April workout check in thread - aprilliant workouts here!



  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Deadlift Day!!! I hit a PR of 145 lbs!!!!! Yay me! I also hit another PR, this one in running. I hit 10:00/mile. :bigsmile:
    The rest of the workout was a blur due to a cup of coffee followed by some C4 pre workout. :laugh:
    Double PR? Awesome!!!!!
  • decblessings
    decblessings Posts: 113 Member
    Deadlift Day!!! I hit a PR of 145 lbs!!!!! Yay me! I also hit another PR, this one in running. I hit 10:00/mile. :bigsmile:
    The rest of the workout was a blur due to a cup of coffee followed by some C4 pre workout. :laugh:

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Deadlift Day!!! I hit a PR of 145 lbs!!!!! Yay me! I also hit another PR, this one in running. I hit 10:00/mile. :bigsmile:
    The rest of the workout was a blur due to a cup of coffee followed by some C4 pre workout. :laugh:

    Haha, caffeine induced PR frenzy! Awesome! I just got a new preworkout to try since I ran out of everything else. Can't wait to see what I hit! Haha.

    I decided to bite the bullet and do Runkeeper's Begginer 5K training plan as far as running goes. Today was a 1.5 mile rune (which I completed in about 16 minutes, but I wasn't pushing the pace)

    I know I CAN run a 5K, but I usually bust my knees up doing so, so maybe working up to it this time will help. Allergies are striking again which makes me think that my body really just can't get used to this. I will buy anti-histamines tonight >_<

    And I should recover my bike tomorrow which makes me both excited and dreadful.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Question - what lifts are ok for pregnant ladies? I invited my workout buddy to come with me tonight (she said she NEEDED to do weights and will not ever go to the gym by herself so I said I'd be there doing my SL workout) and I'd love to give her some new moves to help strengthen her hips and all that, but she's 4 months pregnant and I know nothing about that whole scenario... Would hip thrusts with a lower weight/weight she's comfortable with be ok for her?

    It is really not a god time to START weight training. It is usually totally fine to keep up what you already doing , even squatting, and deadlifting or whatever you are already doing. But it is really not the time to start. I would suggest her to seek out group classes that designed for pregnant women intead. Beside getting the benefit of proper exercise, she also can connect with other pregnant ladies, and it is really important to build up relationships with other moms and mom to be. After you have a kid, you most likely drift away from friends who do not have kids for a while because you can not harmonize your time and interest
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Awesome, awesome, awesome workout today!

    Squats: 160 lbs 3x5. I transitioned back to high bar squats and man do these feel so much better. Depth is better and easier. 20 more lbs and I'll be back up to what I was when I jacked up my knee :bigsmile:

    OHP: 65 lbs 3x5. Brushed my nose on the way done on a rep, but I don't care. These felt great. Not too much of a struggle. Looking forward to getting back to 75 lbs and beyond.

    Deadlift: 215 lbs 1x5. I've broken through the mental plateau, I believe. YES! These felt so GOOD! A little challenging, but nothing too bad. 235, I'm coming for YOU! :glasses:

    On another note, I went to Smoothie King and got an Original High Protein in Lemon. WOW, tastes like a lemon cream cheese pie! I'll definitely be getting this one again.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    It is really not a god time to START weight training. It is usually totally fine to keep up what you already doing , even squatting, and deadlifting or whatever you are already doing. But it is really not the time to start. I would suggest her to seek out group classes that designed for pregnant women intead. Beside getting the benefit of proper exercise, she also can connect with other pregnant ladies, and it is really important to build up relationships with other moms and mom to be. After you have a kid, you most likely drift away from friends who do not have kids for a while because you can not harmonize your time and interest
    Awww, that makes me kinda sad. You're right, though; I don't have kids and don't want to ever have kids so we will probably see less of each other once the baby is born. I wouldn't say she's new to doing weight-bearing work, but since we have different fitness goals now that she's pregnant, I started SL and have only been doing cardio with her once a week.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Thanks a lot ladies!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I also wanted to add this was the first time that when I dead lifted it didn't hurt my erector spinae. I think the assistance work that I have been doing has been helping my main lifts in a big way.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    It is really not a god time to START weight training. It is usually totally fine to keep up what you already doing , even squatting, and deadlifting or whatever you are already doing. But it is really not the time to start. I would suggest her to seek out group classes that designed for pregnant women intead. Beside getting the benefit of proper exercise, she also can connect with other pregnant ladies, and it is really important to build up relationships with other moms and mom to be. After you have a kid, you most likely drift away from friends who do not have kids for a while because you can not harmonize your time and interest
    Awww, that makes me kinda sad. You're right, though; I don't have kids and don't want to ever have kids so we will probably see less of each other once the baby is born. I wouldn't say she's new to doing weight-bearing work, but since we have different fitness goals now that she's pregnant, I started SL and have only been doing cardio with her once a week.

    I found this to be true, but temporary. Once the baby gets older it's easier (and much enjoyed) to get back to being more than just mom.

    Anyway workout today was:
    Squat 5x5 130 lbs, they felt awesome, getting to just sub parallel no problem. I'm very glad I deloaded last week.
    Bench press 5/5/4/3/3 75 lbs had to do the roll of shame on the last one and woke the baby:(
    Row 5/5/5/5/4 65lbs just couldn't get the bar to chest on the last one

    My chiropractor also has me doing these toe down leg lifts did 3x10 of those the last ones were hard to get done.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Awww, that makes me kinda sad. You're right, though; I don't have kids and don't want to ever have kids so we will probably see less of each other once the baby is born. I wouldn't say she's new to doing weight-bearing work, but since we have different fitness goals now that she's pregnant, I started SL and have only been doing cardio with her once a week.
    As pp mentioned the drifting apart is temporary for the really good friends . The first year is really rough an the sleep deprivation thrumphs everything. After the first year it gets better and by the time the kid is 2 yrs old, most moms became normal. My experience is the sooner the mom start to excersize the sooner she became less of a zombie. So keep offering to be her gym buddy after her baby is born.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies...finally it's the weekend again...

    @rugby yes definately keep us updated..

    @ fisher I worked on negatives until I could do one full and then continued to keep trying for 2 full straight arm..just keep at it, it will come and you will feel all Rawwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy when it does...and thanks I appreciate the compliment.

    @westend yah you look at that on those numbers

    I crave chicken and chocolate after I lift...oh and a diet coke

    @ krok...holy crap...amazed at your workouts and on poor sleep none the less...

    @ katerina...my husband tries that too..I usually swear at him...GTFO....
    @dec I am the same way and he counts them out 1-1 2-2 and tries to save me to soon...worst thing he's done is "grab the girls" as I had my last rep up on OHP he almost got beaned with a plate.

    @jstout..never squatted? wow :noway: and you go with the chinups...

    @diane sounds like a good reason to me...keep that squat rack busy and I agree with Krok you will be surprised with DL's..

    @tele yah I would switch it up perhaps after a couple rest days if you do it M/W/F...change it up on Monday.

    @ dennie good job on those numbers
    @random grats on PR...Rawwwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    @wolf Yah I know you've been not so happy lately

    As for kids yah it can hamper at first but doesn't last long if the parents don't let it. I have a child..man child who is 19 so I might as well be considered as having none and my bf has 2, another friend 2, my sister 1 etc and we all make time for each other..it's just easier for me to go to them.

    So workout B for me today Yah DL Day

    squats went up today to 135 5x5 no issues, did my rehab right before warm up sets etc.

    OHP @ 85 today did 4min rests at first but moving up to 4:15 between 3 and 4 sets, and almost a full 5 between 4th and 5th

    4x5 then 1x4...you know that point where you know you got it...I swear I was one inch from there...one more inch up and it would have been a complete rep

    I cursed so loud it brought my husband out of his gamming daze...:blushing: and I just keep thinking if I did 3x5 there wouldn't be a failure...:grumble:

    DL @ 170 to make sure form is down before I go back to 180...that seems to be where it breaks down. 1x5 no issue

    Have a good weekend ladies I am head to my fav resturant on a double date with DH and another couple....best food there makes me drool...seafood pasta, giant seafood rangoons and desserts to die for...
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    Today: almost no one was in the gym! The people who were there were all over the squat racks though.

    Workout A
    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x5x85, 1x3x115, 1x3x145, 5x5x175
    Bench: 2x5x45, 1x5x65, 5x5x85
    Bent over rows: 2x5x45, 1x5x65, 1x5x80, 4x5x75

    Midway through rows work set 1 I said "oh heck no" and decided to deload. Rows are never my favorite thing, and when they feel nigh impossible...
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    My workout isn't twice as interesting!
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    Doc has cleared her to do anything (as long as it isn't painful), but she said maybe she'd try the SL with me and I immediately said NOPE - not right now! I'm thinking body weight hip thrusts would be good, too, and she has done some lower weight goblet squats in the last month.

    Thanks for the suggestions! :smile:
    With my first pregnancy I lifted to 6 months. When it started to feel hard I stopped, but I had been lifting for over ten years at that point. Stopped lifting until this past year...unless you count babies and small children and some large children...
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I have been out of concession for a minute. I was sick and then I went on a short vacation to see a close friend and FL and this week I finally got two days in the gym. I am back at 45 pounds for everything because I took two weeks off and my wrist was sore on vacation. BUT, am really working on form. My squat has never been so deep...straight legged deadlift looks good as well.
    2x5 at 45 for deadlift, squat and OHP and 3x10 at 45 for the same (upping reps to make up for lack of weight).

    Also had a chance to spot/ form check some of the students on our power lifting team (I teach highschool and used to coach the team). Did deadlift with 135 for maybe set of 5 with no wrist pain. Felt good
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Awesome workouts from everyone!

    Well, last night was my first chance to spar in boxing class and WOW, a real learning experience. I learned that I have a lot to work on :laugh: It is a lot different when you are getting hit back. I am aggressive on the attack, but I lack in my defense so I tend to get hit more than I need to. I had fun and will get another chance in the ring next Friday. The instructor plans on being my sparring partner for the time being since I need to work on how I react after I get hit. For only 4 months of training and it being my first real spar, I think I did okay and now have a baseline to work up from. It is kind of like working on getting the ATG on squats, it takes time and patience to get good at it. All in all, I'd label my performance as "One Hot Mess" :laugh:



    full video of my 2 rounds: http://youtu.be/iVe58dcat84
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    I was all kinds of distracted yesterday when setting up my bar apparently! I left my phone, and thus the 5x5 app, in my locker and the only weight I could solidly remember that I should be doing was bench. This is what happened:

    Rows - 1x5 @ 85lbs, then realized that I was only supposed to be at 80 this time! Finished 4x5 @ 80lbs.
    Squats - 2x5 @ 135lbs, realized it should be 140lbs, finished off with 3x5 @ 140lbs
    Bench - 5x5 @ 85lbs

    Bench was pretty difficult! I may stick at 85 for the next time, too, and make sure I give myself plenty of time between sets.

    ETA: Almost forgot to mention that for my rows, I stacked up 3 45lb plates on the floor on each side so the bar and smaller working weight plates could rest on them. It sort of helped...? Maybe need the stack a little higher...
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Squats: 3x5 150lbs (felt GOOD!)

    Rows: 3x5 65lbs

    Bench: 4x5 65lbs

    One-Legged RDL: 2x5, each leg, 40lbs

    So the bench felt fine, just difficult enough to have really work for the last rep for each set. I should have gone up on the rows, but my hamstrings felt really weak (??) squatting down, and I almost tipped forward on the first set (which was supposed to be my last warm up weight; quickly made it the working weight)

    jstout: that is so badass! And I love that you're in pink. :happy:
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    @jstout I think I'm a little jelly of your boxing now. That looks fun! And to my untrained eye you look like you're doing pretty good!

    Ahoy! So. Clean & Jerk! Day 8 of the Badass Building Blocks.

    EMOTM Clean & Jerk for 1 rep, 15 rounds.

    I did them @ 80lbs. During the first 5 rounds I was like "meh, coulda gone heavier.". The next 5 I was like "Um, maybe not, this feels pretty good". The last 3-4 were a little tough. So while I *could* have gone a bit heavier, I'm glad I chose the weight I did because form wasn't all that great at the end.

    I have a video of my warm-up sets uploading but youtube is being a **** (or my internet connection is, hard to tell. I need to change ISP) and is stuck at 1% with a thousand minutes to go. I might just use google drive >_< Yeah nope, it's not really moving there either... *sighs*

    So that means I'm through with it! And while my lifts are not that impressing, I think my form is solid enough to run the full program. I'll be regressing some moves, but my biggest worry was with the snatches and I can do them alright with 65lbs so that's that! However I have my crossfit training from monday thru wednesday so I'll probably be starting on Friday.

    Thinking of running a full body 3x3 or 3x5 workout tomorrow just to test my strength a bit and get a baseline :)
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    @jstout: I agree with krokador...makes me want to take up boxing!

    Felt really good in the gym this morning. My me time :smile:

    95 lb good mornings--3x8
    95 lb hip thrusts--3x10
    105 lb barbell rows--5x5 with warmups of 75 lbs and 95 lbs.
    40 lb curls --2x6. These were tough. I've never done curls with a bar before.

    Finished up with day 2 of C25K. I felt really good after this.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    For those who might be interested, I finally managed to upload that video somewhere!

    @wolf you can row 105? Woah!