2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Ris - a platinum star CAN'T be beat! congratulations!

    I, got a gold star this week...did a SUPER-low week during the weekdays, but was traveling this weekend and had too many restaurant meals to stay LOW.

    That's okay! My new jeans are buttoning up!! They are resulting in a GROSSLY SPLENDID muffin-top, so there *is* work to be done, but I am happy with 0.5 lb loss per week at this point....i'm DONE CHASING RAINBOWS!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. I was 679 calories over, so not sure what star I get. I did not have a great week food wise. I drank a decent amount Friday and Saturday. I am realistic and know I will continue to drink more than I probably should, but I don't need to do that 2-3 nights a week. I'd like to get to a point where I have a reasonable dinner and just a couple drinks on Friday because I don't allow for 2 big slurges in one weekend. So that's that. I felt it this morning. I don't feel awful but woke at 4am and felt puffy. Still felt that way when I got up at 7 and am feeling a little less puffy now.

    I am proud of how my workouts went though. I did Level 1 of 30 Day Shred yesterday and had done 6 Wekk 6 Pack Wednesday. I ran 3.2 Saturday and walked some and I did almost 2 miles with stroller earlier in the week. Plus my yoga class so I got all 5 workouts in!

    Now I just need to clean up my diet. Story of my life......
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I did make some yummy cauliflower beef muffins yesterday though. I riced and cooked the cauliflower (and cooked the beef). I added some cottage cheese, parm, seasoning and baked for 25 minutes on 450. Then I added a turkey pepperoni on top, a little tomato sauce and a little shredded mozz and baked a little more. With a little over 1/2 head cauliflower and 1 lb of beef, it made 18 muffins so I have leftovers too.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Sorry....I'm chatty this morning. I forgot to share my deadlift joys with you all. :smile: I worked on them Saturday becuase I suck at them and don't like them. Which is why I always left them till last in my workouts and could never lift much. I was able to do 125lbs 5x after working up to that over 4 sets. I felt good and my delts are actually still sore which has never happened before. I think I was relying too heavily on my lower back (which is relatively weak) and not able to lift much. I'm still squatting about 10 lbs more than I deadlift, but I think I'll be able to get that number up pretty quickly now that I am understanding my technique better.

    OK, that's all. Back to work!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I was WAAYYY over my goal, like 2500 cals over, but I did that on purpose. So no star for me. My milk supply seems to be back up. I spent the entire weekend on the couch with a baby attached to my boob, but I think I am back to normal now.

    I started Chalean Extreme this morning. It felt good to have some weights in my hands. I can already feel I'm going to be sore. So that program will be 3 days a week and I would love to get in 2-3 runs every week as well.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I was 1727 over and it was probably more because I didn't track well Friday night.
    I have some painful bloating today, not sure what that is all about! hope it goes away...

    I will see what the scale says Wed, and maybe I will up my cals on star challenge to 1500 per day average.

    I need another program, I don't know what to do. I am getting confused again on whether I should be doing cardio, lifting heavy, HIIT or something else. Brain gets too much input sometimes!

    I was reading this interview with Tracy Anderson, on Goop (Gwyneth Paltrows online mag) and I don't know if it's nonsense or makes a lot of sense?!
    If anyone is interested or cares to discuss, the interview is here:

    Some highlights:
    On why running and spinning isn't great:
    The imbalances this created were noticeable in many bodies (not all). When you are trying to achieve balance, yet push the body to call upon the same muscles to fire in the same ways, again and again, it's only natural that your body would respond by building those muscles up in an unbalanced way. Those physical achievements eventually wear.

    On why her cardio dance stuff is different:
    I wanted to create a cardio component that involved calorie burn, mental connection, focus, and coordination. My specific dance aerobics program is incredibly challenging on all levels, without stop and go—it allows you to penetrate enough to fight real problem areas and control weight. And perhaps most importantly, it doesn't interfere with the design of the body because you're not firing the same major muscles, again and again.

    On why lifting heavy weights is bad:
    When you just lift heavy weights with your limbs as a lever against your core there is a depletion, which causes micro-tears in your muscle fibers. Training muscles by lifting heavy weight creates a cycle of repairing, rebuilding, and ultimately, muscle growth. Yes, this creates strength—but in isolation, and in a compartmentalized way.

    She has a lot of stuff for moms too... It's ok if you think it's BS:) It doesn't hurt my feelings.

    Also, Rusty (of Fitness Blackbook) has a new program:

    and it seems to use the "cirque du soleil" idea, Visual Impact Frequency Training is a 4-6 day per week brief full body routine, using the principles mastered by these Eastern European countries.
    If I act now, I can get it for $17:happy:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I hear you Amy....there is SO much stuff out there it can drive a person crazy. I know we've talked a lot about what works for everyone, and I still the most important thing to do is do something you like. Otherwise you won't want to do it. And I think "what you like" is probably always changing. I have gone through phases in my life where I only want to run. I was really into yoga for a while. I did swimming for a while. I was biking and brick training for a bit. (For a mini tri; I like having something to work towards and "train for".) I've done some workout videos and hated those same videos and then thought there were okay again (30 Day Shred: completed spring 2011, tried to restart and quit after 2 days spring 2012, and have just picked it back up in my rotation and I think will stick with it.) I loved spinning for a while. And kick boxing. For me I just need to find what I like and then I will actually want to do it. I do think that stength training has changed my body more than anything. But I'm also paying more attention to amounts and types of food more than I have in a while, so it could be that too. Who knows!? I do know I have exercise ADD so I'm always tweaking what I'm doing. I just try to be consistent.

    Good luck with your program search!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I am so sick! I actually just got home. I had to go to an am meeting. I felt better yesterday, but I think I pushed it with my workouts. I'm worse today. I crave carbs when. I am sick. Yes, I am sure it is in my head. I was over by close to 1000....and that was all in the last three days.

    I have decided I know NOTHING about weight loss! I am proud that I have finally started being honest in my diary, EVEN when it makes me red or I closed my diary and then grabbed a late night snack. I am proud of my workouts, this week anyway! Lol. I have GAINED 5 pounds since Christmas and I don't think it is muscle. Ok, I know it isn't.

    Chloe- I am glad your milk is back.

    Ashley- you are one strong lady!

    beeps- a loss is a loss. Be happy :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    ....am waiting for:


    to report in for STAR CHALLENGE!

    Then I can post the results....

    ONE MORE WEEK (March 24 - March 30) in the STAR challenge, so GET your GOOD GAME GOING, ladies!! We can KILL IT this week, FOR SURE!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies, I was 1,000 over last week :)

    Amy - really interested to read those articles. And I agree, there is just SO much crap out there it's hard to wade through.I agree with Ashley though, find something that you love and stick with it.

    Chloe - Glad the milk came back!

    Kclynch - hope you feel better. Honest logging is a great place to start!

    I had a really productive weekend at home. Took 6 garbage bags of clothes and one of shoes along with a bunch of crap from our garage to Goodwill. Felt REALLY good to do some spring cleaning. It was sunny all weekend too which was a bonus for us. Back to the rain for the next week or so.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Wow! Lots to catch up on!!

    Amy - I'm glad your kitty came home!! That must have been the best feeling in the world! I'll take a look at that article and let you know what I think later :)

    Ashely - Great work with the deadlifts! I agree with the fact that its just diet in the way for me too, I love my wine and I'm not going to give it up!! I have gotten a lot better with portion sizes for food and creating healthy swaps, so I'm doing pretty well though! Apparently what I'm cooking is working well for my fiance too since he is down a pant size and is still on his way to losing more!

    Chloe - I'm glad you figured out what works for you for your milk supply! That must have been frustrating! My little goddaughter just started eating the cereal with baby food mixed in and she's been doing great with it, she's about just about 6 months (wow, thought she was 5 mo and had to count and holy moly she's 6 months on saturday!) It's totally up to what you think is right for your little one for giving him food!

    Ram - Nice on the spring cleaning!! That will be happening for me in the next week or so.. yikes!

    Beeps - My go to feel good time in the summer is sitting on my deck (under the umbrella seeing as I get burned just looking at the sun) and having a glass of wine :) Great job on getting the jeans on! You'll fit in them the way you like soon, you're amazing!

    Kelly - I'm sorry you're sick :( Feel better!! I crave carbs when I'm sick too... grilled cheese and potato chips and crackers mainly!! You aren't alone on that one!

    That's all I can see/remember!!

    For the week I think I was over by about 500-700.. not sure what color that gives me! I did good most of the week but then had wine night one night and my food tasting for the wedding on Sunday!! I was still pretty good though :) I ended up spending money on chair covers while there... pretty sure it was a silly choice, but... the chairs are ugly there!! Oh well, this will be my only wedding, so might as well make it pretty :):) Plus they were on sale :) Yes, I am justifying it for myself... eek!

    Ok, happy Tuesday everyone!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Had a total carbo load day yesterday! But, only went over cals by like 100.

    Started Chalean yesterday and am super sore today. But, I still got my but out of bed and did 2.5 miles on the treadmill this morning. I need to reign in the diet after last weeks high week I am finding it hard to make good choices.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Just now checking in, will take awhile to go through all the posts. Last week was great up until Sunday, my mother had her annual "soup soiree" for the neighborhood so there was a sick amount of food & wine, however I had a great week as far as eating up to that point so I don't feel too bad. I logged during the week and was on target & then Saturday I went to a baby shower & had to skip the sweets, but she had some great healthy food choices - tomato, mozzarella salad, grilled chicken, fruits & cheeses, it was nice. I am still barely squeezing in just dance & yoga, but I need more cardio & strength mixed in. Unfortunately it looks like my schedule will stay insane until the school year is over. I need to re-think my schedule for next fall, for me & the kids. Take care everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    UPDATE on the *star* challenge:

  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies, Not much to report, but I'm still doing a quick checkin so I can remember where I am in reading posts. I've been pretty good about sticking within my calories. As my reward, the fluff from my girl's weekend the weekend before this past one has finally come off and I'm back to 4 pounds up from my pre-pregnancy weight. So now that I have my diet more or less in control, I need to figure out a plan for getting the exercise back in.

    Reading all of your posts makes me realize that I've really been slacking on exercise during the week. I do a good amount of walking (often with an 18 pound baby strapped on), but it's not the same as lifting or a good run. I don't know how you with kids fit in all in during the week. I need to figure out a plan for getting the exercise back in. Maybe I'll start out with something easy like doing 15 minutes of weights or or two days a week. I should be able to manage that, and hopefully once I get a routine going I can step it up. I'm having some wrist pain though (apparently common in new moms?), so I'm going to see what the doctor says tomorrow before committing to anything.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I find the only way I can get in a workout during the week is to get up before everybody else. And they are short workouts. Only 30-40 minutes. Thankfully my kid sleeps until 8, so I get up at 5 and am ready to leave the house by 7:15. There is no way I would be able to do it at night.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    I didn't lift when I had babies....didn't know I was supposed to, and didn't try and fit in time for it!

    I did do all sorts of cardio, plenty of swimming, though.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Ris, I get my longer workouts in on the weekends during nap time now which is opposite of what I used to do. My other workouts occur Tuesday right after work when Eric picks Daphne up, Wednesday (day off) during nap time, and I've been trying to get in a lunch workout in on Thursday. Or if it's nice I'll run with D right after work. But that's it. I was getting up early to lift, but I've gotten over that phase. I love the idea, just can't get out of bed. I'm with Chloe, with the exception of my hour long yoga class Tuesday, my workouts are like 30 minutes. I so took for granted that leisurely hour and a half I used to spend at the gym before kids........ Do you have a jogging stroller? I love my B.O.B.

    I've been around 250 calories under the past 2 days and feel good today. I have plans with friends the next 2 nights and a couple things this weekend, but I want to stay on track with my diet and keep my drinking in check. I'm either running at lunch today or doing something down in the gym. It's rather cold here today and I forgot my headband to keep my ears warm so we'll see.....

    Have a great day ladies!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I can't wait for it to get warm out to try out my BOB, my aunt bought it for me :smile:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    scale was the same as last week so I guess that I ate about maintenance:) last week I averaged 1646 per day, so I think I will up it to 1500 per day or 10,500 for the last week of March:) If you can't meet your goals-lower your expectations, right?

    I think I will get Rusty's new workout (visual impact frequency training), shoot for 5 workouts per week and trying to do pushups and pullups. Then I might have to shift my focus to cardio-vascular endurance for Warrior Dash in August...

    This thread has turned into nothing but babies, strollers and breast-feeding, what's a childless NTHG to do? :tongue: