May 2013 Due Dates



  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I second ehg87 - my little guy slowed down a lot in the last few weeks as well.

    Congrats to everyone on their babies! Who is still waiting on their sweet bundle? You've all been in my thoughts and prayers and I can't wait to get into a schedule and start interacting with all of you lovely ladies again soon. Sorry I've been pretty MIA lately. I need to call my OB to get my final weight at my 38 week appointment. But I know I'm down at least 20ish pounds already. I think closer to 30.

    Has anyone post delivery gone to see their chiropractor yet? I have my first appt tomorrow and my body NEEDS it - but I'm sated bc of my stitches (2nd degree tears - my little guys head was in the 95th percentile!!). Should I take some pain meds before I go?
  • amchha
    amchha Posts: 33 Member
    I third ehg87, I am 39 +5 right now and my little one had slowed down a lot, even to the point that I can get a little more sleep right now. It freaks me out sometimes, so I lay on my side also and eat something or drink water and sure enough she starts moving, but the big movements are gone, just little kicks and movements.

    Sorry, I have not been posting on here much, I have mainly been using my status update to report things, but I have been reading everyone's stories and I am so excited over all the babies being born and the birth stories! Congratulations to you all!

    I am very impatiently waiting for our baby to make her enterence....I am 39+5 and I have NEVER been pregnant this long!!!!! I thought for sure I would have had her by Memorial day. (my due date is Sunday) This is my 4th, and I can not believe this! So....
    please keep your fingers crossed because I am more than ready!

    I was only dialated to a 1 on Tuesday. Cervix was very high. But that night I started getting crampy contractions which were more painful than the silly BH I had been for the last couple months. and last night on one of my 5 pee breaks during the night I had a lot of mucus, so those are both promising!

    I'm hoping tonight :-)
  • prplrose33
    prplrose33 Posts: 78 Member
    I have a few minutes before the little one wakes up for her next feeding so I figured I would share my birth story. I woke up around 6am and had bloody show. I started having some cramping shortly after. I blew it off for the first couple of hours, but told my husband he should probably stay home just in case. The cramping didn't go away even after laying down and drinking some water so I figured I should start timing them. They were so inconsistent. For awhile they were 2-3 min apart then they went to 10 min. It was raining a lot, but decided to go for a walk anyway. That seemed to do the trick. Luckily my MIL was able to leave work at 12. She got to our house by 2 and I called the Dr to let them know my contractions were 4-5 min apart. We headed to L&D and got there by 2:45. They checked me and I was between 2-3 and they weren't sure if they were going to send me home. Dr. decided to break my water and go from there. Once my water broke I immediately jumped to 4 and within an hour was at an 8. By 9:15 I was fully dialated and started pushing. Baby Halle was born at 9:39 weighing 8lbs9oz and was 20.75 inch long. We are home and loving every minute of having 2 daughters. Now the craziness begins. We close on our new house on Tuesday and will be moving right away....luckily I get out of any heaving lifting. :)
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Ladies! Congrats to all with new babies! Laser, Rebecca, Prplrose, Ehg -- so great to read your birth stories!!

    I have a minute and want to share mine. I woke up at 7:30am on May 23rd to my water breaking. It was the weirdest electric pop inside of me (and for you Rebecca, I wasn't sleeping on a towel but do have a waterproof mattress cover. Since he was engaged it was only a small amount in bed, so we stripped the sheets and the mattress was a-ok - whew!). I wasn't having contractions, and hadn't lost my mucous plug, so I took a shower and cleaned.

    At 9:30am everything started going. I lost my mucous plug and contractions started and were running 30 seconds every 3 1/2 minutes. At 10am contractions were 1 minute long every 2 1/2 minutes. Since it was my first child and I wanted to have non-medicated labor, staying at home as long as possible, we had planned on making cookies as a 'labor project' while breathing through the contractions. We made enough for two batches and I was able to walk through the contractions until 11:00. At that point we had just 10 minutes on the oven timer and decided to go to the hospital when then cookies were done. Contractions were over a minute long and 2 minutes apart. I started rocking over my birthing ball propped up on the couch and decided I was in love with the birthing ball that minute. We packed up (ball & ziplock of cookies included) and were checked in at the birthing center at 11:30. I was checked and was 4cm.

    I hopped into the jacuzzi tub and think that really got things going - I labored in there drapped over the side of the tub and propped on my ball. I knew as soon as I hit transition around 1:00pm and got out of the tub to labor on the ball propped on the bed. The nurse checked and I was 9cm at this point, so they called my OB. A few minutes later I started feeling an intense urge to push and knew I couldn't control it. I figured that even if I was only 9cm that I didn't care, I would push like hell even if I tore myself to pieces - it was just the only option. I pushed on my next contraction and out came blood onto the floor and I felt the baby move into my birth canal (I even reached down to be sure we wasn't falling out of me). My husband freaked a bit with the blood and my chanting of 'push, push' and signaled the call button. Unfortunately he accidentally pressed the code button for the whole floor and we suddenly we had about 20 people in our room. I was in my own head, but could hear all the voices. Poor husband. Our nurse heard me chanting 'push' and told me she would check to see if I was 10cm, and not to push yet. I wanted to tell her that I'd just pushed, but couldn't utter anything coherent. They checked me again and exclaimed 'oh! I can feel the baby' he was just minutes away and I was so excited to get him out. Only problem was that my OB wasn't there yet. They brought in a midwife as a back-up, and everyone was telling me to hold back... Ha! Like that was going to happen. I could care less if the baby was deliverd by another patient, I was pushing, period.

    Luckily, my doctor flew into the room during my next push, and out came the head. One more push and he was here! Logan James was born at 1:29pm, just 4 hours from my first contraction. 7lb2oz and 20.5" long.

    I was lucky to not need any stitches, but did have a tiny tear as the little guy put his hand up by his head as he was coming out. We stayed for just 24 hours and left the next afternoon. Logan has been feeding really well (man, nursing is a full time job! Hats off to all moms who EBF!) and was back up to birth weight plus an extra 3.5oz by his first pediatric appoint on the 28th.

    I agree with what several others have said - natural labor is the most intense (and forgettable) pain I could have imagined. Holy heck - ring of fire is no joke. :noway:

    We are so in love with this little guy, and I am so incandescently happy that I find myself crying for no reason. I honestly never thought I could feel this full of love - I don't even know how to process it all at times, it's just feels so overwhelmingly right.

    Congrats again to all the May moms! I look forward to everyone's updates and hope you guys are well!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I have a few minutes before the little one wakes up for her next feeding so I figured I would share my birth story. I woke up around 6am and had bloody show. I started having some cramping shortly after. I blew it off for the first couple of hours, but told my husband he should probably stay home just in case. The cramping didn't go away even after laying down and drinking some water so I figured I should start timing them. They were so inconsistent. For awhile they were 2-3 min apart then they went to 10 min. It was raining a lot, but decided to go for a walk anyway. That seemed to do the trick. Luckily my MIL was able to leave work at 12. She got to our house by 2 and I called the Dr to let them know my contractions were 4-5 min apart. We headed to L&D and got there by 2:45. They checked me and I was between 2-3 and they weren't sure if they were going to send me home. Dr. decided to break my water and go from there. Once my water broke I immediately jumped to 4 and within an hour was at an 8. By 9:15 I was fully dialated and started pushing. Baby Halle was born at 9:39 weighing 8lbs9oz and was 20.75 inch long. We are home and loving every minute of having 2 daughters. Now the craziness begins. We close on our new house on Tuesday and will be moving right away....luckily I get out of any heaving lifting. :)

  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    congrats everyone!!!!!!
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Tesla was born 5/28 :bigsmile:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Ladies! Congrats to all with new babies! Laser, Rebecca, Prplrose, Ehg -- so great to read your birth stories!!

    I have a minute and want to share mine. I woke up at 7:30am on May 23rd to my water breaking. It was the weirdest electric pop inside of me (and for you Rebecca, I wasn't sleeping on a towel but do have a waterproof mattress cover. Since he was engaged it was only a small amount in bed, so we stripped the sheets and the mattress was a-ok - whew!). I wasn't having contractions, and hadn't lost my mucous plug, so I took a shower and cleaned.

    At 9:30am everything started going. I lost my mucous plug and contractions started and were running 30 seconds every 3 1/2 minutes. At 10am contractions were 1 minute long every 2 1/2 minutes. Since it was my first child and I wanted to have non-medicated labor, staying at home as long as possible, we had planned on making cookies as a 'labor project' while breathing through the contractions. We made enough for two batches and I was able to walk through the contractions until 11:00. At that point we had just 10 minutes on the oven timer and decided to go to the hospital when then cookies were done. Contractions were over a minute long and 2 minutes apart. I started rocking over my birthing ball propped up on the couch and decided I was in love with the birthing ball that minute. We packed up (ball & ziplock of cookies included) and were checked in at the birthing center at 11:30. I was checked and was 4cm.

    I hopped into the jacuzzi tub and think that really got things going - I labored in there drapped over the side of the tub and propped on my ball. I knew as soon as I hit transition around 1:00pm and got out of the tub to labor on the ball propped on the bed. The nurse checked and I was 9cm at this point, so they called my OB. A few minutes later I started feeling an intense urge to push and knew I couldn't control it. I figured that even if I was only 9cm that I didn't care, I would push like hell even if I tore myself to pieces - it was just the only option. I pushed on my next contraction and out came blood onto the floor and I felt the baby move into my birth canal (I even reached down to be sure we wasn't falling out of me). My husband freaked a bit with the blood and my chanting of 'push, push' and signaled the call button. Unfortunately he accidentally pressed the code button for the whole floor and we suddenly we had about 20 people in our room. I was in my own head, but could hear all the voices. Poor husband. Our nurse heard me chanting 'push' and told me she would check to see if I was 10cm, and not to push yet. I wanted to tell her that I'd just pushed, but couldn't utter anything coherent. They checked me again and exclaimed 'oh! I can feel the baby' he was just minutes away and I was so excited to get him out. Only problem was that my OB wasn't there yet. They brought in a midwife as a back-up, and everyone was telling me to hold back... Ha! Like that was going to happen. I could care less if the baby was deliverd by another patient, I was pushing, period.

    Luckily, my doctor flew into the room during my next push, and out came the head. One more push and he was here! Logan James was born at 1:29pm, just 4 hours from my first contraction. 7lb2oz and 20.5" long.

    I was lucky to not need any stitches, but did have a tiny tear as the little guy put his hand up by his head as he was coming out. We stayed for just 24 hours and left the next afternoon. Logan has been feeding really well (man, nursing is a full time job! Hats off to all moms who EBF!) and was back up to birth weight plus an extra 3.5oz by his first pediatric appoint on the 28th.

    I agree with what several others have said - natural labor is the most intense (and forgettable) pain I could have imagined. Holy heck - ring of fire is no joke. :noway:

    We are so in love with this little guy, and I am so incandescently happy that I find myself crying for no reason. I honestly never thought I could feel this full of love - I don't even know how to process it all at times, it's just feels so overwhelmingly right.

    Congrats again to all the May moms! I look forward to everyone's updates and hope you guys are well!

    How did I totally miss this? Congrats and yay for another 5/23 boy! I thought Joseph had an infected umbilical stump (turned out he just needed a little help drying it out), so I took him in yesterday, and he was one ounce more than his birth weight on nothing but breast milk. I agree, EBFing is HARD!!! I had other issues last time, but even without them it is tempting to just stick a bottle in their mouth.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Tesla was born 5/28 :bigsmile:

  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I am getting so, so excited reading your stories! Congratulations to all of you!

    I am due in June. I have a question for all of you. Did the baby's movement slow down, become more muffled in the weeks before you delivered, did it stay the same or was it more frequent?

    I know I'm late to this game, but yes, I did experience a lot less movement in the last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy. There's just less room in there. Some days my son was very quiet in there, so I'd make sure I was well-hydrated and would sometimes poke my belly to evoke movement, and I would just relax and focus on feeling something. It was harder to distinguish, though, because it was more rolling and the like rather than jabs and kicks.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    What great birth stories, everyone! I love all the vivid descriptions of how wonderful life is with a newborn -the swirl of positive emotions that we will never forget! Congrats again to all of my May 2013 baby friends! May your little ones & your families thrive in this new bliss.
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Hi everyone, what wonderful birth stories, congratulations! :flowerforyou:

    We've had guests for 2 weeks so I haven't been able to post. Here's my story.....

    On Wednesday May 22nd I had a stretch and sweep by my midwife as she was concerned about my blood pressure and pre-e.
    I started having periods like cramps that evening and the next morning tests ruled out pre-e.

    It became clear that I was in early labor the Wednesday evening and I couldn't midwife came by the next day and I was only at 2cm. She wanted me to go to the hospital to get a sleep cocktail if I didn't sleep that night as she was concerned about a long labor and having no rest. I didn't sleep again Thursday night and the midwife met us at the hospital and I had a nice snooze for a few hours.

    Friday my midwife performed acupuncture on me to try and get things moving. Apparently, it worked as the contractions became more intense and frequent.

    And then......extreme pain on my left side of my back began. It was brutal as the back pain never subsided. I labored at home as long as I could with my Doula and Midwife before moving to the hospital. I was only at 4cm, but my back pain was killing me.

    We got to the hospital and I started sucking on gas and told more, give me an epidural. I could handle the contractions, but not the endless back pain without a break.....

    It took 4 HOURS for the anesthesiologist to come as he was the only one working. I was begging for help at this point, only getting by on the gas.....I was at 6cm when the Epi was put in at midnight. They only give walking epis here, so they aren't as strong.

    The next morning I hadn't progressed so I was given oxytocin.....then the Epi wore off on my left side and the back pain was back again. I could feel the contractions too and didnt possible think I could make it through with the back pain again....then began pushing at 9:30 and she was born at 11:18am. :love:

    Instantly the back pain was gone and I got to snuggle and do skin to skin and breast feeding with my little girl. We left the hospital 5 hours after the birth, which in hindsight was a bad idea as I struggled with breast feeding and found out later I'm under producing (I produce less than half of what she needs) so it's been a rough road with feedings and I felt terrible starving my little girl (I had no idea :brokenheart: ) we now supplement and I'm on meds and herbs to try and increase my supply.

    I'm in love with our little night owl!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Congrats Ruby (and everyone else)! So happy for everyone. Sorry I've been AWOL. Life with a newborn, right? The inlaws get in tomorrow and I've got a long night of cleaning. lol. See ya!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Congrats on your sweet baby girl, Rubybeach!! I have had some struggles with breastfeeding, but my lactation consultant put me on this strict regime to up my supply and it has worked. The other piece of the puzzle is teaching the little guy a more efficient latch. He was diagnosed with a tongue tie, which makes him a less efficient eater. You might want to look into whether that might be why your supply is low, too.
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    Mormon Mama- how was the visit?

    Laser, mine is tongue tied too! No surgery yet. I'm tongue tied too. My supply has increased with the prescription meds.

    Hope everyone is well!
  • AbbyHoopi
    AbbyHoopi Posts: 48
    Congrats to all the new May Mommas!! :)

    I had my little guy (my 2nd) on May 10th, 4 days before his due date.

    I had gone in to L&D the day before ((May 8th)) because I was having some pretty good contractions and as soon as they stuck the monitor on me they seriously disappeared!! :( I was only dilated one CM so they sent me home. I walked the mall, I walked the neighborhood and then finally was so tired I went to bed. I woke up at 3:30 am ((May 9th)) with a weird trickle of fluid (similar to what I felt with baby boy #1 when my water broke) I waited and monitored it for a while. Around 9 am I called my husband who was at work and said that I think we should go because it didn't stop.

    I got their and they did the paper test to see if it was my water and it said no. I looked at my husband and said "I swear this is my water!" and so they did the FERN test and she came back in the room and said congrats you are staying here and having a baby!

    Since my contractions weren't too strong and my water was broken they started me on pitocin around 11. Around 1 am ((May 10th)) I finally dilated to 10 cm and was ready to push. I pushed for over an hour!! :( That shocked me because my 1st was only about 5 pushes and he was out and they say that it gets easier with each one. So they did some checking to see how he was laying. They thought he was sideways so I pushed on my side and then on the other. I got on my hands and knees and tried to get him turned the right way.... well, it turns out that he was a brow presentation (born facing up and head tilted back, like he was trying to get the back of his head to touch his back) and I pushed for OVER 2 HOURS before the Dr. stuck both hands in and pulled him out!!!!!! I had been in labor for 24 hours from water break to delivery!!! I had a fever of 101 F and he had a fever of 103 F.

    It was the hardest thing I have ever gone through in life and yet soooo totally worth it!

    Hes now 8 weeks old and getting all chubby (thanks to that Mommas milk!!! YAY EBF baby!!) and is such a happy little guy!!! :)