June workout check in: June-o you want to deadlift



  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    @krokador What is this late night snack and lifting in the morning? I get up at 5 am to lift or it wont get done. Wondering if i need to eat something before or the night before that would be helpful. Thanks.

    Pretty sure I'm not the only one who does this, but here's my reasoning behind it.

    I tend to stick to a 16:8 (ish) Intermittent Fasting schedule now, mostly because when I ate 5-6 tiny meals a day I would find myself waking up at 2AM STARVING. A lot of experimentation has led me to figure out if I have a sizeable snack shortly before hitting the hay, I don't have that problem (thus: better quality sleep!). I don't know if it really does affect my workout other than the fact that if I DO eat shortly before, I feel sluggish, so I'd rather go on an empty stomach.

    I think there's a scientific explanation behind this (carb backloading? Not too sure) but in my case it's really just going off of how I feel. Lotsa carbs the night before a workout = awesome lifting. Cottage cheese, protein powder, peanut butter and some fruits before bed = better sleep. Workout on an empty stomach = no swooshing around my belly and more energy. And working out at night = sleeplessness and restlessness. I just put it all together and, while everyone is different, I'm a bit bias towards the method haha.

    Hope that explains it!

    Thanks! I usually eat up till i go to bed. Greek yogurt and/or something with peanut butter. I really can NOT workout after I've eaten something. I don't even want to go for a walk after eating or drinking anything. I had a snack this morning but i didn't have a late snack last night and i was starting to shake a bit in the middle of lifting. That has never happened before so maybe it was from the lack of bedtime snack.
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    Pretty sure I'm not the only one who does this, but here's my reasoning behind it.

    I tend to stick to a 16:8 (ish) Intermittent Fasting schedule now, mostly because when I ate 5-6 tiny meals a day I would find myself waking up at 2AM STARVING. A lot of experimentation has led me to figure out if I have a sizeable snack shortly before hitting the hay, I don't have that problem (thus: better quality sleep!). I don't know if it really does affect my workout other than the fact that if I DO eat shortly before, I feel sluggish, so I'd rather go on an empty stomach.

    I think there's a scientific explanation behind this (carb backloading? Not too sure) but in my case it's really just going off of how I feel. Lotsa carbs the night before a workout = awesome lifting. Cottage cheese, protein powder, peanut butter and some fruits before bed = better sleep. Workout on an empty stomach = no swooshing around my belly and more energy. And working out at night = sleeplessness and restlessness. I just put it all together and, while everyone is different, I'm a bit bias towards the method haha.

    Hope that explains it!

    Thanks! I usually eat up till i go to bed. Greek yogurt and/or something with peanut butter. I really can NOT workout after I've eaten something. I don't even want to go for a walk after eating or drinking anything. I had a snack this morning but i didn't have a late snack last night and i was starting to shake a bit in the middle of lifting. That has never happened before so maybe it was from the lack of bedtime snack.

    Hrm...I normally stop eating by 7pm and drink my calories after that. :drinker:

    I may try the just before bed snack and see what that does for me in the morning, because I really do not like to eat before 9am.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I started June the right way... hungover because.... I got engaged on Saturday night (5/31)!!!!!!! We spent the rest of the night at the resort drinking and dancing like fools (no one at the resort knew us, so why not?). I skipped the gym this morning in favor of 2 extra hours of sleep, but tomorrow is workout A again. Tomorrow also starts the 5th week that I've been doing SL.

    ETA: I'm glad the majority of everyone else was also hungover yesterday LOL I was just reading some of the other comments. :drinker:
  • amylahminute
    amylahminute Posts: 613 Member
    Hello! I'm Myles and I'm new here. (I introduced myself in the Chat thread a few days ago.)

    I'll be on Day 3 tomorrow. I'd like to start sharing my workouts here too. Here's what I've done so far:

    (Please bear with me while I remember how to post pics here. This may not work...)


    I did 5 sets of deadlifts instead of 1 because I'm a newbie. :/ My back is sort of paying for it. I think I'm good to get back to it tomorrow, though.

    I hope to be posting in here regularly. Pleased to meet you. :)
  • amylahminute
    amylahminute Posts: 613 Member
    Ack! ^^^ sorry... that was huge! I won't do it that way again, promise!

    Oh yes, and I mostly work out fasted too. I sometimes IF using the "Bulletproof Coffee" method, but I don't swear by it. I just think the coffee is kind of yummy and it helps me stick to my cut.
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    I didn't lift at all over the past week because I had to go out of town and was really stressed about it. I was too tired to go to the gym last night when I got home so I decided I'd go today. I really like going around 10 p.m. since there are only a few people in the weight room at that time, but I have a 10 p.m. meeting tonight so that wasn't going to work. I decided to have the hubs wait for me with the kids in the car after we had dinner at a restaurant right next to the gym. My 14 yo daughter went along with me for company.

    Today was day A and a week off obviously hurt me:

    Squats, warmup then 3x5 @ 90. I could have done more but (*) happened.
    Bench, warmup then 1x5 @ 60 and had to deload to 3x5 @ 55 and 1x4 @ 55
    Rows, 5x5 @ 55 and felt great!

    (*) Tonight I had one of those Helpful Harrys try to give me advice while I was doing squats. While I did agree that I needed to spread my feet more, I didn't appreciate his scoffing at SL and telling me I need to do high reps, low weight. UGH. I need a shirt that says something like "F Off" because that's how I feel. I was so annoyed by this dude that I quit after 3 sets. I was already bummed that I had to deload on bench.

    Tomorrow morning is a quiet work morning so I'm going to get out for a much-needed relaxing run. I hope Saturday when I go back to the gym, Helpful Harry won't be there and I'll be in a better place to get it all done.

    @Willrun -- congrats on your engagement! I'm a big fan of small, intimate weddings so I think you're making a smart move there. =)
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Myles, welcome! those are excellent weights, have you lifted before?

    rps67- sorry about the not so helpful guy at the gym, I hate that!!! I've only had it happen 2x but it is not fun.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I've been absent from here, but still lifting...I promise. Also added running in because I'm a glutton for punishment (actually I just want to be able to eat more ice cream...). I don't really think it counts as running...it really is more like bouncy-walking I refer to it as "wogging." :huh: My goal is a 5k in under 40min by the end of August...hopefully faster, but I have tendonitis in both ankles..

    @Stout...loved the gif. LOL.
    @RPS...there is nothing rude about telling a knowitall that you don't need or want their help. I swear that some men think having breasts instantly lowers your IQ 40 points.
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    (*) Tonight I had one of those Helpful Harrys try to give me advice while I was doing squats. While I did agree that I needed to spread my feet more, I didn't appreciate his scoffing at SL and telling me I need to do high reps, low weight. UGH. I need a shirt that says something like "F Off" because that's how I feel. I was so annoyed by this dude that I quit after 3 sets. I was already bummed that I had to deload on bench.

    Oh yuck! I would flip out if someone said all that to me. :\ Maybe the best argument for headphones in the gym. Or a home gym. Its so annoying how deflating stupid comments can be. We want to believe (or I do anyway) that we don't really care what people think, but it can be so demoralizing for some reason. We all think you are awesome!

    Today it was 75 degrees so I went on a run outside. First two miles were great for me - just over 11:30 and then the third mile I ran at 10:50. Y'all, that is light lightning fast for me! I am so proud :D

    Liftwise, today was the first full workout in the new, main-floor, mostly set-up home gym with new squat cage. It was good.

    Squats - a slight de-load because I am eating at more of a deficit. It was still really, really hard. (but I am still pain-free and recovered from The Weird Pain)
    200 3x5

    127.5 5x5 - super excited about this. I failed the hell out of it last time, and this time was great - hard but totally do-able. 130 here I come!!

    105 - 5x5. What can I say. Rows. Meh.

    Did 30 second planks and leg lifts alternating for 5 sets.

  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Yesterday was hiking day. We got a lovely 8 mile hike in beautiful Colorado canyon land. Ate lunch with our toes in the cool spring run-off pools. I love my hikes!

    Today was Day B Stronglifts
    Squats - Warmup+5x5@95 lbs. (My right knee is still caving a little bit so stuck to this weight again)
    Overhead Presses - Warmup+5x5@50 lbs. (still same weight from last time)
    Deadlifts - 1x5@95 lbs.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Not feeling great. Summer is here, which means my blood pressure is dropping, my appetite is kind of gone and I'm studying crazy hours. I'll probably take a short break from the gym soon. I hate the idea but I think it's wise.
    I'll do some walks in the morning and I'll focus on keeping my deficit under control and hitting my macros. I hope to lift some more before summer break, then I'll figure some bodyweight routine for August. One day at a time :wink:

    Squat 67.5kg 5,5,5,4 man, they were hard. Thank you, safety rack!
    Overhead Press 22.5kg 5x5 struggled a bit with the last rep on the last two sets
    Deadlift 60kg 1x5
    Quick cooldown run on treadmill (1mile @10ish minutes)
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    . Also added running in because I'm a glutton for punishment (actually I just want to be able to eat more ice cream...). I don't really think it counts as running...it really is more like bouncy-walking I refer to it as "wogging.

    haha omg that is so me!!! I even went out and bought myself some new bright sneakers hoping they would make me quick as lightening lol!

    Last night was workout A for me

    Squat @ 120lbs

    Not going to lie, I don't mind that I had to deload. Gives me a chance to work on my form.

    Bench @ 90lbs

    Man, it just felt hard. I watched the "so you think you can" video and it mentioned having to keep your bum on the bench and I find that really difficult. I find that I just can't figure out how to use my leg force while still keeping my butt down.

    Rows @ 80lbs

    These actually felt pretty good but I was POOPED by the time I was done. I have really been focusing on just tensing up my glutes and abs while doing this move and it has really helped out. Rows were once my most hated and I am starting to enjoy them.

    Question.... ATG or parallel? I do a low bar squat so does that make any difference? I posted a video on the ETP group if anyone wants to take a look.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I like to eat a big bed time snack; it helps me sleep and I have no idea if it helps with morning workouts, but I find I have plenty of energy for the morning. I have started eating an apple or a granola bar first thing in the morning on lifting days, just to help wake me up. Tried that on a run day and even just an apple didn't sit right so that's a no go.

    Workout a today
    Squat 150lbs 5/4/5 I always seem to get stuck here. I've promised myself that if I get my 3x5 (with good form) I will move up but 155 seems really scary.
    Bench 66 lbs 2x4 and 1x5 this was my third fail so deload next time.
    Row 3x5 71lbs

    Front raises 10/9/8 thinking this was just me pettering out.
    One arm rows 3x10 25lbs
    Flies 3x8 15 lbs

    Eta next week I get to wake up 15 minutes early as I slowly adjust myself back to working hours. Only 6 more weeks till I go back.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I've been impressed by all your stats! I completed week 1 today with my first fail... :brokenheart: On rows. Oh well it happens :) Here is what I did this week:

    Monday - Workout A
    Squat - 5x5 - 45lbs (bar only)
    Bench - 5x5 - 45lbs (bar only)
    Row - 5x5 - 65lbs

    Wednesday - Workout B
    Squat - 5x5 - 50lbs
    OH press - 5x5 - 30lbs (i had to use a small bar 5lbs + 12.5lbs on each side. the 45lbs olympic bar was too much)
    Deadlift - 1x5 - 95lbs (yay!! still can't believe it!)

    Today - Workout A
    Squat - 5x5 - 55lbs (my knee was kind of wonky on the last set but i repositioned my feet and it was fine, whew!)
    Bench - 5x5 - 50lbs
    Row - 5/5/4/5/4 - 70lbs

    Next week will keep the rows at 70 pounds and see what happens.

    I also ran a around 3 miles (5k) twice. Weigh-in this morning and lost 3 pounds yay!! I really think that lifting kicked my metabolism in the butt and it just reved everything up like crazy. I can feel my heartrate really go up when I lift and I am sooo sweaty!!! Which is good :)

    I usually get to work around 7:30am, eat breakfast and go work out at work around 9am. That seems fine for me for now.

    lizafava2: great job on the 10:50 mile!! that's lightning fast for me as well!
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Workout B this morning:

    65lb 1x5
    85lb 2x5
    100lb 5x5
    Felt like I could have gone much heavier, but 100lbs is the stage I'm at in the program (on 5th week now) and I don't want to jump the gun. My stance feels really good. I went low enough on each rep that the bar came about an inch away from touching the rubber guard on the side of the squat rack. For being 6'2", that is very low!

    OHP: Grrrr. Did 65lb for all 5x5 last time I did workout B. Wanted to attempt 70lb this morning:

    45lb 1x5
    55lb 1x5
    70lb 1x3: Just could not get that dang bar off my chest for another rep. I got it up near my face and then my arms started to look like I was a rag doll. All wobbly and crooked and couldn't lift any higher. Deloaded back to 65 lb and tried to do 5x5 again after resting 5 mins (I rested 5 mins between each OHP set today and these were my numbers):
    65 lb 1x4, 2x5, 2x4. Kind of frustrating because I did 65 lb 5x5 last time, and while it was very difficult, this attempt felt much harder.

    155lb 1x5. Used a mixed grip, the weight felt OK and like I could have lifted heavier. Some dudes with chicken legs doing bicep curls in the free weights section were 'mirin my 45lb. plates on the DL :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! Workout A for me on Sunday morning. I'm planning on getting to the gym 10 mins before they open so the guy that DLs and shrugs like 450 lbs on weekends doesn't hog the rack for 2 hours before I can use it for squats. And BTW thanks everyone for congratulating me on our engagement last weekend! :heart:
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I've been impressed by all your stats! I completed week 1 today with my first fail... :brokenheart: On rows. Oh well it happens :) Here is what I did this week:

    Monday - Workout A
    Squat - 5x5 - 45lbs (bar only)
    Bench - 5x5 - 45lbs (bar only)
    Row - 5x5 - 65lbs

    Wednesday - Workout B
    Squat - 5x5 - 50lbs
    OH press - 5x5 - 30lbs (i had to use a small bar 5lbs + 12.5lbs on each side. the 45lbs olympic bar was too much)
    Deadlift - 1x5 - 95lbs (yay!! still can't believe it!)

    Today - Workout A
    Squat - 5x5 - 55lbs (my knee was kind of wonky on the last set but i repositioned my feet and it was fine, whew!)
    Bench - 5x5 - 50lbs
    Row - 5/5/4/5/4 - 70lbs

    Next week will keep the rows at 70 pounds and see what happens.

    I also ran a around 3 miles (5k) twice. Weigh-in this morning and lost 3 pounds yay!! I really think that lifting kicked my metabolism in the butt and it just reved everything up like crazy. I can feel my heartrate really go up when I lift and I am sooo sweaty!!! Which is good :)

    I usually get to work around 7:30am, eat breakfast and go work out at work around 9am. That seems fine for me for now.

    lizafava2: great job on the 10:50 mile!! that's lightning fast for me as well!

    Girl don't be bummed about failing on the rows!! I actually started way lower than the program dictates for rows. I started with 2 20lb dumbbells that I had at home, worked my way up gradually beginning with 40 lbs. I did just the 45 lb bar next time (stacked it up on plates on the floor of the gym to raise it up). So you are doing great!!!
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    Hi all quick post and run. On tuesday the 3rd, I had a puny workout - puny because I'd been away about a week and a half and because life is crazy and tiring right now. I was so emotionally spent on this particular day that my body was pretty weak too.

    Last night got in a much better workout:

    Squats - various warm ups then 185x3x5 followed by 155x2x5. I should have stuck with 185 for all 5 sets but I was in a hurry to run another errand and figured I could just grind out sets faster if I lowered my weight vs. resting longer.

    OHP - can I just pause and mention how much I love this lift?! I am not particularly strong at it, but I love to do it. I can see my biceps and triceps doing their thing while I'm pushing the bar and I like seeing how strong my arms are! I also love the OHP just in general - it makes my whole upper body just feel "right"

    so: 45x10, 55x5, 65x4 + 1 push press, then 55x5 and 45x8

    Then I KILLED it on accessory work -- all done in a circuit, last night I did it at a brisk pace and by the end I was really digging to finish – in a good way.
    Lying triceps extension – 42 x 3x 10
    DB Bicep Curl – 20 x 3 x 10
    Cable Crunch – 52.5 x3 x 10
    Back Extension – 25 x 3 x 10
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    TGIF! I had a big meal yesterday and I think it helped me feel more energetic in today's work out lol

    Workout A:
    Squats: warm up, 5x5@95
    BP: warm up, 2x5@50, 3x5@55
    BR: warm up, 3x5@55, 2x5@60

    I just finished week 11 or SL and i think I'll do another round of it for the summer.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Workout A today

    Squats 5x5 55 lbs - didn't use the plates under my heels today and my improved form stuck, so I'll finally be progressing again.
    Bench: 4/5/4/3/0 70 lbs - couldn't even get the last set off my chest and had to do the roll of shame :(
    Rows: 1x3 65 lbs - my left elbow kept getting locked out, not sure why.

    So not my greatest workout, but at least my squats are back on track.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    It's the Weekend


    @katro hope you have/had fun
    @Krok I would love to workout in the morning but alas work calls normally...when I retire...:bigsmile:
    @myles nice numbers
    @rps haha at guys who think we ladies can't lift heavy...next time tell him your sorry he can't hack it
    @sabrella sometimes you just need to change priorities...
    @viglet here is another form video Sarauk2sf posted on the FB group


    Totally different from the SYTYC series but based on what she said it's a personal choice on foot placement and I find straight out helps keep my bum down

    @gen try taking a bit longer break next time...when I first started I took 90sec breaks for first 2 sets, then upped them by 15/30 secs if the last rep went up hard.

    Workout B for me today..nice way to end the week with DL's...

    Squat warmups then working weight @ 160 3x5 but felt my hips coming up too fast on the last set...not sure if it was because I was distracted cause DH was watching or if I was paying more attention to form because he was watching so I noticed...I am gonna stay here and see which one it was...

    OHP warmups working weight @ 93.5....3x3...man it was ugly...esp 2nd set wowser and that is usually my best one...

    DL...was gonna do 205 but said screw it and popped on 210...first 3 reps I killed it...rep 4..was icky...rep 5 was worse and almost didn't get it but I did...gonna stay here obviously...

    So suppose to be sunny here this weekend so out in the garden I got Saturday get it planted and hopefully get a few more beds cleaned up...then my nephews 10th Bday on Sunday suppose to be 27 degrees and the pool is open...:drinker: