Daily Check In Thread



  • cannie55
    cannie55 Posts: 74 Member
    Finished W6D3 today! I've completed this program before, but I had knee surgery this spring and I got fairly out of shape afterwards so I'm re-doing the program. It was really humid during my run which was rough, but I did 2.5 miles in 24:40!
  • stellalagerfeld
    Finally completed W3! It took me 3 months to get here since starting the c25k. =(

    I encountered all sorts of leg pains and has to stop a few times for weeks to allow my minor injuries to heal and figure out how to help them heal, I just hope my body has adjusted to getting some excercise now.

    Now for my next - and persistent challenge - waking up at 5am at least twice a week on weekdays to complete the program!
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    Just finished Wk4D1, it wasn't horrible but it wasn't as easy as week 3 seemed to be. Maybe it was because of the hills on this course. I'll have to try it on the flatter course on Thursday.
  • NarneyK
    NarneyK Posts: 264 Member
    Finished W7/D3 today. I'm thinking once I finish the program, I'll start it again at a higher speed. Right now I'm doing my runs at 5kph and need to be at 10kph to be able to do a 5K in 30 mins. I think I might restart at maybe a speed of 7.5 or 8. If I can do 30 mins at a speed of 5, surely I can do a minute and a half at 7.5 or 8 and build from there. Hope it works :)
  • kimstwin
    kimstwin Posts: 136 Member
    Week 8 complete! I guess now I will practice 30 minute runs for a week or two, then start using a 10k app!

    I have only a small idea of my distance and speed at this point, so I am thinking of using Runkeeper for some practice for the GPS feature.
  • tedforse
    tedforse Posts: 9 Member
    I just took a week off from running-- the first 3 days were because I had a lot of knee pain while running and I wanted to give it a break and then the next few days, I had scheduling issues and just couldn't fit it in. I was nervous heading out this morning and even though W6D3 was 22 minutes of running, I decided that I should repeat the run 10, walk 3, run 10 since I had been off. At the 10 minute mark, I was feeling good with no pain in my knee so I kept going. I ended up running 2 miles in 21 minutes. I was shocked-- my pace the last time that I ran was a 12 minute mile and in a week it dropped to 10:30. I am shocked and it is great motivation for keeping me going!
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I did Week 9, Day 2 of C210K today. I went a little over 4 miles total (ETA: it was 4.4), including the warm-up and cool downs. :smile:
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    Week 8 complete! I guess now I will practice 30 minute runs for a week or two, then start using a 10k app!

    I have only a small idea of my distance and speed at this point, so I am thinking of using Runkeeper for some practice for the GPS feature.

    You can probably just continue on with the c210k program. I am only 2 days in but I am not struggling with it at all. I was shocked when the first days distance ended up being 4 miles. But there are a couple of short walking intervals that really make it doable. Of course I am not fast...but I don't care at this point.

    I am probably going to short runs at least one or two times a week along with the c210k program, mainly because I want to get out more than 3 times a week while the weather is awesome! I guess those may help work on speed.
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    w4 d2 down! I slowed down my 5 minute runs from 5 mph to 4.5 mph and kept my 3 minute runs at 5. seemed to be a little more manageable but with the heat and not sweating, I still had a hard time going past 3 minutes (even at a slower pace). *frustrating* but hopefully my lungs will catch up. also my first shin splints. bah humbug :)
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    w4 d2 down! I slowed down my 5 minute runs from 5 mph to 4.5 mph and kept my 3 minute runs at 5. seemed to be a little more manageable but with the heat and not sweating, I still had a hard time going past 3 minutes (even at a slower pace). *frustrating* but hopefully my lungs will catch up. also my first shin splints. bah humbug :)

    I finished w4 day 2 today too! No idea how fast I'm going though. I figure as long as I make it through the times I'm doing ok :wink: Hopefully my husband will have taken the 1500 hints about a treadmill before the weather gets bad! Congrats to you!
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    I ran 1.56 miles on Monday!
    The most I have ever run before this was 1 mile indoors when I was 22 years old...and that was 17 years ago. After that I could barely run a block outdoors. I thought I was going to cry when I got home on Monday, I was so happy even if it was a slow run.

    I have a 5k in September and this was the first time I felt I will be able to do this.

    Running is addicting!
  • FlabFighter86
    FlabFighter86 Posts: 233 Member
    Just finished W6D2. Ran on an incline for pretty much the majority of the way. My most challenging run yet, but felt great afterwards. That's all the interval runs over with. Long runs from here on in. Can't wait to get started!
  • stellalagerfeld
    W4D1 down! I ran at 5am, now I'm at work and I'm tired!
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    After my wonderful run on Tuesday when I finally broke the 5K barrier, W8D2 today was a disaster.

    Headed out with the dog at 6am and did my 5min warm up walk, about 10mins into my run I felt my tummy cramp up with the dreaded IBS. Luckily I was doing loops in the woods by my house where it's cooler so less than10mins later I was in the house but it really ruined my run (should have been 28mins running).

    I'm going to repeat it tomorrow then do day 3 on Sunday and hopefully there'll be no more interuptions!
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    c210k W12D3 done! About 4 miles. I skipped a few days and went from W11D2 to W12D3 because the running intervals in week 12 were only 1 minute longer than in week 11 so it didn't really feel like an adjustment. It felt so great except for all the gnat clouds and spiderwebs. :grumble:
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    w4 d2 down! I slowed down my 5 minute runs from 5 mph to 4.5 mph and kept my 3 minute runs at 5. seemed to be a little more manageable but with the heat and not sweating, I still had a hard time going past 3 minutes (even at a slower pace). *frustrating* but hopefully my lungs will catch up. also my first shin splints. bah humbug :)

    I finished w4 day 2 today too! No idea how fast I'm going though. I figure as long as I make it through the times I'm doing ok :wink: Hopefully my husband will have taken the 1500 hints about a treadmill before the weather gets bad! Congrats to you!

    The speed is really not as important as just putting the time in. You can always do the program again and improve your speed/distance that way. I only know because I treadmill run (poor knees, hilly neighborhood that is very intimidating [think San Francisco like!]) but when I make the transition to track/outdoor runs, I have a list of BPM songs that will keep me at or around a 5 mph pace :) Although... I'm doing W4D3 tonight and still going to go for the 4.5 mph so I might have to just accept that or 4.7 as my top speed for my first go through C25k (which is fine by me! finishing one of these runs is a "win" for me!).

    Good luck to you and if you need help, maybe I can send a fitness machine catalog do your door. "I don't know how this got here honey... but let's buy one!" ;D
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    RunDouble Update I completed C25K Week 5 Day 2 (1.83 miles), in 21:00, pace 11:26 min/mile, with @RunDouble 1.83 miles in 21:00, speed 5.24 mph Total distance 2:38 miles at a pace of 13.01 min/mile Not as fast as my last one, but not a big deal as I finished and that is the important part! Looking forward (although apprehensive too) to the 20 minute run coming up next!!!
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I think it is great how everyone is at different levels of the program, yet we all get that sense of accomplishment after our runs!!! Love this program and I love being able to share each others victories!!! Great job everyone!!!
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Earlier today I said:
    After my wonderful run on Tuesday when I finally broke the 5K barrier, W8D2 today was a disaster.

    Headed out with the dog at 6am and did my 5min warm up walk, about 10mins into my run I felt my tummy cramp up with the dreaded IBS. Luckily I was doing loops in the woods by my house where it's cooler so less than10mins later I was in the house but it really ruined my run (should have been 28mins running).

    I'm going to repeat it tomorrow then do day 3 on Sunday and hopefully there'll be no more interuptions!

    Well scrap that! It had been bugging me all day that I had to abort a run - I've not had to do that during the whole programme so far; pause during a run interval yes, but actually cut it short? Nope!

    So after work, I put my running shoes back on, I went back out and re-run the session. It was quite hard going as it was hot, it had been a busy day at work and I'd already run just short of 20mins this morning but I completed the 28mins and I'm so proud of myself. Take it back a couple of months and I'd probably have quite happily looked for any excuse to avoid exercise.

    So definitely having a rest day tomorrow then W8D3 on Saturday so I can head into my graduation week on schedule :bigsmile:
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Earlier today I said:
    After my wonderful run on Tuesday when I finally broke the 5K barrier, W8D2 today was a disaster.

    Headed out with the dog at 6am and did my 5min warm up walk, about 10mins into my run I felt my tummy cramp up with the dreaded IBS. Luckily I was doing loops in the woods by my house where it's cooler so less than10mins later I was in the house but it really ruined my run (should have been 28mins running).

    I'm going to repeat it tomorrow then do day 3 on Sunday and hopefully there'll be no more interuptions!

    Well scrap that! It had been bugging me all day that I had to abort a run - I've not had to do that during the whole programme so far; pause during a run interval yes, but actually cut it short? Nope!

    So after work, I put my running shoes back on, I went back out and re-run the session. It was quite hard going as it was hot, it had been a busy day at work and I'd already run just short of 20mins this morning but I completed the 28mins and I'm so proud of myself. Take it back a couple of months and I'd probably have quite happily looked for any excuse to avoid exercise.

    So definitely having a rest day tomorrow then W8D3 on Saturday so I can head into my graduation week on schedule :bigsmile:

    That's awesome! Way to go!