Daily Chat Thread



  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Welcome, Karen! Stage 1 B is a killer! Dig in it'll give you results.

    Going to Splash Town tonight. YAY for climbing stairs!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Just checking in after my weekend off. What a great weekend..I think I danced enough on Saturday night to make up for my lack of exercise the past week. I hurt all over, legs, hips, shoulders and even my toes...danced for hours in high heels..people remarked several times how much energy I have! Great to hear as I'm edging up on fifty :)

    Today is an errand day with lawn mowing as the exercise.

    Two weeks before the last long weekend of the summer.

    Can't wait to hit the gym again!

    Off to read all of your posts now..cheers.

    Dancing at 50?!!! You go, Girl!

    ahem.... young lady, I'll have you know us old folks dance and even lift weights! :laugh:
  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    thanks to some planning during my morning (yes, i meal plan at work...) and dinner prep during lunch at home, as well as all y'all telling me to just go, i now have some free time right after work in order to squeeze in some workout time. now let's just hope i can elbow my way through the crowds in order to be able to do what i want! 5 PM is definitely the busiest time of day at my gym! that's why i like to go at 5 AM! thanks y'all, for nudging me in that direction. i just need to go do it! i hope all of you are able to get in some you/gym time today too!

    speaking of old folks dancing, my husband's grandmother is 82 and in a tap dancing group called the classy ladies! they do performances all over central texas. i swear, the woman has more energy than most toddlers i know! they were even in the movie "bernie" if any of you have seen that.
  • BreMurie
    BreMurie Posts: 50 Member
    Bre and Amber, Welcome! You won't find us being mean. We'll be honest but with encouraging uplifting comments.

    Today is suppose to be leg and arm workout. Hubby isn't working from home again today. That workout is over an hour long. Maybe I can go later this afternoon.

    Sam, yes, I am extremely hard on myself. I am like what the other lady said--- pretty much hardcore or nothing at all. :frown:

    Bre, for years I was focused on scale weight BUT since I have been taking progress pics I don't care!!! :bigsmile: I haven't lost a single pound . I have lost 3 inches of belly fat!!!

    Thank you, that is very reassuring to hear!! Sadly, I'm on work out 6 of this plan and today my pants seemed to be tighter?! Hopefully just water weight.....
    I bumped up my calories this week to see if that maybe would help..
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,103 Member
    karenckohl - highly doubtful you could gain 5 lbs of muscle mass in a YEAR. (Women just do NOT put on muscle mass very quickly, frankly.) So, also highly likely you'll need to lose the bodyfat you mentioned in your last post.

    runzalot - do the stairs 2 times for ME, too! ;)

    suelegal - I'd bet if you walked around with any other women you're age, you'd be HIGHLY unusual for the muscles you're sporting! Good for you!!

    tartsul - glad to twist your rubber arm....you're gonna be better off for it!

    BreMurie - you're only on workout 6?? Please don't adjust your calories UPWARD! Not yet....oh please, no!!!!!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,103 Member
    Got my lifting in-and-done. 2 more sessions this week and then HOLIDAY TIME.

    When I'm back to full-on weight-training (won't be until later September, given the cataract surgery thing-a-ma-dooey), I think I'm going to try to go to the gym, everyday, but only do 2 sets of the exercises (rather than 3) and do 10 reps (rather than 8). I've been doing the same thing, now, for 8 weeks (will be 9 when I leave this weekend) and it's going to be time to CHANGE IT UP!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm sitting here on my couch forcing my eyes open, trying to figure out when and how to go to the gym today so I can do Zumba tomorrow. Today was full of running around and Dr. visits and it's my week to feel blah. I need to start taking vitamins again. After all the back and forth, I will try to nap now so I can workout when my son gets home at 7. hubby may be home by seven since it may rain,s o it may not matter. I will go. Beeps, you got two rubber arms with the one. (kids club closes at 8 so If i;m not there at 7 I can't finish my workout. I know that when I go in feeling tired I have to watch my weights so I don't lose concentration and hurt myself.

    Welcome to all of the new ladies!!

    Bre I can almost guarantee it's water, so don't panic yet. How much did you adjust calories by?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    No workout for me today :sad: Hopefully I can walk around the neighborhood this evening.

    Well, I wanted to post something meaningful but I forgot what it was. Maybe it wasn't so meaningful.:laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,103 Member
    samntha - if you go in feeling "tired", give yourself permission to do 2 sets (instead of 3), or some such thing. It will be "enough" for today!

    manic - you ALWAYS have good stuff to say....what's up?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I just crashed for an hour and half and I'm barely coherent. Lifting tomorrow and calling the Dr. Too. The hypersomnia is kicking my butt again. I've had to nap four days in a row.
  • karenckohl
    karenckohl Posts: 6 Member
    Beeps: Yeah, most likely not 5lbs of muscle, but I had very minimal muscle mass before getting pregnant. So with lifting I'm not sure what my ideal weight will be.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    OK get this! Am I weird or what?

    I had my yearly exam a couple weeks ago. For several years, I have complained of horrible PMS. Dr said one of my options was a hysterectomy. I thought for a few minutes and said , "I am not ready for that." Want to know my reasons? 1. I am a coupon shopper. I had just bought 6 boxes of tampons a couple weeks before 2. I knew that would mean no lifting for several weeks and didn't want to restart the process all over!

  • BreMurie
    BreMurie Posts: 50 Member
    I'm sitting here on my couch forcing my eyes open, trying to figure out when and how to go to the gym today so I can do Zumba tomorrow. Today was full of running around and Dr. visits and it's my week to feel blah. I need to start taking vitamins again. After all the back and forth, I will try to nap now so I can workout when my son gets home at 7. hubby may be home by seven since it may rain,s o it may not matter. I will go. Beeps, you got two rubber arms with the one. (kids club closes at 8 so If i;m not there at 7 I can't finish my workout. I know that when I go in feeling tired I have to watch my weights so I don't lose concentration and hurt myself.

    Welcome to all of the new ladies!!

    Bre I can almost guarantee it's water, so don't panic yet. How much did you adjust calories by?

    I changed my calories to go by what the book said... I was at 1500 calories but the book said to do your tdee, should I maybe go back to 1500?? I only did one day of bumped cals... :-/

    ETA my TDEE cal amount is 2030
  • karenckohl
    karenckohl Posts: 6 Member
    I'm sitting here on my couch forcing my eyes open, trying to figure out when and how to go to the gym today so I can do Zumba tomorrow. Today was full of running around and Dr. visits and it's my week to feel blah. I need to start taking vitamins again. After all the back and forth, I will try to nap now so I can workout when my son gets home at 7. hubby may be home by seven since it may rain,s o it may not matter. I will go. Beeps, you got two rubber arms with the one. (kids club closes at 8 so If i;m not there at 7 I can't finish my workout. I know that when I go in feeling tired I have to watch my weights so I don't lose concentration and hurt myself.

    Welcome to all of the new ladies!!

    Bre I can almost guarantee it's water, so don't panic yet. How much did you adjust calories by?

    I changed my calories to go by what the book said... I was at 1500 calories but the book said to do your tdee, should I maybe go back to 1500?? I only did one day of bumped cals... :-/

    ETA my TDEE cal amount is 2030

    I did a few days with 1500 plus added exercise calories and I was SO HUNGRY yesterday. I ate 900 calories over my TDEE (1995). So I think I'm going to shoot for more 1600-1900 depending how hard I exercise.
  • BreMurie
    BreMurie Posts: 50 Member
    I'm sitting here on my couch forcing my eyes open, trying to figure out when and how to go to the gym today so I can do Zumba tomorrow. Today was full of running around and Dr. visits and it's my week to feel blah. I need to start taking vitamins again. After all the back and forth, I will try to nap now so I can workout when my son gets home at 7. hubby may be home by seven since it may rain,s o it may not matter. I will go. Beeps, you got two rubber arms with the one. (kids club closes at 8 so If i;m not there at 7 I can't finish my workout. I know that when I go in feeling tired I have to watch my weights so I don't lose concentration and hurt myself.

    Welcome to all of the new ladies!!

    Bre I can almost guarantee it's water, so don't panic yet. How much did you adjust calories by?

    I changed my calories to go by what the book said... I was at 1500 calories but the book said to do your tdee, should I maybe go back to 1500?? I only did one day of bumped cals... :-/

    ETA my TDEE cal amount is 2030

    I did a few days with 1500 plus added exercise calories and I was SO HUNGRY yesterday. I ate 900 calories over my TDEE (1995). So I think I'm going to shoot for more 1600-1900 depending how hard I exercise.

    That's kind of how I was feeling, like I wanted to eat more... I just want to get my cals right, so if anybody has insight it'd be great! Last summer (before I found the message boards) I followed MFP suggestion of 1200 calories a day, and I was running 4-6 miles 3x weekly so I think I was at a serious calorie deficit, and felt my body did ZERO improving, and I feel it was hugely due to my starvation mode :-/ So I want to avoid that...
  • amber_michelle30
    amber_michelle30 Posts: 108 Member
    I decided to go to Zumba last night and am so glad I did! It was one heck of a workout.

    I do have a question for you ladies though...if I have quite a bit to lose, do you think 1700 calories is too much? I put on a pair of dress pants today and they weren't as loose as they were before. I love being at 1700 cause I get to eat A LOT and I love my food lol.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I've gained 4 lbs (131 to 135) since starting this program at the end of May. I started at 1800 calories and now I'm down to 1600 and not seeing any improvement over the last two weeks. Not even from the measuring tape.

    I have a couple of problems. I'm a teacher so I'm not nearly as active during the summer. Also, I don't have much to lose. My body weight is healthy but I'm guessing my BF % is around 29% which I'd like to reduce. I also need to be able to fit into my pants when school starts and they won't fit unless I weigh less than 135 lbs :indifferent: Weird stuff.

    When I started late in July last year, I ate 1200 for a couple of weeks and lost 5 lbs! I was also training for a half marathon. Even though I was steadily increasing my calories, I lost 10 lbs in a month. But I'm not training for a half this year...
  • amber_michelle30
    amber_michelle30 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm so confused because based off the book I averaged around 2200 I think, off scooby's they said a little over 1700. I've been eating that amount for about 2 months now. My job is pretty sedentary for a nurse. I sit at a desk the majority of the day, but I still workout 4-5 times a week. Before lifting I did only cardio and that's when I saw a lot of weight fall off.
    I do love lifting though, so I'm sticking to it regardless. The results I've seen from other women is enough to make me keep going:)

    That is awesome on your marathons...and being a teacher. Very rewarding career!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,103 Member
    Wow, so much (in my opinion) mis-information floating around here at mfp.

    You aren't in "starvation mode" if you eat 1,200 calories per day.

    If you are gaining weight, or you are maintaining your weight, you are not in a calorie deficit. Likely due to 2 factors:

    1. you over-estimate (in a BIG WAY), what calories you burn doing exercise (as in, you likely don't burn very much - discount it entirely); and
    2. you under-estimate the calories in the food you are eating (as in, without exact weighing/measuring, you're ingesting more calories than you think you are).

    I gained weight while on NROL4W. Why? Because I was eating too much. Very simple and there you have it.

    Nobody *likes* to hear that you are eating too much, but that's the plain-and-simple truth.

    Here's what I live by:

    1. eat at a calorie deficit to lose body fat;
    2. lift heavy free weights to change body shape.

    Those are my 2 "golden rules", and they should NOT be confused. Because they are NOT the same thing.
  • karenckohl
    karenckohl Posts: 6 Member
    It's not starvation mode to eat 1200 calories, but if you are doing heavy workouts you need to eat more to compensate. Especially protein for lifting and some good carbs for intense cardio.

    Also I think many people DO overestimate calories, however I measure and weigh everything I eat.

    I notice that my hunger fluctuates day to day so I try and stick to a calorie deficit for the entire week. Looking at the bigger picture can be more helpful in the long term.