Introduce yourself - again



  • hruddell1
    hruddell1 Posts: 2 Member
    HI. I am Heather. I am 36. Today is my first day here. I have a question. My calorie counter says I may have 2300 calories, but I only consumed 1300. Should i eat more or is this good?
  • bsquibbles
    bsquibbles Posts: 18
    Hi everyone. I am new to MFP, but have been a Weight Watchers member for years. I started out at 430 pounds and am currently at 347 pounds, so I have lost some weight. Most importantly, I learned for the first time in my life how to be healthy. I'm grateful for the changes I've been able to made, however, I've been on a plateau for nearly two years now. When WW changed their plan to PP+, I stayed on board, but struggled. I finally got frustrated and quit.

    I am pretty desperate at this point, because I feel like I've been working way too hard to be stuck at such a high weight. I'm really hoping MFP will help me blast through this plateau and start seeing some rewards for my work again!
  • jemethyst
    jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
    Hi, I'm Jennifer; I live in NC, a little north of Charlotte. I'm a 36 yr old college student, trying to start over with a better and healthier life. I'm fairly new to MFP, I've had the app on my ipad and used it for a few days then forgot about it until a few weeks ago. My highest weight was 391 (not too long ago), even though I knew I needed to lose weight it didn't really sink in until recently. I'm going to school for either radiology or nursing and had to get a physical. Oh boy! Around the same time I saw a pic of me on FB from a recent family gathering and it hit me like a ton of bricks.... I need to lose weight before the weight kills me. I've been pre diabetic for a few years, have a family history of it too, thankfully haven't hit the mark yet of dropping that "pre". But besides getting my health back for me I realized I couldn't set a good example in the medical field with the shape I'm in, and getting around patients and equipment will be difficult, along with the fast pace. After two weeks back on the MFP app I realized there was even more to offer on the site itself, so here I am!

    I know it's not the ideal weight for my height, but my goal as of now is 241, that'll be 150 down and give me a better idea of what healthy for me will be.
  • adlace
    adlace Posts: 375 Member
    'Sup? Single, 43. I like art, writing, and a good joke. Trying to be healthy and not walk around like I am way older than I am. I stand all day and my knees don't like me anymore. The best to you all!
  • adlace
    adlace Posts: 375 Member
    HI. I am Heather. I am 36. Today is my first day here. I have a question. My calorie counter says I may have 2300 calories, but I only consumed 1300. Should i eat more or is this good?

    maybe not over hungry today, but the hunger will come. And you will eat your calories because you want to. I thought my may have calories (2270) was insane when I first started a week and a half ago. But I lost 11 pounds. All water I am sure but it's a start. And as you lose and update your goals they take will take the may have calories away soon enough...
  • HI there! I"ve lost 73 so far. I started at 336, 5"10", mother of 3 sons, wife, in nursing school and working 2 jobs. School stresses me out very badly so I eat....well, I'm breaking that bad habit and working to become a fit nurse who can get the job done when called on. Thanks for having me. :-) I'm currently on week 6 of Les Mills Combat and using Shakeology.
  • Believe it or not, we need the calories (but it depends on your activity that day). I have been doing Combat for 5 weeks and not dropped a pound, I was only getting 1610 calories and just found out from a trainer that I need body was storing fat and not getting rid of, had I only known. Here's to new "food rules." :-D
  • I need help! I am 28 yrs old obese women, and I need support! I have two handsome little boys ( ages 6 and 2 1/2) that I am living for. They are my heart and soul.

    I am a stay at home mom, also a college student. I have been over weight my whole life. Today, I am unhappy with how I look and feel all the time. I feel embarrass going to stores or eating out because I feel I am being judge. I am tired of my lower back hurting, to where I can walk for long or do what I use to be able to do.

    I am doing this for myself, because I can't keep living like this. But I am also doing this for my boys. They need a healthier eating habits. Which I have been establishing to them, I been buying more fruits and veggies.

    I have support from my family & friends, but I am lacking support from my main person. My husband. He is gives me support in the wrong foods. When I know I should have the will power to tell him no, I don't. I go along with him. Sadly, he is obese too.

    Please, I need help and support.
  • dmt9544
    dmt9544 Posts: 11 Member

    This is the first Group I've joined...even embarrassed incognito, I guess. I was 396 in April high/low (weight/motivation) moment. I became ill almost two years ago in a way that appetite was affected off and on. In February of this year, illness got even worse, so I dropped a little more weight. No, I do not recommend this diet method, but I have taken advantage of the "kick start". :sick:

    I made gradual steps towards eating in a healthy way (body/soul/mind). First we stopped eating fast food, no more drive thru! One side effect of illness...just thinking of junk food caused nausea (unfortunately that side effect went away). We only ate food bought at grocery stores for a month or two (but still eating whatever I wanted) bearing in mind that illness limited my appetite somewhat. Then the next step was to begin eating food we actually had to prepare ourselves adding more fresh veg and fruits.

    I started counting calories in May. Then we began kicking it up with healthy supplements and setting a caloric/nutrition daily goal. Then I began using a Needak rebounder a few minutes per day (up to five minutes a day...first thing in the am).

    I've just begun working with an integrated medicine group that includes a dietician. She helped me reset some of my daily goals and provided recommendations on my supplements and food choices.

    Now 313.2 as of today!
  • Hello *^.^*

    My name is Jenn and I can't remember when I joined MFP. I just know I didn't really start logging my food until about a month ago.

    I have always been overweight and I guess I just hit a point where I realized that if I want to have kids someday, I want to be in good health.

    I have a new baby sister who is 28 years younger than me. She's 14 months old and I want her to grow up having a big sister she can play with. I don't want her to view my size as something she wants to be like. I never want her weight or health to hinder her the way mine has hindered me.

    I'm an artist, an animal lover, a gamer, a photographer, and I love being outdoors.

    I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease in July of 2012 and am still undergoing treatment for it. I'm not able to exercise right now but I've made changes to the way I eat.

    Just one day at a time. One choice at a time.
  • Hey everyone, I'm another Heather and I've been on mfp for a few months.
    I'm more using it for tracking/reality check too keep me on board with the process of eating and moving the way i want. I'm not too focused on the weight loss per se, because that has made me really obsessed in an unhealthy way previously. I am radically honest in my food log, even when it's a stupid day, I log everything as accurately as possible. I love weight training and have been fairly athletic my whole life despite always being fat. I am so not into the weight loss aspect, I weigh myself very infrequently and do not own a scale, but I weight right around 300.

    I struggle to fit in exercise and healthy eating because of time and exhaustion issues I have as a PhD student with a job and a super long commute. I've recently realized that some new, unhealthy habits have snuck in during my time on the road and with my tiredness. As I'm approaching 40, I also realize that the time for change is now, AND that whatever changes I make, have to be "forever" changes.

    I would love some new buds, especially those that are process focused more than quick loss focused!
    cheers to everyone on your path. i'm not judging your shoes since I'm walking a different way.
  • tomaura7
    tomaura7 Posts: 4
    Hi all.

    My name is Maura and I've been using MFP for about a month. I'm a professional student from the US, living abroad in the UK since May.

    I tipped the scales in March at 370 after avoiding the scales like the plague. It was a huge eye-opener. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I was a big baby and kid, and my parents made weight a big issue from the time I was 4 or 5, even though I was active and healthy. There was a lot of emotional strain and dark places in my childhood, and food became my escape and how I took control. Whether or not I actually was, I spent my childhood and adolescence as the fat kid. I was probably around 270 in high school. I was able to loose a lot of weight when I was 17 or 18 while in counseling with an ED specialist, and went down to 230 or so (which is a reasonable weight for me, really). But in the past ten years, while all the while denying my food problems and avoiding scales, I've slowly put on nearly 140 lbs.

    My food/weight issues have stolen most of my 20s, and have prevented me from having the confidence and ability to do a lot of the things I want to do. I feel completely unloveable in my body, so I have avoided intimacy even though I have so much love to give. I want to be able to walk in a room and not feel ashamed and let a wall come up between me and everyone else because of weight. I don't want to obsess over food during every waking hour.

    Healthwise, until the last 4 or 5 years, I've gotten by. I've been a severe asthmatic since childhood and suffer from depression, but recently I've had a lot of skeletal/muscular problems that have made life pretty miserable. I have disc herniation in S1/L5/L4 along with facet joint problems that make both my job (sitting at a computer, mostly) and activity difficult. This has become chronic pain, along with acute episodes every few months that leave me incapacitated for days. Luckily I have been able to avoid any narcotic pain meds. I have intermittent, but severe, foot and heel pain, and occasionally have knee trouble, especially when I bump up the exercise. I basically feel like an old woman, and I'm only 28. Also, (TMI) I rarely have my period anymore, which is really worrisome to be, since I want to have a baby someday soon more than anything else in the world (and to be able to care for that baby). I don't have diabetes or any heart problems yet, but they are in my future if I don't change.

    The last time I weighed, I was 356 lbs. That was in May before I moved abroad. I've been very active here (don't have a car) and have been using MFP for a little over a month. I don't have a scale (which I think is a good thing...I'm one of those people who won't go to the doctor because I'm so terrified of the scale), but I think I have lost some weight. If I were guessing, I'd say I was down to 340ish.

    My ultimate goal is to go down to 200ish. I'm 5 foot 11 and really big-boned, so my ideal weight according to all the websites would be 180, but I'd be overjoyed at 200. Right now, I'm just trying to get out of the 300s and give my body a break.

    Thanks for listening. It's been nice to read these introductions and know that I'm not alone.

  • tomaura7
    tomaura7 Posts: 4

    I struggle to fit in exercise and healthy eating because of time and exhaustion issues I have as a PhD student with a job and a super long commute. I've recently realized that some new, unhealthy habits have snuck in during my time on the road and with my tiredness.

    I could have written that...right down to being a chronically tired and stressed Ph.D student. My pitfalls have been starving all day, eating all evening, using food to stay focused, and fast food while driving back and forth to campus.
  • Hi, my name is Christine and I just restarted MFP. I was a member in 2011 but stopped when I became pregnant. My baby boy is 11 months old now, and I am just starting to feel like I can take control of my eating habits. I was afraid to start sooner because of breast feeding and I honestly didn't want to be hungry AND tired AND deal with a crying baby. I've been working out a lot lately but not watching what I eat. I feel that I can now handle counting calories, exercising, getting enough sleep, and taking care of a tiny human.

    I'm 5' 11" and 333 pounds. My ultimate goal is 200 pounds. I have set a short term goal of being able to fit into size 24 clothes. Currently, I am a size 28/30. I'm not sure what a realistic time frame is to be able to fit into a size 24. For now, I will just try and take it a day at a time, and work on my eating habits.

    I would love to have some friends on MFP to help with support along the way.
  • hi everyone! i'm jackie and i live in mid-michigan. i'm 43, i got divorced in january and decided that was the perfect time to get serious about losing the weight.

    i weighed 398 the day after my divorce was final and 6 months later i weigh 337! i just found and joined myfitnesspal 4 days ago and i'm loving it!

    feel free to add me as a friend, since the whole point of this is to get and give support and encouragement.
  • lovelyx091
    lovelyx091 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Izzy and I joined mfp over a year ago but stopped since my "weight loss buddy" quit on me.
    Now I'm back, new account, new attitude and with out a weight loss buddy. The only person who truly pushes me is myself and I like that. I love the support from members here! I'm down 2lbs and I can't wait to get out of the 300's. that'll be great.
  • Hi, I'm Tamara and just joined this website. I'm loving the food tracking so far, even though I went a bit over on the calories today, I would still lose weight and that is so cool. We will see how that plays out in the real world (if it actually translates to less poundage). I have been obese since I was 26 and I'm now 46. My roommate is almost 31 and she says I'm lucky because I was at least skinny at one point in my life (she has never been less than 200lbs) Unfortunately, although I've been doing better at losing weight in recent years (lost 30lbs in last 3 years), I still weigh 320 lbs. Since I am 5'9 this is not a great weight to be at. I'm middle aged and my knees are starting to hurt worse so I really have to step this weight loss journey up before I hit menopause. Any one else in my boat?
  • (I was replying to Heather but must have hit the wrong button cause it didn't quote her post - about the 1300 calories)

    :smile: I'm new too, but I would say just don't pass out. I think you are over the minimum requirement for a sedentary female (1200 calories) and I think the biggest loser program has their people eat 1500 but I'm in the slow and steady boat meaning that if this is doable for you, fine, but if you are hungry, you might want to eat a bit more or you may get cravings. Just my opinion. I am aiming for what the program has calculated for me but I really like to eat and hate to be hungry! :wink: I also have to step up the exercise to build my stamina and to help my knees. I'm about 10 years older than you, though, if that makes a difference.
  • Hello, I am Courtney. I am a 23 year old wife who is 320 plus. Ive always been "big" but this has gotten out of control. I have a thyroid condition that I neglected till recently and am now here.... at this point. I am starting college this fall for my ECE and once my two years are done I would like to start a family with my husband who loves me no matter what size, shape or color I am. Which I am so lucky for. But he is unfortunately not very supportive. So I am feeling like I am on my own. I feel like I need to talk to someone. I have a pretty messed up past and have fought like crazy for the good life I have now. But my weight is hurting me. This is my final stand and I will succeed. Support and help is more than appreciated.
    Best wishes,
  • need2shrink
    need2shrink Posts: 31 Member
    Hello everyone! I recently joined at 304. I hit my all time high weight a month or so ago at 312. A doctor told me it really is a matter of when, not if I get diabetes. I'd like to try and prove him wrong. I look forward to getting to know you all. -Rob