Jo's Packing It On Journal!



  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    Loving your booty and flat tum there Jo, suitably jealous.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    You're looking fabulous!

    Try a pumice stone, about once a week, while you're in the bath for the callous - looks nippy
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    I get callouses in the exact same place. I do wear gloves or else I get them on my palms at the base of my middle fingers too. I think deadlifts/rack pulls and lat pulldowns cause mine. Not sure though.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    thanks ladies. :)- feeling pretty good about what's happening- doesn't look like much when I see pictures- but I see the scale- it's going down!!!
    I get callouses in the exact same place. I do wear gloves or else I get them on my palms at the base of my middle fingers too. I think deadlifts/rack pulls and lat pull downs cause mine. Not sure though.

    You know- that middle spot- it's my least calloused area compared to the base of the fingers on the palms- or in under the first knuckle- I have had other rips for sure- but this one is a weird one- I need to do better at taking care of them- I didn't even think they were that bad honestly till I got in the car and noticed it on the steering wheel.

    I definitely think it was the rack pulls- that was the first time I attempted them- everything else was a standard lift for me. We'll see how it goes tonight- not sure those are on the agenda but we'll see- might need something for my hands- not sure how well it's going to hold up on some of our cheese grater bars!!

    oh oh oh - while I'm here- I'll share what my "other" things look like. I rebuilt this costume entirely since it was pretty much rubbish.
    but pretty excited about the fact it's done.

    pretty excited- easily adjustable for my weight loss too (single belt- so only one side needs adjusting)

    YAY costuming. :D powerlifting bellydancer- sure- why not. :laugh:
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Looking good! :glasses:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    ^^ thanks


    Sigh. week two of 170- I was down 168 yesterday- today was like 169/170 right on the edge.

    I'm not happy. I dropped to 1400 + eat backsies (to accommodate for my initial 10 pound drop). I know it's a time consuming process and I'd like to accept you have to trust the system- but it's so damn hard!!!

    I think I'm going to finish out this week on 1400 and then Monday go back to 1700 or so- need to eat closer to maintance for this lifting meet thing. lifts are going okay- I'm having a hard time trusting the program- I don't like it and I just don't have have.

    But I am pressing ahead- I'm committed to the work so I just have to follow. izhard.

    have 3 shows this weekend- so should be fun. :) looking forward to that. Also looking forward to seeing real downward progress on the scale. sigh- need a few months for that LOL
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    just finished week three of the program. Happy with training for the most part.

    I got yelled at this morning for using guestimated 1RPM instead of actual ones.

    I was just really annoyed and bored with my benching- it's SO light at 50-80% it's annoying and I hate it.

    Sigh oh well. The meet got pushed back till July- end of july- so I have just over two months to reset and start all over. I'm down in size but the scale hasn't moved- which is annoying- but it is what it is.

    Off to dance class- more later if I have time. :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Chugging along- slowly dropping- I hit 164 this AM- not sure if it's becuase I haven't lifted since Friday or I "whooshed" again. Had monday off and my gym was closed at noon and I didn't realize it till well- noon when I was going to go. whoops- oh well.
    I'll squat it out today and call it square.

    I was considering taking the whole week off- my body has felt pretty beat up- but I think 4 days off is good enough for now.

    Fingers crossed for a whoosh!!! I'll know tomorrow!!!

    I'm making progress- I can see I'm smaller- I'm frustrated because some of my clothing feels tight still even though I look smaller- and I'm getting closer to that 160 mark- which should put me back in my 6's.. hasn't happened yet but that's okay- still fighting for it.
    Not so much cardio outside dance class recently. Should be able to get 15 minutes in today on top of my workout- we'll see what the BF has planned though!!!

    oh edit- maybe I should push my 1rmp today for prep for my comp- and see how it goes. I know I'm hitting 215- pretty sure I could go higher- would be nice to know where I stand for starting my peaking program!!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Still hovering around 168/170... so I've started being more generous with my left over calories- and not eating back so much.

    I saw 164 on the scale but it shot back up- so just taking in a tighter rain- no question I'm smaller- but wish it would happen faster.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Alrightie- took some more official picture- I couldn't be assed to find the official bottoms - so purple pants it is- plus ze quads- they look gooooooood





  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    OMG your quads are awesome!! Back definition looks fabulous too.

    Nice work - lookin' good :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    QUADZILLAREX!!!!! :) thank you

    hercules and Xena!!! they will get bigger!!!

    actually as a side bar- I have noticed that I can tell the bar doesn't sit square on my shoulders- and when I squat I tend to have my left foot slightly forward... and now looking at my back- I'm seeing some discrepancy's. And I'm slightly concerned with the S shape I'm seeing when you look flat at my back.

    Am I imagining that? or is that really a thing?
    I'm wondering where one goes to start addressing that!! herm. wonder wonder wonder. I started noticing and was hoping it was less of a thing- but it's definitely looking like a thing now. herm. ponder ponder ponder.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    weighed in at the gym in the afternoon at 168.
    Said I haven't lost more- since it has been going down- really annoyed.

    But regardless

    Here are my my max lifts for the year thus far- I'm not happy but it could be worse.


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Man- slow slow slow.

    I kind of just piddled away June in terms of weight loss- maintained steadily around 167-168 range for the whole month. Think I was over estimating workouts- but I wasn't really worried about it.

    I think I'm out of the power lifting meet on Sunday- I ran into money issues this month randomly- and I'm terrified to look at my account. I know- highly irresponsible of me.

    whatever. I'll test my 1 rmp's anyway on Sunday.

    Since I adjusted my workouts and I dropped my calories I've been doing okay- down to 165/164ish. So after Sunday I'll get more aggressive about food and cardio to try to drop ten more pounds. I'd really like to be in the low 150's for a couple reasons- but I guess we'll see how that goes. Should be able to do that at a rate of 1/2 pound per week- which is 2 pounds a month- 5 months. god that's depressing. Shrug- whatever- we are going for it anyway- no reason to bulk again if I can't get a little lower on the scale- I'll just be perpetually floating between 160-180 if I don't cut lower.

    Ah well. I'm okay with it- just work- and sometimes I can work- and sometimes I cannot. Se' la vi
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, I lurk on this forum a lot. Just wanted to say you have a great attitude about scale weight. It's refreshing that you don't let it define you.
    You're right- the best way to describe cutting is "work". It requires so much planning and attention. Good luck on the 1RMs!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    It's nice to know it's not a thing. I used to get more upset about it- I mean i was 170 regularly for a long time and I never FELT fat- or FELT over weight- so being a number really hasn't impacted me once I realized I was good at what I did. One reason why it's so important to focus heavily on tangible goals (DOING a thing) rather than being a thing. It's good for the brain!!! Now it's ALL about doing the things- and making sure I can continue to fit into my very expensive dance costumes!

    I failed discipline wise. I was supposed to test yesterday. I got home- I had no money to buy a snack on the way there which would have worked better- so I went home. And made food. But I didn't have much- so pop corn- followed up by sauteed zucchini- I know weird. But did I mention i was broke? Having a hard time with my bank and cc fraud. So.. yeah- And then I wound up stuck there- and no will to move. So I failed.

    Ah well_ i'm going to attempt to do all my 1 rmp's today- so I don't get all screwy- but I have to be at the dance studio by 7 PM- so only 2 hours to do it- not much time for one rep max testing. Whatever- going to do the thing!!!

    I hit 163 today though- So I think my august goal will be 160- I think it's managable- it's a little under a pound a week- I'm not sure I"m sitting honestly at 163- it's been floating at 165- might just be the lack of water retention from not lifting- but we'll see won't we after this week!!! I am less worried about losing strenght- so time to get on the cut for reals. 160 by end of August- and then I'll be pushing for 150 through the fall.

    GO GO GO GO!!! That might be it for me- I have costumes that will be awfully big for me at that point- and I have spent a LOT of time and money on them- not to mention motorcycle gear- it's hard to buy- expensive- and hard to sell- you take a big financial hit. So time to wise up about that- I'm 30 no need to be yoyoing- I'm more than "healthy". So we'll see how it goes- I might have enough meat on my bones to hold the 150's and not fall out of my costumes- but we'll see. :D
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Did you get to finally test your 1RMs?
    Your plan sounds very reasonable. So many more things to consider than just a number on the scale!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    oiy- I did!!! Last week actually- sorry for the lack of updates- was trying to get my videos spliced all up to load up- still hastn' happened.

    Not pretty. VERY not happy.

    I'm glad I didn't pay to go to the powerlifting meet- it would have been 200+ $ for me that day.

    These were Monday lifts
    1.) 225- Clean
    2.) 245- fail
    3.) 245 fail

    Issue one- I should have jumped to 235- which was my plan- but I brain farted again- add a five to each side to add ten pounds- NOT two 10's to each side. FAIL on my part in terms of plate math- but everyone though I could have done it so I attempted it again- the second attempt at 245 was much stronger than the first- but it still wasn't successful.

    1.) 185 - Clean
    2.) 200- Fail
    3.) 195 - Fail

    I know technically you aren't supposed to go back down- but I wanted to try. So I went back down.
    200 actually STARTED to go back up- I got it off my chest and lost it about 1/3 of the way up. :(

    195- I think I was just tired- I might have gotten it had I tried that first.

    Dead lifts- those took place on Wednesday (I ran out of time on Monday)
    Solid warm up- 275 felt kind of heavy- but I went for it as part of my warm up
    1.) 305- Clean: shakey- didn't feel strong at all
    2.) 310- Fail
    3.) 310- Fail

    This really frustrated me- I was really hoping to pull 310- it's only 5 extra pounds- and the second attempt on 310was more aggressive than the first pull- so I mean- it's doable- but for some reason it's all or nothing with my lifts- either I can do it or I can't- my ability to kind of grind through heavy weight seems to have gone away.

    I've been running Sheiko- I ran the comp prep, sheiko 29 and sheiko 30.

    I didn't follow the comp prep well because we abandoned the idea of competing- so I changed programs and reset. Sheiko 30 I ran fairly true to course- I ate mostly at maintenance through June- and started again with a minimal deficit in July. I've dropped about 5 pounds from the course of June to July. I'm sitting at low 160's rather than high mid 160's.

    I'm not sure if diet has played a roll or more that sheiko never has you putting up ANY big numbers- you never go over like 85% of your 1 RPM. I think that is a bit of an issue for me.

    I'm not 100% certain- so i'm going to go ahead and run Sheiko 30 ONE more time- I have nothing to lose- I'm not training for anything other than numbers and myself- so no reason not to give it a fair chance- and I like the way it runs- it's hard- and it's a PAIN IN THE EVER LOVING *kitten* for many reasons- but I have come to like the program.

    So I'll run it one more time- still on a deficit- I'm not sure at the weights where I am how important deficit vs strength gains will be.

    I suspect my inability to really move up on weights has a lot to do with me needing to spend time under a heavier bar- and sheiko is based on volume of lifting rather than actual mass moved. I suspect- I mean it could be the deficit- I'm not losing super fast so I don't think THAT was it fully- I mean UPSIDE- is I haven't gotten any weaker- Those openers were my 1 rep max's last time- so I mean considering I"m cutting- that's a win. But it's just nice to see the numbers go up.

    We'll see- I'll run this for 6 more weeks- test again and then see how I did- I'll probably switch programs up after that just for variety sake. Currently goal is not lose much strenght- but try to drop more weight- first step break 160- second step is 155- then hopefully before christmas of next year I can hit 150 - but I would really just like to break 160 this month!!!! And hit a 3 plate dead lift!!! LMAO.

    :) Hopefully I can get video spliced and uploaded- they are kind of funny to watch- I swear a lot. LOL and forget to turn the camera off so there is random conversation happening.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I had to look up Sheiko. Very interesting.

    Your numbers are amazing! As someone who still hasn't hit 200lbs on any of my lifts, I'm totally impressed!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I had to look up Sheiko. Very interesting.

    Your numbers are amazing! As someone who still hasn't hit 200lbs on any of my lifts, I'm totally impressed!

    it kind of sucks- but I've grown to like it LOL- something about doing something different than anyone else.

    I'm feeling okay about it this go round- which is what- my 4th cycle? LOL I totally hated it the very first time!!!

    People think I'm completely wackadoo when I do Squat, Bench, Squat Bench day. And it takes me ForEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR it's eeasily a 1.5 hour lift- if not 2.

    But shrug- whatever- gotta make it work right!!

    Thank you :) I've had some practice- I'm starting to wonder if I'm a little bit of a genetic freak- after getting into a roe with some people about 135 not being heavy bench for women- I'm wondering if I'm a little bit odd ball- I never considered myself to be an exceptional athelete- but time was on my side- I started lifting crazy heavy in college- and the goal was to put up big numbers.. so Maybe I just got lucky.

    You'll get there- it will happen- you're stronger than you think!! I promise!! I just takes time- like gaining and losing- it just takes time!!! I fought ALL SUMMER to hit 305 DL... seriously 6+ months. And now I'm back grinding to hit 315- and my luck- it'll only be 310 next time. But it happens- it's the process- and it's what's fun about it- long term goals trump short term pleasantries!

    Here's a thread I posted about TDEE VS NEAT eat backsies.
    Been wondering why I feel like I'm eating so much less than everyone- and TDEE doesn't give me any better numbers

    In other news: I'm officially on the 160 track- so my outlook to break 160 this month is high. I'm hopeful- but not set on it. I'm just happy to still have a positive trend line down. I forget how much of a mind challenge it can be- but I focus again on tangible goals rather than the scale- just keep watching the trend line- and the longer I do this- the more I'm convinced a 3-4 watching period is necessary to solidify theories on weight/progress/numbers.

    I know people tend to jump to conclusions- but the more I do this- the more it seems like 3-4 weeks really sets the information and gives you what you need to know- it's not what you might WANT to know (I.E. my June maintenance dealio) but I KNEW and I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt- eating roughly 2000 was maintenance, and it's giving me a lot of confidence in the numbers I use now. But the only reason I know was because I waited. I have the data to prove it.

    Anyway- just musing and thinking this morning- also kicking myself b/c I forgot to set an alarm for getting up early- going to have to short my BF some hours this week in terms of quality time- I feel bad- but I can't skip a workout- i already skipped one last week- and Friday have to work- so I'll be shifting it to Saturday AM. Grumble. Can't skip today too. Sigh- oh well.

    We're making oreo balls and hopefully having steak- so I need to do the work LOL :drinker: