2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    Better - what, exactly, is the "bonnaroo" event?? Explain to inquiring minds, please!

    I live in Canada which means a sort of 2-tiered health-care system. All Canadian citizens have access to health-care - but certain services (cost of prescription drugs, eye care, dental care come to mind....) you have to pay for, while other services (dr. visits, necessary surgeries, etc.) you don't. So, even in Canada, employees want their employers to provide "health care" so that the cost of prescription drugs is reduced (or "shared" with the employer) - and really good employee-health/dental benefit plans will include coverage for things like glasses, braces, dentists, etc.

    I do not have very good employee coverage, but my husband (self-employed) has zero employee coverage. So, we pay for some of our health care. Mind you, if anybody needs a hospital visit (i.e. acute care), or even when going through some of the chronic health issues of my son (which means monthly dr visits to numerous dr's and specialists), we don't pay (directly) for that (it's comes out of government general revenues, of course).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    I guess I should also add that if you are clearly very poor (i.e. on welfare), even your prescription drug costs are covered. And, for the working poor, it's a sliding scale - you might be fully covered, or you might receive some subsidized coverage.

    Health care doesn't seem to be the same sort of problem that it is in the USA, but, it still ranks very "high" as one of the systems, in Canada, that requires re-tooling. Particularly as our population ages, (young) taxpayers won't be able to support (growing population of) senior citizens.

    Senior housing is also a very big issue here.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    ....hey, let's talk politics!

  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Loving the baby bump pic - adorable!

    About the whole "gluten free" craze, I have not completely bought into that and have not cut it out completely. I think that is more of a problem for people who specifically have an allergy, celiac, etc. What I did notice was that eating bread, pasta, crackers, pretzels & such was using up a lot of my calories and was really addictive making me want to eat more. I also think that people's bodies respond differently to different things. For example, I can polish a bottle of wine without a problem, but my younger sister could have half a glass and bloat right out. Everybody has to find what works for them and it seems like this group has been doing a really good job at that. You guys are all awesome!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Interesting Beeps. I'm always curious to see what those on socialized healthcare think of it. My Dad (staunch conservative) thinks it's impossible to get anything if you are on socialized healthcare. Doesn't sound like it? I'll tell him my internet friend said so :wink:

    Bonnaroo is a 4 day music fest in Manchester TN near Nashville. About 80,000 people come from all over the country to set up camp (or in our case, unairconditioned pop up camper with 3 other adults), and see music on one of about 8 stages from about 1:00pm - about 4am or so. They have vendors, and beer, and carnie food, and a ferris wheel, and a silent disco, and lots and lots of port-o-poties and a fountain..... Running water is in the form or troughs inside of what looks like the back of a semi. I won't be putting on makeup for 4 days, and will be wearing a bathing suit and sundress with my dirty hair in a bun. And I'll be drinking and dancing all day. Great times if you don't mind being dirty. Seriously, this is my 4th year and my previous trips have been some of the best times of my life. Weather looks good: highs in high 80's, lows in low 60s. We have been before when it's been brutally-I-don't-want-to-move hot.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    abigail - I totally agree with "finding what works for you" - and, like you, if I stay away from bread, pasta, etc., I seem to suffer less 'bloat'.

    Better - that *does* sound like a LOT of fun, although I'm not a "camper", at all....and port o' potties freak me out (yes, i use them - nearly every weekend at baseball, but I have to do a LOT of "self-talk" to get in-and-out of there without incident!). What is a "silent disco"?

    I am looking forward to a nice ceasar salad this evening - best one in the city happens to be at the restaurant choice my husband made for "date night". YUMMY!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ashley--I'm due October 19, so I'm a little over halfway. And definitely not ridiculous at all to think about waiting to get prego a few months for insurance purposes! Kids are expensive. The hubby and I were talking about the cost of daycare last night and it was not very pleasant to think about….

    Abigail--That makes total sense. Your go-to foods these days sound like they are a lot better for you and more filling than bread, pasta, crackers, and pretzels!

    Beeps--A ceaser salad sounds like a good healthy date night meal!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Silent Disco is this tent and you get wireless headphones which are playing techno music and everyone is dancing their @sses off. So funny thing when you're watching a bunch of people dance to "nothing" from outside. :smile: There are VIP tickets that have A/C plumbed bathrooms. We went the first year they offered VIP and it was worth it then, but they raised the price, took away meals, and so we don't do it that way anymore.

    Ris, tell me about child care. We were just informed last night that our day care is CLOSING next Friday! One of the teachers may become our nanny for the same price (a great deal) but only if she can get one other kid to come to our house and pay the same. Fingers crossed. We pay $170 a week which is about mid range for my city. She was $175 from 0-1 year. But yeah....$$$$. I don't even want to think about paying for 2 in day care..... I utilized a Flex account so I at least get $5000 towards childcare at a tax free deposit. Still...

    I'm totally not motivated to work today....
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I am due October 29.....I am maid of honor in my best friends wedding October 19 so hopefully the little guy hangs in there until at least then :laugh:

    I am very grateful that between the 2 grandmas I think we have daycare covered, I can't believe how expensive it can get!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    When I'm a grandma, I'm totally NEVER going to be a daycare provider - so thank your lucky position, Chloe!! And, yes, with an (almost) 26-year-old son, I *do* think about what kind of grandma I'm gonna be.

    It is NOT gonna be the "daycare-providing" type, lol.

    Ummmmmm, no way.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Beeps, you have a 26 year old? I thought your kids were younger. You can't be old enough to have a 26 year old!

    Yes, Chloe, very lucky. My parents live 11 hours away and my in-laws are 80 so.....

    Looks like the nanny situation may work out. We're trying to work out details. We need to talk with the other family. They're talking about the kids spending some time at their house (30 minutes away) and Eric isn't really down for that. I did a cold call on a day care near our house yesterday afternoon, and they have openings and cheaper rates, so we do have a back up plan. Assuming they don't suck.

    No workout last night or this morning. Was up till 12:30. NO measurements either. I stepped on the scale this morning.....131. NOt logging it. I had pizza for dinner last night and its still sitting heavy. I've also had a headache for 3 days which is strange. I usually only get headaches from hangovers.

    But on well. I'm on vacation in 7.5 hours! Woo hoo!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hi all! Looks like everyone is keeping busy!

    Ashley - So fun that you're going to Bonnaroo!! A few of my friends are going again this year! I hope you figure out your child care situation! Whenever it's time for me to figure that out I have it set.. my aunt owns a great home daycare and then my mom and my bf's mom are baby obsessed and are teachers so could pick them up after they get out of school! Works out perfect to me :P Good luck though! Also, your yard looks absolutely amazing!

    Beeps - That's awesome about your fasting! I used to do IF, but idk if I could still do it!! Maybe once I get back into my routine of logging food and everything I'll try it again :)

    Ris - your bump is adorable! Love it :)

    I'm doing better with my work outs this week, or at least my intentions are to do better :) I'm going to try and do a work out M-F. Monday was jazz, yesterday was a cardio class, tonight will be a walk/run, tomorrow a weight class, friday hopefully more weights. I hurt my foot last night somehow, so tonight's "run" will most likely be a walk so I don't aggravate it more. My eating is ok, I'm still trying to remember to log again, it's very hard to get back in the habit! I really want to try and be good this weekend though, it will be my friend's bday and we're going out on a boat and drinking & eating a lot, so I need to be conscious of what I'm putting in my stomach so I don't feel gross or sick! Cook outs are where I have no control! Hopefully I'll think to log before I eat!

    Happy hump day everyone!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    SO I am basically the worst at posting on here lately! Sorry to be missing you all. I am just trying to focus on the stuff at hand (finishing out my last month at work, getting ready for a cross country move, starting my PhD). I am crossfitting 4-5 days a week and plan on continuing in North Carolina. To help on the eating side I am going to try to do 1700 cals a day for the next few months and see where I end up. Hopefully a little leaner, but it's not my number 1 priority at the moment.

    I hope you all are well!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    Better - I have 3 children - son (age 25 - he'll be 26 in August), son (age 11 - he'll be 12 i July), daughter (age 10 - she'll be 11 in October). I'm totally old enough to have an adult-child, but, it's okay if I don't LOOK that old, lol.

    Have fun at your bonnaroo thing-a-ma-doo!

    I totally pigged out at last night's date night. Came in 300 calories over my daily alotment - which is fine, because I have been under by about that much on Saturday and Monday, too. I didn't feel well, though - my tummy didn't like ALL that food, at once, being dumped into it. So, I slept poorly. (Well.....maybe the booze I ingested also helped with the "poor sleep", lol.)

    Anyway, I have a supper out on Friday - hoping to just have a salad plus an appetizer (rather than a main entree) because I really don't need/want the larger entree portion.

    And then, for Sunday, Father's Day, we have brunch out AND supper out. As such, to plan, I'll likely fast tomorrow (thursday) and might have to fast on Saturday, too, if I'm afraid the calories on Sunday are going to be TOO overboard. Dunno. Will weigh on Friday to help me figure out the Saturday thing.

    (PS - my "fasting" is normally about 20 hours - I still have food every day, even if I fast from 9 pm - 5 pm the next day.)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Better- Have fun this weekend! I am so jealous!

    Beeps- I never thought my mom would be this kind of grandma either, but now that he is coming she is totally in baby mode....so you never know, you may change your mind :wink:

    Kate- I could see how moving across country could derail your eating, but just do the best you can until you can get into a normal routine! And good luck on the move!

    Shander- Have fun at your party this weekend! Sounds like a blast!

    I am doing good so far this week. Diet has been good. I am 3 for 3 days of walking in the morning. This morning was a struggle, I laid there and debated for a minute, but then the dog stood by my bed wagging her tail and I felt too guilty to go back to sleep. I had a hair appt Monday, so no evening workout and last night I did Level 2 of Jillian extreme shed and shred. It was my first time doing that one, I had to modify a little, but it was a great workout and I am a little sore today which is always nice. Tonight I plan on doing something, not sure what yet.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Beeps - I hear you on the big weekend coming up. I have my bridal shower on Saturday (cocktail themed) soooo that will be tough to get through without going over I'm sure. I've been eating back all my calories this week because I've been absolutely STARVING so I don't have any to carry over. Might need to use my weekend "rest" days to do some cardio.

    Kate - Good luck with the move!

    Chloe - Great work on keeping up with walks. I've been sleeping like crap lately, and this morning was the first morning I slept until my alarm went off, so I snoozed through my walk. I feel terrible (for my dog) so I'll be making it up to him tonight with a long walk after dinner.

    Better - Have a great vacation!

    Week is going good so far eating/workout wise. Getting through the first level of NROL4W, and upon reading how others are lifting it's becoming pretty apparent that I need to push myself to lift heavier weights. Trying to plan out my workouts/week for next week as well, as I'll be heading to San Francisco on Thursday evening to visit my grade/middle school best friend. That will be a struggle for me to keep my eating under control, so I will realllly need to tighten it up Monday-Thursday afternoon.

    Happy Hump day everyone! Almost half way through it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    ramalem - FORM FIRST! Don't EVER worry about what other women are doing on NROL4W....just work with your body and your own timing. So, make sure your form is REALLY REALLY GOOD, first, then start upping the weights. Yes, you should be REALLY TIRED at the end of your weight work-out, but you shouldn't be INJURED and always remember, the MOMENT your form is "bad", the exercise is over, anyway (even if you keep repeating it - you've done NOTHING....) You're only in Stage 1 - and by Stage 7, you'll be at those HEAVY weight #'s, for sure!

    Chloe - I'm never gonna be a babysitter...I've already done 26 years of motherhood, have another 8 to go, and I'm done with it. I want MY life! Sure, I"ll take the grandkids out to buy an ice cream cone, but "childcare" can be the parents' responsibility - totally not gonna be mine. to each their own!

    My gf had her 19 week ultrasound a couple days back (the one who is 41, unmarried, and really wanted a baby) - I knew from Vegas trip she was having a little girl (she had the amniocentesis), and everything is all perfectly fine and momma is now anxious to meet her baby!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Beeps, totally agree about form and I know I've got most of these exercises down I just more feel like I'm not pushing myself as hard as I can. I've had problems in the past with not really believing I can do things, and I just need to push through that issue. :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    Oh. Well, then, ramalem - GO PUSH YOURSELF!

    Got my lifting in-and-done. Am sore. Am tired. Much more lower-body work in these circuits - which is fine (my lower body needs the most work, anyway!), but it REALLY WEARS ME OUT!


    Come on jenomaha and Amy and all the rest o' you regulars (who aren't posting, all of a sudden) - GET IN HERE AND TELL ME SOMETHING!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    I have a pretty busy day at work - am hoping that my car is fixed and I can trade back in this (prius) loaner for my car. And, hopefully my son's baseball game is on tonight (and not canceled due to rain - like last nights' game). If it *is* cancelled, then it is off to TRX I go!