Doctor Who



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't know. I mean, when 10 died, he went and visited all his old companions too.

    I'm still hung up on the whole Galiffrey thing. Unless Clara going back in 11's timeline changed things up I guess... but it still makes no sense to me, how the doctor can go from remembering the time lords being time locked and preventing them from coming back (End of Days), to remembering destroying them (last episode of season 7), to actually sending them to another universe and being excited to find them again (50th anniversary), to stopping them from coming through this universe again in the last one (and I'll ask, while I'm at it - why bother? I mean, he protected Christmas for 300 years, wasn't going to answer the question to protect it, but the dalleks attacked anyway, what difference would it have made if he had answered the Time Lords with his name? Why did he suddenly not want them to come back - again? after being so excited to find Gallifrey again in the 50th anniversary).

    The whole thing just totally confuses me. Feel free to shed a light. But I'm joining the 'Moffat needs to be fired' cause until then.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I don't know. I mean, when 10 died, he went and visited all his old companions too.

    I'm still hung up on the whole Galiffrey thing. Unless Clara going back in 11's timeline changed things up I guess... but it still makes no sense to me, how the doctor can go from remembering the time lords being time locked and preventing them from coming back (End of Days), to remembering destroying them (last episode of season 7), to actually sending them to another universe and being excited to find them again (50th anniversary), to stopping them from coming through this universe again in the last one (and I'll ask, while I'm at it - why bother? I mean, he protected Christmas for 300 years, wasn't going to answer the question to protect it, but the dalleks attacked anyway, what difference would it have made if he had answered the Time Lords with his name? Why did he suddenly not want them to come back - again? after being so excited to find Gallifrey again in the 50th anniversary).

    The whole thing just totally confuses me. Feel free to shed a light. But I'm joining the 'Moffat needs to be fired' cause until then.

    The whole Gallifrey and Time War stuff has bothered me always. Even before.

    1- The Daleks are gone because they were destroyed in the Time War. The groups that got out and grew, OK, but End of Days with Davros was a bit much for me on that one. Also the Daleks home world? that should not exist, yet they went there.
    2- Gallifrey tried to come back through the Master, but they didn't seem to be fighting a war when they came back. If they were from a time locked place, then they shouldn't be just like "we need to come back"
    3- Gallifrey is now again trying to come back after the Doctor sent them away when he was 10? Expecting the Doctor to just give his name and let them come back? That makes no sense either.

    Generally over all if you think too hard on it, the whole thing will give you a damn headache. I personally try not to think too hard about it and just either enjoy the episode or I don't. I think that when you are watching a Science Fiction show, that really is written for children you have to just enjoy it. The rules are going to change and shift. I do think Moffat is getting a bit stale though. Its hard after 50 years and I think he is trying to be different, but its getting a bit blah or over the top.

    This years Christmas episode was boring. I did not like it at all. I didn't mind the regeneration, but found the rest of the episode to be a huge let down. I am looking forward to see how Peter Capaldi does as the Doctor and the relationship of the new Doctor and Clara will be interesting too.
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    The whole thing just totally confuses me. Feel free to shed a light. But I'm joining the 'Moffat needs to be fired' cause until then.

    I don't know who would be better at this point, but I would go for a change. I can just let the "plots" wash over me without looking directly at them to a degree but I can remember not having to, and Moffatt just runs too far to the maudlin (and messy) when he has free rein. I realized it was his writing and not Matt Smith that turned me off about 11. The first episode in which I was really wowed by Smith was Nightmare in Silver, which Moffatt neither wrote (Neil Gaiman!) nor directed (Stephen Woolfenden, second unit or AD on a lot of good projects).

    Ok, you've talked me into it. Let me know where to march.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I wasn't that impressed with it either but I think it suffered with what a few people have said - what more can they do with it after fifty years without causing further timey wimey loopholes and such.

    I got the impression a lot was crowbarred into it as well and that the commercial aspect of the franchise is creeping in - it just didnt have the depth that the earlier Smith episodes had for me. The amount of times I have watched an episode puzzled only to have it loop back three episodes later in a eureka moment was severely lacking. That said, it was a Christmas episode so the special effects heavy storyline was to be expected.

    I am looking forwards to what the new Doctor brings though with a lot of anticipation - here's to the 34th Doctor when my kids are my age.
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    I'm really looking forward to Capaldi as well. He's too awesome.
  • JocyChan
    JocyChan Posts: 59 Member
    I'm a whovian too! feel free to add me. :)
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Now I'm sure most of you are big Doctor Who people, or at least one way or another.

    I'm just curious to meet some other Whovians, seeing as I'm relatively new to the Who crowd. Started watching after gaining curiosity from the millions of Pinterest pins. Needless to say I tore through the entire new series, some of the old, and am completely hooked and crazy in love. Ten is my favorite, but I love them all!

    My story exactly! LOL. I started watching last season and immediately became hooked. I was so sad to find out Matt Smith was leaving... but I went back and started watching from the beginning of the Reboot series, and I think Tennant is my favorite, but I'm still holding a soft spot for Smith, after all, he'll always be my first Doctor. lol. Any Whovians are welcome to add me.
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member

    I don't know... something seems off the mark there. I'd just as soon Moffatt skipped the winking so much and worked at knitting his plots better but I don't think he's "catering to 'obsessives'" by bothering to explain why another regeneration was possible, That's the kind of detail almost anyone would want at least a nod to, even if he perhaps went on longer than necessary with it. Really, I think The Doctor has been exposed to a few unusual incidents (even for a time lord) that might have explained that succinctly in a flashback.

    Sorry to hear he may have declawed Sherlock too. Can't wait till it starts up again over here on the 19th!
  • ClevaBlandfy
    ClevaBlandfy Posts: 18 Member
    Matt Smith is by far my favorite doc. The 9th is the first doc i was introduced too, but all in all i think they all are bad *kitten*.
  • artsycella
    artsycella Posts: 121 Member
    I'd just as soon Moffatt skipped the winking so much and worked at knitting his plots better but I don't think he's "catering to 'obsessives'" by bothering to explain why another regeneration was possible.

    Here here! Every time I hear Moffatt speak on this issue, it sounds like he has so little respect for the watchers. Not even necessarily the hardcore fans, but just the people who would like to watch two episodes in a row and have them make cogent sense together.
  • CCNurseMarti
    CCNurseMarti Posts: 16 Member
    I have been a Whovian since Tom Baker. I have always loved the show, but I must admit David Tennant has been my favorite. He was so great with Rose, and with Donna. His anger felt real and his silliness and joy felt honest and sincere. Excellent actor!

    Glad to meet another Whovian!
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I have been a Whovian since Tom Baker. I have always loved the show, but I must admit David Tennant has been my favorite. He was so great with Rose, and with Donna. His anger felt real and his silliness and joy felt honest and sincere. Excellent actor!

    Glad to meet another Whovian!

    In some respects I envy the non UK audiences that watched Rose and Donna. I just couldn't get Billie Piper's pop songs or Catherine Tate's comedy characters out of my head while I was watching them. Still brilliant though and very muched a tearjerker in places.
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member

    So the pic is of him in Eleven's clothes? Well, he looks good all suit-y. And he and Jenna seem to get along nicely.

    Also I've decided I refuse to renumber the doctors; Eccleston remains Nine, and so on, and John Hurt is now The Mezzanine.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    Also I've decided I refuse to renumber the doctors; Eccleston remains Nine, and so on, and John Hurt is now The Mezzanine.
    I like that!
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    Late to the party as I just signed up two weeks ago but a huge Whovian here too.
    Currently we are watching way too much - Netflix. Three episodes on a weekend night (on weeknights one at most. Need to get that exercise in somehow) and we love watching it.

    My love for the Doctor is much older than my husbands I remember my parents occasionally watching it way back in the seventies (I think it was aired after that other wonder of British SF Blake's 7) I was too young and therefore was not allowed to watch, but from hidden behind the couch I occasionally caught glimpses of the Darleks that scared me a lot at the time. Dr Who never had the following in the Nethelrands that it has in the UK but for me it was and is one of the best.

    My favourite doctor; Peter Davison. But that may have to do with the fact that I always have had a soft spot for him as an actor :-)
  • benjaminlight
    benjaminlight Posts: 78 Member
    We went to a Dr. Who party last night at a friends house. A whole big group of us are Whovians, but we haven't really gotten together to watch with one another. So we all selected a few of our favorite episodes - went and watched some classic and some New Who, ate some fish fingers and custard and Jammie Dodgers. (I might have gone over my calorie intake between the Jammie Dodgers and the Scottish fare we had at the pub beforehand...) but a great time was had by all.

    I won a shirt, which is my new motivation to lose some more weight (It's an XL which I fit in now, but it's a bit tight) It has #10's face on it and says, "Trust Me, I'm the Doctor."

    I love it.

  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    anyone been to TeeFury today???? It's Two for Tuesday!


  • fashion79
    fashion79 Posts: 3 Member
    Seeing a Doctor Who topic, I couldn't resist not to reply.
    I'm a huge Doctor Who fan (obsessive)
    I'm new to this group, and it's great to find out that there are Whovians here :D