Talking Dead: Team Beth



  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    what is the Zombies Run 5k trainer?
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Have already organised my exercise schedule!

    Monday 3rd - 30 mins cardio - done
    Tues 4th - 60 mins cardio
    Wed 5th - 60 mins strength (pole fitness)
    Thurs 6th - 60 mins light cardio
    Fri 7th - 30 mins strength, 30 mins cardio

    Weekends - free or light walk

    Goals: To lose 1 kg per week (SW 93.5kg), hit calorie targets, to run 5km by end of challenge
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    what is the Zombies Run 5k trainer?

    It's a lot like the Couch to 5km, only with zombies. You can get the app for iphone or android. I have the app for android.

    ETA: It starts off as warm up, then 10-15 secs of running, 60 secs of walking (alternating between the two for 10 rounds) and then a free 'run' (which I can never do, I'm spent after the 10 rounds, I'm very out of shape). That's just session 1, week 1. It gets harder as time goes on. You have a narrator telling you what you're training for (e.g. to obtain weapons, run away from zombies...etc).
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    what is the Zombies Run 5k trainer?

    It's a lot like the Couch to 5km, only with zombies. You can get the app for iphone or android. I have the app for android.

    ETA: It starts off as warm up, then 10-15 secs of running, 60 secs of walking (alternating between the two for 10 rounds) and then a free 'run' (which I can never do, I'm spent after the 10 rounds, I'm very out of shape). That's just session 1, week 1. It gets harder as time goes on. You have a narrator telling you what you're training for (e.g. to obtain weapons, run away from zombies...etc).

    sounds awesome & fun I will have to check it out...thanks!
  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member
    Zombies 5K and Zombies, Run! are awesome apps. I never liked to do anything even remotely resembling running before I started using those. Zombies, Run! comes after the 5K. Each run is a mission, and the longer you run, the more supplies you pick up to build your base. It's so motivating! There'll be days when I'm like, "Man, I really don't want to run, but my defense tower needs a new sniper nest. I better do it."

    So my plan is to do 45 min zombie runs on the treadmill four days this week. I also bought the New Rules of Lifting for Women book, so I'm going to do the workouts from that book three days a week. I'm also going to have to find a good kickboxing video on YouTube.

    You all are so inspiring! I was dreading going to the gym tonight, but then I came to this forum, and I'm all excited to work out. Go Team Beth!!
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Does anyone have tips for when sciatica is being a b**ch and you still need to get cardio in? My sciatica is pinching and I can barely walk right now.
  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member
    Oh man, back pain is the worst!! I have two herniated discs, and my physical therapist would only have me do some light walking and maybe some cycling on the reclining exercise bike while I was recovering. But listen to your body!! Don't push yourself to do something that will make your pain worse.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Remember - Week 1 has some requirements that you will need to send to me -
    Set your goals and send them in to your team captain so they can start a spreadsheet.
    If you are looking to lose weight, do an official weigh in and take before pics.
    Inches? Measure yourself and take before pics.
    Run faster? Time your best run and see if you can beat it at the end of the challenge.
    Improve your strength or endurance? Take notes on what you are doing now and plan out how you are going to improve.

    These things will be important in determining overall team winners!! You dont have to do them all but every little bit helps.
    Also, if I havent sent you a friend request by the end of the day, its because I dont see your name on the team list - send me a message and a request so i can get you on the Team Roster.

    when do you need this by?

    Goals and starting measurements should all be into me by Saturday when you turn in this weeks challenge numbers. If you want to turn them in earlier, I will gladly take them.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Does anyone have tips for when sciatica is being a b**ch and you still need to get cardio in? My sciatica is pinching and I can barely walk right now.

    We dont want you to hurt yourself if you are having problems. You can try just doing some strength training until it feels better. Concentrate on areas that dont hurt when you move them. You can always catch up on cardio with a really long walk later in the week if you need are finding you will be short.

    The whole idea is to get healthy while having fun. Dont make yourself do more than you can right now.
  • kmoirecavender
    kmoirecavender Posts: 91 Member
    Morning Day 2 of Zombie and calorie and fat killing! Whew, I had trouble climbing out of bed this morning after that first cardio kick class yesterday! Maybe some yoga today and most definately some stretching in order!! I want to thank you all for your posts, and support here! I am loving this place. I took before pics (yuck) and measurements. I saw on the site a forum that has before and after pics on it, but I am unsure how to post pics on in the body of the message..Also...I am having trouble setting can I make realistic goals? I want to lose weight and get toned, but I think I have to be more precise than that, right?

    I have to go visit my cousin today. She loves to cook, and feed people, and believes that everything is better with a dollup of butter on it. Wish me luck in this great temptation!!!!
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Does anyone have tips for when sciatica is being a b**ch and you still need to get cardio in? My sciatica is pinching and I can barely walk right now.

    Try yoga. YouTube has lots of 10-15 minute videos specifically on how yoga helps with sciatica.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Morning Day 2 of Zombie and calorie and fat killing! Whew, I had trouble climbing out of bed this morning after that first cardio kick class yesterday! Maybe some yoga today and most definately some stretching in order!! I want to thank you all for your posts, and support here! I am loving this place. I took before pics (yuck) and measurements. I saw on the site a forum that has before and after pics on it, but I am unsure how to post pics on in the body of the message..Also...I am having trouble setting can I make realistic goals? I want to lose weight and get toned, but I think I have to be more precise than that, right?

    I have to go visit my cousin today. She loves to cook, and feed people, and believes that everything is better with a dollup of butter on it. Wish me luck in this great temptation!!!!

    More precise does help - your goals dont have to be huge, just what you think is attainable in 9 weeks.
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    I have my kick boxing class tonight...I hope I make it without throwing up!
  • klmeub
    I'm newer to this site --- how do you get quotes to show up in boxes?

    As far as setting specific goals - how about shooting for 5 or 10 percent weight loss? After you achieve those you can go for the next 5 or 10 percent. I'm hoping to get to 10% of weight loss before the challenge ends myself - but I'm starting off with 5% with the hopes of seeing succcess soon.

    Just curious - what do you guys eat for dinner? I'm open for new ideas. Thanks :)
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I'm newer to this site --- how do you get quotes to show up in boxes?

    As far as setting specific goals - how about shooting for 5 or 10 percent weight loss? After you achieve those you can go for the next 5 or 10 percent. I'm hoping to get to 10% of weight loss before the challenge ends myself - but I'm starting off with 5% with the hopes of seeing succcess soon.

    Just curious - what do you guys eat for dinner? I'm open for new ideas. Thanks :)

    In order to quote someone else, click the quote button and then go all the way to the bottom of the post and start typing.

    My food is pretty restricted so I dont know if I can give you alot of idea. Last night I had Turkey meatballs with cheese baked into the middle. They were yummy. I have also had cheeseburger meatballs, with bacon. And just about any meat is crockpotable, so I do that alot too.
  • kmoirecavender
    kmoirecavender Posts: 91 Member

    Just curious - what do you guys eat for dinner? I'm open for new ideas. Thanks :)

    I have left my food diary open to see.
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    My diary is open too. :) Although I'm not the healthiest eater! (Still in a Five Guys food daze)
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    Day 2 down..Hope everyone had a great day. Back at it tomorrow....Night Team Beth!
  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member
    My diary is open too. :) Although I'm not the healthiest eater! (Still in a Five Guys food daze)

    Mmmm...Five Guys...
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    My diary is open too. :) Although I'm not the healthiest eater! (Still in a Five Guys food daze)

    Mmmm...Five Guys...

    It was sooooo good... but ZOMG calories! I cried a little.

    @Gambrell104: woohoo for surviving kickboxing!