Mad March workout check in thread



  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Cardio day for me. I did intervals on the elliptical for 20 minutes: normal pace, backwards, fast as I can forward, repeat. Row machine with 90 lbs, 3 sets of 6. I finally ventured on the Gravitron and did assisted pullups, chin ups and dips with 100 lbs. Gotta start somewhere. :ohwell:
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I haven't noticed much spike in my overall appetite regard to my workout schedule, but timing definitely changed. Our family dinner is 6 pm, and I workout at the evening 8-9 pm. I usually leave 150-200 calories for a snack after I come back from the gym, which I do not like to do on other days. Also I need to eat breakfast earlier the next day. In the past I experimented with intermittent fasting, but I only could do that while not working out whatsoever.

    I was all kinds of confused about TDEE as online calculators gave me as much as 400+ calories difference. In February I did a co2 based RMR testing to get to know exactly how much is my RMR. I also did a dexa scan for precise body fat %. I am going back for another dexa scan in a year for sure. I eat 1750 per day , which is about 500 cal deficit TDEE-20 maybe -22%. I am still considered obese though. People who do no have much to lose probably should eat closer to TDEE.

    I do not like cardio unless is functional thing like biking\hiking\rowing on a lake etc. I only do 30 minutes twice a week using my P90x3 dvd-s, but its a drag. I would never do cardio machines just to be allowed to eat more. I use my bike as major transportation device at the summer, and put 1 hr+ into it most days. I am for sure like the side effect that I can fit icecream into my menu ;)
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Finally I gave up on the doing 4-5 moves on the same dat nonsense. I guess I reached the point when thing are getting heavy :)
    Warm ups:45x5, 55x5
    Sets:70 lb, 5x5
    Warm ups:45x5, 55x5
    Sets:70lb , 5x5, I supposed to do 65 , but miscalculated the plates. It was hard and I didn't know why, until I realized I used the exact same plates as for the squat. I am not sure I will go up next time because of this.
    Barbell row:
    Warm ups: 45x5, 65x5,
    Sets: 75lb ,5x5

    Assisted pull-ups 5x5 with 95 lb assistance
    Knee ups: 12,12,10,10

    Today I was on fire with the squat. First a girl was openly watching me with her mouth open, :) when I went to drink some water during rest time she sneaked into the power cage and tried to lift my weight and she couldn' t . I know I am nowhere near to many of you, but still it made me fell badass. Then one of the fittest guy in the gym complemented my technique ! He doesn't know, but he made my day. He said very nice to see somebody doing proper full squat, not the half ones that most guys doing.

    What a wonderful NSV!! Thanks for sharing and you look awesome in that red dress!!

    Fittree, 100lb OHP!!! OMG!! Not to mention the 260 squat!!! That is almost what i weighed at my heaviest! It is truly scary to think that you could have popped that person n the dumpster! lol! Ah, Quesadillas! We eat them almost every day but not as fancy as yours.

    JCDoerr, awesome 75 and holy crap!! 85 OHP!!

    Dixon, DL 170!! Fantastic! I'm so happy about you getting a cage!!! Congratulations!!

    Krokador, you are one strong woman!

    Katerina, Awesome DL!!!

    JamBlaze, Awesome Workout! Congratulations on getting back to the rack!

    Crossroad, Congrats on the home gym!! Awesome workout! 185 DL!! Wowza!!

    Saranharm, hope you feel better soon. Sometimes the body just needs a rest. some of the viruses out there really do you in.
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    It depends: on DL days I feel the powerful hunger of a diesel guzzling SUV, but other days I'm 100-200 calories under and feel fine.

    I also feel my best when I eat at my TDEE, which I averaged between Scooby and IIFYM at 2,180. I've been trying to eat around -10%, but so far I've just been hungry again. I guess that's what happens when you go on a diet break for three months and just stuff your face (gained about three pounds, but added 25lbs to my squats)
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    @ fittree, fisherlassie and jcdoer- thank you for the welcome back! I really missed it!
    @fittree- beautiful OHP! I had 90 pounds on the bar for OHP when I hurt my wrist in October.

    Today I walked for a half hour and did my wrist exercises. I have some slight soreness in my forearm, but nothing like before. I am sore from lifting though which is really surprised me. Don't they say 6 weeks to gain muscle, 2 weeks to lose it. somehow that is really unfair!

    I plan on workout B tomorrow and HIIT. I am concerned about tomorrow as I injured myself doing OHP. I also am not quite sure how I will do deadlift with just the bar...probably I will prop it up between racks or benchs...
  • griffithm1
    griffithm1 Posts: 130 Member
    Hey everyone... Just checking in after the first day back teaching after Spring Break. I can hardly keep my eyes open. LOL I chose today to do an early workout but it had to be done. I did:
    squats 5x5 175 lb (these felt heavy and slow! I have to get used to the mornings again and see how it feels next time)
    bench 5x5 110 lb (again...heavy and slower than usual but got er done)
    rows 1x5x110 (my husband went in the house and I needed to get done so I just used the bar from bench and ramped), 1x120, 3x135

    I did warmups for all and a warmup before and cooldown and stretch after. Have a great night and happy lifting to all.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Thanks for the congrats guys! :blushing: :blushing:

    AABru how exactly did you hurt your wrist? Wanting to know so I don't accidentally repeat your mistake. I do 45 lbs to warm up usually for deads, and I do "touch and go" style although I don't actually touch it on anything. I just approximate the height it would be if there were plates on it. You're strong enough, and I would think that if you went slowly it would be fine. I always felt weird stacking plates for deads/rows.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    @ fittree, fisherlassie and jcdoer- thank you for the welcome back! I really missed it!
    @fittree- beautiful OHP! I had 90 pounds on the bar for OHP when I hurt my wrist in October.

    Today I walked for a half hour and did my wrist exercises. I have some slight soreness in my forearm, but nothing like before. I am sore from lifting though which is really surprised me. Don't they say 6 weeks to gain muscle, 2 weeks to lose it. somehow that is really unfair!

    I plan on workout B tomorrow and HIIT. I am concerned about tomorrow as I injured myself doing OHP. I also am not quite sure how I will do deadlift with just the bar...probably I will prop it up between racks or benchs...

    Man, 90lbs on OHP... Feel slike I'm still lightyears away from that. Haha. Well, for DL with just the bar, You can basically just drop it down to about mid shin. Don't try to touch the ground! Or do romanian deadlifts until you can put on bumper plates (which really shouldn't take very long ;)).

    So glad I get to sleep in tomorrow. I need the rest. In fact I probably should go to bed now. I used to be a night owl. Now i hit the hay around 9:30PM. When'd I get so old? lol (getting up at 5am to workout certainly doesn't help :P)
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    Whoa I missed a lot! All your numbers look awesome!
    This weekend was odd. I was sooooooooo damn sore all weekend. Honestly even today, my booty,legs and abs were still a bit sore. No clue what was up. So I didn't do any heavy cardio or lifting, just some long walking.

    Squat: 5x5 85lbs
    Still focusing on form. I will add weight next week

    OHP: 3,5,4,3,3 - 55lbs
    Wowzers... It was so damn hard today!!!!!! Maybe lack of carbs?

    Deadlift: 4 - 120lbs
    First 4 were great, my last one just didn't come up at all!

    On another note, I dropped 2lbs!!!!!!!
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    On another note, I dropped 2lbs!!!!!!!

    WOO HOO! Congrats on the weight loss! :drinker: :drinker:
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I just started yesterday so I am working my way up!
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    Last night's workout, after the {LadyDeadlift Warmup}

    THESE. WERE. SO. HARD. Maybe because I did them last instead of first? Also at a different gym location - it felt warm

    95x5x3, then 3 & 3


    * This different location is with the same gym so I'm a member. It's a little bit further from my house but I recently discovered that they have standard size barbell plates for even 5 & 10#! It was a sheer joy to do rows without having to fake it.

    I've been stressed about personal and work stuff this week, was ill on Monday, slept poorly on Sun....the whole nine yards as far as excuses go. I seriously thought about not going to the gym last night, so despite bombing on the BP when I'd hoped to nail it and struggling with squats, I'm going to chalk this up as a successful workout.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member

    I was even thinking about doing more cardio to be able to eat more - although this would probably make me even more hungry...

    Cardio…I love it when I'm finally doing it but I struggle with motivation every single day.

    I even hate it when I am doing it so it´s the harder to get meyself motivated. But: *darkvoiceon* summer is coming *darkvoiceoff*

    Congrats on all the other for their workouts and stats!
    I've been stressed about personal and work stuff this week, was ill on Monday, slept poorly on Sun....the whole nine yards as far as excuses go. I seriously thought about not going to the gym last night, so despite bombing on the BP when I'd hoped to nail it and struggling with squats, I'm going to chalk this up as a successful workout.

    I think every workout done, especially when you have to force yourself in the first place, is a successful workout and yours looked pretty fine to me ;-)
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member

    I was even thinking about doing more cardio to be able to eat more - although this would probably make me even more hungry...

    Cardio…I love it when I'm finally doing it but I struggle with motivation every single day.

    I even hate it when I am doing it so it´s the harder to get meyself motivated. But: *darkvoiceon* summer is coming *darkvoiceoff*

    Sometimes I feel like I am the only person that lifts that enjoys cardio! I really feel like I NEED to do it or else my mood will be wretched! For the past few weeks I have been dying for warmth so I can start running again!

    I've been stressed about personal and work stuff this week, was ill on Monday, slept poorly on Sun....the whole nine yards as far as excuses go. I seriously thought about not going to the gym last night, so despite bombing on the BP when I'd hoped to nail it and struggling with squats, I'm going to chalk this up as a successful workout.

    I think every workout done, especially when you have to force yourself in the first place, is a successful workout and yours looked pretty fine to me ;-)

    Agreed ^^^ When I stress, I usually just jump in bed and wallow in self pity... good on you for getting your *kitten* into that gym :drinker:
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Great workouts ladies!
    Sometimes I feel like I am the only person that lifts that enjoys cardio! I really feel like I NEED to do it or else my mood will be wretched! For the past few weeks I have been dying for warmth so I can start running again!

    This is exactly how I feel about cardio as well, my one long, slow, endurance run each week is just for fun, and it makes me feel amazing :) Sprints on the other hand...well I like their benefits lol.

    I did squats yesterday, it's my first time doing them in probably 2 weeks.

    Warmup Sets:
    5 x 75 pounds
    5 x 95 pounds
    3 x 115 pounds

    Working Sets:
    5 x 125 pounds
    5 x 140 pounds
    5 x 160 pounds-I got all 5 but barely. These felt really, really, heavy.

    Assistance Work:
    Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 10 @65 pounds
    Back Extensions- 3 x 8 @35 pounds

    I'm definitely feeling it today, I can't imagine what tomorrow's going to feel like!
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member

    I was even thinking about doing more cardio to be able to eat more - although this would probably make me even more hungry...

    Cardio…I love it when I'm finally doing it but I struggle with motivation every single day.

    I even hate it when I am doing it so it´s the harder to get meyself motivated. But: *darkvoiceon* summer is coming *darkvoiceoff*

    Sometimes I feel like I am the only person that lifts that enjoys cardio! I really feel like I NEED to do it or else my mood will be wretched! For the past few weeks I have been dying for warmth so I can start running again!

    I've been stressed about personal and work stuff this week, was ill on Monday, slept poorly on Sun....the whole nine yards as far as excuses go. I seriously thought about not going to the gym last night, so despite bombing on the BP when I'd hoped to nail it and struggling with squats, I'm going to chalk this up as a successful workout.

    I think every workout done, especially when you have to force yourself in the first place, is a successful workout and yours looked pretty fine to me ;-)

    Agreed ^^^ When I stress, I usually just jump in bed and wallow in self pity... good on you for getting your *kitten* into that gym :drinker:

    Well, since I started weightlifting (which happened only recently) I feel the strange and unfamiliar urge to move more. Yesterday I even went on the treadmill again after I was done lifting - okay, my friend was there I wanted to talk to her, but it was not that bad :-) maybe I am getting there. It's not that I don't want to - I tried c25k and stuff like that, but I sucked and got demotivated very quickly. I 've never made it to the runner's high, so I just crawled huffing and puffing along wishing to be somewhere else.

    Yes, you only need to overcome that meh point and that makes you feel proud and good. If you don't make it, it can make you feel bad for hours/days^^
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    I'm in the "I do cardio for the extra food" club...

    Wendler 5/3/1 Bench Press day for me today.

    1x5 @ 45 lbs
    1x5 @ 55 lbs
    1x3 @70 lbs
    1x3 @ 80 lbs
    1x3 @ 90 lbs
    1x3 @ 100 lbs (but this was a HUGE struggle today!)

    Incline Bench Dumbbell Press:
    3x10 @ 50 lbs, felt too light so I added:
    3x8 @ 60 lbs

    One arm dumbbell rows:
    3x10 at 35 lbs (each side)

    Then I tried to do push-ups, HA! Got in 10 before I fell on my face.

    Ran 1 mile & walked a little over a mile.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yah Fit on the triple diget OHP.

    @krok your workouts make me tired just reading them

    Me and cardio have a love hate relationship...I love how I feel when I am done...hate it while I am doing it. ETA: however I do HIIT 2x a week (still) did a nine minute routine last night...kicked my was called the Little black dress workout..winding planks, pulsing squats for 20 secs, squats for 30, walk down push ups and jumping jacks etc...

    for those who liked the article yah it was a great one...

    So...I noticed on monday my shoulder blades were sore...I thought it was due to my benchig (not enough padding on bench/shoulders) but now I am wondering if it's the squats and where the bar sits...ideas?

    Oh and for hungry Yah I get hungry usually on Mondays actually pre lifting...I lift in the evening typically so I am hungry all day monday..and usually Tuesday...I try to stay under 1700 but above 1600...weird I know...I should probably up them to 1800 at I am 4lbs from "goal" but my real goal is 20-22% BF which puts me at 150-153 so hoping as I up to maintenance of 2k

    @dixon oh gosh..I've had to do that too well I didn't collar the bar so the weights did the slide then womp on the other side...that looked scary...and yes after mine I had my rack built...

    Workout B for me today Yah Deadlifts...

    Warmup done..
    Rehab done 3x today so far...feeling better going to do it after my sets as well it's a bit tight again.

    Squats @ 150 tonight 5x5, they seemed a bit harder...not sure if it's my leg but I think I will stay here as the last set first rep was a bit iffy..started and it was iffy so started again. I don't want to re re injure.

    OHP @ 80lbs tonight 5x5

    Almost bunged up the barbell math....hehe. I think at this point I am going to start upping these weights with my collars so next increase will be 83.5, 85, 88.5, 90, 93.5 etc...same thing with my benches...

    DL @ 180 tonight (not moving up as I want to make sure form is good)
    1x5 here the clip sorry for the friggen and farten around at first just want to make sure it could be seen.

    I concentrated on making sure it was a push and found if I lower my bum (bend more at the knees) I can feel the push brutal please.

    So on a funnier note my husband finally admitted why he started lifting again...he's afraid I am going to get stronger...(almost might be) he and a buddy at work were talking about their workouts and his buddy said "I have no pride she kicks my *kitten*" lovely husband apparently has more pride than this guy...:laugh: although he is doing a wonky version of strong lifts with a descendinng pyramid which I don't get at all but it's his program...and if it works great.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Stef it looks like you're rounding your low/mid back a little. Maybe try widening your stance a bit? Your shoulders are looking buff tho!

    For some reason I was feeling motivated to cardio yesterday. I did an hour on the arc trainer and it hurt my ribs more. Go figure.
    Thus I skipped upper body today.

    Front squats
    45x5, 95 2x5, 120x5, 135x5, 150x3

    45x5, 135x5, 225x5, 265x5, 310x2, 225x8

    15# curlx12+
    back extension x12

    c35k I "ran" 23 minutes straight. woot woot!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    @krok your workouts make me tired just reading them
    Funnily enough, they tend to energize me! I do hate cardio, so circuit training is basically the next best thing, and I really enjoy myself. I'm one of those crazies that actually likes burpees! lol

    As for your deadlift, I think your hips shoot up too fast. It could be why your back rounds a bit like fittree pointed out. Try to focus on pulling the bar towards your shins a bit (sit back and squeeze your butt to lift your torso up as the bar breaks the floor) and see how that feels? It's a really subtle shift but I find it makes a world of difference, especially at heavier weights.

    @fittreelol 310lbs deadlift? Damn, you're strong!