November Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    November 2013

    Diane - 6
    The Binge - 6
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Greeky - 10
    Binge - 2

    I feel awesome today. It's so nice waking up feeling light and good, not bloated and disgusting from the previous night's binge.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Nov. 13

    Me: 8*
    Binge: 5
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    November 2013:

    Mollie - 10
    The Binge - 3

    Days I logged it all - 7

  • DucksandOranges
    DucksandOranges Posts: 96 Member
    Greeky - 10
    Binge - 2

    I feel awesome today. It's so nice waking up feeling light and good, not bloated and disgusting from the previous night's binge.

    That is the best feeling isn't it!!!

    Me - 11
    Binge - 0

    Overeating a bit the past couple of days but not bingeing:) Still looking to have that ^ feeling for like a week straight though!
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member

    ME: 11
    B: 3 (11/6, 11/10, 11/11)

    Record: Nov 9B,Dec 9B,Jan 4B,Feb 8B,Mar 9B,Apr 6B,May 10B,Jun 5B,Sept 6B, Oct 5B

    No longer going to track calories. I've tried a lot of things, I think this might help with the overdoing it since I won't be dividing food into good or bad categories anymore. I'll still be logging on this group every day : )
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    November 2013

    Ed: 10

    The Binge: 3

    The horribleness of yesterday evening's binge kind of scared me (approx. 3,400 calories over). Hopefully scary enough to help me not binge for a very long time. I logged it all, which I've not done before. It's funny, the shame of logging it is another weird incentive not to do it again.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    November 2013

    Diane - 7
    The Binge - 6
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Greeky - 11
    Binge - 2

    This is probably the best I've ever done in any of the Challenges I've tried. I don't know what's different but I don't really care! I really want to keep this good streak going but I am a little afraid because I'm feeling quite hungry and "foody" today. I tend to not do well on Thursdays for some reason and hopefully I won't use that as an excuse.
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    November 2013

    Ed: 11

    The Binge: 3
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    November 2013

    Diane - 8
    The Binge - 6
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Me: 12
    Binge: 3
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Greeky - 11
    Binge - 4

    BAHHHHH...Thursday and today were really bad. I don't know if I let myself get too hungry or what happens but I always eventually blow it. Back on track tomorrow. Well now, really. I'm glad it's the weekend...I don't have to worry about bingeing at work for the next couple of days.
  • loumomofthree
    loumomofthree Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a binge eater and I hope this may help in my controlling the ugly monster. It's me against the binge

    Day 1 - here we go
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    November 2013

    Diane - 9
    The Binge - 6
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    November 2013

    Diane - 10
    The Binge - 6
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Me: 14
    Binge: 3
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member

    I aim to start fresh tomorrow

    Binge: 3
    Me: 2

    Today was good ;-)

    Binge: 3
    Me: 3


    Me: 12
    Las tweak was good! I'm counting days and it's so helpful!
  • loumomofthree
    loumomofthree Posts: 5 Member
    Me - 2
    The Binge - 0

    I wanted to binge around dinner time ( I usually binge if I'm hungry while preparing dinner) I kept it fairly under control.
    It was definitely took will power.
    I'm looking forward to another binge free day tomorrow.
  • DucksandOranges
    DucksandOranges Posts: 96 Member
    Whelp had a couple days that were pretty much disaster zone eating wise. Not the worst ever (more just overeating than binging) but really cut into my losses.
    It is strangely helpful to see that not everyone is perfect and other people have slip ups. Hoping we all have a great week coming up though!

    Me - 13
    Binge - 2
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