Daily Accountability



  • Just completed wk1 day3 Total Body Circuit...ahhhhh... feeling to puke!!.... I can barely type this right now. Managed to get in some non-modified moves today ..... I don't have access to all the calorie and hrms but I felt that burn!..... toughest routine so far.... not going to weigh myself as yet, but in 3 days I swear my clothes fit different (maybe it just in my mind). Looking forward to tomorrow!
  • I took a pre picture, I hope that helps, I noticed the rings in my finger feel loose too. I should hide my scale too, I get disappointed that I'm stuck at 150 lbs and I'm sweating like crazy, and watching what I eat.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability T25 Round 2 Beta Week 4 Day 3 Core Cardio + Plank 2:00

    Today was rough. I could not muster any energy. My legs and thighs felt like lead rocks, my calfs and thighs burned early and threatned to give out. I pushed as hard as I could but felt faint through most of the workout. I failed on the plank routine and had to take a 20 sec break before finishing. Spider runs still suck. I made it though.

    Max HR 146

    Avg HR 145 but I am logging it at 135. I weas in 130's most of work-out only near the end did the avg HR go up to 145.

    Calories Burned: 348

    Happy Hump Day

    Powerpuff - Next time you see Alpha Cardio YOU WILL NAIL IT :)

    Carriepempek - Way to hit it hard! Keep pushing play and working hard. I love the Speed series. So far Core Speed is my favorite. One arm burpees are a bit of a challenge though.

    Daisy80 - TBC is brutal and my nemesis. I will be doing a 3rd round of Alpha just so I can nail that video.

    Morange66 - Well Done! Nail those Doubles.

    SlytherinBrat - You will get better each time you complete the videos. Keep at err and Nail it.

    WPWarrior - Way to go. I am a T25 addict as well. Almost too much. Can't wait for gamma to arrive so I can finish the series.

    LisaLisa - By the end of Alpha/Beta you will be nailing the V-Ups. I struggle on a bicycle kick to V-up routine in Beta right now.

    Glampinupdoll - This round was harder probably due to you haveing better form and being able to to push harder. Keep at it, your doing great !!

    TeeMac - Way to push hard. TBC Is brutal.
  • powerpuffgirl66
    powerpuffgirl66 Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks, jakeyuma! This was actually the second time I did the alpha cardio. I did most of the workouts last week, while I was still finishing up chalean extreme - couldn't wait to start. I'm already dreading doing the total body circuit... I hope that one gets easier!

    Work has been stressful lately and it has taken a toll on me. I had a terrible headache yesterday. Being much healthier has kept them at bay for months. Not yesterday. I had to forego the sweat-a-thon. I'm super bummed, but I honestly couldn't function. Today, no excuses.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Powerpuff - I hear you with the headaches. I will often be forced to take 2 advil and 2 tylonal a bit before a workout to calm the head aches. When I started it was daily, now it is only about 1-2 days in 2 weeks. Sorry to hear about the stressfull work. I use saturday as my make-up day for missed workouts.
  • cjohio
    cjohio Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks Jakeyuma for your thoughts on the HRM. It's been about 2 years since I've truly worked out and so I really think i'm just that out of shape.

    That said, today was my first go at TBC - wow - a lot of planks and pushups. Reminded me of P90x back in the day. It felt really good.

    Got my average HR down this time to 158.
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Week 1 day 3-total body circuit. Holy hell. All the planks and push ups just about killed me. Got through it though.

    Good job everybody!!
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    Focus T25 Alpha Day 3: Total Body Circuit

    Eff this workout! Barely made it. I felt like all of my blood was rushing to my head during all of those plank exercises and that made it difficult to push through. Literally felt like the vein in my forehead was going to rupture! Anyone else feel like this or am I just about to stroke out? Lol. Burned 273 calories and am wiped out.

    Couldn't stay away from the scale again today and the number has crept up again. Starting to worry that I am doing something wrong and all of this work is for nothing. It's so discouraging. Trying not to be too down on myself. I am extremely sore, so hoping the weight will drop down once the soreness subsides. Found this article that might be of interest to anyone facing similar issues: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/do-sore-muscles-retain-water.html

    Trying to drink lots of water, but seem to always come up a little short of goal. To be fair, the cups I drink out of hold more than 8 ounces.

    @Carrie - Great job! I almost died too. Hopefully it gets easier!

    @jakeyuma - Good push! Soreness definitely affects how well I perform too. Guess what day it is? Mike, Mike, Mike - I know you hear me... HUMP DAY! Lol. We love that commercial around here.

    @ Everyone Else - I read through all the posts. Looks like everyone is doing great and the most important part is to Keep Pushing Play! Have a good one!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Jenniecole4- don't trust the scale:) How are your clothes fitting? One thing I am noticing after 18 weeks is my core is getting very strong but my body is burning fat from everywhere but my midsection. My hips are going down, chest, neck, thighs. My stomach not so much. What I am noticing is my abs are starting to show through. That being said, this program is core strength heavy and you are building stomache muscles wich will push out your excess fat in that region for a bit. Keep at it and you will get the shrinkage you want.

    For water, I bought Smart Water from Walmart. Its 33.8 oz. I add a little 0 cal sweetner to it and drink 4 per day, 2 am & 2pm. I find with a little flavor rather its a sweetner, lemon, orange, Cucumber/mint(awsome on hot day) and I drink a lot more water. My weightloss increases when I hydrate correctly during the entire week and slows when I don't. i also have more energy and less headaches when I am hydrated. Pee and Pinch test work great to monitor your hydration.
  • cjohio
    cjohio Posts: 10 Member
    I've been using TrueLime as the flavor for my water ---- tastes so refreshing and easy to carry around the packets and just mix with water from the water cooler at work
  • Alpha Week 5 day 3: Total Body Circuit
    This one is still pretty hard but I can do a lot more of it without modifying than when I started T25. I still can’t do a push-up without modifying but maybe someday. I love T25 even on TBC day which I start dreading the night before.

    @jennicole4 – I put on several pounds in the first 3 weeks but I lost them, unfortunately I haven’t lost anymore but my measurements have changed. I have lost ½” off each thigh, each calf, hips, and around my bra line (whatever that is called) and ¾” off my waist and my lower stomach so I am learning to ignore the scales.

    @jakeyuma – Thanks, those double days are tough!

    It looks like everyone is doing well – keep up the good work!!
  • SlytherinBat
    SlytherinBat Posts: 53 Member
    Week 1 Day 3 Total Body Circuit. I felt like I was going to die. I was blinded by sweat and trembling by the end. I'm also extremely discouraged by the scale. I've been working my butt off, avoiding Netflix and eating right to no avail. Not even a half a pound.

    Anyway, enough whining from me. Great job everyone.
  • chrissysue
    chrissysue Posts: 85 Member
    OK I am the BIGGEST slacker!!!!! I had all intensions of starting Monday with week 1 of T25. Here it is Wed and still have not pushed play. UGH!!!! I do not know why I allow myself to get in the way. If making excuses was a form of exercise I would be SKINNY!!!!!! One reason I have not started is I have not watched any of the videos. I like to watch them before doing....SO tonight I am going to watch. I have to do some research and find out which side I am supposed to first.....I bought my copy used so didn't get all the "paperwork" that supposed to come with it. OFF I GO! Have a great night!
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Today was a light workout day for me! I did my T25 Beta Ripped Core - I really liked the workout, I could do most of the moves without having to modify!

    I am still new to doing a lot of posting, so I am not as skilled as ya'll to remember the names of people who post (I'll get better). One lady was saying her vein in her head was throbbing doing the planks - might I suggest doing a few planks when the discomfort sets in modify to Tonya's "plank"; I do vertical mountain climbs or vertical crunches. I try and challenge myself to do the planks but I have too many "bad" days in the winter months so I have to modify.

    As for not losing weight and trying to drink enough water - where is your sodium intake at? Even if you are drinking 8 glasses of water, if your sodium is 75% of daily allowance it may be enough to retain water. Keep in mind too, that with exercise you need to drink even more water.

    Personally I don't use artificial sweeteners so in the winter I like to warm my water and add lemon juice to it. I try drinking 12-15 glasses each day, in addition to the coffee, tea and water I add to my morning smoothie.

    One last though with the weight frustrations, I have found that when I workout, if I consume 1600 - 1800 calories that my weight doesn't seem to drop in spite of burning 2200 - 2500 calories a day. When I drop my intake to 1200-1400 a day the weight drops.

    I so enjoy reading the posts! Keep it up all, your beach body is on it's way!!!:flowerforyou:
  • lisalisa27
    lisalisa27 Posts: 75 Member
    Day 4 Lower Focus. Dude, ShaunT was trying to kill my legs today! I felt the burn!!! Burned 270 calories. Ate great and scale moved. All in all a good day.
  • lisalisa27
    lisalisa27 Posts: 75 Member
    Wait, today is Day 5 for me. I can't count. It was supposed to be a double day, but I am doing it tomorrow.
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    @wpwarrior88 - I'm the lady with the throbbing head! Lol. I will definitely modify more next time. I sympathize with @SlytherinBat who said she was trembling after the workout. I was too. That can't be good. I'd hate for my husband to come home and find me passed out on the floor!

    As far as the water goes, I'm a big fan of ice water and we are currently out of ice. So I've been drinking it straight from the tap and it just doesn't seem to go down as easy. Getting some ice is an easy remedy though, so I'll get on that! Sadly, the only ice cube trays we have came with the fridge and are now cracked and leaky. Lol. Right now, I'm drinking 1 cup of coffee in the morning (down from 2-3) and water the rest of the day. Sometimes, I have a glass of milk or iced tea with Splenda at dinner. I love all the ideas for perking up water, but I'm really not to keen on the flavored stuff. If I get bored of water, I will give the flavors another go and see if I can't acquire a taste for them.

    I didn't even think of the sodium. I was WAY over yesterday! By like 2500. We went out to eat and although I stayed within my calorie goal, the sodium was out of control. Most days I am under goal, but I'm glad you mentioned it because that paired with low water intake probably did have an effect on the scale this morning. Thanks!

    Right now, I have my calories set to 1500(ish). I am afraid to drop any lower because I am breastfeeding and the last time I attempted T25, I dropped down to 1200 calories and it affected my milk (even though I ate back breastfeeding calories). My son stopped gaining weight and was diagnosed "failing to thrive" I stopped exercising and calorie counting for a while to re-stabilize, but still ended up having to supplement a little formula every day. I am afraid to drop my calories too low again because of this. I am willing to hold out on the rapid weight loss for a little while for his sake. He just started rice cereal solids and we will be adding a vegetable next week, so in the coming months he will be relying less and less on me and I will definitely drop them down at that point. I hope I can still shed a few pounds before I'm able to reduce my calories any more, but I'll take losing inches too!

    @morange - Thanks for the encouragement. I'm hoping they drop off quickly. I had great results with inches in just the 2 weeks I did T25 before. Congratulations on your shrinkage! Lol

    @chrissysue - LOL at your post! Too funny. At least you're coming into this with a sense of humor. You can google "Focus T25 Schedule" and get multiple results that show the schedule and what measurements you should be tracking. You could probably just print one of those yourself. I'm not following the food plan, but I'm sure it's out there too.

    @jakeyuma - Thanks for the insight. I am going to FORCE the rest of my water today and see how I'm looking tomorrow. I know I should stay away from the scale, but it's like a siren calling me every morning while I brush my teeth. I tried the HCG diet before I got pregnant and kind of got in the habit of checking my weight every day. I also got used to seeing the number DROP every day. I know, it's a very unhealthy diet and I promise I will never do anything like that again. It's just tough to be doing things the "right" way and not seeing the fast results I'd like to. My clothes are fitting good and I was able to put on a pair of jeans that didn't fit me a few weeks ago. They looked good too, so I guess those little NSVs will have to keep my going for a while.
  • cjohio
    cjohio Posts: 10 Member
    Finished up Week 1 - Day 4 today - Ab Circuit. I enjoyed this one a lot - despite screaming at the burn throughout! Really enjoying this entire routine so far. The fact that I'm spent after 25 minutes of truly pushing myself is great. I still have time to get ready in the morning before the little one wakes up.

    Tomorrow is the double!....not sure how I will do that. I don't have enough time in the morning to do the double (wake up at 5 as it is), so thinking I will either do it at night (unlikely) or just do it Saturday morning --- since I am up anyway (babies don't know sleeping in), may as well just do that. What have people done here??

    @jakeyuma - looks like you may have been on to something....my HRM battery is dead, at least I'm guessing that when it shows that my heart is not beating at all! Ordering a new one today and hope to get it by tomorrow (Amazon) - too busy balancing work and a 9month old to get to the store and find one during the week.
  • Today I do Week 5, Day 1: Total Body Circuit. It is my least favorite workout and seeing I have to do it 3 times this week is no fun! I am mentally preparing myself to be ready for today. I plan on nailing it big time!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Beta Week 4 Day 4 Dynamic Core + 2:10 plank

    Well, completed dynamic core for the 2nd time this week I tried to switch it out with Core Speed but Wife said "It's Dynamic Core." Gah, I was busted. She loves the ab work, I hate it. I pushed hard though and even made it through bicycle-V-ups. Decided to be mentaly tough and tell myself I wasn't aloud to modify today. Guess what, I Nailed it. Almost feels good being back in the game mentaly. Kids woke up at 3am this morning and slowed my morning rutine down so I couldn't sneak a double in like I wanted

    Tonight I plan on doing 1 hour of family activity. It will most likely be a bike ride but I may try and get a nice walk in.

    Goal: Burn some more calories. I am really bad on the scale this week. Been monitoring 3 x per day and it is draining me emotionaly. Sunday I was at 2:30 (very excited), This morning I was at 234 (depressed). I won't be suprised if I get home and scale is missing. I worked hard at proper nutrition and hydration this week. Been pretty good, over calories yesterday by 82. Figured that wasn't bad.

    Cjohio - I will have to check into TrueLime. We usually don't have time for doubles so we do the extra video on Saturday Mornings. I have recently been sneaking in a double while the wife showers after our morning workout :)

    Morange66 - Way to hit TBC hard. Great Goals !!!

    Slytherinbrat - Just keep pushing play, hit the workouts hard, keep an eye on your diet and results will show. I was in a slump then I compared my starting measurments to where I was and was completly caught off guard by the results. In the moment you don't see much but when you look over time the results are their. This is not a quick fix program, its a lifestyle change. Tweaking everything until it is in a place you can maintain for life.

    Chrissysue - Pick a cardio video, hit play, and get started :) If you do an internet search for "T25 Alpha/Beta Calabndar" I am sure a picture of it will come up.

    WpWarrior - Great advice. Getting the right calories is hard. I am the complete oposite of you. When I was eating 1500-1700 my weightloss stoped. When I jumped it back to 2000 + eat back burned calories, I started losing weight again. My advice for people is to start where MFP tells you and then tweak it by 200 calories until you find the right spot.

    For posting responses, I take notes as I read.

    Lisa - Way to push hard !!!

    Calsgirl - In order for me to push hard through TBC, I had to make it my enemy. I had a goal to conquor the video. That change in thought allowed my to push very hard. Next round I am going to beat the video.