Stage 3



  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Great results. I must admit I am preferring this stage to stage 2 but it does take ages - I didn't even do the intervals today (did intervals on the bike yesterday and ran out of time today) and it took 1.5 hours again for workout B.

    I'm curious about what the "decline sit ups" are - I've been using a 10kg weight with ball crunches but need to do 15 to feel it and struggling with the lateral work.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Ever see this contraption?


    It is sit ups on that thing. The bench raises and lowers to adjust height. I do the declines in the highest setting possible on the harder sets like there. And I hold either a medicine ball (the smaller heavier ones), a plate or a dumbbell over my chest and get to crunching. I swapped those in because my gym usually has the swiss balls locked up, and I am usually working out when they trainers aren't there to unlock them.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Great - will give that a go :-)
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member much as I loved stage three, alas it is time for me to be moving on. Here are my final stats in this stage:

    Start date: April 30
    Finish date: May 24

    Begining body stats:

    Weight: 148 lbs
    Neck: 13 inches
    Waist: 31 inches
    Hips: 37 inches
    Body Fat%: 29.2%

    Ending Body Stats:

    Weight: 143.4 lbs
    Neck: 13 inches
    Waist: 31.5 inches
    Hips: 36.5 inches
    Body Fat%: 29.2%

    Total Changes:

    4.6 pounds lost

    Stage three end weights:

    One-armed Dumbbell Snatch: 25 lbs > 35 lbs
    Dumbbell Single-leg Romanian Deadlift: 20 lbs > 30 lbs
    Barbell Bent-over Row: 70 lbs > 80 lbs
    Dumbbell Single-arm Overhead Squat: 10/20 lbs > 15/30 lbs
    Dumbbell Incline Bench Press: 20 lbs > 25 lbs
    Plank: 90 sec regular > 60 sec alternatiing one leg
    Reverse Wood Chop: 40 lbs > 55lbs
    Barbell Romanian Deadlift/bent over row: 70 lbs > 80 lbs
    Partial Single-leg Squat: BW > BW+ 10 lbs
    Wide-grip Lat Pulldowns: 85lbs > 70 lbs (new equipment)
    Back Extensions: 10 lbs > 25 lbs
    YTWL: 5 lbs > no change
    Decline Sit-ups: 30lbs > no change
    Incline Reverse Crunch: BW > no change
    Lateral Flexion: BW > moved to swiss ball
    Prone Cobra: 90 Sec > no change

    See you all in stage 4.

    ETA: I ended up skipping the BWM because I have a 2 mile run that day.

    Excellent results!!! Way to work hard!! I'm starting stage 4 too- should've this week but took a week off.
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    ive done my first workout earlier on today. absolutely loved it! im working out at home so barbell row wasnt anything new and had to do some substitution - no incline bench (flat bench press), reverse wood chop alternative, plank is going alright - too shaky on bench+swiss ball, rather extending the time - 110secs - PAIN!
    i havent/never do the recommended rest periods, i pick the iron back up whenever im again ready - whether the recovery takes 30secs or 120secs.. it took me to complete a1 within 55minutes, but i was DRENCHED! and what killed me were the jumping squats... lunges were alright, balance/12each split legs wise, but the 24 constant jumping/from-to squats took my breath.
    regardless - went for a 6k jog afterwards (not recommended, were about to give it in before even starting/after 2mins warm up walk) PLUS a 2+hours walk... KNACKERED!
    super-lazy rest day in order tomorrow and b1 on weds :)
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Wow - a jog and a long walk AFTER the BWM? You are hard core!
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi all - I'm here, no quitting, LOL! I started following the Facebook group because its a little easier on my I've gotten quiet here.

    I did my first A workout on Monday with my new at-home setup. B is tomorrow, also at home. Now that my husband wants to lift weights, we picked up everything we need for now! We'll want a power cage later on, but we have to finish our basement first (hopefully by the fall). I can now do DLs and lat pulldowns at home! Those were my big missing links. Can't wait to try the DL rows tomorrow -- they look like fun!
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member

    so i just came across this gif and wondered - when yous do the bwm, do you guys do the jumping lunges like this? i mean, swapping the legs with each jump? (because i didnt, ive done one leg then another, and now feeling a little silly.)

    also, ive done b1 today, and fairly enjoyed the partial squats (i need to add weights, they seemed way too easy) and even liked ytwl (i have no bench so was doing the same motion, standing up - hard!)

    however, i think i pulled my right biceps tendon, it hurts lately so much, i can hardly hold an ~8kg (16lbs) dumbbell with _both_ hands straight, when doing the swiss-ball crunches and i had to reduce my barbells weight with a third (!) to be able to do the pullovers. (it has nothing to do with ytwl, it started to play up during pullovers a couple of weeks ago)
    any thoughts on solution?
    it doesnt hurt constantly, it kind of just feels like it needs to click.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Eve - yes, that is the way you should be doing jump lunges. Is your bicep pain near your shoulder or near your elbow? I would recommend ice and ibuprofen.

    Cphan - I am jealous that you get to lift with your hubby! And since you are both into lifting, it won't be long before you get that power cage!
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    icuc: up at my shoulder, so i assume it must be the long head tendon because its not just ordenary muscle ache.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    icuc: up at my shoulder, so i assume it must be the long head tendon because its not just ordenary muscle ache.

    I have pain at the top of my shoulder. Consider whether it could be nerve pain. My discomfort is considerably relieved by intensely massaging the area between my shoulderblade and my spine (using someone's elbow, a tennis ball, I have even used a dumbbell).
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    holy mother of god stage 3 workout A is hard! lol the beginning was challenging but nothing terrible- but 90 second planks and the BW matrix just killed me. lol. love it!!

    for the 1-DB overhead squat- i was surprised that i couldnt do more. i tried with 10 lbs overhead and 20 down below- but my form was all screwy- my overhead arm couldnt stay straight at all-- had to drop it to 7.5 lbs above and 15 below-- oh well, ill work my way up.
  • JDubbs339
    JDubbs339 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Just did my first stage 3 workout...BOY that was a good one! If my legs don't tone up a bit after this, then something's wrong.

    I am frustrated to the MAX because my clothes have been fitting TIGHTER instead of looser...all I want is to lose 10 measley pounds!!! I'm 144 right now. Why is this so difficult?? I know i know, i'm building muscle and that's good and everything, but I want to SLIM DOWN while building muscle.

    *sigh* anyway...i'm going to end my rant before I get even more upset.

    OH yeah, I was so busy ranting that I forgot to ask my initial question: for the dumbbell single-arm overhead squats, my top arm doesn't seem to want to GO that way when I squat down. It feels like my arm is going to break...does anyone have any ideas/suggestions for an alternative move???

    Thanks in advance! :)
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    jdubbs - what part of your arm feels like its going to break? I would experiment with holding the weight a little behind your head and bending your arm a bit.
  • JDubbs339
    JDubbs339 Posts: 44 Member
    jdubbs - what part of your arm feels like its going to break?

    My upper arm (from my elbow up to my shoulder)
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    jdubbs - what part of your arm feels like its going to break?

    My upper arm (from my elbow up to my shoulder)

    have you tried warming up with arm circles and stretching if you arms are so tight?
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    JDubbs - I too have that problem with the lopsided squat exercise and have grown to loath it! My best attempts are when I get in position when in a squat and starting by pushing up but my squats are really shallow, my arm hurts and I wobble all over the place! Sorry - not much help!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I didn't use exactly 1/2 weight on top. I am pretty sure I ended the stage with 20 over and 50 under, but not remembering exactly.
  • zeppelinkd
    zeppelinkd Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, Everyone! Am starting stage 3 tonight. Looking forward to it. It sounds like a challenging stage from what I read on the boards. I'm up for it! Best of luck to everyone!
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    I didn't use exactly 1/2 weight on top. I am pretty sure I ended the stage with 20 over and 50 under, but not remembering exactly.

    impressive. A1 i used 7.5 above and 15 below, because even with 10/20 i felt wobbly. im determined to make it 10/20 tonight