Tell Us About Your Big Success This Week



  • you ladies are awesome.. I'm still pretty new and am just happy when I can get a basic spin :-) It's fun seeing all you have accomplished!
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    Backwards Ayesha!

    does happy dance whilst rubbing elbow furiously!
  • kross835
    kross835 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been doing pole for about 3 years now and finally managed my nemesis the Shoulder Mount a few weeks ago, I still kick up though and do it with a twisted grip. This came as a big yay because I had just cracked superman a few weeks before that! Also just managed to do catterpillar, always struggled with hooking the elbow but just managed a couple this week. Working on handspring, extended butterfly & allegra next! I can feel I am getting stronger as I am trying to loose more weight and exercise more. Also have been doing olympic hoops and silks recently, so much fun!
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    I have been doing pole for about 3 years now and finally managed my nemesis the Shoulder Mount a few weeks ago, I still kick up though and do it with a twisted grip. This came as a big yay because I had just cracked superman a few weeks before that! Also just managed to do catterpillar, always struggled with hooking the elbow but just managed a couple this week. Working on handspring, extended butterfly & allegra next! I can feel I am getting stronger as I am trying to loose more weight and exercise more. Also have been doing olympic hoops and silks recently, so much fun!

    congratulations on your success! keep at it!

    my success for the week. was walking to the changing rooms and someone pointed out that the could (just) see a 2pack on me! Big smile!

    my pole success - starting to find the balance in handspring and can hold for a few seconds . this move is my nemesis!
  • HausfrauB
    HausfrauB Posts: 104 Member
    I hope no one minds me reviving this thread.

    I'm so happy--I just got back from a back-to-back session of pole fit and level 1. I can't tell you the last time I exercised at that intensity for that duration (2.5 hours). It makes me feel so strong and fit!

    Also, my teacher told me that I was ready to make my "abschied"--performance to move up to the next level! Next week, I'm going to do it! :D

    I forgot to add...great job on all the previously posted successes! You all amaze me and I hope I can do some of these things someday! :)
  • Brandification
    Brandification Posts: 109 Member
    I'm still a beginner and excited about being able to climb, pole sit, do a Superman, etc.

    You ladies do some AMAZING things! Can't wait until I get there!
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    every sucess is worth celebrating - we all started ther and no matter how far (or not) we are on the journey this page is about celebrating those moves we love and those moves that niggle and haunt us.
  • IronKitty
    IronKitty Posts: 121 Member
    Finally had the courage to do a full remi sit layback! Been doing the remi sit for forever, but always chickened out on the layback.
  • IronKitty
    IronKitty Posts: 121 Member
    I auditioned for my studio's show, Rhinestone Cowgirls Pole and Burlesque Show, this past Sunday and made it!!!
    This is a for reals show, not the little studio parties I usually perform at, but a thing people pay a decent amount to eat dinner at and watch. *eep* I'm super nervous but also super excited!
    If you're in the LA area come check it out:
  • foodcart
    foodcart Posts: 42 Member
    Congrats IronKitty!
  • Brandification
    Brandification Posts: 109 Member
    Held my Superman on spin pole for a full minute! I was pretty proud :)

    Also got an eye opener variation down for the first time.

    All in all, had a great class last night!
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I very, very nearly did a Crucifix this week. Didn't quite manage it, but I think I'll get it at some point next week.

    I've had some trouble with climbing (which is why *almost* doing a Crucifix is big for me!) - I can do the initial step up, but can't quite move up again. But one of the instructors did say I did the best step up she'd seen me do yet.

    I was also told by another instructor that my back hooks are flawless, both right and left handed, so she gave me the go ahead to start doing them one handed.

    And apparently I can do perfect Body Waves, which I'm not sure I'm proud of or not! Haha
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    I very, very nearly did a Crucifix this week. Didn't quite manage it, but I think I'll get it at some point next week.

    I've had some trouble with climbing (which is why *almost* doing a Crucifix is big for me!) - I can do the initial step up, but can't quite move up again. But one of the instructors did say I did the best step up she'd seen me do yet.

    I was also told by another instructor that my back hooks are flawless, both right and left handed, so she gave me the go ahead to start doing them one handed.

    And apparently I can do perfect Body Waves, which I'm not sure I'm proud of or not! Haha
    Amazing progress
    I'm level 6 of 8 and my body wave still looks like I'm pretending to be a choo choo train for my 2 yr old niece! The cruxifix will come.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    I auditioned for my studio's show, Rhinestone Cowgirls Pole and Burlesque Show, this past Sunday and made it!!!
    This is a for reals show, not the little studio parties I usually perform at, but a thing people pay a decent amount to eat dinner at and watch. *eep* I'm super nervous but also super excited!
    If you're in the LA area come check it out:
    Congratulations. You'll be fantastic
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Crucifix happened this week! Nailed it (if you pardon the pun... or don't) about 4 times. XD Also got in a few really good seats, which I've been struggling with a bit as well. Next thing I'm aiming for is being able to climb up after the initial step onto the pole. :)
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    Handstands! I am SO SCARED of handstands. When I was 6 a gym teacher supposedly 'helped me' do a handstand by holding onto my legs when I was up but she didn't realise she had lifted me clean off the ground and I was hanging by my ankles and petrified.

    I can't do a handstand yet, but I'm getting used to taking all the weight on my hands to do a butterfly handstand - hoping I can learn to balance without the pole, and then maybe... one day... spring up into it from standing. That was a major moment for me when I moved my hips away from the pole!

    I also had a six week hiatus from pole and came back to it incredibly weaker - I had been on the verge of an aerial shoulder mount and within six weeks I had almost lost my regular invert. Don't stop poling! You lose so much so quickly!
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Had loads of successes last night! The biggest was probably that I can actually climb now - like, I could do the initial step up, but nothing after that. Last night I was finally able to climb a few steps higher. :D I also got my chair spin and carousel nailed, and successfully did a combo - chair into back hook. Another one, I'm not sure what this pose is called... It's basically a crucifix, but you have one leg extended out in front of you. I was able to do that, while leaning back.

    I did two classes last night - a beginner class, and a mixed ability. For the beginner class, the instructor basically had us do as many level 1 moves as we could fit in. At the end, she was like, "Yeah, you guys don't belong on level 1 one any more." And gave us all certificates to move us up to level 2. :)

    So yeah, all in all, feeling really good about pole last night! Tonight, I'm going to the city where my best friend lives and accompanying her to her very first pole class. Really excited! I know she'll love it!
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,505 Member
    We learned the Iguana Mount this week (open, straight-legged) and I got it on the first try! Woo-HOO!!! :bigsmile:
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    Bouncing up and down in a shoulder mount, brass monkey mount (though I haven't repeated the success!). Having a massively increased stamina now that the cooler weather has arrived :)
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member

    So far I havent been able to pull myself back up after I get in this move. Gotta work more on my ab strength. Fell on my shoulders a couple times. I need to try to get the pole more in my knee, I tend to hold it a bit on my calf. But this is my newest success :)

    I just did this too but I do it with my legs together instead of further apart where the knee crosses the other leg.