Daily Check In Thread



  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    As a newbie runner it's not something to focus too hard on, I found that after I finished C25K and moved on the C25K+ programme I was able to increase my cadence, which had the effect of increasing my speed, although each pace was shorter.
    Did you like C25K+? I've found out there are three different podcasts to choose from, but the only direction I've found is used them however you like. Did you discuss that phase with someone in another group or just do it on your own? I know theres a bridge-to-10K group here but it might not be the appropriate place.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Did you like C25K+? I've found out there are three different podcasts to choose from, but the only direction I've found is used them however you like. Did you discuss that phase with someone in another group or just do it on your own? I know theres a bridge-to-10K group here but it might not be the appropriate place.

    Step-Up is a pyramid session based on cadence and lasting for about 30 minutes, Stamina is a 35-40 minute session that increases the cadence fairly quickly and then pushes you to work at the higher cadence for 25 minutes, so more of a tempo session, Speed is a 25 minute interval session. While there is no guidance I got the impression that they assume that you start with Step-Up and then use the other two as you want to, coupled with 30-35 minute steady pace runs.

    I only used Step-Up a couple of times but used the other two several times for about 6 weeks. By that time I was starting to feel as if I'd outgrown them, and moved onto the Bridge to 10K plan. They were good consolidation, and for me the focus on cadence helped a lot as it helped improve my form and efficiency. I found that I didn't much like the B210K plan afterwards, as it went back to run/ walk intervals which by that time weren't working for me.

    I ended up getting a premium subscription to Endomondo, and used that to develop a 10K improvement plan so progressed me based on a classic combination of long slow runs, intervals and tempos.

    I guess it all depends on what you want to do after the C25K. I wasn't doing 5K in 30 minutes at that point, so using the C25K+ helped me improve my performance until I was a lot closer to that. My first was 34 minutes and I was down to 30 after using those.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Did you like C25K+? I've found out there are three different podcasts to choose from, but the only direction I've found is used them however you like. Did you discuss that phase with someone in another group or just do it on your own? I know theres a bridge-to-10K group here but it might not be the appropriate place.

    Step-Up is a pyramid session based on cadence and lasting for about 30 minutes, Stamina is a 35-40 minute session that increases the cadence fairly quickly and then pushes you to work at the higher cadence for 25 minutes, so more of a tempo session, Speed is a 25 minute interval session. While there is no guidance I got the impression that they assume that you start with Step-Up and then use the other two as you want to, coupled with 30-35 minute steady pace runs.

    I only used Step-Up a couple of times but used the other two several times for about 6 weeks. By that time I was starting to feel as if I'd outgrown them, and moved onto the Bridge to 10K plan. They were good consolidation, and for me the focus on cadence helped a lot as it helped improve my form and efficiency. I found that I didn't much like the B210K plan afterwards, as it went back to run/ walk intervals which by that time weren't working for me.

    I ended up getting a premium subscription to Endomondo, and used that to develop a 10K improvement plan so progressed me based on a classic combination of long slow runs, intervals and tempos.

    I guess it all depends on what you want to do after the C25K. I wasn't doing 5K in 30 minutes at that point, so using the C25K+ helped me improve my performance until I was a lot closer to that. My first was 34 minutes and I was down to 30 after using those.
    Thanks a bunch! I gathered as much from the title of Step-Up, so it was more how to figure out the two other ones. I've been reading some running articles and seemingly it's a good idea to squeeze in one speed training a week, if you're running with a plan of some kind, not just to "admire the scenery". Guess I'll switch between them according to feeling then.

    I'm certain I won't be up on 5K when graduating either, so these podcasts were really welcome. Shaving that many minutes off in just a few weeks is pretty impressive, so thanks for mentioning your speed, too. Your B210K experience was a bit unexpected, though. I think coolrunning.com has some kind of 10K plan for beginners and I could type intervals into my Runtastic Pro. That's for the future, but it's good to see the continuum here in C25K, and I have every intention of running further.
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    I just finished w5d3 and I feel freaking invincible! I didn't look at my app even once during the run, I just told myself to keep moving until the buzzer. Just as I was about to break down and look at the remaining time in the run the buzzer went off and I was done. I haven't been this proud of myself in forever. Especially considering I used to have difficulty making it through 2 minutes of running!
    So happy to have a place to share this achievement, I know you guys understand. :)
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Thanks a bunch! I gathered as much from the title of Step-Up, so it was more how to figure out the two other ones. I've been reading some running articles and seemingly it's a good idea to squeeze in one speed training a week, if you're running with a plan of some kind, not just to "admire the scenery". Guess I'll switch between them according to feeling then.

    On the run up to my 10K race a couple of weeks ago I was doing five sessions per week, one long slow of up to 15Km, two shorter easy pace runs of up to about 8K each, a tempo and an interval session. The intervals were toughest for me, but they helped a lot.

    Each type of run has a different effect, but I would say that I found five runs per week to be a bit much, I was quite worn down.

    I'm now on a half marathon plan, aiming for a 1hr50 completion and on four sessions per week; long slow, one interval, one tempo and one that's either easy pace or tempo.

    The Bridge to 10K group is quite quiet, but I guess that's to be expected. Not as many people keep going with the distance, as a 5K is a quick session to fit in, whereas more mileage is more time. I was out for an hour and a half this morning; 13Km running and a bodyweight session. I would say that the Distance Running group is of more interest, although there is a 5K improvement group as well, the moderator has some experience in ultras.

    I stay interested in this group as it's sometimes helpful to people to have a view from someone whose both done the programme, and moved in from there. Equally in my case I've tried running several times and sidelined myself because of injury; too much too fast and running form being the main causes. Sometimes the advice is ignored, sometimes it's not. But the least I can do is put the thought out there.
  • Dhbausch
    Dhbausch Posts: 6
    I just finished w5d3 and I feel freaking invincible! I didn't look at my app even once during the run, I just told myself to keep moving until the buzzer. Just as I was about to break down and look at the remaining time in the run the buzzer went off and I was done. I haven't been this proud of myself in forever. Especially considering I used to have difficulty making it through 2 minutes of running!
    So happy to have a place to share this achievement, I know you guys understand. :)

    Great work!!
  • greentree0
    greentree0 Posts: 40 Member
    I just finished w5d3 and I feel freaking invincible!

    Congratulations! That's great!

    W4D3 done here. And the nearby pool opened yesterday, so I'll be able to swim a little on non c25k days if it's warm enough :-)
  • sappy42
    sappy42 Posts: 65 Member
    I just finished w5d3 and I feel freaking invincible! I didn't look at my app even once during the run, I just told myself to keep moving until the buzzer. Just as I was about to break down and look at the remaining time in the run the buzzer went off and I was done. I haven't been this proud of myself in forever. Especially considering I used to have difficulty making it through 2 minutes of running!
    So happy to have a place to share this achievement, I know you guys understand. :)

    I have to tell you, your post is very inspiring! My W5D3 is this Wednesday and I'm really nervous. I've only had one bad run so far this program, but I'm also the girl who had to walk most of the mile run you had to do in HS. So every time I complete a session, I feel like a friggin rock star. Felt the same way after doing Alpha Cardio in T25, I just kept saying "I did it, I actually did it!"...it's a surprise every time to see how capable I am!

  • emmaxbon
    emmaxbon Posts: 123 Member
    I just finished w5d3 and I feel freaking invincible! I didn't look at my app even once during the run, I just told myself to keep moving until the buzzer. Just as I was about to break down and look at the remaining time in the run the buzzer went off and I was done. I haven't been this proud of myself in forever. Especially considering I used to have difficulty making it through 2 minutes of running!
    So happy to have a place to share this achievement, I know you guys understand. :)

    Haha amazing. Well done you! Know exactly how you feel, it's been a long time since I've successfully tried anything new and I'm doing my last day today there's times I still think it's all a bit of a fluke!
  • sappy42
    sappy42 Posts: 65 Member
    W5D2...not a great run. I kept thinking how Wed is D3 and then I tripped again because I allowed myself to get distracted (unzipping my hoodie). While I caught myself, it kinda knocks your confidence down. I was also dog tired from my busy weekend but determined to run this morning....it's just too nice out and everyone's still asleep. Now I'm extra nervous about D3....
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Is running with a bad cough a bad idea? I woke up yesterday with a bad cough. :frown: It hasn't got better today. My running day isn't until tomorrow, but I was wondering if I should still plan on it. Tonight is my night to work with my hand weights. (Hopefully! My arms are still sore from all the gardening I did on Saturday! :laugh: )
  • nicca_jb
    nicca_jb Posts: 1,278 Member
    Saturday was a Color Run day! I had great fun, and my sis-in-law (who did it with me) taught me a bit about pacing... where I was initially doing intervals, she basically jogwalked most of the thing at the same speed at which I was walking. Hmm. Made me slow my jogging a bit. I have to get over this impulse to sprint. I also hit my Fitbit 10k steps before the end of the run, and topped 20k by the end of the day after adding regular activity. WOOT!

    However: I noticed something. Once I slowed down my jog speed, my knee and calf (right side only) started to hurt a bit. I don't know if I pulled something (don't think so since it doesn't hurt any longer?), but does anyone know why that might've happened? Just curious.

    W4D1 today...

    And Happy Memorial Day to those in the US!
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I just finished w5d3 and I feel freaking invincible!
    W4D3 done here. And the nearby pool opened yesterday, so I'll be able to swim a little on non c25k days if it's warm enough :-)
    Well done! Swimming sounds good.
    W5D2...not a great run. I kept thinking how Wed is D3 and then I tripped again because I allowed myself to get distracted (unzipping my hoodie). While I caught myself, it kinda knocks your confidence down. I was also dog tired from my busy weekend but determined to run this morning....it's just too nice out and everyone's still asleep. Now I'm extra nervous about D3....
    Stay in the moment. When you run W5D3 do stay in the moment there, too; look at your immediate surroundings and pay attention to your body (posture, breathing, etc.), let your thoughts wander to everyday stuff. Don't picture the still not run stretch, but maybe reflect on how far you've come already. There's no point in worrying about what's around the next corner since you're not there yet. And please do read advice for W5D3 posted in this thread earlier, it's very applicable to you. Have fun!
    Is running with a bad cough a bad idea? I woke up yesterday with a bad cough. :frown: It hasn't got better today. My running day isn't until tomorrow, but I was wondering if I should still plan on it. Tonight is my night to work with my hand weights. (Hopefully! My arms are still sore from all the gardening I did on Saturday! :laugh: )
    Would you let your kid run in such a state? Or a friend? Take your own advice. It's hard to say from the other side of the computer what your health state is. My advice is to listen to the body and if it tells me to slow down, rest, then I better listen to it; it doesn't cough suddenly for nothing. I'm also the kind to stay at home when I have a fever, but many others seem to think it's cool to keep pushing on regardless.
    Saturday was a Color Run day!
    However: I noticed something. Once I slowed down my jog speed, my knee and calf (right side only) started to hurt a bit. I don't know if I pulled something (don't think so since it doesn't hurt any longer?), but does anyone know why that might've happened? Just curious.
    W4D1 today...
    Glad you had a great run, I'd love to participate in one sometime. Pay attention to whether the pain appears again or not; general soreness is expected but one-sided pain isn't.
    I stay interested in this group as it's sometimes helpful to people to have a view from someone whose both done the programme, and moved in from there. Equally in my case I've tried running several times and sidelined myself because of injury; too much too fast and running form being the main causes. Sometimes the advice is ignored, sometimes it's not. But the least I can do is put the thought out there.
    It's helpful and while the person you directed the advice at might not want to take it, there are many others, who read without commenting.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I did W8D1, 28 minutes running. The first half felt really heavy, but then something began to click and toward the end it was fine. Three more minutes compared to W7 wasn't a biggie so I'm looking forward to the full 30 minutes next week. It was an emotional run, though, and I almost burst into tears during cooling down. I've been struggling with a personal matter for months and yesterday something fell into place. Had a good teary session before running today, thought I was okay during running, and then the floodgates opened once more. Running is much more to me than just movement and increasingly I find myself reflecting on my life, which can be tough sometimes since it's just me and my thoughts; can't escape anywhere. Quite philosophical day today I guess.

    Forgot to say this. I also choked up a bit, because last year I reached W8D2 after which I fell, twisted my ankle and smashed my knee quite badly. Then I fell off the wagon and had a super hard time getting back on. Today I'm back at that week and only a day behind where I had to stop. So yeah, emotional somehow.
  • greentree0
    greentree0 Posts: 40 Member
    I did W8D1, 28 minutes running. The first half felt really heavy, but then something began to click and toward the end it was fine. Three more minutes compared to W7 wasn't a biggie so I'm looking forward to the full 30 minutes next week. It was an emotional run, though, and I almost burst into tears during cooling down. I've been struggling with a personal matter for months and yesterday something fell into place. Had a good teary session before running today, thought I was okay during running, and then the floodgates opened once more. Running is much more to me than just movement and increasingly I find myself reflecting on my life, which can be tough sometimes since it's just me and my thoughts; can't escape anywhere. Quite philosophical day today I guess.

    Forgot to say this. I also choked up a bit, because last year I reached W8D2 after which I fell, twisted my ankle and smashed my knee quite badly. Then I fell off the wagon and had a super hard time getting back on. Today I'm back at that week and only a day behind where I had to stop. So yeah, emotional somehow.

    Congratulations on both the successful run and the mental victory of doing it! You have shown that you can run W8. And there's nothing wrong with a good cry - you've managed to overcome the injury and done what might be the harder thing which is to climb back on the wagon. Those are big victories! Will your week 9 coincide with the virtual 5k?
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Congratulations on both the successful run and the mental victory of doing it! You have shown that you can run W8. And there's nothing wrong with a good cry - you've managed to overcome the injury and done what might be the harder thing which is to climb back on the wagon. Those are big victories! Will your week 9 coincide with the virtual 5k?
    Thank you. Funny you should ask, I was thinking the virtual 5K could be my grand finale.
  • michielyn
    michielyn Posts: 47 Member
    W1D1. Um, yeah, after reading most of these posts I'm kinda embarrassed to say those last few one minute runs were a challenge. Ah well, I did it and I will be running a 5K in no time!!! ????????

    I'm only in week 2, but week 1 was the same way for me! I was almost completely out of breath. Hang in there and be amazed at what you're capable of.
  • michielyn
    michielyn Posts: 47 Member
    Congrats everyone on their victories! I am inspired by the folks at the other end of the program. I finished W2D2 (attempt 2) today my phone was malfunctioning and I kept missing my queue and I must have been hitting back on the C25K app because my Nike+ app said I did 45 minutes. Oops! Makes up for last Friday, I suppose. I ignored the hill today and did laps before it. Can't wait for Wednesday.
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    Week 6, Day 1 complete!
    I ran at at sunset tonight and was overtaken by a swarm of bugs. Just when I've managed to find sunscreen that doesn't drip into my eyes and sting, now I've got to find bug spray that won't drip and sting. I can't win! lol
  • emmaxbon
    emmaxbon Posts: 123 Member
    I did W8D1, 28 minutes running. The first half felt really heavy, but then something began to click and toward the end it was fine. Three more minutes compared to W7 wasn't a biggie so I'm looking forward to the full 30 minutes next week. It was an emotional run, though, and I almost burst into tears during cooling down. I've been struggling with a personal matter for months and yesterday something fell into place. Had a good teary session before running today, thought I was okay during running, and then the floodgates opened once more. Running is much more to me than just movement and increasingly I find myself reflecting on my life, which can be tough sometimes since it's just me and my thoughts; can't escape anywhere. Quite philosophical day today I guess.

    Forgot to say this. I also choked up a bit, because last year I reached W8D2 after which I fell, twisted my ankle and smashed my knee quite badly. Then I fell off the wagon and had a super hard time getting back on. Today I'm back at that week and only a day behind where I had to stop. So yeah, emotional somehow.

    Amazing, well done you! You are always so encouraging of other peeps on here when you've been through a lot yourself. You should be proud :d