2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member

    ^^^ I JOINED THE latest LEIGH PEELE CHALLENGE (as a shadower....let me be clear!)!

    It is a "do what you say you will" challenge - for 8 weeks.

    I have my 4 things that I will "do what I say I will do". My husband is going to join the challenge, too! (As a shadower....I'm pretty interested to see what he will *pick* as the areas he would like to work on!) I think his support will be very helpful....and, he isn't a critical guy (when it comes to me, anyway....) and I advised him, up front, that "accountability works for me - criticism does NOT" and he'll follow those RULES, lol!

    In detail, these are the things I am saying I will achieve in the next eight weeks?

    • I will not eat anything after my supper-time. (This is the HARD one!)
    • I will brush my teeth as often as I can; for sure after every meal and hopefully after every snack.
    • I will weight-train 3 x per week. (This is the EASY one!)
    • I will do 120 minutes of cardio each week.

    I ask each and every one of you, for your support and your accountability, as I move into July/August as MY BEST SELF!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Hi Everyone - haven't had much time for catching up this week until now. I missed running the first part of the week so missed my goal of getting in 5 runs, but i did go Thursday and today and because of schedule changes I may get to run Saturday morning.

    Ris - I can't imagine running marathons in every state, probably because I can't imagine running a marathon period. A half is plenty long enough for me! Have you run Boston? I would love to go to one of the big ones (Boston, NY, Chicago or even LA) just to see the event. Also - you mentioned going to Bombay (Mumbai) for a wedding... I work with quite a few people from India. Mumbai is much better than other cities as it is the capital and has more international visitors. Like the rest of India though it does have a very high number of people living in slums - I think over 50%. The streets are pretty crazy with cars, people, bicycles and of course cows... and there is a lot of trash, etc.. If you can get beyond that and the people begging there are really beautiful places to see there. I'm sorry you and the baby are sick! I hope you both feel better soon!

    Jen - I am exhausted just reading all that you visited and did while you were in California. I love that drive up to SF - did you stop in Santa Barbara at all? It is so pretty there.

    Beeps - I am with you on the garden. I really like the idea of it and love having the fresh veggies when my daughter has hers but I really don't like bugs and dealing with all that. I have fruit trees though and enjoy having fresh oranges and juice, grapefruit, nectarines and tangerines. I think I need to find a really good farmers market instead of having my own garden. The Baltimore Farmers market was one of my favorites and always had the best veggies!

    I am doing fair so far with eating. I have been doing a better job with the protein but still going over a bit with my calories - not a lot but still over. But I am eating good things and not junk or lots of snacks. The pound I thought I lost has come back and brought a friend so now I am up 2 pounds even with all the running, strength training and change for more protein and a bit higher calories :huh: If anyone has any other suggestions I am open to them. I just can't figure out why I can't get these last few pounds off!

    Have a wonderful weekend! Supposed to rain here - no complaints we definitely need it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    I can't get the last pounds off, either....so, do NOT look to me for advice!

    However, you give me renewed hope that today is a "stumble forward" day as I keep my calories LOW, my protein HIGH, and my water intake at a BAZILLION!

    2 weeks to Europe....I am seriously buttoning-up and getting 'er done!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    I am in day 3 of my "do what you say you will!" challenge and it has gone very well....no snacking AT ALL after supper! So, that is GOOD news, because I totally feel that if I get THAT 'input' done correctly, the scale weight, albeit slowly, will whittle down in the right direction.
  • mwjones123
    Hello! I am super excited to start the 2 week challenge. My starting weight is 125.5 pounds, and my goal weight in two weeks is 120 pounds.

    Mon - yoga/running
    Tues - arms
    Wed - yoga/running
    Thurs - legs
    Fri - yoga/running
    Sat - arms
    Sun - rest

  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    That's awesome, Beeps!
    Sorry Shannber, I have gained and can't seem to lose!

    The good news, I took 5 week measurements and despite a 2 pound gain, I have lost 1/2-1 inch EVERYWHERE- except my right thigh which was already 3/4 smaller then my left. It only went down 1/4.

    I was 313 UNDER my goal and my macros were the best they've been 43% carbs, 27% fat and 30% protein. I failed at two cheats though. There was like 6. I am going to try harder this week. Yesterday, I had a horrible PMS attitude, today, I have a can do attitude. Gotta love hormones. It's early. I am sure the grumpiest will back! 8 weeks until vacation. There may be a juice fast or a soup diet between now and then.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. My weekend was so-so. We had so much going on (zoo, yard work, birtday party, wedding reception, more yard work, art fair......) so I ate and drank plenty. But I was active. I ran 2.5 Saturday in addition to some walking and yard work all weekend. I did not log well over the weekend. I back logged Saturday on Sunday and on Sunday I logged but did not look at my weekly total so ended up 291 calories over. As usual, my workouts were on point, but my food and beverage was not. I had another boozy Sunday, which I just can't do 3 days of boozing in a row and meet my goal. End of story.

    My plan this week:
    1. Today I am juicing for lunch and either juicing or protein shake for dinner, so a sort of mini fast day.
    2. No booze till Friday (am going to really try for this but it's Derby week.....)
    3. We're off work and going to the track Friday for Oaks. I'm going to try to get a quick run in that morning. Maybe I can convince Eric to go with us.
    4. Our Derby party starts at 10:30 am Saturday morning. I'm going to try to get a quick workout in before.

    I have a ton of stuff to do to prepare for our party - cleaning, cooking, shopping..... and I don't have my Wednesday off this week. I may need to squeeze a lunch workout and a morning workout in to meet my goals. And I need some deficits to counter my Derby weekend. I may go booze free for a week or two following Derby. I feel I need to do something a little extreme to meet my goals by my vacation. I'm a little scared I've gained back a pound or more. My head has not been in the game these last 2 weeks.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps—I like your “do what you say you will” challenge! I really believe that telling other people your goals helps you stay accountable, so I’m glad your husband is on board too!

    shanaber—At one point I couldn’t imagine running a marathon either, and then I met all these “normal” (i.e., in fine shape but not in amazing shape or anything) people who either had run or were training for marathons, and I decided to give it a try. They’re a lot of work, but once you do one it’s easier to maintain that endurance than it is to build up the mileage the first time. I’ve never run Boston. I’m still hoping to qualify someday, but I have a ways to go. I did Chicago and loved it, and I’m doing NYC in November. And thanks for the info on India! I’d still like to see it, but it’s good to be prepared for it. And I’m sorry you’re having trouble with the last few pounds! They are always the hardest. It sounds like you’re doing most things right, but at the end of the day it’s calories burned that matter when it comes to weight loss, so until you have a deficit you’re not going to see results. It’s kind of a catch 22 though because you need to eat to fuel your running and weight lifting. My best advice is to be honest with your logging and to tweak your calories a little until you go back to logging. And drink lots of water—you don’t want to get discouraged by holding on to water weight!

    Kelly—Great job on the measurements, staying under your calories, and sticking close to your macros! Sounds like a good week despite the extra cheats!

    Ashley--Sounds like you have a busy week! Great goals!

    I had a good week. I was under by 168 calories (are we still in the star challenge? I’m giving myself a platinum either way!), I got in two good runs over the weekend, and the scale says I’m down two pounds. I’m only logging one of them in case it’s a fluke, but it’s giving me some inspiration to keep up with the logging and working in exercise. I’m also finally healthy again, and the baby is slowly getting better (and sleeping better thankfully).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    I got a GOLD star this week!

    That is *it* for the April challenge! I have recorded Ris, kclynch, Better's star totals for this week, the rest of you get them in!

    As I carry on through May and June, I will be focusing on the "do what you say you will" challenge. This is DAY 4 and it really is making my confidence SOAR!

    I just know, that if I can KILL this BAD HABIT (25+ years in the making....), my quality of life will benefit TENFOLD. I just know it. So, while I didn't really see this "goal" as 2014 arrived, now that I am nearly half-way through this calendar year, I really feel that THIS is the "thing" I am supposed to tackle this year!

  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Not much time to respond. But, I am going to say NO star for me. I didn't even bother logging the weekend it was a mess. And we leave for vacation Thursday to visit friends in Missouri. So I am going to just call this an off week. But, when I get back Mike wants to go on a lean cycle and whenever he does that I lose weight too. So it will be about a month until our vacation in June that I would love to drop about 8 pounds for.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies -

    I didn't even bother logging this weekend so for the second week in a row, no star for me. We spent the weekend on the Washington Coast and I ended up eating WAY too much and not very good stuff. Sigh... even without booze it's hard to maintain. I am feeling way better this week though so I'm hoping that will improve my eating and allow me to workout a bit more.

    Kelly - sounds like you had a great week! Way to go.

    Ashley - your Derby party sounds like a blast. Good luck cramming everything in this week.

    Ris - so glad to hear you and the baby are feeling better and congrats on the pound.

    Beeps - So glad to hear the new challenge is working for you.

    Chloe - I hear ya on the not logging. Here's to a better week this week!

    That's all I can see.

    Have a great Monday ladies!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    I was over this week by 71 - not bad considering we were at a party all day yesterday. I did log everything and added in some extra for anything I missed. The good news is I am finally hitting my macros more consistently! I didn't make my running goal to run every day during the week (work getting in the way) but I was able to get in a nice long run on Saturday. This week I am getting ready for the half next weekend - really looking forward to it!
    I don't know if anyone else is having an issue with it but I can no longer see the images Beeps posts so I don't know what the star counts are :ohwell:
    More later - work is calling!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    hmmmm, I erased a bunch of my photobucket contents - so maybe I *did* erase a bunch of pictures that have earlier been posted on mfp.


    The *star* challenge is pretty easy - you tell us what your calories are,
    for the week, and if you hit your calories, you get a PLATINUM star.
    If you go over by 1-500, you get a GOLD star.
    If you go over by 501-1,000, you get a SILVER star.
    If you go over by 1,001-1,500, you get a BRONZE star.
    No star if you eat 1,501+ too many calories (for the week).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    FINAL APRIL *STAR* challenge report:

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Thanks Beeps! So I got a Gold this week too!
    Even tho we are done with the Star Challenge for now I am still going to put down my goals for the week:

    Run just 3 times during the week then on Sunday.
    Get up and run early - I did this today and felt wonderful... if I delay it will be too hot so this is a must do.
    Eat more carbs
    Log everything - I do this pretty consistently but need to include the little things that may add 5-10 calories here and there.
    Plan/Log ahead what I am going to eat

    KC - that is awesome about losing the inches! Sometimes that feels better to me than losing pounds but they do seem to follow each other so maybe you will see the scale drop too soon.

    Better - the party sounds like it will be a lot of fun!

    Ris - Thanks for the feedback. I am pretty good about logging and I have my calories set at 1410 and don't 'eat back' anything from my workouts so I think I am generally in a deficit. I used to have it at the 1200 default and then eat some of my workout calories. I am also trying to eat a lot more protein (41%C, 40%P, 19%F).

    I found a MFP group you all may be familiar with already - The School of Strout. It looks like it has been around a while but has some interesting stuff. I thought this was really good - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/737101-relatively-light-people-trying-to-get-leaner
    and also on his website there is a section just related to nutrition (Nutrition 101)

    Looks like everyone has a busy week coming up - make it a great one!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Wow!! This thread moves quickly!!

    Amy – that is so cool about the garden! I have the opposite of a green thumb :/ I do plan on planting some herbs though! Keep us posted on how it goes!

    Ashley – The Bizzy program was the first weightlifting program I came back to after being off of weights for 5 months. It was exactly what I needed to get me motivated again. I only did it twice a week and then did Body Pump for a third strength training workout. 4 times was too much for me. I liked how it was all laid out, but I get bored easily, so I would change some of the exercises. I.e. Workout A calls for bench press…I would do it day 1, but then the next time it came, I did the standing chest press on the Motion Machine. Or Bent over back rows day one and the next time, seated row machine. But I always kept it to the same muscle. Let me know what you think if you do it! Good luck this week with your busy schedule!! Sounds like a great game plan ;)

    Beeps – Your challenge sounds interesting. Resembles the “inputs”, yes? I really like this way of thinking! You go this!!

    Ris – Please feel free to pass on any spaghetti squash recipes. I bought another one for this week :D
    Sorry you and the baby are sick, hope you both are feeling better!

    Shanaber – I don’t know what to tell you. I dropped the first 5lbs easily and despite fitting in to my clothes better, the scale is stuck and refuses to move for me at this point. Trial and error my friend. Maybe your body is just getting used to the addition of running. This is fairly new in your regime, am I correct? Thanks for the link, I will have to take a look!

    Mwjones – Welcome!

    KC – Way to go, girl!! Nice macros :D Keep it up!!

    Chloe – I had an off week after my vacation too. My husband and I started a lean cycle yesterday and I’m hoping it counteracts the “After” vacation damage, lol! Enjoy your trip!

    Ramalem - your weekend visit sounds divine!! Glad you feeling better this week!

    As for me, I’ve been all over the board regarding my eating since coming back from the trip. I didn’t do weights either :/ But, the hubby and I started a lean cycle yesterday and it is so much easier when he does it with me, so I am very hopeful to be at my goal by the end of May! Although I am not positive, I am contemplating logging again, gasp! We will see how this week plays out and then I will decide. Other than that, back to the grind:
    1. Cleaner eating
    2. Weights x 3
    3. 1 cheat meal (Sunday is my son’s First communion, so we have a lunch at our house, I’m ordering fried chicken :p)

    Have a great week , ladies!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Jen--I don't do anything fancy with the spaghetti squash, I generally just put marinara and parmesan on it. Here's the recipe I use for cooking the squash: http://homecooking.about.com/od/vegetablerecipes/ss/spagsquashsbs.htm
    And here's the recipe I use for the sauce (it takes a long time but it's delicious): http://spaghettisauceandmeatballs.com/

    shanaber--Thanks for the group recommendation! I've read a bunch of stroutman's posts since I've joined MFP but I wasn't aware of the group. And at 1410 calories and not eating back exercise calories it does seem like you should be losing. I know the whole "eat more to lose" concept is controversial, but if you're netting less than around 1200 after exercise, it is possible that you're eating too little. I have found that after I've eaten at maintenance for a while (generally for reasons unrelated to losing weight), then gone back to eating at a deficit (which for me, pre-baby, was about 1400 calories PLUS exercise calories), I've been able to break through plateaus. Ultimately I think it's a matter of trial-and-error to see what works for your body.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Day 5 for me.

    Last night was a REAL test! I was hungry....i brushed my teeth. Nuthin'. I went to the library to kill some time. Nuthin'. I remained hungry. Sooooo, then it was just a battle if wills. Am proud to say i ate nothing, and kept my promise to myself! Here is to an easier, more pleasant, AND still successful Day 5. BOOM!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Beeps - Yea!!! that is great! It doesn't always work but when I feel that way I drink water and tell myself that I am not really hungry but really just thirsty :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Last night marked FIVE days in a row where i ate NOTHING after supper! I think i shall weigh at the gym, today!

    Today, i lift!
