Daily Check In



  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    For yesterday: 1/14/14
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes
    Did I drink enough water? Yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) stationary bike 1/2 hr!! week 1 day 1 of 8 week weight loss program
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? yep
    Did I take my vitamin? before bed as usual
    How do I feel about my day? had a crap end of the day at work, got on the bike and it felt good to get back on it! My legs were a little sore but I felt great today, I may get on it and do the stag 1 of the aerobic. My bike has 3 programs, a 8 week weight loss program, 16 aerobic exercise, and 16 performance exercises, so I want t work them all :-) But the 8 week weight loss program is 3 routines a week, so I plan on doing them Tues Thurs and Sat every week until I complete it. I will check in tonight as well :-)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Got side tracked yesterday but here's today!!

    For yesterday: 1/16/14
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes
    Did I drink enough water? Yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) stationary bike 1/2 hr!! week 1 day 2 of 8 week weight loss program (modified though b/c it was too slow for me)
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? yep
    Did I take my vitamin? before bed as usual
    How do I feel about my day? busy day at work, home, had tacos for dinner, so yummy. I'm totally PMSing and everything did NOT satisfy me today...I wanted to eat everything!! So all things considered I feel I did well. Got on the stationary bike for week 1 day 2 of my 8 week challenge my bike has. It was MUCH to easy so I put on some rock/metal and pedaled to music (which is pretty fast, lol) I put on Avenged Sevenfold channel on Pandora and it was: A7X, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Disturbed, A7X again, and to end it with Metallica, just AWESOME! All fav bands of mine, and I pumped it out!! I feel great :-) top speed was like 18 mph, lowest 10
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes within cal range
    Did I drink enough water? Yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) stationary bike 1/2 hr!! week 1 day 3 of 8 week weight loss program (modified though b/c it was too slow for me)
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) no
    Challenge completed? yep
    Did I take my vitamin? before bed as usual
    How do I feel about my day? welp this weekend starts my new work schedule so I will be working a full day Sunday! I'm looking forward to it because that means I will have a 3 day weekend every other week (off set by a 1 day weekend every other week) I wanted to get my biking in today instead of tomorrow since I will probably be doing fun stuff with the baby and hubby and busy up my day. I'm feeling a lot of energy from getting back into the swing of things. I'm also pumped that I lost a lb for weigh in today :-D Hoping to see more people posting!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    wow, was a slacker posting over the weekend, but I logged everyday, will check in tonight :-)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes within cal range
    Did I drink enough water? Yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) rest day
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) rest day
    Challenge completed? rest day
    Did I take my vitamin? before bed as usual
    How do I feel about my day? was the only clinician at work today b/c of the holiday. I was ON FIRE and got alot done, but def got a lot of catching up to do tomorrow. I'm pooped and can't wait for Thursday, since Friday I will have OFF! woooo!! Although having worked a full day on Sunday will take some getting used to. But today, reflecting on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I realize I'm living his dream, helping the less fortunate, building the new generation, teaching tolerance and acceptance of all. God bless him and may he RIP. I hope he looks upon us smiling with the progress we made but putting a fire in the hearts of others to continue to make positive change.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes within cal range
    Did I drink enough water? Yes
    Cardio: (what and how long) walking, wii fit
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) none
    Challenge completed? 1/2
    Did I take my vitamin? before bed as usual
    How do I feel about my day? went to the local car show, every car I wanted to check out wasn't there :-( bah! but i was lots of walking for a fun activity! The baby loved it too, she loves to say "car" but she already says it with a Massachusetts accent and says "cAH" lol
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes within cal range
    Did I drink enough water? Yes plenty!
    Cardio: (what and how long) walking, cooking, cleaning
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) none
    Challenge completed? none
    Did I take my vitamin? before bed as usual
    How do I feel about my day? very very busy, tired, think I'm fighting off something, my ears hurt, just feeling blah!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    For 2/14/14

    Did I follow my diet today? Yes within cal range
    Did I drink enough water? Yes plenty!
    Cardio: (what and how long) walking, cooking, cleaning
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) none
    Challenge completed? haven't made one
    Did I take my vitamin? before bed as usual
    How do I feel about my day? Welp, I'm pretty excited that I weighed in at 217 this morning! That makes me 50 lbs less than my heaviest weight ever, and closer to my GOAL. I wanted to lose another 10 by my birthday, 7 lbs to go (for March 6th) I know I could probably get there!!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes within cal range after cardio
    Did I drink enough water? could probably have more
    Cardio: (what and how long) walking, cleaning
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) none
    Challenge completed? 1/2 did more than 30 cardio
    Did I take my vitamin? before bed as usual
    How do I feel about my day? I got my new car today! 2010 Nissan Murano. Just in time for ANOTHER snow storm! I also went to a baby shower today and was able to really restrain myself from all the food, yay me! Not the best eating day but I definitely moved enough to deal with it.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes within cal range
    Did I drink enough water? definitely
    Cardio: (what and how long) cleaning
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) none
    Challenge completed? gotta make a new one, I will Friday
    Did I take my vitamin? before bed as usual
    How do I feel about my day? I'm just BEAT today. My daughter has been sick and I think I'm fighting off whatever she has. I fell asleep on the couch multiple times last night. I also have had 2 very busy days at work, but tomorrow it'll be a little easier on me. I'm hoping since I'm posting more people will come back and post again or new people will join!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    For 4/7/14

    Did I follow my diet today? Yes under cal goal by 10
    Did I drink enough water? coulda had more
    Cardio: (what and how long) walking
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) none
    Challenge completed? gotta make a new one
    Did I take my vitamin? before bed as usual
    How do I feel about my day? I need to get back to checking in every day and doing challenges, I've plateau'd too long and I need to lose more before SUMMER gets here. I'm also heading to Myrtle Beach the end of May and I'd like to be closer to onederland than where I am now. I'll be checking in tonight. I'm hoping others will start to do the same!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member

    Did I follow my diet today? Yes under cal goal
    Did I drink enough water? yes, was a better girl about that today
    Cardio: (what and how long) walking, cleaning, cooking, standing
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) none I totally forgot
    Challenge completed? did more than a 1/2 hr of moving, but forgot my crunches
    Did I take my vitamin? before bed as usual
    How do I feel about my day? Welp, my mom is sick with a pneumonia and she is who primarily takes care of my daughter. So for the next two weeks I'm working on second shift because I don't have vacation time to use since I'm already using it next month for a WELL deserved vacation. So I'm spending the day with my daughter which is great, but then I'm not seeing my husband except for a few minutes which sucks....:-( Oh well, at least it's temporary! A friend of mine does this all the time, I don't know how she can! I'm made I forgot my crunches, but, I'll get them in tomorrow!
  • adupras77
    adupras77 Posts: 9 Member
    Good morning everyone! Just joined this group and looking forward to sharing. (This is for yesterday..)
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes, today I was on track
    Did I drink enough water? 48 ounces, should have had another bottle
    Cardio: (what and how long) 60 minutes (bootcamp style) 20 min walk at lunch with coworkers
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) 3 x 20 reps
    Challenge completed?
    Did I take my vitamin? yes, gnc women pack
    How do I feel about my day? Good day overall, joined this group, added two new friends to my fitness pal, and was under calorie goal by 1 calorie. :)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Hooray, thank for posting! Hopefully we'll get the others to if we keep doing it!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? Yes under cal goal
    Did I drink enough water? plenty
    Cardio: (what and how long) gardening, playing with the kiddo, moving a battery dead lawn tractor, quick run around with the stroller
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) none I totally forgot again, although I'm sure I used my core to move that tractor!
    Challenge completed? did more than a 1/2 hr of moving, but forgot my crunches
    Did I take my vitamin? before bed as usual
    How do I feel about my day? just enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL weather today with my daughter :-) she HATES going back inside after playing outside, just like her mommy, but a girl's gotta eat to play! It's weird working second shift, I miss my husband, but it's only temporary. I'm managing to continue to eat under cal even though I'm home during the day. I'm usually a grazer at home, but the kiddo is keeping me busy. And yard work! Can't wait for the flower to start coming in :-)
  • adupras77
    adupras77 Posts: 9 Member
    Ok, did bad yesterday calorie-wise....4/10/14

    Did I follow my diet today? not really, over my calorie mark by 300.
    Did I drink enough water? 48 ounces
    Cardio: (what and how long) I woke up at 4 am, did a 2 mile run, and some "bootcamp" like moves. burpees, push ups.
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) 35 reps
    Challenge completed?
    Did I take my vitamin? yes
    How do I feel about my day?
    Was having a terrible day at work, so had a cocktail and some reeses eggs. Need to start venting with exercise! Tommorrow is another day.
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    For yesterday 4/21/14

    Did I follow my diet today? was over cal
    Did I drink enough water? could had 2 more cups
    Cardio: (what and how long) general cleaning and walking
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) none
    Challenge completed? need to make a new one, I'll make it on Friday
    Did I take my vitamin? before bed as usual
    How do I feel about my day? Very busy day, but a good day. I wasn't feeling so good after dinner, I don't know what's up with that, but feeling better this morning. Going to post tonight as well and get back on track. It's just been tough to do it when I've been working 2nd shift since my mom has a pneumonia. hopefully she'll be better soon, hasn't almost been 3 weeks of her being sick!
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Was over cal 2 days ago, and under cal count yesterday. I've been so exhausted getting home from 2nd shift, that I didn't post. But I plan on posting tonight :-) I've got a tasty baked chicken dinner cooking for when the hubby comes home :-)
  • MetalPisces
    MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
    Did I follow my diet today? under cal with activity
    Did I drink enough water? plenty
    Cardio: (what and how long) softball for an hour and 1/2 min
    Abs: (any ab work and how much) none
    Challenge completed? I'll post one Friday, but for now, just being under cal is my goal
    Did I take my vitamin? before bed as usual
    How do I feel about my day? welp, I got hit in the face with a ball at softball tonight from a bad bounce. I had a decent game though, got on base nearly every time I was up. We lost, but it was still a fun game. I'll be sad when the season is over (in which case that may be next week). Hoping that I can get more active with other things, take the kiddo for walks in her carriage, and maybe going back to using EA Active on the Wii, as that had helped me so much in the past. I'm sick of being on a plateau and want to make my goal of getting into ONEderland