Post your recent results!



  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    05/03/14 - Stonyfield 5K (NH) - 27:04.

    This was my first official 5K, so I'm thrilled with the result. It's given me the racing bug now, must find more to register for!
  • PrairieRunner2015
    PrairieRunner2015 Posts: 126 Member
    I set a pr today at the Prairie Fire Half Marathon in Wichita, Ks on 5-4-14. It was also my first half. My time was 1:57:40, 2:20 faster than my goal of 2:00 and a little faster than predicted by McMillan :). Now on to training for the full in October.
  • KeithAngilly
    KeithAngilly Posts: 575 Member
    Cox Marathon, Providence, RI - 4:13:29 Just an awesome experience for my first! I had a slight injury for the last four weeks of training, so I couldn't peak properly. Considering that, I am happy with the result.
  • nurserunnermom
    nurserunnermom Posts: 15 Member
    I ran my first 10 K race yesterday 1:06 was my time! I was super happy since this was my first 10 K and my last "long run" in training was the 10 K distance I did it in 1:12. I didn't run with my garmin so I was totally shocked to see my time was 1:06! I went by feel and felt strong the whole race and really pushed it the last km. I literally sprinted the last few 100 metres to the finish line. It was the most incredible feeling! My husband ran it in 48 minutes. He was hoping to break 45 minutes but had a tough race. He is super fast! My husband and I are now planning to sign up a half marathon in excited! I have officially fallen in love with running.
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    5K PR on Saturday night! It was a last minute decision to run. I haven't run much since my half 3 weeks ago and haven't done a 5k race since November. I wanted to improve my 5k time over the summer and hopefully get a PR. My previous best was 33:49 from a race in 2009. I finished in 30:15!!! I have heard many on here say that to get faster you need to run lots of slow miles - I am a believer! I have always dreamed about a sub-30 5k, now I know I can do it!
  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    Not a running event but a fitness test at work. 1.5 mile run in 9:10 ; 300 meter sprint 0:49 ; 25" vertical jump ; 215 lbs bench press ; 61 sit ups in 1 minute.
  • k_perlinger
    k_perlinger Posts: 55 Member
    Ran my first half marathon yesterday 1:59.01. My goal was to be under 2 hours and I just barely made it in. Benchmark is established, excited to see what I can do when I actually follow a training plan. I totally get why you are all addicted to these now. I think I'm still on a runners high!
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Winnipeg Police Services Half Marathon 5/4/14 - 2:07:59 (new PR!!)

    I came in under my goal of 2:10, and shaved 10 minutes off my first HM time in October 2013. Next year the goal is to come in at 2:00
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    Philadelphia Broad Street Run - 5/4

    1:53:53, 12 minutes faster than the previous year
  • snshine1028
    snshine1028 Posts: 44 Member
    New PR at the Hollywood Half Marathon! 1:30:20.7! I hit the wall around mile 9 but managed to PR =)

    1:30 after hitting the wall..... that's amazing.

    whoops I meant 2:30:20.7 =/

    Just finished the OC Half Marathon yesterday with 2:33:45. The port-a-potty line killed me! Wasted about 8 minutes waiting =(
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    Ran both the Columbus Ohio Capital City Half Marathon and the Cincinnati Ohio Flying Pig marathon this weekend. Did not try to run fast, just wanted to run both races this weekend.
  • ProvenceBelle
    ProvenceBelle Posts: 38 Member
    Wow!! That is fantastic!! My last 10k race was around 45 minutes. It was a couple years ago though. My next race is a half Marathon just for fun. Called Charity Chase. I've run it several times. I'm looking for a good flat course to qualify again for Boston.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    New half PR - 1:44.46
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Last half 1:42:29, 5th/1205 in age group. Not a PR but still good effort. Ran with the whole family (hubs, dad, siblings).
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    5/11/2014: Delaware Marathon - 3:24. Third in AG. Not a PR by any stretch. Tough course, tough conditions, but still manged to eek out a BQ. :)
  • NorthCountryDreamer
    NorthCountryDreamer Posts: 115 Member
    New Prague Half Marathon on May 10th, 2014. (1:41) That is around a 7:45 pace. My last race in March I ran an 8:15 pace.
  • Hagley 10km multi-terrain today. 55m28 of gravel, mud and sand....... and two long hills. And still set a PR, well pleased!
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I forgot to post my marathon results. 4:41:11 A new PR for me. Slowly getting faster even while recovery from an injury.
  • Paul_Collyer
    Paul_Collyer Posts: 160 Member
    Ok, started running ( for real ) in March 2013 having lost 15kg thanks to MFP. Started with a Parkrun and came in just below 25 mins, which surprised me a little to be honest in a good way!

    Since then lots of training and the odd race:

    5k 21'28 in Jan this year - I've done about 8 parkruns in total and always improved my time so far. Probably due another crack at this.....

    10k 45'53 last October in Hatfield

    HM 1'41 in Copenhagen IAAF March this year - I was delighted with that, in such a fantastic event my first experience of a massive race.

    My first marathon is now 16 days away......gulp. Aiming for 3'45 as a ballpark, but sub 4 my main target. Capable of faster in theory but the legs to tend to start tiring on my long runs at around 11-12 miles.....I think the use of gels and drinks may be the key but that comes with experience I guess......
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    Last week 5K - 21:44. A PR for me for a race, but way off the 20:45 I was able to do last month for no particular reason. I freeze up like a freshman at a keg party when it comes to races. It kills me.
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