


  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have read that the ultra cushy padding in running shoes actually keeps your body from sensing the impact and prevents the subtle adjustments that it would otherwise make. I often think about this...but with my heavy weight, flat feet, plantar fasciitis, and inward roll, I am afraid to abandon my corrective shoes and inserts. But I do wonder...

    I have pretty much exact same list of issues (except mine is an outward roll instead of an inward roll), so I figure if I'm going to force my feet to go out running I should protect them as much as I can.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I have two pairs of vibram 5-fingers. One I've had for about 18 months and I wear pretty often and one that was a bit too tight when I got them and so I put them up for a bit and don't know where they are now. I love wearing the first pair as I feel like they cause all the muscles in my feet to work. They are great to wear at work after a run as they let me move and stretch my foot throughout the day more than conventional shoes do.

    I have worn them for two runs, neither of those more than 2 miles. You won't heel strike with them on because it hurts!

    I would wear them if I were running on sand or on unstable surfaces as you can feel more with them on and adjust better, but I prefer my regular running shoes for most of my runs.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I love wearing the first pair as I feel like they cause all the muscles in my feet to work. They are great to wear at work after a run as they let me move and stretch my foot throughout the day more than conventional shoes do.

    I have worn them for two runs, neither of those more than 2 miles. You won't heel strike with them on because it hurts!

    I would wear them if I were running on sand or on unstable surfaces as you can feel more with them on and adjust better, but I prefer my regular running shoes for most of my runs.

    This is what the guys in Big Peach say. They'll wear super-minimal around the store and for one mile runs, but they want something with a bit more protection for longer runs. My PureFlow2s have really helped strengthen my feet but I appreciate the padding on my longer runs. I think I'd need something more substantial though for a marathon. I might need something a bit more substantial as I get into longer runs, but we'll see about that.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    I need new shoes. It's tempting to try something different, especially because of the issues I have with my left foot. (I think my shoe lets the front of my foot splay out too much. I have developed a "V" between my 3rd and 4th toe.) But I don't know what.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I need new shoes. It's tempting to try something different, especially because of the issues I have with my left foot. (I think my shoe lets the front of my foot splay out too much. I have developed a "V" between my 3rd and 4th toe.) But I don't know what.

    I did switch shoes this year. Last year I used Brooks, but they just didn't fit my feet perfectly. They curved more than my foot did so I had to tie them pretty loosely or they'd rub on the side of my foot. Everyone I know who has gone to this particular running shoe store has walked out with Brooks so when I walked in and said not Brooks I almost stumped them. :smile: I ended up with Saucony and really like them - so much I bought a second pair so I have one for running and one for the gym.
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    Instead of starting a new thread I'm just gonna post here...

    I am in w11 of c210k and loving it. I have to force myself not to run every night. I have never been athletic at all and it feels great to finally find some exercise that I look forward to doing. However my knees are starting to hurt and I'm getting worried....

    about 4 weeks I fell and twisted my knee (unrelated to running)...I took a short break, but then got right back into my routine. Over the last couple of weeks I have been woken up at night by my other knee throbbing. I am thinking this is due to the running - possibly over compensating when the first was sore.

    Both knees feel great during the day and when I am running. It is only after I have been resting for a while (or the middle of the night) when they hurt.

    I know you all aren't docs..but does anyone have any experience/advice when it comes to knees and running?
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Instead of starting a new thread I'm just gonna post here...

    I am in w11 of c210k and loving it. I have to force myself not to run every night. I have never been athletic at all and it feels great to finally find some exercise that I look forward to doing. However my knees are starting to hurt and I'm getting worried....

    about 4 weeks I fell and twisted my knee (unrelated to running)...I took a short break, but then got right back into my routine. Over the last couple of weeks I have been woken up at night by my other knee throbbing. I am thinking this is due to the running - possibly over compensating when the first was sore.

    Both knees feel great during the day and when I am running. It is only after I have been resting for a while (or the middle of the night) when they hurt.

    I know you all aren't docs..but does anyone have any experience/advice when it comes to knees and running?

    Does your other knee throb every night, or just on the nights when you ran that day?
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    I wish I knew and could help, stlarenas. My knees hurt sometimes, but not throbbing. It's more soreness when I bend them. My first thought was to wonder if you had changed running surface or shoes. Like maybe from treadmill or trail to road? And how is your form? At first when I started running longer, I would slump at the end of my longer runs because I was pushing too fast and flaming out hard. That bad form in the last mile or so, was hurting me. And I think my stride rate was too low. Working on improving my cadence and form seems to have cut back my soreness. I try to keep my strides shorter and quicker, turning over more strides per minute. I also focus on keeping my core engaged and keeping myself pulled up and out of my hips...and I try to land on the mid-foot, not my heels. It seems to have smoothed out some of my pains. Proper warm up and cooling down and stretching make a huge difference too. It's hard for me to be patient and do each of those steps especially because my run time is often limited, but I force myself to do it. When I don't, I pay. I don't know if any of that applies to your situation..but I hope you get your knees figured out. :-)
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I have had problems with my knees including throbbing in my knees after running. It was caused by swelling inside my knee joints. I found out the hard way not to ignore it and ended up having to take 5 weeks off running. I would maybe take a few days off and give your legs a good rest and check out some knee strengthening exercises, there are plenty of websites with great advice. If you are running on the road maybe look at running on a softer surface for some of your runs. Also a good stretching program, especially post running, has made a big difference for me also, I used to have all kinds of aches and pains and shin splints but since I started stretching I haven't had any pains at all.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I had a horrible but great training run today. It was my first 10k run since June and I've been building up my distance quicker than I should, but I've paid for my race and I really want to take part. My target time for my run was 1 hour 20 minutes, I was planning taking the first 5k easy and picking up the pace on the way back. I had mapped out a new route last night through a private estate near where I live. The first 2km went okay then I came to the castle grounds and there was a No Through Road sign so I had to take a diversion up a steep hill, about half way up I started feeling light headed and had to walk, I went round a bend and it got even steeper and even walking to the top was a struggle. Once at the top I ran for another km then had to take another walking break as my thighs were still burning. I eventually ran down a steep hill back onto my original route. On the way back I managed to run up the steep hill, it wasn't as hard as the one on the way out. At this point I was really glad I had stuffed a Capri Sun in my bra (thanks Varda!) At this point I wasn't bothered about my time I just wanted to finish, but when I got to 9km and my time was 1 hour 13 minutes I thought, I can do this! And I sprinted the last km and finished in 1 hour 19 minutes and 57 seconds!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    That is incredible!!! So awesome, I can hardly stand it!!!! You really rock! And did I read correctly?!?? You had a Capri Sun tucked in your bra?!?!?!!!! You know you are a runner when... And Varda does this too? Doesn]t that chafe? LOL!
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Woohoo!! congratulations on not only finishing it but doing it within the time goal you'd set yourself. That's an amazing fight back, not sure I'd have the determination but I'll try and remember your run if I feel like packing it in half way anytime :)
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    That is incredible!!! So awesome, I can hardly stand it!!!! You really rock! And did I read correctly?!?? You had a Capri Sun tucked in your bra?!?!?!!!! You know you are a runner when... And Varda does this too? Doesn]t that chafe? LOL!

    Thanks, it did chafe a bit, I have lovely red vertical stripes, they match the horizontal ones from the other day when I hadn't adjusted my running bra properly, lol! If I did it again I would definitely double bra. Body temperature Capri Sun had never tasted so good!

    Thank you Yamsteroo, I did feel like packing it in at halfway but I was so far from my car it would have taken ages to walk back, lol. I just kept pushing on and finally got my second wind, the final km was actually the easiest, I ran it in 6:31, my slowest was running up the hill on the way back and it was 9:29.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    All those obstacles and you still came in 3 seconds under goal. That's fantastic! Never thought of tucking a beverage into my bra but really that's kind of brilliant.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Rock on Romy. You're awesome!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Woohoo!! congratulations on not only finishing it but doing it within the time goal you'd set yourself. That's an amazing fight back, not sure I'd have the determination but I'll try and remember your run if I feel like packing it in half way anytime :)

    Yes! I will be remembering it when I feel like packing it in too! Thanks, Romy! But I think I will look into fuel belts for refreshment, LOL!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Congratulations on the run, romy! I got tired just reading about it!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I put them in upside down. You are a tiger, Romy!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Almost had a great training run today. Would have been perfect if my running app hadn't crashed just after 4km leaving me to run on past 5km and running myself almost to a standstill up a steep hill. I eventually checked my app as I was sure I had run farther than I should. It crashed again just after 7km so my splits were all wrong but my overall time was correct at 72 minutes so I was really pleased with that. Don't usually have problems with my app, but there was a lot of tree cover and humidity was 98% so I don't know if that was a factor.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Almost had a great training run today. Would have been perfect if my running app hadn't crashed just after 4km leaving me to run on past 5km and running myself almost to a standstill up a steep hill. I eventually checked my app as I was sure I had run farther than I should. It crashed again just after 7km so my splits were all wrong but my overall time was correct at 72 minutes so I was really pleased with that. Don't usually have problems with my app, but there was a lot of tree cover and humidity was 98% so I don't know if that was a factor.

    7K in 72 minutes - that's amazing. Great run!!!