Daily Check In Thread



  • rhonderoo
    rhonderoo Posts: 145 Member
    Week 5, Day 2 is tonight! I am a little nervous about Day 3, as it's 20 min straight. I'm so slow, it doesn't matter though. When I'm done with this 9 weeks, I'm going to work on getting faster. Any recommendations?
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Just did W9D1, I ran 2.05miles in the 30minutes. THEN I ran for another 18 minutes to finish off 5K. I ran 5K for the first time in 48 minutes! I am so thrilled with myself! Now to just get faster. I have a question. I am going to run my first 5K race in a week, how many days should I not run before the race? I thought I would finish W9D2 on Wed and W9D3 on Friday, then not run again until my race Monday.

    CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's awesome!!!
  • NarneyK
    NarneyK Posts: 264 Member
    Great job NarneyK!!! Are you ready to graduate next week?

    Thanks Mtdewaddict80! I'm at a slower pace so I have a long way to go before I can run 5K nonstop, but I'm gonna do my best to get there soon. I'm at a little less than 2.5k in 30 mins. I'm thinking about possibly restarting the program but at a higher speed. Tmw I'll do my week 9 and if I feel strong, I'll try to do what grubb1019 did and keep running past 30 mins :D

    Keep up the great work everyone! :D
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    Today my run was a bit slower, my legs were still tired from yesterday's bike ride. A few weeks back I went to jog.fm to figure out which songs in my library would work for my pace. I only run with one ear bud in so I can hear my environment as well. I was running up a steep hill when the heavy breathing in the song Hungry Like the Wolf was on (yes I'm an 80s kid). I was zoning out and when I heard the heavy breathing I thought it was me and told myself I needed to slow down. It took me a minute to realize that it was the song and not me :)

    1.85 miles, 25 min, 13:30 min/mile 4.45 mph

    Including warm up and cool down
    2.44 miles, 35 min, 14:19 min/mile
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I completed Zen Labs c210k W13D3 this morning. It's been over a week since my last run, but I managed. My pace slowed to 14:18/mile, but I did it, and I didn't take an extra walk break on the tough hill. My app has decided that it no longer likes to work if I turn on MapMyRun so I start it for the warm-up timing, and when it tells me to start running, I start MMR to track distance and pace of the actual running portion. Then I know to watch the time once I'm past 2 miles so I can take the walk break. It was a little late again today (I think the first interval ended up being around 31 or 32 minutes instead of 30, no biggie), but after the 1 minute walk, I continued to the second interval and did 30 minutes. I ended up with a total of 4.32 miles.

    Hopefully I can drag my butt out of bed Thursday morning to get in my first full 60-minute run! Thursday should start my last week of c210k!!! I can't believe how fast this has gone and how much I now love to run!

    I think since I'm still so short of 10k, I'm going to do a Runner's World personalized plan to increase my distance to about 10 miles, then switch to Hal Higdon's half-marathon training. Gotta get ready for the Princess half* in Feb 2015! :happy:

    *Note: I'm trying to raise money so I can actually do the Princess half because I'm poor and have to pay a s***-ton in student loan bills every month. I can't post the link here because I think it violates MFP's forum rules so if anyone would like info on donating, PM me. If I can't do it for some reason or have extra donations, I'll contact donors to return money or donate to a charity - I will not keep any donations for myself.
  • DeadsAndDoritos
    DeadsAndDoritos Posts: 267 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice. I went ahead and did W7D3 and it went fine. Must have just been having a bad day on W7D2. Feeling intimidated about starting week 8 and adding another 3 minutes to my running time but it always seems daunting and somehow I manage it so hopefully it will be ok. :smile:
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    UHG!!! Not happy with how my run went today. Statistically it is right where I am supposed to be, but physically/emotionally I don't have that sense of accomplishment. Probably because I have changed my expectations of myself. See, I ran a 5k on Saturday and it was a breeze. I felt like I could have run a lot more. But today was totally different. My legs still felt tired from Saturday (which I don't understand as I didn't get DOMS after the 5k, and I rested 2.5 days). But I got out and ran this morning and from the start I just felt weak and tired. I had a good breakfast before I left. (hold on, I think I just figured out the problem)

    Here are my stats: RunDouble Update
    I completed C25K Week 8 Day 1 (2.41 miles), in 28:00, pace 11:36 min/mile, with @RunDouble
    2.41 miles in 28:00, speed 5.17 mph

    Stats are statistically good, but I am unhappy with them.

    As I mentioned I felt weak before I even started. I would think it was a lazy brain issue, but that isn't it. I think I know my problem. 1. I was running pushing the stroller today which adds resistance. I did not push the stroller on Saturday. 2. I had a good breakfast today, but the difference is calorie consumption the day before. I missed way too many calories yesterday, so my body did not have any easily accessible energy stores, especially considering I didn't have many carbs for breakfast.

    So the real problem is fuel, not mental.

    Which really brings along a totally different problem. I have not lost any weight in 12 days. It is playing mental games with me, and I think that is why I didn't eat enough calories yesterday. I know people will say "but you are exchanging fat for muscle" and that would explain it, if I were losing inches, but I am not. So the calorie consumption is mental, and causing me to cut back further, which is starving my body for the fuel it needs to run! :-(

    The solution? Eat more, to fuel the body, but what about the weight loss? I have heard of the eat more to lose weight theory, and it sounds right, but I can't get over the "fear" of not meeting my goals.
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    @Chantels1 I keep on bouncing between 202 and 204 and it's super annoying so I feel your pain. Maybe you should take a look at one the the TDEE websites and calculate your TDEE and then eat 20% less. It might help you break out of your rut.

    That being said: Fueling your body for the work that you are doing is more important than a number on a scale. Try adding in some extra calories into your normal foods. Full fat milk or cheese, avocados, nuts, pb, a little more rice with your stir fry. Stuff like that. I have a BodyMedia so I know what my average daily expenditure is when my day starts and then I can see exactly where I fall either above or below it as my day progresses. I try to eat 500 calories less then what I burn on most days. Some days I eat closer to what I burn because I'm feeling hungry on that day.
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    Finshed week 3 day 2. Right in the middle of it, my stomach said I HATE YOU!!! It slowed me down a lot. I did finish it though.
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    Week 5, Day 2 is tonight! I am a little nervous about Day 3, as it's 20 min straight. I'm so slow, it doesn't matter though. When I'm done with this 9 weeks, I'm going to work on getting faster. Any recommendations?

    As your ticker says, "Just keep moving". Don't worry about how fast. :-) You've got this!!!
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    WK8D1 is not my friend. More like Alan Rickman then Morgan Freeman. I'm thinking it was a lack of proper hydration on my part and a ton of humidity on mother natures part. 65% is probably peanuts to people elsewhere but here in San Diego it's just not normal. Hoping to catch a break in the weather on Thursday.
    On the bright side I did manage to shuffle my way through almost 2 miles and 28 minutes of running today. Which looking back on the last few years of couchdom is amazing!
  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    I finished Week 2, Day 1 last night and I feel so good. In the past I always ran on the treadmill inside and I'm a morning person so the mornings are easier for me. This past Sunday I ran outside (early morning) and it was just beautiful. Just the quiet and the beautiful morning did something for me mentally that I can't explain. Last night I figured I would run outside once my husband was home from work. The problem for me is that in the evenings I am soooo tired and I even lay in bed with my son for a few minutes wondering if I had the energy to do it.

    I've found that for me getting on my workout clothes and going outside the front door is so much harder for me than the actual workout. So now I tell myself that I will do that, get the clothes on and get outside and if I still feel that I cant do it I'll come back in. Works EVERY time. Once I am outside that door I am pumped. Running outside last night was just so fun once I got going. Cannot wait for Week 2, Day 2.
  • hlsc
    hlsc Posts: 66 Member
    After 3 weeks off due to bruised side of foot and a cold, I start right back on Monday (W5D1). I made it through and did W5D2 today. I was pretty pleased about running the full 8 minutes in each. Let's see how my 20 minute run goes on Friday. This is my second time through C25K. I was doing it to increase speed, but I don't think I'm any faster yet. Oh well...keep on going :wink:
  • DesireeNL
    DesireeNL Posts: 220 Member
    I'm posting here cause I need a little boost! Ran W4D3 Tuesday last week, went hiking on Wednesday and again on Sunday. I was planning to start W5D1 on Monday but didn't. Now it's Wednesday and I'm telling myself I could also do it tomorrow.. I'm not sure what happened to my motivation, I think it's hiding somewhere!

    On a brighter note, I bought a dress yesterday :-) I actually wore a dress for the first time in a decade about 6 weeks ago for a wedding party. The one I got yesterday is more casual. It was so weird to see myself like that in the mirror, and even more that I liked what I saw. I have to tweak the dress a little bit since I'm 5' and the average woman here is 5'5"-5'6", but I'm pretty happy with it :-)
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    A two-day rest really helps me. It was either that, the fact that I paced myself better, or the fact that I wasn't running on a route that has an incline. My normal route always has me running on an incline on the last 3-minute run. Not fun. lol. I did so well that I repeated today's plan again and wasn't dying like I was on the previous runs. So ready for wk 4. Can't wait to see if I can do it.

    W3D2 (attempt 1)
    w wu and cd: 28 mins - 1.84 miles - avg 3.9 mph - longest: .26 miles - fastest: 5.2 mph
    w/o wu and cd: 18 mins - 1.27 miles - avg 4.2 mph

    attempt 2-
    w wu and cd: 28 mins - 1.79 miles - avg 3.8 mph - longest: .23 miles - fastest: 4.9 mph
    w/o wu and cd: 18 mins - 1.22 miles - avg 4.1 mph
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    yes I'm an 80s kid
    Me, too! :bigsmile:
    I was zoning out and when I heard the heavy breathing I thought it was me and told myself I needed to slow down. It took me a minute to realize that it was the song and not me :) W7D2
    1.85 miles, 25 min, 13:30 min/mile 4.45 mph

    Including warm up and cool down
    2.44 miles, 35 min, 14:19 min/mile
    You were REALLY zoned out, then. :laugh:
    Nice time/stats.
    Just did W9D1, I ran 2.05miles in the 30minutes. THEN I ran for another 18 minutes to finish off 5K. I ran 5K for the first time in 48 minutes! I am so thrilled with myself!
    Yaay. Good job. You're almost done!
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Day 2, Week 12 of C210K today. I broke 5 miles again, and this run was better than Monday's run. :smile:
  • Putcake
    Putcake Posts: 93 Member
    Today's lunch run was Week 3, Day 2. I thought I would beat the rain, but during the cool down when it started pouring. I was worried at first, but then just enjoyed the walk in the rain. It felt really nice and cool. And I reminded myself - you just ran two 3 minute sets!!!! So proud of how far I've come in just a few weeks!
  • AmandaForKeeps
    AmandaForKeeps Posts: 47 Member
    x-post from the august challenge thread, but since I won't finish c25k in August, I thought I'd post here, too :)

    I did w3d1 today. Very humid out but the run part was nice. I was going pretty slow at the very end, but I'm excited at how this program is going so far. I listened to music for the first time today, too. Just used pandora, so not sure about the bpm, but it did make the route seem shorter. The next couple of days are suppose to be thunderstormy and then the weekend is so busy, but I hope to get w3 done before Labor Day!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    so proud of everyone!

    I'm doing W5D2 tonight - I have decided ibuprofen BEFORE (instead of after) as well as magic jelly beans for energy (they are really awesome!) https://www.jellybelly.com/product/76, were the magic ticket for me W5D1, so I'm going to combine that tonight and see how I go... also, turning on the GPS tracker BEFORE you take off usually helps. I had the best run EVER Monday and forgot to start timing it till I was 10 minutes in !*@&!~$!. I probably had an awesome time and would have gotten an e-trophy if I could work my phone. (Face slap)