2 week challenge



  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Its OK Beeps I don't know anything about it either apparently!:wink:

    Fortunately I ended up with probably the best sleeping baby on the planet. So I haven't done night feedings since he was like 6 weeks old. So that's not it. I am only doing one feeding a day while I am at work because he is usually still sleeping when I leave and I started doing one bottle of formula at bedtime around 3 months and then still pumping after he went to bed. My plan is to keep going until he is 6 months and then see how I feel. He just eats ALOT and I feel like I can't keep up! But, formula is so expensive!
  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    Beeps, what are your calorie goals for the week? I've been thinking about going LOW cal for two weeks to get below 125-120 before May.

    Ladies, I know nothing about breastfeeding, so I can't help you there.

    I'm hoping to not be invited to any more dinners these next few weeks since I'm always uncomfortable being offered food. Last night I succumbed to the cheesecake and felt like a fool, so I'm sticking super low today to make up for it. Ugh.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Chloe - ppppfffffffffffttttttttt on the sleeping baby! That will LULL you into having another baby and then....WATCH OUT!!

    wassergottin - my calorie goals are 9,800....which has me in the "losing" category. If I manage to maybe do 9,400, so much the better! I want to dump 2 lbs before end of March and then I want to dump another 2 lbs in April and then 1 more lb the first 9 days of May.

    That makes 5 lbs lost by my European trip....and while there, I am with poor-church-mouse people, so there won;t be much eating and there will be lots of walking! Maybe I can dump 2 more lbs while in Europe, lol...
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    LOL that's what everybody keeps telling me!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Alright, it is "FEEL GOOD FRIDAY"!! What is YOUR "go to" method for "feeling good"?!?!? When YOU need a "pick-me-up", what is YOUR sure-fire way to get there?!?!?!?

    ....and, don't answer "orgasm" because that is way too simple (and universal!)....
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, Beeps, I am feeling pretty good-MY KITTY CAME HOME! she was locked in a neighbors shed and the woman went out to check on some pots she had and kitty ran out! So I was happy. Hubby and I went out and had pasta last night, and split a bottle of wine. It was grand. I woke up this morning and he had left for Vegas early but Skeeter was on the pillow above mine purring and I could hear it humming, so glad:happy:

    I did step on the scale and it was down a .5 from last week and with my period I count that as a win, because I really averaged about 1600 calories a day last week.

    As far as "go to method" for feeling good, I wish I had something. Sometimes if I get in a bad space it's really hard to shake it but maybe a drink and talking with good friends, that has turned it around for me in the past:drinker:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Amy yay! That's such great news. So happy kitty is home safe and sound.

    Beeps, my "goto method" for feeling good is just seeing my dog as sappy as that sounds. He is literally always happy, and that makes me happy. Orgasms don't hurt either ;)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I was up a pound today from two weeks ago and somehow it didn't get me down. I think because my clothes are feeling different and my belly is starting to look different. The whole water retention thing is really a drag......

    Go to feel good? Hands down: a good run. I have never run and felt bad after. I may have told this tid bit before, but I had a couple rough years in my life and when I started running again, I knew my life was turning around for the better. When I am running I am focused and have my *kitten* together and running makes me happy.

    My kiddo makes me happy. Not that she's second to running.....it is a fitness forum after all! :wink:

    Being outside makes me happy too.

    I had some drinks last night, but a very small dinner so it ended up being a low cal day after all! Going to try to focus this weekend on food so maybe I'll get that pound gone again.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    In the summer, my "go to" feel-good strategy is a lazy morning, with a great cup of coffee, and the newspaper, out on my deck! But, for these long, cold, dark winters, I usually aim for a JACUZZI, instead!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Amy - congrats on KITTY COMING HOME!! I am REALLY happy to read this!!

  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Running for sure is mine too! Must be the endorphins....treadmill works, but outside is even better!

    Yay for your cat's safe return!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Amy—that is totally true about the packaged stuff being easier to track. At least it keeps me honest! And I’m SOOO glad to hear that Skeeter came home!

    Chloe—I am planning to continue to breastfeed and pump at work. Pumping hasn’t been all that bad for me, although just today one of the admin ladies walked in on me doing it :embarassed: . I think I need to put a sign on the door next time! I think that the calories you take in does affect your supply. I credit my ability to pump more than Wiley eats in part to the fact that I eat 2,000+ calories a day. If you’ve already lost most of the baby weight (and great job for that!) then it can’t hurt to try maintenance calories for a while and see if that helps. That all said, have you started Jackson on solids yet? I’ve heard that somewhere between 4-6 months babies just get ravenous, and that’s about when some people start solids. Wiley hit that point a few weeks ago—he was just starving all the time, and by the end of the day I felt like he was still hungry after I fed him. Since we started giving him about 3-4 ounces of solids a day everything has balanced out and he no longer seems hungry at the end of our feedings. I’m not saying you should or should not start solids, as that’s a personal decision, but the fact that Jackson seems to be hungrier may be due to the fact that he just needs more calories now (probably because he’s also getting more active) rather than any problem with your milk supply. Oh and I’m totally jealous that Jackson is already done with night feedings!

    Ashley—I’m with you on running being my go-to feel good. Ditto on being outside. You just inspired me to stop making excuses and get out the jogging stroller when I get home this afternoon!

    Not much to report here. Other than Monday (which was the last day of my bachelorette weekend) I’ve been just slightly under my calories every day this week, and I’m going to make sure to keep up the streak this weekend. Weekends are always tougher, but I don’t have much planned so there is no reason I shouldn’t be able to stay within my calories. There is also no reason I shouldn’t get in some good workouts. My running buddy is out of town, but I’m going to make a point to run and/or lift both Saturday and Sunday.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I agree-being outside, pools, parks, running, walking, whatever=LOVE

    My official weigh in is Mon, but I peaked today and I was up. I may kill my scale. Thankfully, the pants fit GREAT today so I'm okay with it. I think I had a good week. I had some cookies, but they pretty much fit into my calories and my macors so I think I have found balance. Also, I have worked out 5 days in a row, which is a 2014 record. My throat hurts. Stupid wind/allergies.

    Glad the kitty is home, Amy! What a stress relief.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Oh, Chloe, when I went back to work at 6 months, my supply dropped. I went from nursing every 2-3 hours to pumping every 4. The more you pump, the more you produce. If you can, pump more, and that should help.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    What makes me feel good? Dance, of course!

    Amy - so glad that your cat is home & safe

    On the breastfeeding topic, my supply was low with both my kiddos & I could barely pump anything. I had to stop at 3 months with my first baby due to a breast abscess resulting in two surgeries, yuck! With my second child I could only nurse on one side due to the amount of scar tissue in the other one & at about 6 months she was so teeny & trying to nurse constantly I just switched to formula, but you're right, it is darn expensive!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Thanks for the feedback everyone! (And sorry to the people that really couldn't care less about breastfeeding :wink: )

    It has actually gotten better over the past few days. I have been eating oatmeal and taking Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle. I also ordered some lactation cookies on Amazon (just to give myself and excuse to eat cookies!)

    Abi- Props to you for trying after all that. If I had such a hard time I would have said screw it!

    kc- I pump at work every 2.5 hours

    Ris- Jack has always been a big eater from the bottle. He could take 6 oz when he was only a month old, he rarely spits up either, so I know hes not overeating. But, I think that's why he has been such a good sleeper. His intake really hasn't increased, he's just been pretty consistent. On the solid food subject, my doc said to start him on cereal at 5 months which will be on Wednesday. But, I am having mixed feelings about that. Part of me wants to skip the cereal and wait until 6 months and just do real foods then ie avocado, sweet potato, but I am going to see how he does.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ris- oh and that is too funny that someone walked in on you! Thankfully I have a lock on my door, but I still get nervous when I hear people in the hallway!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    On the solid food subject, my doc said to start him on cereal at 5 months which will be on Wednesday. But, I am having mixed feelings about that. Part of me wants to skip the cereal and wait until 6 months and just do real foods then ie avocado, sweet potato, but I am going to see how he does.

    My dr. said skip the cereal; it's all carbs aka sugar. We had tried some around 4 months and then I started making baby food around 5 months and giving her that a little. I can't remember when she started eating a lot of solids, but I started her pretty early on with pureed stuff and apple sauce and she is currently a GREAT eater and will eat mostly anything if she's hungry enough.

    I'm outta here. I worked way too hard for a gorgeous Friday in March. Go Cats!
  • EmmiDahling
    EmmiDahling Posts: 104 Member
    Amy, I am so happy to hear that kitty is safe!

    One of my feel-good strategies is a nice long bubble bath with a hair and facial treatment. I also enjoy a good nap.

    Happy Scale is telling me that I'm starting to trend up in weight (maintained for a month or two) at a rate of .2 lbs per month. My measurements however are down - .25 inches in my waist and .5 in my hips in the past month. I'm going to take this as a sign that I am on the right track: eating slightly above maitenance and hopefully building more muscle than just creating more fat. My calories were under maitenance by almost 400 yesterday, but I'll make up for that out at dinner tonight.

    Have a great rest of the weekend, everyone!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Well I had a good week—platinum star for me! It definitely helped that we didn’t get as much take out as usual and I skipped the booze a few nights. My goal for this week is just to keep it up, and continue to cut back on the sweets. My cravings for sugar are getting weaker, so hopefully this will keep getting easier.

    Kelly—Glad to hear you had a good week! And if your pants fit great, that’s really what matters. No one sees the number on the scale but you.

    Abigail—I agree with Chloe, good for you for still nursing your second one after all that!

    Chloe—Glad to hear that things are going better with BF! And that’s great that Jackson can drink so much at one time. Even now Wiley doesn’t take more than 4.5 oz from a bottle. On solids, we skipped cereal and went right to veggies (we started with butternut squash then went to sweet potatoes). So I probably started Wiley too soon given what some people say, but I was impatient  And he’s good at swallowing etc., so I think it was the right time for him.

    Emmi—Definitely go with the measurements over the scale, they don’t lie!