Daily Check In Thread



  • babyrover
    babyrover Posts: 51 Member
    Have not completely completed the program was through W7D2 when my 5k came up. Ran/walked the NFL 5K Run Series for the Ravens last night. Ran 70% of the time and completed in under an hour (which is great for this old lady) I can only get better from here and have my next chance to improve on Saturday morning in the NFL 5K run series for the Redskins.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I woke up really early today so I decided to try a morning run rather than night as usual. It wasn't my best run but I got it done.

    Any tips for training yourself to run better in the mornings and afternoons if you usually have much more energy and do better workouts at night? Most races are in the daytime so I'd ideally like to be more able to last during the day.

    Anyway, W4D3 complete.
  • badwolfIO
    badwolfIO Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm very new to this group but I would like to have some new friends and support group. I'm up to Week 2 Day 2 and so far, pretty good. (although, I decided to do week 1 twice just to make sure I was doing things right).
    I did something crazy yesterday. I signed up for a 5km run on New Year's Day! I've NEVER ran before this in my life.
    So. There's my goal. Could use some cheerleaders.
    Lots of great info in these threads! Thanks!
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Great work everyone!

    I just did W7D2 and seem to be increasing the distance, even though I don't feel like the speed is increasing considerably; must be doing something right. It's beginning to be the perfect opportunity to practice mindfulness without meditating, because my mind wanders and it's hard to steer the thoughts sometimes.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm very new to this group but I would like to have some new friends and support group. I'm up to Week 2 Day 2 and so far, pretty good. (although, I decided to do week 1 twice just to make sure I was doing things right).
    I did something crazy yesterday. I signed up for a 5km run on New Year's Day! I've NEVER ran before this in my life.
    So. There's my goal. Could use some cheerleaders.
    Lots of great info in these threads! Thanks!
    Welcome! I think most of us haven't run before, but the programme is so good that a huge number stick with it. I'll post a Virtual 5K thread for the last week of this month (23.-29.9.) and most likely again a month later if there's interest, so you can join to get a feel for the distance. I walked through the whole 5 km and got a starting point in walking only. Next time I'll probably do a mix of running and walking, because if all goes according to plan, I'll have finished W9 the week before that.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm very new to this group but I would like to have some new friends and support group. I'm up to Week 2 Day 2 and so far, pretty good. (although, I decided to do week 1 twice just to make sure I was doing things right).
    I did something crazy yesterday. I signed up for a 5km run on New Year's Day! I've NEVER ran before this in my life.
    So. There's my goal. Could use some cheerleaders.
    Lots of great info in these threads! Thanks!

    If you stick to the programme, by New Years Day you'll be able to run 5k and some! It really does work to turn non-runners into runners.

    This place is a font of information and everyone is very friendly so post your runs on the Daily Check In thread, and ask away if you've any questions as there's always loads of more experienced runners around to help - at least that's how I made it through :)
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I woke up really early today so I decided to try a morning run rather than night as usual. It wasn't my best run but I got it done.

    Any tips for training yourself to run better in the mornings and afternoons if you usually have much more energy and do better workouts at night? Most races are in the daytime so I'd ideally like to be more able to last during the day.

    Anyway, W4D3 complete.

    I wish I knew - I'm the opposite, can run not too bad in the morning even on an empty stomach with just a drink of water before I head off but in the evenings, nope! Feet of lead and breathing like a wounded rhino. Maybe, as new runners, it's something we need to keep at in order to adapt?
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Did W8D1 of C25K today. I'm so close to finish line I can almost taste it!
    Good job.
    Did W6D2 this morning - Hooray! But I do wish this hot and humid weather would go away!!!

    Happy that I carried on and completed each of the 10 minute runs.
    I'm excited for you! Good luck. :bigsmile:
    I am on W2D2. I am sure I am not getting the distance in that others do, but feeling accomplished to just be moving forward. I am so slow, but never thought I could run. I found I was running too fast and once I slowed down I could do the intervals. Love seeing my body improve from what it couldn't do two weeks ago!
    Everyone's different and were different activity levels before starting, so I don't really compare my speed to anyone else's. If I did, I would have given up lonnng ago. :smile:
    I suck at following the program. So far i have done:
    W1d?- made up own intervals as i left my phone at home
    :laugh: Hey, at least you tried even without your phone. You're very determined and that will get you far in the program.
  • Putcake
    Putcake Posts: 93 Member
    Yeah for holiday weeks - it's already Thursday!

    I finished Week 4, Day 3 today. I'll start Week 5 on Saturday. Still recovering from a nasty blister from Tuesday's run (forgetting socks plus running an unfamiliar nature trail), but I stuck it out.

    Yesterday was my cancer-versary - a year since I was diagnosed. A year ago today, I was getting multiple MRI/CT Scans. And today, I finished Week 4 of C25K! I can't believe it. I mentioned to some friends that I was so worried about what cancer was going to take away from me. I had no idea that it would change my mindset for the better. I'm stronger than I was a year ago. I'm more emotionally healthy than I was a year ago. I'm training for a freakin' 5K!!! Wow - what a difference a year makes!
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Yeah for holiday weeks - it's already Thursday!

    I finished Week 4, Day 3 today. I'll start Week 5 on Saturday. Still recovering from a nasty blister from Tuesday's run (forgetting socks plus running an unfamiliar nature trail), but I stuck it out.

    Yesterday was my cancer-versary - a year since I was diagnosed. A year ago today, I was getting multiple MRI/CT Scans. And today, I finished Week 4 of C25K! I can't believe it. I mentioned to some friends that I was so worried about what cancer was going to take away from me. I had no idea that it would change my mindset for the better. I'm stronger than I was a year ago. I'm more emotionally healthy than I was a year ago. I'm training for a freakin' 5K!!! Wow - what a difference a year makes!

    Glad that you're healthy. :flowerforyou:
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    W7D2 this morning- I felt kind of sluggish and awkward until about minute 18 of the run, then it was all good.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Yeah for holiday weeks - it's already Thursday!

    I finished Week 4, Day 3 today. I'll start Week 5 on Saturday. Still recovering from a nasty blister from Tuesday's run (forgetting socks plus running an unfamiliar nature trail), but I stuck it out.

    Yesterday was my cancer-versary - a year since I was diagnosed. A year ago today, I was getting multiple MRI/CT Scans. And today, I finished Week 4 of C25K! I can't believe it. I mentioned to some friends that I was so worried about what cancer was going to take away from me. I had no idea that it would change my mindset for the better. I'm stronger than I was a year ago. I'm more emotionally healthy than I was a year ago. I'm training for a freakin' 5K!!! Wow - what a difference a year makes!

    Congratulations! That's great news.... So wonderful to hear!

    I did w6d2 yesterday in 65% humidity at 90 degrees. I wanted to stop about halfway through both of the 10 minute periods. It instead pushed through. Felt like a snail pace, but I kept it moving! tried to extend my stride every once in a while to tell myself I was making progress, seemed to work a bit to change up my mindset from "omg I want to just crawl the rest of the way home" ;) some days you just don't have it, but that makes the good days even sweeter!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    W1d2 down. I did find a slightly better route. :). The up hills were hard, I was going very slowly. I kept a decent pace on the flats. Happily I found a nearby street with a very slight inline. I might use this one for the next few weeks. Run up and walk down. I think it is just about the perfect length for a 60 sec jog.

    There is only one problem. Today I was on edge and didn't have much appetite. When I got home I hardly felt like eating and I am way under calories. Intense exercise suppresses my appetite as well.

    I am sure I will catch up over the weekend.

    Note 2? Week 1 is easier than expected. Hmm we'll see how the rest go :D
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member

    Yesterday was my cancer-versary - a year since I was diagnosed. A year ago today, I was getting multiple MRI/CT Scans. And today, I finished Week 4 of C25K! I can't believe it. I mentioned to some friends that I was so worried about what cancer was going to take away from me. I had no idea that it would change my mindset for the better. I'm stronger than I was a year ago. I'm more emotionally healthy than I was a year ago. I'm training for a freakin' 5K!!! Wow - what a difference a year makes!

  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    W1d2 down. I did find a slightly better route. :). The up hills were hard, I was going very slowly. I kept a decent pace on the flats. Happily I found a nearby street with a very slight inline. I might use this one for the next few weeks. Run up and walk down. I think it is just about the perfect length for a 60 sec jog.

    There is only one problem. Today I was on edge and didn't have much appetite. When I got home I hardly felt like eating and I am way under calories. Intense exercise suppresses my appetite as well.

    I am sure I will catch up over the weekend.

    Note 2? Week 1 is easier than expected. Hmm we'll see how the rest go :D

    I think it was only the excitement of starting something new that got me through week 1 - physically it nearly killed me lol

    Don't worry about going slowly, the important thing is finishing each interval as then you get to feel smug that you've done it :bigsmile:
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    I completed C25K Week 3 Day 3 (1.65 miles), in 15:00, pace 09:06 min/mile, with @RunDouble
    1.65 miles in 15:00, speed 6.59 mph

    W3D3 is in the books...looking forward to week 3 which starts Monday. Felt pretty good this morning, I don't have anyone nearby to measure my progress, but I think I am moving along well.

    On to week 4!!!!
  • badwolfIO
    badwolfIO Posts: 74 Member
    Way to go @joedfro!
    I'm pleased to move onto W3D1 today! It was challenging but great!
    Love the cold weather here this morning! (7C/45F). Can't believe it's here!
    Does anyone else struggle with only running every other day? I 'want' to get up every morning and do it, but I don't want to burn out.
    Good thing for the brisk dog walk on the off days.
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    Finished week 8 last night. Dusk is a beautiful time of day to run around the small lake at the park. The pink sky reflecting in the water, all the kids playing baseball and football, I even got to listen to a guy playing the bagpipes. It was a very refreshing run.

    2.26 miles, 28 min, 12:24 min/mile 4.84 mph

    Including warm up and cool down
    2.85 miles, 38 min, 13:21 min/mile
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    @badwolf....can't wait til it cools down here myself...been running at 5 in the morning, close to 70F...and like you , I feel like running everyday, but the old man legs let me know that I should wait :)....

    nice run rindy

    oh, i am starting week 4 next monday, not week 3
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    W3D3 knocked over today. Almost decided to skip it after I ddi 30 or so minutes of round yard work with our yearling gelding this arvo before hand, but decided not to skip.
    4.8km in 36:31 including WU/CD average pace 7:36/km
    Run pace 6:31/km
    Walk Pace 8:34/km

    I felt good during the first part and had to actually slow my pace so I didn't burn out during the initial two runs, During my last run I found out just how much the music you listen to can effect your pace, as a good rhythm came on and I went from shuffling, to extending out my stride and really powering on. Felt like it nearly killed me, but felt good at the same time!

    @badwolf - I take my dogs for a 2km walk/run every morning (mon - fri) and that seems to satisfy the urge to run on off days for me.
    Not looking forward to the hotter weather here, but I guess I need to get used to it.
  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    I finished Week 3, Day 2 last night. I've really started to LOVE this program. I used to run years ago and always on the treadmill. I am finding that I love running outside so much that I will never run inside again.

    For some reason my run last night seemed much easier than my Week 3, Day 1 run even though it was really the same run, I guess I just felt better.

    I may run again tonight only because I really really want to run on Sunday morning and then tomorrow could be my rest day. For me my Sunday morning is my favorite, streets are so quiet and the sun is shining. Love being outside this time of year.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I finished Week 3, Day 2 last night. I've really started to LOVE this program. I used to run years ago and always on the treadmill. I am finding that I love running outside so much that I will never run inside again.

    For some reason my run last night seemed much easier than my Week 3, Day 1 run even though it was really the same run, I guess I just felt better.

    I may run again tonight only because I really really want to run on Sunday morning and then tomorrow could be my rest day. For me my Sunday morning is my favorite, streets are so quiet and the sun is shining. Love being outside this time of year.

    Skip running again tonight and just go out Sunday, the rest days are important when you're starting up. I've read somewher that the human body is more than capable of running itself to injury without any training at all.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member

    Does anyone else struggle with only running every other day? I 'want' to get up every morning and do it, but I don't want to burn out.
    Good thing for the brisk dog walk on the off days.

    Yes, especially when I'm close to the end of the wk and it's time to start another wk w longer intervals.
  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    I finished Week 3, Day 2 last night. I've really started to LOVE this program. I used to run years ago and always on the treadmill. I am finding that I love running outside so much that I will never run inside again.

    For some reason my run last night seemed much easier than my Week 3, Day 1 run even though it was really the same run, I guess I just felt better.

    I may run again tonight only because I really really want to run on Sunday morning and then tomorrow could be my rest day. For me my Sunday morning is my favorite, streets are so quiet and the sun is shining. Love being outside this time of year.

    Skip running again tonight and just go out Sunday, the rest days are important when you're starting up. I've read somewher that the human body is more than capable of running itself to injury without any training at all.

    Thanks, you are probably right. Even though my mind wants to do it again tonight because it was fun my body probably does need the rest. My calves felt tight after running last night so I did stretch well. I cannot run tomorrow, husband at work all day into late evening but yes I think I will wait until Sunday:)
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    Great job @babyrover and @joe. Welcome @wolf! :)

    @Putcake - congratulations! Feels weird to congratulate you for half of that statement but I'm so glad you turned it into a positive and are making big changes, that is amazing and truly inspirational :)

    As for myself - w7d2 down and oh what a hellish run it was this morning. Super hungry from being hungry before bed last night but if I eat within 2 hours of my run (even a string cheese!) I get nauseous. Turns out if I don't eat for 8-12 hours before a run, I also get nauseous :p Super lame. Off for a long-ish weekend but running again Sunday for w8! Almost done w/ the program, it's crazy! Then I get to work on increasing my speed a bit to do the full 3.1 mi :)
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Does anyone else struggle with only running every other day? I 'want' to get up every morning and do it, but I don't want to burn out.
    Good thing for the brisk dog walk on the off days.

    I too want to get up and do it every morning! But yes, the rest days are very important (from what I hear :) They have helped save my knees, that's for sure! Also, I love running on Saturday mornings - so I have no choice. M,W,S for me!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    W1d2 down. I did find a slightly better route. :). The up hills were hard, I was going very slowly. I kept a decent pace on the flats. Happily I found a nearby street with a very slight inline. I might use this one for the next few weeks. Run up and walk down. I think it is just about the perfect length for a 60 sec jog.

    There is only one problem. Today I was on edge and didn't have much appetite. When I got home I hardly felt like eating and I am way under calories. Intense exercise suppresses my appetite as well.

    I am sure I will catch up over the weekend.

    Note 2? Week 1 is easier than expected. Hmm we'll see how the rest go :D

    I think it was only the excitement of starting something new that got me through week 1 - physically it nearly killed me lol

    Don't worry about going slowly, the important thing is finishing each interval as then you get to feel smug that you've done it :bigsmile:

    LOL! I cheated a few weeks ago. I was doing a trial at a different gym, and they had a track. I worked out some and then had a burst of energy. So I decided to run a few laps. A few turned into quite a lot. And I was alternating with run 1, walk 2. (It was a small track, not full sized). I kept this up for 20 minutes or so. And it was after I had done lots of other stuff, including farmers walks.

    I had thought I wasn't ready for c25k, but that was basically a week 1 or 2 workout that day. It was the impetus I needed to really try to do it. I think I am at the stage where 2-3 minutes straight isn't a big challenge (as long as the hill isn't super steep). But I don't recall the last time I ran 10 minutes straight! Maybe it was my teens. Maybe.
  • mel_2812
    mel_2812 Posts: 66 Member

    I'm new to the group and glad I found it!

    Well, tomorrow Week 4 is *hopefully* ending for me!

    Yesterday, I did Week 4, day 2. It was easier than day 1.

    As per my Garmin watch, here is my stats:
    -speed when running was anywhere between 5.2 and 5.4 mph
    -speed when walking was between 3.4 - 3.6 mph
    -Distance was 2.5 miles for 34 minutes

    Heart rate when running was between 176-179
    Heart rate when walking was between 133-139

    Is it too much? I don't want to die :laugh:
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    i can't help much whether your gonna die or not, but it looks great! and welcome!!!
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270

    As for myself - w7d2 down and oh what a hellish run it was this morning. Super hungry from being hungry before bed last night but if I eat within 2 hours of my run (even a string cheese!) I get nauseous. Turns out if I don't eat for 8-12 hours before a run, I also get nauseous :p Super lame. Off for a long-ish weekend but running again Sunday for w8! Almost done w/ the program, it's crazy! Then I get to work on increasing my speed a bit to do the full 3.1 mi :)

    Firstmost, I have no idea what i'm talking about...but, and this is just a what if, what if you have travel sickness? All kidding aside, I can't believe your almost a graduate...