Today I Will ______________



  • merlynn
    merlynn Posts: 17 Member
    Get back on track. I normally work from home, but had to go into the office yesterday.

    First thing: a co-worker came around with some kind of pound cake (I didn't look too close). I said no, thank you.

    Second thing: it was employee appreciation day - free lunch (hamburgers, bbq, coleslaw) with free dessert (cotton candy! ice cream sandwiches!) I said no thank you, and stuck to my grilled chicken salad and cup of soup.

    Third thing: traffic was so bad that it took me 90 minutes to get home. I was so good all day, but I was tired and it was wing night at the local place...I told myself I deserve it, they are not breaded, so it's ok, etc.

    No problem. I got this. Get right back to the plan and it won't be an issue. The old me would have used that as an excuse to give up and eat a big chocolate something. For breakfast. :)

    Today I will get right back on track. :bigsmile:
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Get back on track. I normally work from home, but had to go into the office yesterday.

    First thing: a co-worker came around with some kind of pound cake (I didn't look too close). I said no, thank you.

    Second thing: it was employee appreciation day - free lunch (hamburgers, bbq, coleslaw) with free dessert (cotton candy! ice cream sandwiches!) I said no thank you, and stuck to my grilled chicken salad and cup of soup.

    Third thing: traffic was so bad that it took me 90 minutes to get home. I was so good all day, but I was tired and it was wing night at the local place...I told myself I deserve it, they are not breaded, so it's ok, etc.

    No problem. I got this. Get right back to the plan and it won't be an issue. The old me would have used that as an excuse to give up and eat a big chocolate something. For breakfast. :)

    Today I will get right back on track. :bigsmile:

    Wow! What a day to have to go into the office! So many temptations! Yesterday, I had to walk over to a different building for a morning meeting and they had sausage biscuits (I love biscuits!!!) and what looked to be cheese grits. I didn't give in but it was hard! The real problem is that I have been avoiding this type of food for a long time, but still gain weight. I'm hopeful that logging/tracking my food will help me see if I have just been eating too many calories (even if they were for the most part from the right type of foods). So far I'm losing weight and I think it is truly because I'm eating fewer calories.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today I completed JMBR p3w9 and the ab challenge. I will try to get in 3000 steps today and eat within my calorie limit.

    It's a toss up with the fitbit. I like the idea of the wrist band - always a reminder, but I work on computers all day and think it might be an issue. Probably will go with the clip. Like Emy, not sure I would want the "helpful" advice from co-workers!

    Shari, what is a Turbo Fire workout?

    Have a good run Lisa!

    Merlynn, good job passing on the treats at work. I would have had a hard time passing up the ice cream sandwiches!!

    Have a great day all!
  • iwannabinnarnia
    iwannabinnarnia Posts: 179 Member
    I failed yesterday.. I went way over calories.. and had to cancel session with trainer due to some family stuff.... but today is a new day.... sooooo.. today I will eat within my calories....and drink my liquids. I will get in some treadmill time tonight also.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Today I did kickboxing and I will walk for 30 minutes . Tonight I will enjoy a glass of wine with a friend and not feel guilty and enjoy my 2 pound weight loss success I had this week knowing that I can do this and everything is okay in moderation
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Did w3d1 today. The 3 minutes of jogging was tough! Also did the ab challenge. I'm off work tomorrow so plan to get caught up some at home.
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Today I did kickboxing and I will walk for 30 minutes . Tonight I will enjoy a glass of wine with a friend and not feel guilty and enjoy my 2 pound weight loss success I had this week knowing that I can do this and everything is okay in moderation

    Enjoy - well earned!!!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Did w3d1 today. The 3 minutes of jogging was tough! Also did the ab challenge. I'm off work tomorrow so plan to get caught up some at home.

    Holy crap - 3 mins??? Now I'm scared to graduate! ;-) ha ha. Awesome job Emy!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Tonight I did day 2 of C25K (I had to start over due to an iphone/water issue), but I think it was worth the week redo as I'm liking it - and getting it! Also did the June Ab Challenge, which is getting incredibly hard! I like the yoga ball idea and will try that at my work gym tomorrow.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Did w3d1 today. The 3 minutes of jogging was tough! Also did the ab challenge. I'm off work tomorrow so plan to get caught up some at home.

    Holy crap - 3 mins??? Now I'm scared to graduate! ;-) ha ha. Awesome job Emy!

    But the nice part is that you only have two repetitions of walk, jog, walk, jog. The first jog in each rep is 1.5 minutes and the second is 3 minutes. It's tough (for me) but definitely doable. I'm not sure exactly how far I went today (my fitbit hasn't made it yet and I have trouble with mapmywalk) but I didn't go quite as far as I've been going. Must have been going a little slower than usual.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Tonight I did day 2 of C25K (I had to start over due to an iphone/water issue), but I think it was worth the week redo as I'm liking it - and getting it! Also did the June Ab Challenge, which is getting incredibly hard! I like the yoga ball idea and will try that at my work gym tomorrow.

    So glad you are still hanging In there with the c25k! Sorry about your phone!

    The ab challenge is hard! The plank got to me tonight.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Great job Emy & Cindy with c25k. I repeated several weeks while I was doing it. I had a hard time, I think a lot of it is mental. Now I can run for as long as I choose (1.5hrs is my longest) I still can't believe it sometimes. I remember how hard 90 seconds was!

    Today is a planned rest day for me. We have a race tomorrow, and the day before races we rest. It probably isn't necessary for a 5km, but why not be in top form so that we can get our best time. I am a slow runner, so I am hoping to get below 40 minutes for the 1st time ever. I do not have high hopes because it is a night run, and I am a morning runner & I have to work tomorrow, but who knows. When I did this run last year, I wanted to stop after 1km, I had to fight with myself the entire way to just run & finish it. We have a lot of family running, and I invited people over to celebrate Ben's birthday after the run. It should be a lot of fun :)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Great job Emy & Cindy with c25k. I repeated several weeks while I was doing it. I had a hard time, I think a lot of it is mental. Now I can run for as long as I choose (1.5hrs is my longest) I still can't believe it sometimes. I remember how hard 90 seconds was!

    Thanks for the encouragement! I always see how much you run and think "I wish". This helps me know we can!!!!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today I did JMBR p3w10 and the ab challenge. Tomorrow I get to run - woohoo!! I'm going to have to time how long I actually run (I do the run/walk thing, only running when zombies are attacking). It always seems like a long time, but it's probably only a minute or so! Can't imagine running 1.5 hours - way to go Lisa! I hope to get there, but it may be a while.

    Have a great Friday!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Just a quick check in here for now, sorry that I didn't make it on yesterday. I'm having some computer trouble and have to take my desktop computer in to the computer shop. Boo!
    Yesterday was a rest day for me, and today I did Jillian Michaels Killer Buns and thighs Level 2. I find that one a really good workout.
    I will come back later on to read about what everyone else has been up to.
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Just a quick check in here for now, sorry that I didn't make it on yesterday. I'm having some computer trouble and have to take my desktop computer in to the computer shop. Boo!
    Yesterday was a rest day for me, and today I did Jillian Michaels Killer Buns and thighs Level 2. I find that one a really good workout.
    I will come back later on to read about what everyone else has been up to.

    How is the Killer Buns/Thighs workout on knees? I love JM, but some of her workouts are on tough on my knees. Thighs and Buns are definitely my bad spot and always wondered about this one.
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    I don't find that it bothers my knees but I really dont' have knee issues. With running or any of her workouts my knees don't bother me. But, I do find the workout very good. I am in a pool of sweat by the end of it. Lol There are 3 levels, this was level 2. Its a bit longer than the shred or ripped workouts. Definitely a great butt workout!! lol
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    I did exactly what I planned yesterday, well kinda. It was a rest day, but I thought I would take the dog for a walk. Our store was incredibly busy so I was exhausted when I got home. I read & drank a glass of wine & went to bed early.

    Today I will probably work, & do some running around, run 5km run, then have family over & maybe a bonfire. Should be a fun day. Hopefully not too fun as I still have to work & maybe do my long run tomorrow depending how hard I push it tonight.

    Have a great day!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Feeling a bit of a stiffness from yesterdays workout but not as bad as sometimes. Going to run today, distance will be determined when I get out there and see how my legs feel. the sun is shining but it is pretty breezy.

    Tonight I will probably have a glass of wine and we may go to dinner somewhere.

    lisa - enjoy your bonfire, sound very nice. We are going to get our firepit out today too, I think the kids are going to have friends over tonight. Hope your run went well!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Update : 8Km run done! Had a push going but when I turned to come back...phew, wind in face! However, it was a warm wind so not terrible. Definitely made it a challenge though. Glad it is done. I have run 29K for this week. Sort of feel like going out there to run just one more to make it 30. lol

    I was going to just edit my last post, but could not see the option to edit. I thought you could edit your own post??

    Edit : I guess the edit option is only there for the first while after posting, it eventually goes away. lol