Daily Check In Thread



  • BeingKevin
    BeingKevin Posts: 109 Member
    This morning I ran my first official 5K. Finished in 37:21 which was good for 604th out of 687 runners.

    I feel so damn good.

    Yahoo!!! Happy dancing for you!!! ;-) 83 runners behind you! plenty to feed a hungry heard of lions and a few tigers and bears as well!!! ;-) Congrats!

    Thank you very much!
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I was forced to skip my run this morning due to an injury and it is killing me. I umpire baseball and I took a foul ball off the inside of my thigh yesterday that left me with a pretty good bruise and charlie horse. Hoping the discomfort goes away so I can get back out there and run in a day or two.

    Congratulations to everyone else that is conquering your doubts and rocking the C25K. I never thought I could do it but once I got into the program and convinced myself I could do it, I graduated by running a 5K race on August 3rd in 28:30.

    Sounds painful!!! Maybe some walking to help keep circulation to the area without pushing it??? Congrats on your first 5k!!! That is awesome!
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I did it! WOO! W5D3. In the beginning of the program I could barely run a minute and now I ran 20 minutes straight without stopping! I can't even believe it. My pace wasn't great (12:56 for the run portions and 16 minute for walking) but I finished and that's really the important part. For everyone on the first few weeks, don't give up! You will feel amazing if you stick with the program.
    Great job!!!! It feels awesome doesn't it?!!! :-) {{{BIG Hi-5}}}
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all, I'm new. :)

    Finished W3D1 on Saturday. W3D2 is tomorrow. How is everyone doing?
    Welcome!!! Congrats on completing the first few weeks! Looking forward to following your success!!
  • tonybalony01
    tonybalony01 Posts: 613 Member
    W6D1 in the books. I actually finished the 5k with about 1 minute left to go on my cool down. :drinker:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I ran my first official 5k on Saturday!


    Time: 33:04.8
    Pace: 10:40
    Rank: 200 (out of almost 300) 11th (out of around 25) in my age group.

    That is a really good time for your first!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Week 6 day 1 done. It was hard! Partly because I had not recovered from my weekend. I did a lot of kayaking as well as some strength training this weekend, so I was TIRED before my run. 2.7 miles total in 34 minutes (including wu/cd, so not too bad. Got a notification as my first interval was supposed to start, so I missed the announcement and started running 30 seconds late, then had to stop as a loose dog started running at me. Stopped, he came up to me and I petted him, realized he wasn't aggressive and I jogged on! So some obstacles, but I plowed thorough! ;-)

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I did it! WOO! W5D3. In the beginning of the program I could barely run a minute and now I ran 20 minutes straight without stopping! I can't even believe it. My pace wasn't great (12:56 for the run portions and 16 minute for walking) but I finished and that's really the important part. For everyone on the first few weeks, don't give up! You will feel amazing if you stick with the program.

    Yay you! My recent runs have been slower than yours, so don't complain too much.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    This morning I ran my first official 5K. Finished in 37:21 which was good for 604th out of 687 runners.

    I feel so damn good.

    That is awesome!!!
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    This is my second try at C25K. I gave up after day 1 the first time bc I couldn't complete EACH lap. This time, I decided to go in w the thought that it's ok not to complete each one. I actually did complete each one this time! I ran verrrry slow, slower than my walking pace. LOL. But, I actually finished with a shorter time and more mileage than the first try. I'm hoping to go again tonight just to get into the habit.

    W1D1 Jan 27th: 1.09 miles / 16:59 min/mile
    W1D1 Aug 10th: 1.29 miles / 14:17 min/mile
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    Finished W1D2 today! While running (despite the short intervals), I felt a mix of wanting to die and excited.

    Afterwards I felt great and can't wait to get back out there. Mostly I can't wait until the wanting to die feeling goes away and I can run longer and better.
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    Finished W6 D3 today, three more weeks to go!! And I love that my breathing is more controlled now and I can actually say "good morning" to other runners I pass.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    This is my second try at C25K. I gave up after day 1 the first time bc I couldn't complete EACH lap. This time, I decided to go in w the thought that it's ok not to complete each one. I actually did complete each one this time! I ran verrrry slow, slower than my walking pace. LOL. But, I actually finished with a shorter time and more mileage than the first try. I'm hoping to go again tonight just to get into the habit.

    W1D1 Jan 27th: 1.09 miles / 16:59 min/mile
    W1D1 Aug 10th: 1.29 miles / 14:17 min/mile

    I think that is the key to being successful. To go SLOW. Once you got that down you are solid. :)

    I did week 9 day 2. 1 more day to go! I still need to work on pacing myself. I notice I start on too fast and am dying the first half, and then the second half I slow down and pace myself and own it.

    Edit. Also I just wanted to mention I gave up after day one the first time I tried this too. This is my second time around. So if I can finish it I have total faith you can too.
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    W5 D1, best run ever :) Not for speed but I just felt like I could've done the intervals over and over, it was amazing. If this is how running feels, sign me up for the long haul :) Took an extra long break due to weird injury (4 days) and I was actually craving running all weekend (what is wrong with me? what is wrong with me!). Was so nice to get on that dreadmill and enjoy it :D
  • locoducky
    locoducky Posts: 31 Member
    W9D1 complete - 2.49m in the 30mins according to my Garmin which was a wee bit slower than usual but I started off at a slower pace to ensure I completed without stopping.

    All in all, I'm happy with my progress and I've spent my morning off plotting new routes of 3.5miles to allow for warm up/cool down walks and hopefully 3.1miles of running in-between for when I graduate this week - or that's the plan! :)

    It's almost clichéd on here but as everyone says, it's surreal to think that a couple of months ago moving up to 90sec runs was daunting but now in the final week of the programme, 30minutes is completely doable even if I still have a comedy red face lol

    Thank you. I just FINALLY completed W3 and it was a struggle. I haven't given up, but I have noticed that I am not following the program like I was and my runs have gotten less and less (I realized I was just finding other ways to be active). My last day of week 3 I was actually able to do an incline and pick up the pace just slightly. I am scared about week 4 (because I don't feel like week 3 was all that easy, I was just able to toughen it up a little). Thank you all for reminding me that I will get better the more I try.
  • sadhanagopal
    sadhanagopal Posts: 24 Member
    I ran my w3d2 run today. I could ACTUALLY run for 3 mins straight. But it was not easy...by the end I thought I'd never hear her say the magic word 'walk' but still I did it!! Am a little worried about week 4 already but am determined to get it done!
  • ermer00
    ermer00 Posts: 8 Member
    Did the dreaded w5d3 today and found it fine. I even tacked on an extra couple mins of jogging at the end to equal 22mins because I didn't feel too bad and found a nice rhythm. Fingers crossed week 6 won't be too hard.
  • babyrover
    babyrover Posts: 51 Member
    Completed W6D1 ....found it to be difficult. My husband even commented that I was struggling more than he has seen since week 3. We are signed up for my first races on Sept 4th and Sept 7th for the NFL run series....So I will actually be running 5k's for W9D2 and W9D3.. its not about being first...just finishing!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I ran my w3d2 run today. I could ACTUALLY run for 3 mins straight. But it was not easy...by the end I thought I'd never hear her say the magic word 'walk' but still I did it!! Am a little worried about week 4 already but am determined to get it done!

    If you did week 3, you can do week 4! Way to go :)
  • NickeeCoco
    NickeeCoco Posts: 130
    Was supposed to have started W8D1 today, but somehow I ended up repeating W7D2. Didn't notice until after I finished the run and looked at my phone. Ah well. I did manage a 5.5 mph pace as opposed to 5.2, and I added an extra .11 miles onto it, so not too bad.