Daily Accountability



  • powerpuffgirl66
    powerpuffgirl66 Posts: 143 Member
    Everyone is so motivating. I'm glad to hear others share my loathing towards Total Body Circuit, which I will be doing tonight.

    I completed Chalean Extreme's Push Circuit 1 and T25 Alpha Speed 1.0 last night, burning around 380 cals. I have been slacking with my eating this last week. But that's okay. I'm still getting my workouts in and a couple days was really the mental rest I needed.

    I had a lovely nsv last night. I was able to complete 12 full pushups! When I started over 3 months ago, I couldn't even do one. My arms would falter and my middle would sink. Yay for getting stronger!
  • sinsrhythm
    sinsrhythm Posts: 11 Member
    Im on day 5 of the alpha schedule, i finished insanity and p90x..trying to complete focus t25 and eat better..anyone else on the first week??
  • Day 4: Abs complete... it wasn't easy though i barely made it, not that it was toooo difficult ( i lie! modifed for the whole workout, even had my daughter help hold my feet) ... but that TBC destroyed me yesterday, after that workout i was literally sick.... and well today, i am sooooooooo hungry and super super sleepy, i'm not sure why i guess i'm just tired. Usually my shake holds me up for like 2 1/2 hours, today it went down into a black hole, so far i've been snacking and topping up on water until lunch time,..... hopefully the hunger will subside....

    tommorrow is the double up, not sure if i'm gonna make it, but i'm jumping in and gonna see how far i can go

    keep pushing guys... its supposed to get easier right..?
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    TeeMac - It will get easier for a bit. As you get in better shape and use better form it gets tough again:) Way to stay positive and keep pushing. Whole almonds make a good tie over snack.
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    Focus T25 Day 4: Alpha Ab Intervals

    Love this workout! I did not feel like I was going to die today - almost Nailed It. Burned 227 calories today. Not as many as TBC, but I didn't feel like my head was going to explode, so there's an upside. I was glad no one but the baby was home during the superman/rocketman combo. I was going "I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! 5-4-3-2-1!" So...yeah, whatever gets us through it though, right?

    The scale was better today. I am only 1 pound over where I started on the program, so things seem to be starting to move in the right direction. Also caught a side view of myself in the mirror while I was getting my workout clothes on and I think things are starting to look better. Soreness in my legs and glutes is subsiding, but I'm sure my abs will be feeling it tomorrow.

    @TeeMac - they say it gets easier...not sure if I believe them! Lol. You're doing great - try to choose healthy snacks and lots of fluids so you don't undo all your hard work.

    @sinsrythym - there are quite a few of us on the first week! looks like you're a day ahead of me.

    @powerpuffgirl - Great job! Two workouts, huh? Show-off! Just kidding. T25 is my first Beachbody program, but I've seen several people combining them. I might look into another one if (I mean when) I get through this. Seems like a good way to stave off boredom and to burn a few extra calories. Congrats on your push-up accomplishment. I struggle with upper body strength as well, though I can do a few push-ups now. I always blame my boobs. They drag me down! :laugh:

    @jakeyuma - Step away from the scale! I have the same problem and I obsessively check it. Go back to the previous page and read the response you gave me when I complained about my scale woes. You're doing great and I think we're all happy to have you here. You've been a great motivator and very helpful!
  • soooooo, i,m thinking about throwing in some Zumba ( 20 mins express) in the night time, cause i do T25 at 4 in the morning. i am an Admin Assistant, so i sit in AC for 8 Hours a day.. and because of that i feel as though i am getting fat sitting down....

    any thoughts on what i should add in ( ps: i'm a newbie at workouts)
  • cjohio
    cjohio Posts: 10 Member
    @jakeyuma Yeah the scale is frustrating. Last week down to 225, then weekend (albeit I was pretty bad), jumped up to 230. This week its back to 227, but I just am pissed at myself for eating bad. Assuming it is mainly water weight because no way can you jump that wildly, but still discouraging.

    And I'm too OCD to not jump on it and track it - it transmits wirelessly - so easy! and so frustrating!
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    @TeeMac-I've never done Zumba. What about a walk after work?
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    @TeeMac - I've seen some pretty incredible results on threads about women lifting heavy lately. I am going to start a 5x5 program this winter (hubby and I are buying weight equipment for Christmas). Maybe consider some weights since T25 is cardio-heavy? I think these lifting programs work well regardless of your level because everyone has to start somewhere and you just build on that. Here's one of the threads I've found, but if you do a search, you'll find plenty.

  • SlytherinBat
    SlytherinBat Posts: 53 Member
    Week 1 Day 4 Ab Intervals 215 cal burned.

    Felt pretty good. Had to modify a few moves but overall I felt strong and pushed through. I'm going to stay away from the scale.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.
  • i think i'll try and do the walking, thanks! :happy:
  • sarasharp1
    sarasharp1 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone, day 4 abs done, but not done well. :(. I have zero ab muscles I think, four kids in 8 years (my youngest is 3 months) will do that I guess. I hope they get easier! I need a cardio workout...those are my faves! Also thinking of starting to lift free weights on the side. Anyone have a good beginners program that they follow?
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    I park in the far courner of teh parking lot and do a brisk walk to work and out of work. It helps.
  • Alpha week 5 day 4 - Cardio
    Cardio kicked my butt this morning, my heart rate stayed between 84% and 91% for most of the workout. I hope this means I am pushing harder but it felt like my legs were going to fall off:laugh:
    I find that I am a little scared of what next week (Beta) holds in store for me but I plan on staying positive, putting on my big girl panties and jumping right in.
    Great job everyone!
  • cjohio
    cjohio Posts: 10 Member
    Wow - there are a lot of us that just started this past Monday! Awesome! Tomorrow is the double for us ---- going to be a challenge...thinking now (because of time) that I'll just bust it out on Saturday morning since I'll be up at the same time.

    Let's keep it going peeps!
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I have to say I am so motivated by these posts! I am giving each of you a hug, fist bump, high five; which ever would be most appropriate! LOL

    Today was Beta Dynamic Core - I was surprised that I nailed it! Beta seems to be easier to me than Alpha - but yesterday and today were "good" days!

    Jennicole - I wouldn't worry at all about cutting back on calories right now, ensuring healthy milk for your son is so much more important! Breastfeeding mothers typically return to their pre-pregnancy weight faster than non! You should be proud of yourself that you are doing T25 so soon! KUDOs girl!! Excellent pick on Jakeyuma BTW (re: scale)!!

    Jakeyuma - A massive "thank you" for your previous post on the ab muscles developing! While I have definitely seen the definition of my 4-pack I would have been discourage today seeing my lower ab "protection" sticking out while doing the DC dvd! Your words came back to me and I was rewarded with seeing def in my upper abs and obliques! YES!!

    TeeMac25 - Way to go, getting your daughter to help, let her see that it does take work to stay in shape! This way she will be willing to do the work herself as she gets older! Are you getting enough protein in your diet? That could attribute to your being tired, not drinking enough water can also cause tiredness. Walking is a fabulous addition as would be lifting weights - there are so many great routines out there, it really depends on what you are looking to achieve. There are stretches that you can do at your desk, as well as it is highly recommended that office workers take a quick walk every hour or so. Keep up your dedication - the results will reveal themselves!!

    Sarasharp1 - try not to be to overly critical or hard on yourself you are a MOM!!! You WILL see the results in your abs - just stick with it! Weight lifting is great, if you don't have the equipment, calisthenics can achieve definition (using your body as resistance.)

    Morange66 - right now Beta seems easier than Alpha….

    Okay, now it is my time to crow!! So, I did the Beta DC today - feel like I nailed it! Both of my 30 day challenges were on days - finished them, used the elliptical trainer while catching up on Revolution (did it backwards every other commercial break - WOW!) Got a nice walk in with a sweet friend and have eaten very well!! Now to cry; the barometric pressure is dropping which causes me pain - so I do not know what tomorrow will bring, but I WILL do my T25 Beta work out!
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Ab Intervals today. I also feel like I have no abs. Having 2 kids in 2 years will do that to you. I did like the Superman/Rocketman stuff though. Definitely NOT doubling up tomorrow. Cause first off, I would die (lol) and secondly I just don't have the time. I will try to do that extra one over the weekend but I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't.
  • I JUST COULDN'T BRING MY SELF TO DOUBLE UP THIS MORNING!!......... i was still literally sore from the TBC and ABS combo from the previous day , but i will do it tonight for sure... and i'm gonna throw in the zumba on the weekends....

    wpwarrior88: i think your right, i'm not getting enough protein....

    can anyone reccommend some sort of really high protein snack

    i heard gnc has the Lean 25, is that good, or maybe i shpuld go for something more pure protein.....

    let me kno what u guys think

    BTW.. if i can type after my double this evening i'll let u guys know how it went lol!!! :laugh:
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability T25 Bet Round 2 Week 4 Day 5 Double "Speed 2.0 + Core Speed" "NAILED IT"

    He he, I sneaked in a double today. Instead of Upper Focus I put Core speed in. Speed 2.0 I worked it hard. Followed by Core speed and my knees screamed. God I love the speed workouts.

    Max HR: 164
    Avg HR: 152

    Calories Burned: 824
    Breakfast + Protein Shake = 697 Calories

    Have a retirement party at Logan's Steak house this afternoon. Will have to see what my food choices are

    Happy Friday all.

    Morange66 - Thats the HR Range you want to be in. I have yet to push myself that hard. Over the last 2 weeks I have finaly maintained a HR in the 150's. This is huge for me :) Way to push.

    WpWarrior - You are a warrior. Way to work hard!!!

    Carrie - Whats this Try? Thats a word you need to get rid of :) Trie = Quit. Replace it with WILL. I will do the extra work out Saturday morning :) For most of the 2 rounds of T25 I have done we do 1 work-out Fri and 1 Sat with Sunday as a rest/stretch day. Keep Pushing Play!!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    TeeMac - If yoiu can afford it Shakology is pretty damn good. I can't so I don't. I use Gold Standard Whey Protein from GNC. It is one of the higher ranking protein pwders on the market and not priced bad. I use it after my workouts. The Vanilla Ice Cream is pretty good and I also like the extreme chocolate. I also use 2 scoops per shake for protein of around 48 grams.