Talking Dead: Team Carol



  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Morning friends!

    I just finished my 20 minutes of ab work (insert groan here) - I chose the hardest segments on the dvd and now my abs are yelling at me. But I am done with all my minimums, but I for sure will need cardio today as it is my nephew's birthday party (pizza and cake are in my future).

    Today the MFP gods decided that I needed to re-do my calories because I have lost too much weight (bullies!). So I have less calories to work with AND a birthday party. As I already took my by day, I have to be good today or I will mess up the team.

    The bright side? My BMI is down to 27.7 from 35.4. I am significantly out of the obese category and 20 pounds away from a healthy BMI. *insert happy dance here*

    @Skittles - have fun today at the garden show!

    @Jan - I am in awe of your 600 club aspirations.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Good morning team! This is my last Sat morning with you since the Farmers market season is starting. Goodbye sleeping in sats! Not sure what this week holds with my new job but I'm still working my old one for 1 1/2 more days. I think I might possibly be waking up at 4:30AM to get a jump start on our shared kitchen.

    I need to add up my numbers and do some more punishments today and will turn in this evening. I hope it stops raining cause i want to get a nice walk in with my doggy. He's been a good sport lately with out me walking him.

    Happy exercising! Hope everyone is doing ok with numbers!
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    oh my gosh sara.... the landslides!! i keep hearing awful stories. :(

    wed: swim 30c
    thurs: tabattas (70c)
    Fri: bootcamp (75c)
    Sat: lift + bootcamp (70st)

    Cardio: 175/250
    Strength: 70/100
    Average calorie intake: 6/6
    Punishment (inchworms): 5/5
    Exercise of choice (planks): 4/5

    im SOOO close!!! ill see waht i can get in the rest of the day.... i am in need of yoga, so as soon as i get G down for a nap, ill take that on (60c).... then thats about all ill be doing... i think. ill msg you sara before midnight to let you know!!!
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    thank you thank you thank you Sawjan!!!
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Day 6 Saturday 3/29/14, FINAL check in:

    Cardio: 618/250 (Aiming for the 600 club!)
    Strength: 130/100
    Martial Arts/Combat: 180/135
    Average calorie intake: 6/6 days
    Weight loss for challenge: 9.8#/ 9# made my challenge goal :drinker:
    Punishment (current) = 5/3 (inch worm)
    Challenge (curtsy lunge) = 5/5
    Exercise of choice = 5/5 (Tues = plank, Wed=crunches, Thurs=dancing, Fri=walking, Sat=running)

    My extra goes to Coruscate (you're welcome), and whoever else may need it :heart:

    Did my longest run to date. 11 miles :smile: But did have a NSV today. After the run today helped the youth group at church make Easter chocolates and didn't eat ANY!!!!! My daughters and I walked around Target. Felt great to buy a size smaller in underwear :laugh:

    Kawookie - Congrats on the new BMI, I'm looking forward to moving into the healthy range soon!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,632 Member
    this week I just wasn't feeling as much of my work outs. I was feeling down and worrying about things that I have no control over so next week I'm not going to worry about things I have no power in changing. also I had a blast hanging out with friends today and did a lot of walking.

    Cardio585/250 ( i need to get back into 700 again )
    Strength: 160100
    Punishment: 7/5 (inchworms)
    Calories: 5/5
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 363 Member
    I'm sorry I have been so MIA this week! I am on a major deadline at work and I have been pouring my everything into it. My cardio was super slacking this week. I am five weeks away from my first half marathon for the year. I am way behind in my training miles. I got out before dawn this morning and got 8 miles in along the ocean causeway. I have to get my training back on track and get my mileage back or the first half on my schedule is going to be pretty rough!! I'm in tough shape tonight. my legs are killing me!!

    I am hunkering down for a night of the Walking Dead!! AMC is running a marathon of the entire season 4. I will catch up to all of you for tomorrow night!!!

    Cardio: 280/250
    Strength: 110/100
    Average calorie intake: 6/6
    Punishment (inchworms): 5/5 ( this sucked!!!)
    Exercise of choice (25 crunches a day) 5/5
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    Here's my check in for the week. I plan to get my fitspo posted this evening as well. I've had a hard time taking a photo that I like, but I just need to be done with it.

    Cardio: 305/250
    Strength 90/90 - Just barely made it, but I killed my legs getting it done this morning.
    Inchworm punishment: 5/3
    Exercise of choice: 9/5 (I did four sets of Sally's and five sets of Spartan Bows this morning during my kids' gymnastics lessons. I may never be able to sit properly on the toilet again)

    Food 6/6

    My kiddos go back to school on Monday, so I should be able to get some awesome cardio numbers in again.
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Totals Sunday- Wednesday; Friday-Saturday

    Cardio: 374/250
    Strength: 110/100
    Inchworms: 3/3
    Exercise of choice (abs): 5/5
    Curtsies: 3/5
    Food 6/6 (Today was a real challenge with MFP reducing me)
    Weight loss: 10.4 lbs
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    Final numbers for the week:
    Cardio 255/250
    Strength 135/100
    Punishment 5/5 inchworms
    Challenge 5/5 curtsey lunges
    Food 5/5
    Personal Exercise 5/5 (pullups -dropped the assist weight, yeah)

    Have a little extra strength if anyone on the team needs a bit...
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    final numbers for me.... still short, but not bad for 3.5 days

    wed: swim 30c
    thurs: tabattas (70c)
    Fri: bootcamp (75c)
    Sat: lift + yoga (70st + 60 c)

    Cardio: 235/250
    Strength: 70/100
    Average calorie intake: 6/6
    Punishment (inchworms): 5/5
    Exercise of choice (planks): 5/5
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    my check in:

    Punishmnet:4 or 5
    weight loss this week: 2 lbs met my challenge goal!

    Just need 2 more people to check in for another perfect score.
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    Sorry, my strength should read 100/100.
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    Sorry food should be 6/6, forgot a day
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Ok, the only one I didn't hear from was TJ and she did a midweek check in and is never over her cals so I gave her a 3. So perfect 3!

    I chose SawJan again for MVP. She just rocked it in every area. I think we should all strive for her ninja skills.
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 363 Member
    My season 4 marathon is continuing. I'm up to episode 7!!! I really wish I had a Walking Dead party to go to!!!!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    I was watching too.
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 363 Member
    It's funny... I am finally understanding everything you guys have been talking about!!! It is so hard not to look up spoilers!! Should I not be trusting Eugene? (I'm in episode 11)
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Woah! I know that today is our "rest" day, but I went out for a pancake brunch with friends and needed to gain some calories for dinner.

    I decided to do Leslie Sansone's Walk Strong video. Now, I have done this video many times before but today I bumped it up from 3 lb to 5 lb weights. Ye gods!

    I didn't know that some of these places could sweat, but alas they can. And did. My husband told me that a shower was required before he would feed me. I don't remember him ever doing that before. I feel like a limp noodle. I guess I finally did the video correctly!
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Hey Ladies!!! Can I just say that I have sincerely missed all of you this week?! It was a challenge to keep everything in check and I missed on a couple points :frown: You all rock for always making sure our team is at 100% Happy late birthday hajenkatt, I hope it was a great one :flowerforyou: I promise I will be around more this week. Work is still high stress right now, but at least I am back to day shift for a couple weeks!
    Hope everyone has a great Sunday and is ready to see what happens on the episode tonight!!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    I hate it when the series come to a finale. Well, no Carol in this one so wonder if we will do some rescuing in the next season? I'm going to write our next challenge. We will see who is the over all winner next week.
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Sara - Thank you for the MVP! :blushing:
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    What to do next?

    I'm not sure if you ladies have looked yet, but there really aren't any other challenges like this one. Sure there are challenges that focus only on a type of exercise (squats or planks) and those that challenge you to lose 20 pounds by date x. But there are very few true challenges out there that combine healthy eating with sensible exercise.

    I'm not looking forward to the end of this challenge, but I am trying to decide what is next. I might spend more time focusing on strength training as the next logical step would be to focus on body composition. I still have more to lose, but the fact is that after losing a lot of weight that some muscle also gets lost. I want to gain back that muscle to become less jiggly in my tummy and arms.

    I am working on upgrading a lot of my exercise videos to insure that I am getting both strength and cardio at the same time. I just got a step workout (with weights) and I have a kickboxing workout I tried once, that I might try again soon now that jabs, upper cuts, etc mean something to me. I bought a step a month ago and it has been helpful with my weight routines and I figure I should try some step workouts because I like the basic routines (and all of them are fairly basic) on the Wii.

    These are my brainstorms. I am thinking 45 minutes a day of exercise or every other day 90 minutes. The longer workouts might be wiser if I am focusing on strength training? I hope that you all share your ideas because mine are still forming.

    I plan to stay involved with my groups for total mileage (I generally aim for 125 miles of movement a month) and the hydr8 and keeping it green challenge that I run each month. They seem to still be helping, so if it isn't broken...
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    There is a lot of dedication when you do a challenge like this but it really keeps you accountable. You will continue to do an awesome job of keeping it up Kim. I'm very proud of you! You have come a long way since being a scarecrow level on Wiz of Oz challenge.

    I plan to keep up the routine but maybe incorporate more out door activities such as running. My knee has been keeping from it but it's starting to behave. My son is doing couch to 5k and I did his first week with him. I'm running so slow but I did run the running parts. Hopefully I will be back to running all the way again in a month or two. I have another 5 K this Aug but I would really like to run the 10 k. I'm going to keep up lifting heavier weights because I know that is helping me actually lose lbs. I have been stalled forever! I have grown to like the combat training and I will try and bump that up as well.

    I will miss you guys though. I hope we can keep chatting here.

    One thing TJ mentioned was to really push ourselves in this last week. I agree that we should try and blow our numbers out of the water! Let's try and reach the highest goals we can this week. The player with the most cardio/strength/punishment this week will win the MVP spot. Can we hit 800 mins of cardio????
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Sara - Thank you for the MVP! :blushing:

    You earned it! 11 mile run, killer combat, cardio and strength and activity on the board. How could I overlook it? You are the one to beat. Skittles was right behind you. She always gets those high cardio numbers.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    I forgot to mention, don't forget to make your fitsbo! That is free points not to miss out on!!!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I forgot to mention, don't forget to make your fitsbo! That is free points not to miss out on!!!
    She beat me to it, but here is more info:

    Leader board and recap have been posted.

    Tyreese and Sasha will be deciding the last punishment exercise of the season. 

    Also remember this is the week to get your 2 points for doing a Fitspiration, the early bird challenge 4 was:

    A big part of survival in the apocalypse will be teaching and inspiring others. In week 9, there will be bonus points (2) awarded to everyone who contributes a fitspo to the MFP Fitspiration thread.  

    Part One: 
    Part Two: 
    Part Three: 

    Part Four
    Add your fitspo here:

    If you haven't done a fitspo yet, think of what you've accomplished in the last 9 weeks and make one now to make 2 points for your team this week. Browse the 4 part thread for inspiration (you'll find plenty). As you can see, a fitspo is just a motivational quote on a picture. It can be a before and after picture, a picture of yourself dancing, a picture of the street you jog on, the park you walk through or of an obstacle you've had to fight past. As long as the quote and picture have inspired you, it will inspire others. Message your team captain when you have posted one or remind them that you have done so already. 
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,632 Member
    I forgot to mention, don't forget to make your fitsbo! That is free points not to miss out on!!!

    I have to make mine and I just have to say i teared up a bit reading your challenge you have for us because I call all of your friends. I got to know you guys and I am really sad this is the last week. I wish it could just keep going. but I want you all to keep in touch with me over the summer and I will be back for next season, kicking more butt and I am staying on team Carol because we are the beast team, we have done it all and them some. I still plan on doing all my work out classes and once our pool opens I'll be doing laps.
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Day 1 Monday 3/31/14, check in:

    Cardio: 165/250 (Aiming for the 800 club!)
    Strength: 40/100
    Martial Arts/Combat: 45/135
    Average calorie intake: 1/6 days
    Weight loss for challenge: 6#/ 9#
    Punishment (current) = ?
    fitsbo =

    Can't we keep going beyond the end of the challenge?? :sad:
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I dont see why we cant keep going after this ends, just make up our own weekly challenge and encourage each other to accomplish it. Thats how this challenge was created. Most of the captains are left over from a challenge that took place last year and we just keep talking and helping each other out.

    So to get 800 minutes, I figure I will have to do at least 150 min each day. I am really going to have to think of different things to do this week since I always do the same old same old.