Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Oh for pete's sakes, Manic used laxatives ONE TIME....I totally would have done that, manic!!

    Usually, for me, water-water-water is what keeps me regular and I drink TONS of water (and....I STOP ingesting ALL liquid by 7 pm so that I am NOT up at night pee-ing all night long, but, on average I also pee approximately 10- or 12- times PER DAY).
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I'm with the people who over eat at the weekends, although to be fair I normally over drink! and then when I am drinking I want fried foods! I really need to reign that in!

    DouMc YESSSS! You're speaking my language!!

    Red, it's best when there are no witnesses. Nice loss!

    And it remains to be seen. I think I'm developing a bruise as we speak. That's a cute look.

    Hence my three goals these six weeks include:
    NO more than five ethanol drinks and two desserts a week....
    I combat this weekend indulgence by giving up...what I mean is I just plan on having dessert on Sat and Sun and drinking my alotted glasses on the weekend. Other wise keep everything else in check. Sometimes I skip a weekend breakfast to make up for too many calories and a weekend lunch is very small at other times cause I know dinner is bigger that usual. A salad with some protein clocking in at about 300 calories so that by dinner I've only had maybe 700 caloires between lunch and breakfast.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Just cross posting from the Stage 2 thread as I know some of you are in the same place as me:

    Here are my final numbers from stage 2. Are we supposed to do AMRAPs for each stage?

    Workout A:

    FSPP: I still hate this one. It just feels all kinds of awkward to me. 10lbs of plates on barbell up to 20 pounds of plates on barbell at the end. I'm not sure how much the bar itself weighs and I am not sure if I am supposed to factor that in so I just go by how much the plates weigh. When I use the Olympic bar (not far this exercise!), I factor in the weight of the 45lb bar :)

    Step-up: I move back and forth between five or six risers depending on how my balance is feeling that day, because I try to balance on my working leg and not touch the top of the step with the moving leg when I rise up. 45--->55lb

    DB 1pt row: 10lb DBs--->20lb DBs

    Static lunge with rear foot elevated: 15lb DBs--->20DBs. I am pouring sweat by the end of these!

    Push-up: I have finally made progress although my elbows are still splayed out to the sides. I just cannot get my elbows back :P Anyway, from 10 push-ups at about 30 degrees to 8 on the floor.

    Plank: full plank on forearms and toes, 60 sec. the whole way through. It has gotten slightly easier each time. I tried a few extra planks with forearms on a Swiss ball and toes on a bench and only made it 30 seconds.

    Cable horizontal wood chop: my gym doesn't have a machine for this so I've had to use the alternates. I started with an eight pound weight, doing them on the floor, but that was way too easy so I moved to the ball and finished doing them there with a 20lb DB.

    Workout B:

    Dead lift: I stopped doing these from the box after the first workout; like the FSPP, it just felt wrong to me. So I started with regular DLs at 65lb and finished today with 80lb :)

    BSS: so many issues with getting my foot flat and comfy on this one, but today it finally seemed right. I had been having trouble not doing them on my back toes, basically the same as the lunge in Workout A. A padded bench has definitely helped. I used a 25lb plate the entire time and felt I could have gone higher but the next plate is 45lb which is too high. Maybe I should have tried a dumbell...totally never thought of it before, duh.

    Underhand lat pull down: started at 75lb and have moved onto 90lb but haven't done more than 8 in a set yet.

    Reverse lunge with forward reach: I find I really need to focus on not rounding my back to bend down, and keep my chest up. 10lb DBs--->20lb DBs

    DB prone Cuban snatch: 5lb DBs--->10lb DBs

    Swiss ball crunch: regular long arm--->long arm holding 4lb ball

    Reverse crunch: incline--->incline with 4lb ball between the knees

    Lateral flexion: on stability ball the whole time. Wish I could think of a way to add weight to this but I already hold my arms behind my head so not sure how this could work.

    Prone cobra: I am a moron. I was doing them for 90sec. without much trouble and then realized I was raising my feet also, AND I had my palms up to the ceiling, not pointing away from my sides. Both those things seemed to somehow make it easier :P Once I started doing them right I found it hard to hang on for the full minute, but I did.

    Pretty proud of my progress on this stage :)
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Oh for pete's sakes, Manic used laxatives ONE TIME....I totally would have done that, manic!!

    me too! haha didn't mean any harm Beeps! i've read about constipation problems before on this thread pretty common i would guess with all the protein. and, i'm gonna go out there and support the benefits of vegetables for health!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    pudding nice work on stage 2 - totally relate to FSPP and BSS comments, too!

    you made great gains, congrats!!!!!!!!

    red so do you have a final analysis for us on stage 3? cuz deep inside, i think i'm a little scared of it. ha
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    OMG you stepper uppers with the oly PLUS PLATES are freaking MONSTERS!!! Congrats! I struggle with any weights and balance and form! I should always do these things until my form, balance and weights are better. I really don't like them but I also know they WORK!!!

    Beeps, me too - lots of water, and lots of pee-ing (TMI, I know) during the day but I drink all night long too. I know I should stop but truthfully I drink because I'm thirsty.

    I'm so glad to see all you new folks and love hearing what you find for solutions to our common issues! It's great that this group stays so active. Even though I finished NROL4W a while ago, I still hang out here because I'm a firm believer in the program and actually in all the NROL programs. My next program will be 4Life

    Right now, I'm getting my strength back after a month long hiatus due to extra long work hours, followed by vacation and at the same time recuping from some sort of shoulder strain. It's still achy, but that sharp pain I had seems to have abated. I'm currently using Simply Shredded's ultimate female training guide ( http://www.simplyshredded.com/the-ultimate-female-training-guide.html ) but I'm reading NROL4Life and going to start that sometime within the next couple of weeks. It's taking me a little while to get through it.

    This morning I did workout 1 which is bench as the main lift. I did lat pull downs, DB shoulder press, standing tricep extensions, 21s and crunches holding 10lb plate.

    Sunshine, I actually liked Stage 3 better than Stage 2. I was totally intimindated by the Stage 2 lifts - I was so green and even with a trainer I struggled all the way through that stage. I liked Stage 3! And actually by the time I got to Stage 4 I was stronger and more confident so even though it was a lot of the Stage 2 lifts, I was much more comfortable with them.

    Pudding congrats on your Stage 2 progress!! Nice numbers!

    Tomorrow is a spin day. I may not spin but lift instead because I won't be able to on Saturday. I've never lifted 4 days in a row before. Each day is different so in theory I'm getting enough recover time. Has anyone lifted 4 days in a row?

    Mary, I had to chuckle. I can't imagine what 3 pills would be like but I don't envy your "position" :blushing:

    Oh yea, Dou - those lateral things never did anything for me either so my trainer had me do these: http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Obliques/DB45SideBend.html
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Pudding!!! GREAT RESULTS!!

    sunshine...ya ya ya, veggies ARE great! (I love 'em...for real I do!)

    sue - I agree, all those step-ups with oly + weights....good gawd! I haven't done even 1 step-up in about a year....yikes!

    I haven't lifted 4-days in a row, but TONS of the Venus chicks do 5- and beyond. They are ADDICTS!!

    (Sometimes they are cult-ish like the crossfit-ers....yikes!! It's good that I'm just a 'dabbler'.)
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Oh geez, 3 more pages and I only missed a day of not posting!

    Congrats runz and redlips!

    BUT you're going down this time around! Well, like, if you don't count this week cause it's gone to hell already. Not enough water, not enough protein. Dammit.

    Welcome to all the new posters!

    kiki, I know Schuler discourages "girly" push ups on the knees, but I can honestly say that that is how I got started. Did them in Tony Horton's Power 90 till I eventually graduated to P90X and could do real ones. At no point did I ever do the incline ones. But if it's not working for you, then do what works.

    redlips, sorry about the break up. Breaking up is hard to do. I wish you all the best and I'm so proud that you were able to stick to your diet. Any type of stress gives me an excuse to eat all the junk.

    manic, yay for objective eyes seeing what you can't. And umm, yea, like cowgirl said, fruits and veggies are the way to go (if I could just follow that advice)

    sunshine, the wedding is kinda far off-ish. It's in December but I'm usually a last minute person so for once in my life I'm trying to get things started early. (Although some persons don't think it's early).

    cowgirl, CONGRATS on the PRs! Those numbers are amazing! And I hope everything is alright with you or will be soon <hugs>

    willlift, ouch!

    Oh, and to those who chimed in re: my M-I-L, thanks for the concern. I'm hoping and praying it will work itself out.

    Just finished working out, gonna go take a nap now
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks Sue, i have one more B workout in stage 2 so ill give the lateral raises one more chance but do them from the swiss ball. if that doesn't help then in stage 4 ill do the ones you suggested instead.

    I'm slightly jealous of all you people with constipation issues. i have completely the opposite problem, today I thought I was going to have to run out of the gym to get to the toilet because of it. :grumble:

    Pudding your numbers are incredible! well done! I'm particularly impressed with your static lunge, I haven't been able to progress from 10lbs dumbbells for that and i always have to sit for a couple of seconds afterwards because my legs are shaking so badly.

    I did well on protein today - 148grams!! But unfortunately I ate almost 2000 calories to get there. So now I just need to work out how to get the protein without eating all the food!

    Im starting stage 3 next week. what kind of weights did people use when starting the one-armed dumbbell snatch and the dumbbell single arm overhead squat? I have no idea how easy or hard they will be so haven't a clue where to start.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Oh for pete's sakes, Manic used laxatives ONE TIME....I totally would have done that, manic!!

    Usually, for me, water-water-water is what keeps me regular and I drink TONS of water (and....I STOP ingesting ALL liquid by 7 pm so that I am NOT up at night pee-ing all night long, but, on average I also pee approximately 10- or 12- times PER DAY).

    Thanks Beeps.

    SUEBOO, NEVER take 3. LOL I am here to tell yall even though it says up to 3. DO NOT TAKE THREE :laugh:

    I appreciate all the advice/suggestions. I am a veggie eater and water drinker. I believe my body is not use to consuming the protein powder and that's what the problem is/was. I believe as my body gets use to it there won't be a problem down the road.

    No workout today. Typically Wednesday is my rest day along with the weekend.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Im starting stage 3 next week. what kind of weights did people use when starting the one-armed dumbbell snatch and the dumbbell single arm overhead squat? I have no idea how easy or hard they will be so haven't a clue where to start.

    I started with 20 on the snatch, and my bottom weight on the overhead squat was 25 I think.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Wow, sue, 25, eh?!?!?

    I remember starting over head squats using a broom-stick. Period. As in NO WEIGHT.

    Wow...I am just in AWE of how HEAVY you ladies are lifting!!! On a very serious note....that is just so, so awesome and amazing.

    I really am a very light-weight lifter, even though I consider myself a "heavy lifter", lol!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    yall just make me SICK! :grumble: I can't get a broomstick over my head. BUT I am in complete awe of yall :love: :heart: :smooched: Work it BABES!


    I'll work on the height of the step up instead of adding weight to the lower step. That means no weight at all. Because I can do the bench height but once I add weight I tend to lean forward . arghhhhh
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Another question. The dreaded step ups..... Should I be concerned with low step with a greater barbell weight or higher step ? For the life of me the bench is too high . My knee is greater than 90 degrees, and I tend to lean forward to pull up when I begin to get tired. Form goes ..

    I'm wondering about this too. I finished stage 1 using 25 lb plate in each hand but I never went up in risers. I am using 5 risers with a step on top but it doesnt have me at 90 degrees. Should I keep progressing on weight next or make the step higher?

    On a side note, I did the stage 1a AMRAP today which included the step ups. I guess I am getting stronger because I did 40 each side with 8 lb weights and then gave up out of bordom :)
    I use 7 risers. It gets just a smidge past 90. I'm 5'6'' with short legs, long torso.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Barbell hope you're feeling better today. That gelato sounds decadently delicious :)
    Manic, hope you can find a good "rhythm" soon. It's no fun to be irregular. I second Sunshine's veggie advice.
    Pudding, what weight are you using for your barbell step-ups? That's impressive. I haven't succeeded past 17.5# dumbbells.
    Bepee, thanks for the advice. That's a good idea, to pre-log where we might be going. I just really need to stop being complacent over the weekends. I WISH I had your habit of under-eating. It's much more likely to be the opposite :/

    Ok, embarrassing story time. I'm at the gym this morning, preparing for a front squat/push press. Squat - good, and up - good, and back down - SMACK! Totally hit myself in the nose with the barbell! :sick: I let out a small "oof", did NOT make eye contact with anyone, and kept going.

    Moral of the story. Always brew coffee before 5am workouts. Always.

    I once dropped my plates during a FSPP, and I didn;t have your excuse. :laugh:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Awesome lifting ladies!
    Today I was over analyzing every person who walked past me, almost stereotyping them, sorry, and myself. I particularly noticed my friend. She was wearing a clingy maxie dress today. She is a total health nut and eats ten times better than I could ever dream of. Good healthy calories and home cooking, low/no preservatives etc. But she's a "cardio queen". Sure she's thin without being skinny (and quite pretty), and I'm sure she's a great "weight for her height", but she had zero curves and no butt to speak of and almost zero visible muscle. It just made me glad that I chose lifting. (however, maybe if I ate like her I can finally lose some of my belly)

    Hoping to get to zumba tonight depending on when Hubby gets home, but in the mean time I totally nailed my calories and macros today :)

    Manic, the extra protein makes me gassy and, not constipated, but not regular either. I added apples back in and more greens, it seems to help.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Good job ladies, and thanks for the laughs.

    I, too, no longer do NROLFW but I love hanging out with the group - one learns a lot and it is so much fun!!

    Sam, have a fab time at Zumba!!

    My laxative - pawpaw!! I love the fruit! I grew up eating it, and it works soooo well when it comes to er...um.....uhm...well, you know - going for the "long call" in the loo :blushing:

    I drink lots of water as well....between 88 and 120 oz. by the end of my night. I have to agree too, going to the loo for "short calls" feels like am a camel lol!! But the skin is supple, and lifting is better for me.

    I have seen those that tend to exercise around the rack...some may just be so absorbed in what they are doing that they do not notice...I do not know, maybe others intentionally do so. I just walk up to them and ask if they are using this and that weight, or whether they are done and etc. The ones I have encountered have been quite pleasant...just trying to get their workout in, and get all caught up...you ever know till you ask :smile:

    Lifting today was the best thus far, me thinks! I even got in extra workouts. I did something differently though. I normally have a protein snack afore I lift, but tonight I had a Cliff Pro-Bar (in the spirit of boosting my protein macro) that packs 20g..it packs quite a bit of Carbs, but am not worried about those...I do not know if it was the bar, or because I was rife with endorphins lol...I guess I will see come Friday. I have 87g of Protein thus far, and I love it (only 3 more grams to reach one of my challenge goals)!

    My proudest today was my back, I did the standing pulley row, and my progressive lifting now stands at 90lbs...next week I change out my workout...and cannot wait!

    Let's show the world what we can do ladies!!! Wohoo!! :flowerforyou:
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Sometimes I'm glad I lift at home and the only thing I have to worry about is the cat destroying my mat lol It's be nice to have a lifting buddy though... maybe one day :smile:

    No lifting today, errands took longer than expected and now I need to smash out some work before getting the kids. Shall lift tomorrow, which will make it 3x this week.

    Sometimes I lift 4x a week, but it's M/T, T/F with a rest day on Wednesday.

    I just finished Stage 3. Back to the FSPP and see if I can lift any higher this time around.

    There is no way I lift as much as some of you awesome ladies. But I figure I'll just keep plodding along and see where I end up.

    Ok ok, no more procrastinating... work to do!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    I did well on protein today - 148grams!! But unfortunately I ate almost 2000 calories to get there. So now I just need to work out how to get the protein without eating all the food!
    That's awesome! That's 30% of your calories coming from protein which is what a lot of experts recommend. Good job!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Ya, I'm completely impressed with the numbers I see posted here. That's great!
    I started the overhead squat with like 10lbs maybe? I did NOT have the core strength to do that exercise and probably shouldn't have attempted it at all. The one arm snatch was about e same. They are awkward exercises.

    dna, "heavy" is very relative. As long as you're lifting heavier and heavier, you're good. When I see people post that they lift *heavy*, but they haven't increased their lifts for a long time, that's when it's time to re-evaluate.

    This is my hungry week and I just want to EAT all day!
    Oh, and since it's now getting hot, my cankles have returned. I think the main reason I haven't seen a loss on the scale recently is because I'm probably retaining at least 2lbs of water in my legs and feet. Grrr...