a trickle....Get back in the bed, and I say (yell rather) "I've either got to pee or push" and this absolutely uncontrollable urge to push comes over me which is what it took for my water to break. Nurse takes a peek says I'm at +3 station (which I'm pretty sure means baby is crowning) yells " I NEED A DOCTOR NOW!!" Doctor runs in, they yank off the bottom of the bed and 2 pushes later (and the most insanely intense, yet most easily forgettable pain of my life) And there was the most beautiful little cry in the world. Miss Tatum Levicy came into the world & it was 359am :)

    So far she is a positively WONDERFUL baby, eats great, sleeps great, and super happy. I could keep gushing,BUT now she's awake!

    I hope everyone else has a fabulous, healthy, fast, & very easy delivery!!! YAY for May babies!!!

    *EDIT* Also an amazing/fabulous thing I forgot to tears either!!
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Wow, ehg, what a great birthing story!!! Good thing you left for the hospital when you did! That's awesome that you did it all naturally, barely had to push, and didn't tear either! Sounds pretty much like an ideal birth :love: Enjoy snuggling the newest addition to your family - I hope your other kids love her!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I have to rant guys! I have a c-section scheduled for next Wednesday. This is my third child and I have never been in labor. I have never been able to progress. Last night was possibly the most painful night of my life. I think the baby completely turned around over night, I had horrible gas-like, period-like pains all night. I haven't kept anything down since lunch yesterday and now have diarrhea on top of it. It doesn't feel like I am sick. I have never actually felt like this before. Has anyone felt like this before going into labor? If it stays like this, I don't think I'll make it until Wednesday!

    Sounds like it to me!!!

    Congrats ehg :D We are hopefully on a roll here. We go home tomorrow, so hopefully I will get a break to write!
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Wow, that's a great story ehg! And congrats on your new family member RBX, can't wait to read your story! My BH contractions are very far apart and painless, so my husband and I are just waiting impatiently over here. Hopefully our own will be inspired by your new kiddos to come out already. :flowerforyou:
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Ok, at long last... Sorry it's a little lengthy!

    My sweet baby boy came crying hither in the wee hours of the morning at 2:29 am on Wednesday, May 15. Labor was a mere three hours from the first contraction to the final push. It was very intense, but mercifully short.

    I had been feeling absolutely miserable for two weeks and woke up feeling pretty awful on May 14th. That evening I started to feel some uncomfortable cramping in my lower abdomen, but it seemed like it was all part of the general discomfort of the recent weeks. I decided to take a bath before going to sleep to make myself more comfortable. Before I could start the bath, my water broke in small gushes and I had some bloody show while in the bathroom. Obviously the bath was now out, but I could still take a shower. This is where the contractions hit me. They quickly became three minutes apart and varied in duration from 20 seconds to 1 minute. Soon I was in major pain on my hands and knees, shaking and saying that I didn’t think I could do this without medication even though I had been striving for a natural birth. I was thinking I would have to be in this state for hours. Looking back, I believe I was already in transition here. While on the phone with the midwife I had three contractions and she told me to come immediately.

    Towards the end of the half hour drive I felt a bearing down sensation. I thought it was my body trying to push and I was really scared I would have him in the car! Luckily we got to the Birth Center and I ran in and threw myself on the bed just as the next contraction hit. They annoyingly strapped the monitor on me and then checked my cervix: “You’re ten centimeters and I feel his head. You’re going to have your baby in a few minutes!”

    Those few minutes turned out to be two more hours of maximum pain. At about one hour in, the bearing down feeling suddenly intensified into what I can only describe as massive contractions that shook my entire body. I was involuntarily screaming and sobbing. During one of the pauses between contractions I was luckily able to get into a kneeling position beside the bed so that gravity could help me. I assume those massive contractions signaled the pushing stage, although I had no sense of any progress until I felt the baby’s head in the birth canal. Only then could I actively participate in the pushing process. I had been hoping that the shoulders would just slide out with the head as I’d seen in videos, but no such luck. Soon he was out and they were telling me to pick up my baby!

    After the uncomfortable delivery of the placenta and what felt like thousands of stitches, we all three cuddled skin to skin for a few hours on the bed. That was one of the most amazing parts of the whole experience. Since then I have been on a continual high. I feel so alive and empowered by my experience. And I am so in love with my baby!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    "the most insanely intense, yet most easily forgettable pain of my life"

    YES!! Isn't this so weird? We must be hardwired to forget that pain. I find myself trying to remember it and it is fading with each passing day.
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    "the most insanely intense, yet most easily forgettable pain of my life"

    YES!! Isn't this so weird? We must be hardwired to forget that pain. I find myself trying to remember it and it is fading with each passing day.

    It is so weird! We were definitely made to forget, otherwise the human race would have ended LONG ago! You're birth story is amazing. I can't believe after 2 hrs of being at 10cm that you managed to make it with no pain meds. That is INCREDIBLE! If I had stayed at 10cm any longer than the 10 minutes I was there they would have had to strap me in the bed and dope me up b/c for that brief 10 minutes I was yelling like a crazy woman. Kudos to you!!!

    Oh & I don't think I ever remembered to include her weight...she was 7lbs 12 oz which is exactly what my first daughter weighed. So to all you ladies thinking if you've had an almost 10lb baby (9lb 12oz boy for me last time) that the next one will be huge too...THERE IS HOPE :)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Ok, I'm home now, and we are semi-settled. As you know, on Wednesday May 22nd, my OB stripped my membranes at my afternoon appointment. I was pretty uncomfortable for the rest of the afternoon and was having contraction-like pains that old come and go with no consistency. Given that they were more concentrated down below than they were with my first labor, I blew them off as extreme discomfort from my pelvic check. I took a shower around 8:15 that night and felt much better afterwards, which to me was a sign that labor was likely not imminent.

    I went to bed as usual on my silly towels (in case my water broke in bed), and around 11:30 I felt a more intense pain that woke me up. I tried to ignore it but figured I'd wait until another one came and loosely time them based on the clock. The next one came about eight minutes later, then four until the next, so I decided to get up, go downstairs to try to walk them off, and time them. Walking made them more intense and closer together, whereas sitting still did the opposite - a sign that these are true contractions. So I call the OB on call, and based on my timing them for about an hour, she says that it's up to me if I want to go in or if I want to time them for another hour. I told her that knowing how quickly I progressed to unbearable contractions last time, I'd like to go in, which she said was fine. I called my sister, who came over and slept on my couch and handled my son in the morning. Basically they were a minute long and only 1.5-2 minutes apart.

    I arrived at the hospital at about 1:30AM, and they said I was 4cm dilated. Since they changed the hospital policy to have at least one OB in the hospital at all times, and since my practice's OB had authorized my epidural, they got the IV going right away for that and for my first dose of antibiotics. It seemed to take forever to get it in (probably because I kept having contractions in the process), but it kicked in immediately on my right side and kinda sorta on my left. After about 1/2 hour I was all set on my left, too, and all of a sudden I felt this crazy warm rush of liquid that definitely came from my lady parts. It was also way too much to be just pee, so I buzzed the nurse who said it was all over the place! It had really burst, as opposed to just leaked or broke. She checked me, and I was 9cm. She said I was lucky I came in when I did because otherwise I'd have been too late for the epidural once my water broke!

    They called my OB and set up the bed, since they expected me to deliver quickly (I'd told the nurse it took three pushes last time, and she joked that I needed to break my record). The OB came in and checked me, said I was at 10 and ready to push. Two pushes, and that was it! She held him up so we could see we had another boy :D He arrived at 4:09AM. They didn't have time for the 2nd round of antibiotics, so we were forced to stay 48 hours for Joseph to be observed.

    I had a 2nd-degree tear over my last 1st-degree tear, and I had another small tear upwards. The thing was that during the second push she told me to push a bit more, and I guess I'm a good pusher because I pushed a bit too hard. I'm a little sore, but it's ok. Otherwise as far as recovery, I am bleeding way less than last time and don't have any clots.

    Some weird coincidences: the lady in the next room had my same birthday (same year) and was having her second baby (a girl). They literally had bets as to who would deliver first. (I won by 17 minutes.) Also, randomly, that same day, they were opening a new maternity ward with bigger rooms, and I was the first patient to go up there :)

    Also, hospital policy has been massively revamped since I was last there. They only room in, and formula is rarely given. Skin to skin contact is encouraged right off the bat, so basically my son has been exclusively breastfed since he was born. I think my milk came in today (I have yet to test the theory, but my boobs are HUGE). When we were discharged today, I asked for one of those formula gift bags, and they said they don't have them anymore. The nurse smuggled me a bunch of formula (I'll donate it if I don't use it), but it's just sitting there. I have no idea if this will continue, but nursing has gone perfectly so far! I forgot how sleep-deprived I would be, but it's so worth it. I am soooo crazy about this little guy, and I feel like there is just so much love in the house. My older son is intrigued by him, and the dogs are also very curious and protective of him. So it seems that everything is working out very well so far!

    I can't wait to read some more of your stories as they happen!!!

    ETA that he was 20.5" long (same as my other son) and 8lbs 4oz (about a pound more than my older son but he also had an extra week in there).
  • prplrose33
    prplrose33 Posts: 78 Member
    Still pregnant here. I've been having some contractions for the past couple of days, but nothing close enough together. Just lost my plug yesterday, but I could still be like this for a week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next 24 hours and then baby has to stay in until Thursday because we don't have anyone to watch our daughter on Tuesday and Wednesday. If only I could tell the baby what to do. lol Congrats to all of the new mama's. I am loving the birth stories.
  • prplrose33
    prplrose33 Posts: 78 Member
    Had my big baby girl last night and she's perfect!
  • complicatedmoves
    complicatedmoves Posts: 84 Member
    My son was born May 9th. He was 10 lbs and 22 inches. I have lost 22 lbs of the 35 lbs I gained while pregnant. Exclusively Breastfeeding to try to shave off some of the rest, before I begin working out in 3 weeks (after my 6 week postpartum check up)
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member

    Baby Skylar was born May 25th. 7 lbs 11 oz, 22" long.

    I had a long labor lasting days with some issues along the way, but she's a precious little girl. I'll post the story when I get some more time!

    Hope you're all well and congrats Mama's!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Congratulations to prplrose33, complicatedmo, and rubybeach!!! Yay for all the May babies! I can't wait to hear your stories and see your little ones' pictures.

    Today is my first day home alone with my little guy. So far so good... he's such a sweetie! I love every second with him!
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Congratulations, everybody!! Love the new pics! Have all the May babies arrived now? 2 days left in the month....
  • flyingcarbaccio
    flyingcarbaccio Posts: 92 Member
    I am getting so, so excited reading your stories! Congratulations to all of you!

    I am due in June. I have a question for all of you. Did the baby's movement slow down, become more muffled in the weeks before you delivered, did it stay the same or was it more frequent?
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    @flying - my baby's movement slowed down a couple weeks before deilvery. There were no more large movements, just nudges and little knobs (knees, feet etc) that would move around my tummy. There were several times it kind of freaked me out. I followed the suggestion to drink something cold, lay on my left side and see....and sure enough she was still moving just not like she had been.