2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Great goals, ohtender! I'll put mine out on Monday, June 3rd....vegas trip, tomorrow, will interrupt E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!

    Chloe - nice to read that the early a.m. "up-and-at-em" is working....I am intent on getting up at 6 for the next 3 months, hopping into work-out gear and doing a 45-minute walk. Hopefully that "additional" cardio will help the scale start budging (downward), again....

    ramalem - want me to tell you what the temperature is, right now, in Vegas????
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Sigh... probably warm and amazing... Stupid Seattle spring.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Oh yeah! Beeps, you're in Vegas and working out? I hope you're having a drink now. Have a blast!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member

    But, I can check-in, online, in 45 minutes - which is exactly 24 hours before my flight!


    NO - I am NOT working out, at all, in Vegas....unless drinking alcohol and lazing by a pool can be classified as "working out".
  • jrobrown
    jrobrown Posts: 7
    Hi ladies,
    This looks like a great group! I just started something similar this week and need some support to keep me motivated. I've just gotten back from about 2 weeks of vacation (which is not even worth trying to track). So my three goals for the week are things that, I think, cause me to eat more than I should:

    1) +7 hours of sleep per night
    2) no TV on work nights
    3) no beer/after work drink on work nights

    My other more casual goal is to try and stay away from more processed foods -- but this is not one that I will beat myself up over -- they are hard to avoid in the office. In any case, thanks to everyone for sharing their goals and motivating each other. You are all such an inspiration so far!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Welcome jrobrown! This is a great group.

    Beeps, have a blast. That sounds fabulous.

    I ate okay yesterday but then decided to have icecream after dinner. Like the real stuff. Which put me over. The scale was up AGAIN this morning and I'm not logging it quite yet. Had dinner out - Vietnamese tacos - and thinking there may have been some extra sodium there. Also still sore from lifting. I'll be taking updated measurements prior to Bonnaroo, but I don't think I'll be seeing the results I was hopig for. I had fantasies of losing all this weight due to not drinking....Not sure why I can't get my head in the game in regards to diet..... I still do have 2 weeks exactly till I leave. I think I may do a juice fast next week. I've been talking about it since I've been back from FL.

    I lifted this morning. My legs are still jello.

    I looked at this website http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bf/ yesterday to try to caculcate my BF. This says I'm right under 26%. I was curious to see my "fat loss" over the course of MFP life, and per that website, I've really been hovering right under 26% the whole time. Which makes me want to have my body fat tested. And makes me want to remember to take more photos. I looked back through some and am happy with the progress I've made. It's that last little bit that's the hardest. If only my belly would just go away.......

    Today is my Friday. Have a great weekend ladies!
  • ohtender
    ohtender Posts: 21 Member
    I just want to say that I joined my fitness pal a while back and never stuck with it. This time around, I am more active with the community, especially this group, and I am already way more motivated. I felt brave enough to jog and did pretty well! Im keeping track of calories and being more conscious of my diet and exercise. Keeping with my goals. Just wanted to say how pumped I am to connect with people who are in the same boat as me. :)

    Thanks, friends!
  • ladylaume
    ladylaume Posts: 81 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    BetterBalance - I hope you go have a DXA....every other method (except perhaps the "body-in-water" method) just are NOT reliable for measurements of body fat. Not even on a thumbnail basis, actually. I still haven't gotten a DXA, because I'm still convinced I'm in mid- to high- 20's....and that is just too depressing to consider. But, having learned there are TONS of people out there who claim to be at such-and-such a body fat percentage, then they go get a DXA and are all lilke, "wtf, I'm 34% bodyfat??!?!?!?!!?" So, if you REALLY want data that you can rely on, go DXA.

    I am going to get a DXA done in June or July. As a "marker". Then I'll know what more work I have to do and where my body TRULY carries "fat stores".
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Wow, so much in my absence! but here is what I can say-Beeps, good for you on the photo shoot, bummer that your friends were not on board, but I think you predicted that! I can sort of see me trying to plan something similar and being the only one:blushing:
    And Beeps, I know you are discouraged but maybe you should take June off as planned, you can't continue at a deficit for long periods of time. It might surprise you and be a good reset, increase leptin levels, think about it!
    I had too much fun in vegas! I totally over did it on vodka, and ate everything. my tummy is still revolting, just easily upset!
    Jen, Warrior Dash next week?! You will be do great, you are cardio-fit even if you don't jog much. and you are strong!

    I am going to take off from logging, I think. I am going to try 6 workouts each week, alternating jogging and body weight workouts like Spartacus and Crazy 8s. I want to go to some pilates classes too, I think it helps my low back, good core strength...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Here's my pre-Vegas shot:


    When I come back, in June, I'm not going to decrease my calories, actually....just going to try and incorporate a little bit of (mild) cardio. It's time to GET OUTSIDE, anyway!

    See ya when I get back, ladies!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Rogie - good news about your hand
    Ris - glad the holiday weekend went well, sounds like you are getting some good outdoors time with your exercise
    Better - interesting info, thx for the link
    ohtender - good luck with your goals, I also have a hard time not going back for seconds
    chloe & ramalem - bummer about the weather interfering with your exercise plans
    jrobrown - welcome, this is a great group!
    Beeps - have a blast in Vegas, loving those transformation pics - amazing!
    asjerven - hope you like pilates as it is so good for core strength, unfortunately for me it was just as boring as yoga, cannot seem to get into it

    My two week challenge is going really well. I have managed to stay in my calories by banking during the week when I know something is coming up on the weekend. I haven't had any trouble drinking water between the fact that my workouts have become more intense and the temp outside just got really hot really fast - that's New England - went from 60's to 90's literally overnight!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Just quick check-in before the weekend, hope everyone has a good one! I am looking forward to getting rested up and ready for another week, and getting into a fitness routine. I also signed up for the Big Gay 5k June 15, so I have that to look forward to:mad: :drinker: :wink: :sick: :angry: :frown:

    Those are rainbow smiley's for pridefest:bigsmile:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, your pics look great! your hips and thighs have shrunk considerably and your arms look great. Your abs look good to, they didn't look bad before. but just to see how much more balanced your proportions are! the first picture is so much "pear" and now your shoulders and hips are much mor balanced, great work!

    and have so much fun in Vegas! Where are you staying? What are you doing?
    We stayed at Mandalay and had a great time.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    That is very impressive Beeps. You have truly changed your body composition. Hard work DOES pay off!

    Well, I haven't had a drop of alcohol in 2 weeks and the scale is not rewarding me. Kind of bummed, but I feel good and am sleeping great. I'm doing my "juice fast" today. Fruit juice smoothie for breakfast, green drink for lunch, blended soup for dinner and a lot of water and detox tea. I do not abstain from caffeine as the book I based this off of (Lose 21 Pounds in 21 Days) suggests. Tomorrow I'll ease back into food with some baked chicken and "detox rolls" (blanched kale, carrot, and raw cucumber rolled in a blanched mustard green leaf dipped in a lemon vinagrette) and similar for dinner and add a little quinoa in. I'm going to try to eat pretty much like that for 3 days. Hopefully that will jump start some weight loss for me! I've been hovering between 130 and 131 since being back from vacation. I had gotten down to 127 prior. :sad: So frustrating......

    I really should be focusing on the positives and the fact that I've gone so long without booze. Coming down the home streth now. I need to have a really good week food wise this week and make wise choices. I think it's time for goals. These are mine for the next week and a half:

    1. Keep abstaining from alcohol
    2. Complete my "4 day detox diet"
    3. Do some "light cardio" each day during my detox, maybe even some morning yoga
    4. Don't overdo it on the wine next Monday
    5. Get some lifting and/or running in when I resume "normal" eating

    I'm even going to take it a step further and plan for after my return: last 2 weeks of June and all of July:

    1. Hide my scale
    2. Cut the snacking back: planned snacks only
    3. Do the Wet Wolf KISS program (3 days)
    4. Do Zumba weekly (if I like it; I found a class near my house offered 3x a week)
    5. Run once a week

    I just want to switch it up. I've been doing the 2 days of cardio and 3 days of weights for a while now, and even though I'm still getting sore when incorporating new moves into my workouts, I feel like I need to shake things up a bit. My new program is still a similar set up, but the Wet Wolf workout seems to be a little different from the lifting I've been doing. And I've been seeing amazing burns from all the Zumbaers (especially you Jen!) and think I'll really enjoy it.

    Anyone else have any "long term" goals?

    Have a great week ladies. Sorry for the long post.... :blushing:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Wow Beeps! That is amazing!

    Without counting Memorial Day last week I was about 100 cals under my net cal goal of 1800 a day. I am pretty proud of that and I felt good eating at the cal goal, full but not stuffed and my several small meals a day kept me from being starving.

    My other goals were:

    1) Get in a walk everyday before work- I'll call it a success, I did 3 out of 4 last week and that was because of some crazy storms
    2) Do my DVDs at least 4 times- Another success, I did Jillian DVDs twice and my PP DVD twice
    3) Don't eat out- We ate out once this week after church yesterday and I got a salad with balsamic dressing, so not too bad
    4) Eat as clean as possible- I feel like I did pretty good with this as well

    I am going to keep my same goals this week. My husband is on a big health kick right now also, so that is really helping me I think. Its easier to eat grilled chicken and a veg when he is eating that with me and not making a burger and potatoes!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member

    I can honestly say I don't look like the picture on the right, today, lol!!

    Vegas was fun, but WAY too short! I just spent the entire time OVER-tired! We didn't arrive until, I don't know, maybe 9:30 pm on thursday night....and were at the airport by 8:00 am yesterday morning. So, really only had Friday and Saturday. Got ZERO pool time because the place was packed.

    Came home to valet park where they crunched my car into a POLE.


    So, after a 10-hour travel day, yesterday, STILL couldn't go home before filling out a police report....

    Was missing my husband TERRIBLY (because he'd been in Mexico the week before I went to Vegas!) and it just was a gong show.

    Anyway, today I'm going to get back into the swing of things - will do a lifting session, but not expect too much to come of it.

    My 2-week-challenge:

    1. do NOT step on the scale until mid-month....it obviously can't be "good news" right now (I did just get home from Vegas...);
    2. try to get up and walk every single day, weather permitting.
    3. keep calories at 1,350 (average) daily just to get the puff OFF.
    4. drink water
    5. get WAY MORE SLEEP!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Beeps! That sucks, so sorry about your car and the packed pool. :(
    Chloe - it certainly helps when your sig. other does it along with you.
    Better - SUPER impressive about removing booze. Even if the scale isn't budging, your body is totally loving you for it.

    Last week went OK for me, I just can't seem to get my snacking under control. My sweet tooth got the best of me last week too. The scale didn't budge last week (up or down, which I suppose is a good thing). I decided that June is a new month, and I'm going to try and get a fresh start. I am starting The New Rules of Lifting for Women this week which I'm really excited about and have decided to eliminate alcohol during the week.

    2 week Goals:
    1. Keep up with my lifting plan (3 days/week)
    2. Cardio 2 days/week
    3. Keep up the dog walks in the morning
    4. Focus on my macros

    Hope everyone else has a great week!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Better - I'm going to have ZERO trouble giving up booze for the next while, lol....I haven't drank much since January...so, Vegas did me in pretty good, lol. Am happy to have returned to the land of coffee, water, and green tea.

    ramalem - LOVE to read that you've moved to NROL4W....come on over to the "NROL4W" group here at mfp - I post over there A LOT!

    Got my lifting in-and-done. Am FINALLY just going to have to switch out of Phase 2 of the Venus program....I only have 5 work-outs left, but the work-outs are just WAY TOO LONG. Mostly 90 minutes....they aren't DESIGNED that way, but I have to take all these extended rest-breaks because I'm just huffing-puffing dizzy!! anyway, I'm going to switch to the "circuits" that Venus has and make sure I stick to 60 minutes. Period. Might bump up to 4- or 5- times per week with circuits - might not. And, even though some of the circuits call for 10-12 reps, through summer, I'm just going to keep it at 8- reps.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    ....and I didn't get up and walk this morning.


    Stayed up watching "Game of Thrones" and literally couldn't sleep for an hour or two after that, lol!

    anyway, I appreciate the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's and I'm sure my body clock will regulate itself again, soon enough.