February Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    I plan on finishing the month, I'm not going to slack off this time lol. I've been working on a plateau for a couple of months, and thought about trying the TDEE -20% route, instead of the MFP/eat-back-exercise-cals way. But, I am feeling that when I look at the higher number on my counter, I have more leeway to eat and eat. I'm going back to the lower MFP cals, and if I want to eat more, I need to earn it by exercising more. I think this is best for me and my mindset right now. Thanks for reading and good luck

    Yeah for me I do a variant of TDEE - 20% (eat around/under 2000, try to workout minimally 3x per week and log calories burned as 1, so essentially I don't eat them back). This works for my busy schedule now, because when in undergrad I had time for the gym every day or nearly every day of the week, but not so much anymore. And without constantly going to the gym, I felt like I was starving myself on days where I didn't work out. So now I have a consistent 2000 to pick from each day, and try really hard to get those 3 workouts in.

    But in undergrad, the eat-back-exercise calories method was great. It was such an incentive to workout, and get high calories burns at that too! It really worked for me at the time, but I've had to make changes that work better with my schedule. Really hope you find success with this!
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,455 Member
    Thank you, and good luck with your school schedule :-) And great job with the binge challenge !!
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Finally got a chance to post!

    Binge -- 2*
    Me -- 1

    Off to a bad start, but I guarantee that is going to change.
  • ahendz
    ahendz Posts: 16
    ME- 2
    binge- 1

    today was rough :/
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Feb 4th, 2014

    Me: 4

    The Binge: 0
  • SherryP71561
    As of February 3rd:

    Me - 2
    Binge - 1

    Consecutive days binge free: 2

    How many days to change a habit? 21? Sigh...one day at a time, right?
  • GreenKaren60
    Joining this thread after cutting down alcohol only to find the food has filled the void!

    Want to get on top of the food now, whilst working on the reasions why I am using substances for emotions.

    Not off to a great start

    Me - 1
    Binge - 2
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    February 2014
    Me: 2
    Binge: 1
    Days Binge Free: 1

    It's a new day, and I can always choose to be healthy.
  • kerrid72
    kerrid72 Posts: 113 Member
    Is it too late to jump into this challenge. I would say I can go back & know how I did from Feb 1 which would look like this.

    As of 02/03/14

    Me: 1
    Binge: 2

    I would like to find some "friends" to add to help me stay on track by checking my diary.... new & only have one friend. :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Is it too late to jump into this challenge. I would say I can go back & know how I did from Feb 1 which would look like this.

    As of 02/03/14

    Me: 1
    Binge: 2

    I would like to find some "friends" to add to help me stay on track by checking my diary.... new & only have one friend. :)
    Welcome! Never too late to join us!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Starting off rocky! :grumble: But regrouping today..Have a good week!!

    February 2014: - February Goal is to log it all!! With private diary I should be able to manage this one.

    Mollie - 0
    The Binge - 3

    Days I did NOT log it all - 2

  • sjaykay13
    Hi All!! This is my first post here and I am excited to check in every day this month!!

    Today is not over, so I may check in later...

    Sarah - 2
    B - 1
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
  • MePlus20
    MePlus20 Posts: 55 Member
    Me: 1
    Binge: 1
    Didn't track: 1
  • GreenKaren60
    Karen - 2
    The Binge - 2

    Now we're on level pegging I can beat htis thing! I aim to report in every day no matter what.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    EOD 2/4/14

    me: 1
    B: 3
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Feb 5th, 2014


    The Binge: 0
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    February 2014

    Kourtney - 4
    Binge - 0

    Days binge free: 8

    Yesterday was close. Made really awful food choices (a lot of sweets and junk). Only went over by 3 calories, so not a binge. Today is a new day to make better choices!!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    February 2014

    Diane - 2
    The Binge - 2
  • MePlus20
    MePlus20 Posts: 55 Member
    Ugh :-(

    Didn't track: 1
    Me: 1
    Binge: 2

    I guess I can just track this month and try to make each month less and less bingy. Trying to focus on not binging makes me think about binging and makes it harder.
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