Form critique thread, post your videos here.



  • shellfly
    shellfly Posts: 186
    Yes, the bar position is comfortable for the squat - it's probably the one thing that I don't question and feel like I've trained my body right in its placement! Maybe I'll try the stretch again down the road when I feel sure I've mastered the form. Okay, I can stop the stretch reflex on the OHP. I don't mind resetting and having more of a challenge on it. Understood, re: the elbows. As for the bench, I guess I'll just have to make do as my husband says it's not adjustable. Will work on single limb stuff as much as I can.

    Thanks again for your input!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Yes, the bar position is comfortable for the squat - it's probably the one thing that I don't question and feel like I've trained my body right in its placement! Maybe I'll try the stretch again down the road when I feel sure I've mastered the form. Okay, I can stop the stretch reflex on the OHP. I don't mind resetting and having more of a challenge on it. Understood, re: the elbows. As for the bench, I guess I'll just have to make do as my husband says it's not adjustable. Will work on single limb stuff as much as I can.

    Thanks again for your input!

    Try putting a plate under each foot, see if that helps or hurts your bench. Obviously you have to work with what you have. Good luck to you.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I've been working on fixing my bent-over dumbbell rows. I received advice about two months ago and have tried to implement it. My original video is here:

    I uploaded a new video today, and would appreciate any feedback. This lift is still the bane of my existence. I've barely made any progress since February. It is very frustrating.

    This video also contains a clip of my SLDL form, which I would also like feedback on. Looking at it, I seem to be driving the pull from my hips, if that makes sense. I have no idea if I'm reading that correctly, and whether it's something I should or shouldn't be doing...

    New video for critique:

    Thanks folks! :flowerforyou:

    Shameless self-promoting bump. Does anyone else have any feedback? (Thanks for yours, Dope! :flowerforyou: )
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I've been working on fixing my bent-over dumbbell rows. I received advice about two months ago and have tried to implement it. My original video is here:

    I uploaded a new video today, and would appreciate any feedback. This lift is still the bane of my existence. I've barely made any progress since February. It is very frustrating.

    This video also contains a clip of my SLDL form, which I would also like feedback on. Looking at it, I seem to be driving the pull from my hips, if that makes sense. I have no idea if I'm reading that correctly, and whether it's something I should or shouldn't be doing...

    New video for critique:

    Thanks folks! :flowerforyou:

    Shameless self-promoting bump. Does anyone else have any feedback? (Thanks for yours, Dope! :flowerforyou: )

    How heavy do your DBs go, and how difficult was that set?
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    The DBs I used doing the rows in that video were 20 lbs. On a heavy day I'd use 22 lbs, and the last 3-4 reps of a 12-rep set would be showing a fair bit of body English. These are ALWAYS hard for me. I hate them.

    For the DLs, I was using 32 lbs/hand - it was a light day for me when I recorded this and not difficult at all. I was doing 40 lbs/hand on my heavy day and it's a bit more challenging but very manageable still - this is one of my favourite lifts. I'm sure the 80 lbs is nowhere close to my 1RM, but I've not had the opportunity to test what that might be.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    For rows I think you should be bent over a bit more, like you would be for Pendlays. I'd also do reverse flyes as well. Other than that your form looks good.

    The deads looked too easy, consider doing them one legged.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I've been working on fixing my bent-over dumbbell rows. I received advice about two months ago and have tried to implement it. My original video is here:

    I uploaded a new video today, and would appreciate any feedback. This lift is still the bane of my existence. I've barely made any progress since February. It is very frustrating.

    This video also contains a clip of my SLDL form, which I would also like feedback on. Looking at it, I seem to be driving the pull from my hips, if that makes sense. I have no idea if I'm reading that correctly, and whether it's something I should or shouldn't be doing...

    New video for critique:

    Thanks folks! :flowerforyou:

    Shameless self-promoting bump. Does anyone else have any feedback? (Thanks for yours, Dope! :flowerforyou: )

    Here's what I'm still seeing on your DB rows that I think could be altered for more effective lat activation:

    It looks to me like you are flaring the elbows outwards and pulling the DB's to the upper part of your chest. It looks to me like this is turning the lift almost into a reverse fly/face pull type of movement where you're going to be hitting rear delts more than lats. I think you would benefit from keeping your elbows as close to your sides as you can and row the DB's towards your lower chest. They may actually go up at a slight inward angle rather than completely vertical.

    Steve demonstrates this well in this tutorial:
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Hey guys, was doing some mid range rep work on the squat yesteday, and I'm still working on getting down low.

    Anyways, here's a link to the YouTube video. Anyone with experiance have any good critique's on my form and how I could get lower.

    It's only from the side, so I realize that could make it harder, but my goal in every rep is maintain a neutral back, keep my feet spread and at an angle, and push my knees out laterally to allow for a deeper squat. My main guide is trying to keep the bar above my feet.

    I realize it's not perfect, but I was getting tired by the time I recorded this set.

    Link to YouTube Video:

    I'm a bit nervous about posting this on the web, just please use the honor system and keep it to yourself.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Hey guys, was doing some mid range rep work on the squat yesteday, and I'm still working on getting down low.

    Anyways, here's a link to the YouTube video. Anyone with experiance have any good critique's on my form and how I could get lower.

    It's only from the side, so I realize that could make it harder, but my goal in every rep is maintain a neutral back, keep my feet spread and at an angle, and push my knees out laterally to allow for a deeper squat. My main guide is trying to keep the bar above my feet.

    I realize it's not perfect, but I was getting tired by the time I recorded this set.

    Link to YouTube Video:

    I'm a bit nervous about posting this on the web, just please use the honor system and keep it to yourself.

    I'll let the others comment on the squat itself, but I noticed that when you re-racked, you lowered the bar before it hit the uprights. It's safer to aim for the uprights; if you do that, you won't be in danger of missing the pins. But if you lower the bar aiming for the pins, it can result in a crash, especially if you are tired.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Gonna post these here as people may find them useful.....these are user submitted videos of lifts being critiqued by elite powerlifters mark bell and brandon lilly.

    I know some of these vids made me realise form errors in my own mark bell is hilarious.

    squats and deads
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Hey guys, was doing some mid range rep work on the squat yesteday, and I'm still working on getting down low.

    Anyways, here's a link to the YouTube video. Anyone with experiance have any good critique's on my form and how I could get lower.

    It's only from the side, so I realize that could make it harder, but my goal in every rep is maintain a neutral back, keep my feet spread and at an angle, and push my knees out laterally to allow for a deeper squat. My main guide is trying to keep the bar above my feet.

    I realize it's not perfect, but I was getting tired by the time I recorded this set.

    Link to YouTube Video:

    I'm a bit nervous about posting this on the web, just please use the honor system and keep it to yourself.

    Looked pretty good to me, your depth is just a little shallow. Close though. I usually look for the hip crease passing the top of the knee on the way down.
  • Ta11asan
    Ta11asan Posts: 26 Member
    squats 160 x 5 ...this is my 3rd set so i'm already a bit tired so please be gentle on me lol

    i look foward to any tips as i've only been lifting for about 8 weeks and unfortunately i'm about to my max at 160 =/

    hopefully it because i'm still on a deficit and i'm sure i lost alot of muscle when i lost most of my weight without lifting.

    anyway thanks for any tips on improving my form.

    thanks in advance,
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    squats 160 x 5 ...this is my 3rd set so i'm already a bit tired so please be gentle on me lol

    i look foward to any tips as i've only been lifting for about 8 weeks and unfortunately i'm about to my max at 160 =/

    hopefully it because i'm still on a deficit and i'm sure i lost alot of muscle when i lost most of my weight without lifting.

    anyway thanks for any tips on improving my form.

    thanks in advance,

    Try taking a video from the back as well please.

    From what I can see from the side it's not bad. You have a little forward roll coming out of the hole, but that's at least to some degree to be expected since you're gassed. Try to keep the bar path as straight as possible.
  • Ta11asan
    Ta11asan Posts: 26 Member
    squats 160 x 5 ...this is my 3rd set so i'm already a bit tired so please be gentle on me lol

    i look foward to any tips as i've only been lifting for about 8 weeks and unfortunately i'm about to my max at 160 =/

    hopefully it because i'm still on a deficit and i'm sure i lost alot of muscle when i lost most of my weight without lifting.

    anyway thanks for any tips on improving my form.

    thanks in advance,

    Try taking a video from the back as well please.

    From what I can see from the side it's not bad. You have a little forward roll coming out of the hole, but that's at least to some degree to be expected since you're gassed. Try to keep the bar path as straight as possible.

    Thanks for the reply. i'll get a video from the back on my next lifting session. it'll be about a week though as i'll be on vacation all next week.

  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Squat form check please. I began stronglifts 5x5 8 weeks ago. Attempting low bar style. My experience with squatting is very limited. The last time I was required to squat was in H.S. 10 years ago and I simply did just enough to get by without getting fussed at by the coaches. Thanks for the help!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Squat form check please. I began stronglifts 5x5 8 weeks ago. Attempting low bar style. My experience with squatting is very limited. The last time I was required to squat was in H.S. 10 years ago and I simply did just enough to get by without getting fussed at by the coaches. Thanks for the help!

    It looks pretty good. Weight starts to come forward a little, especially when coming up from the bottom. Especially those last two reps. Maybe try to focus on sitting back a little more at the bottom, and/or keeping torso a little more vertical as you hit the bottom? It's not too bad but it will only get worse as the weight gets heavier and you're off balance.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    @ smittybuilt

    Get your elbows forward to make your forearm more vertical, this will keep your upper back much tighter and keep your torso more upright.

    Watch the squat form vids I posted a few posts above this by Brandon Lilly he covers this point multiple times.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Squat form check please. I began stronglifts 5x5 8 weeks ago. Attempting low bar style. My experience with squatting is very limited. The last time I was required to squat was in H.S. 10 years ago and I simply did just enough to get by without getting fussed at by the coaches. Thanks for the help!

    I wouldn't wiggle my pelvis forward and backward at the top of the movement like that... Not when there is a load on your spine.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    DopeItUp - I took the advice of Hendrix7 and focused on getting my elbows more vertical, and it seemed to help me sit back today, which also took some pressure off my knees.

    bumblebums - Lol, yea the wiggle. That was my Elvis hips! I toned it down a bit today and focused on still squeezing my glutes at the top without the hip thrust lol.

    I believe I was caught up thinking about squeezing my shoulder blades together, which in my head said, "point your elbows back." While trying to keep a tight back with elbows pointed back and my chest stuck out and up I was feeling a forward lean at times, and video confirmed.

    Today felt better just with adjusting my elbow position. Thanks for the replies ya'll!

    Side note: 8 weeks ago my squat work weight was 65 lbs. Today's work weight was 165 lbs.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    DopeItUp - I took the advice of Hendrix7 and focused on getting my elbows more vertical, and it seemed to help me sit back today, which also took some pressure off my knees.

    bumblebums - Lol, yea the wiggle. That was my Elvis hips! I toned it down a bit today and focused on still squeezing my glutes at the top without the hip thrust lol.

    I believe I was caught up thinking about squeezing my shoulder blades together, which in my head said, "point your elbows back." While trying to keep a tight back with elbows pointed back and my chest stuck out and up I was feeling a forward lean at times, and video confirmed.

    Today felt better just with adjusting my elbow position. Thanks for the replies ya'll!

    Side note: 8 weeks ago my squat work weight was 65 lbs. Today's work weight was 165 lbs.

    Kick *kitten*!