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June workout check in: June-o you want to deadlift



  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    I bring my laptop downstairs with me when I lift. I read through the instructions every single time, and I watch the videos over and over as well. Seems monotonous I know, but I find it helps a lot. Eventually I will stop reading/watching, not until I am sure I have it ingrained first.

    This. I watched the exercises on my phone every workout when I was getting started. There's a lot of good ones out there. I like the Buff Dudes because they're funny. And easy on the eyes. heh.
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    @hwillmott always nice to find a good gym...I see you like horses...my husband parents raised and bred appaloosa's(spelling) for years...love them

    I grew up riding appaloosa's! Raised and trained my own filly, too. Sigh.... now I live in the suburbs and my only wildlife is my naughty pug. My parents got into horses big time after I moved out. They kept a peruvian paso stud for awhile and for a time had a herd of horses so that they could outfit a party of 15 with mounts and pack animals, the whole 9 yards....

    They've scaled back now - but I still get to get my horsey 'fix' when I make it back home for visits.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    @hwillmott always nice to find a good gym...I see you like horses...my husband parents raised and bred appaloosa's(spelling) for years...love them

    I grew up riding appaloosa's! Raised and trained my own filly, too. Sigh.... now I live in the suburbs and my only wildlife is my naughty pug. My parents got into horses big time after I moved out. They kept a peruvian paso stud for awhile and for a time had a herd of horses so that they could outfit a party of 15 with mounts and pack animals, the whole 9 yards....

    They've scaled back now - but I still get to get my horsey 'fix' when I make it back home for visits.

    cool guys! My mom did barrel racing as a kid and I took lessons as a kid. My parents have a place in the mountains and there is a place we can ride pretty cheap. Nice and pretty views riding through christmas tree farms :)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Oh man. I've always wanted a horse so I can pretend I'm a cowboy. I just need to be rich enough to a: buy a horse and land, and b: pay someone to take care of my horse. .

    I was super tired and really hungry today so my workout kind of sucked, but I got in there and got it done.

    45x10, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 215x3, 245x3, 265x4 The last set was terrible. Idk wtf was wrong with me. Felt so heavy and form was off. I almost got stuck in the hole on the 2nd rep it was like I completely forgot to stay tight. Wtf?

    Front squat
    135 3x10

    Hip thrust
    95 3x10 I thinkt he benches at the Y are too high for these cause they felt weird. Need to find a better location. They do have step class steps so maybe steps against a wall?

    Ab rollout 3x8

    Back extension 25# 3x10

  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Workout B for me

    Squats: warm up, 5x5@95
    OHP: 5x3@50 (hate it lol :grumble:)
    DL: 1x5@95

    Even with the OHP, I love workout B so much more than A haha
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    Workout B. Ate crappy yesterday and I don't think that helped me. Feeling bad about today.
    Squat 90x5x5
    OHP I messed up loading,5 am brain isn't functioning. 59x1x5 was to wore out after that to do the right weigh so I went down to 45x5x5... Ugh
    DL I could budge on 135 even though I did that weight 3 times before. Went to 115.. Not impressed.
    Row 65x5x5
    Close grip bench 47x3x8
    Bicep curl 25x3x8

    Thinking of adding in glute bridges, what day should I do those or both? Anything else I should do different?
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Happy Monday all! :bigsmile:

    @Fittree, I use a step for my hip thrusts rather than the bench, I'm a bit too short for the bench to be comfortable.

    Jealous of all the horse talk, I want one (or 2!) but DH hates horses. Oh well, they are out of my budget anyway! My chickens at least help with the grocery bill.

    Week 3 of Strong Curves for me and I'm finally feeling more comfortable with the different weights and doing so many exercises on one day.

    Glute Bridge 115 lbs. 3x20
    Barbell Row 80 lbs. 3x8
    low box squat 120 lbs. 3x5
    Incline bench 85 lbs. 3.8
    Deadlift 225 lbs. 1.x5
    Planks& stuff
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    You're all doing great ;) I hope to find a couple of hours to hit the gym tomorrow :wink:
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    @massage: I try to remember glute bridge on B days (helps my deadlifts). I'm sorry you didn't have a great workout! Hopefully, with a few days of good eatin' and sleepin' you'll be back in the saddle (because, HORSE-TALK!) :flowerforyou:

    @ErinRibbens: woah! I didn't realize how many exercises were in Strong Curves! I'd never keep track of all my numbers without an app :laugh:

    Squats today:

    45lbs x 10, 65lbs x 5, 85lbs x 5, 95lbs x 3 | 105lbs x 5, 125lbs x 5, 140lbs x 5, 85lbs x 10
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Yeah, we'll see how long I can put up with the long workouts in Strong Curves. I had this trouble when I tried NROL4W. I love the simplicity of Strong Lifts and 5/3/1. And the SL app is great! Eventually I will probably switch back to 5/3/1 or a 3x5 and do hip thrusts and glute bridges for accessory work because I do feel they are helping my bum!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    @hwillmott always nice to find a good gym...I see you like horses...my husband parents raised and bred appaloosa's(spelling) for years...love them

    I grew up riding appaloosa's! Raised and trained my own filly, too. Sigh.... now I live in the suburbs and my only wildlife is my naughty pug. My parents got into horses big time after I moved out. They kept a peruvian paso stud for awhile and for a time had a herd of horses so that they could outfit a party of 15 with mounts and pack animals, the whole 9 yards....

    They've scaled back now - but I still get to get my horsey 'fix' when I make it back home for visits.

    cool guys! My mom did barrel racing as a kid and I took lessons as a kid. My parents have a place in the mountains and there is a place we can ride pretty cheap. Nice and pretty views riding through christmas tree farms :)

    I normally would put this out on the www but just google wortman dena...MIL...here and my FIL are amazing breeders...they even had a stud win champ prior to death which is unusual.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I had to read through and catch up on several pages. I always forget how fast this thread moves.

    I'm still not lifting. I started to yesterday and managed to pull/strain something in my neck. So letting that recover and going for walks and/or doing light cardio that doesn't incorporate a lot of arms movements (since that hurts my neck). So I'm just going to read and envy the workouts going on in here for now.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Back to work, back to the gym! All this running is really starting to affect my workouts, though. My right quad was super tight this AM. I'll be taking a bit of a running break after this race on Saturday...

    Front Squats, working up to a 2RM (My 3RM was 135 a month ago)

    I probably had 145 in me but I wanted to hit those reps today. That and, as i've said, quad, knee, pain :(

    Assisted pull-ups max + 3x submax with red & black bands : 11/5/5/5
    superset with 18' box pike presses: 10/7/6/5

    Today's grinder was a special kind of grindy, too. 2 rounds for time (bar loaded @ 75lbs):
    - 10 recline rows
    - 10 OH Squats
    - 10 Band pull-ups
    - 10 Front squats
    - 10 "Muscle Ups" (false grip recline row w/transition and ring dips with feet on box)
    - 10 back squats

    16mins 15s total, first round 7:30, rested 1 min, then 7:45

    I then tried to do hollow hangs but my grip was shot, so I finished up with a KB swing tabata for the sake of it.

    Tomorrow i get to try my 1RM Deadlift. I can't wait!
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    First day back after 4 days off! It was worth it. Granted, only 4 days, but these were 4 days of not eating at a cut (heck, probably ate at a surplus for most of them) and doing little physical activity. It was a really nice break. We stayed in the cabin most of the time and watched movies (made it through all Harry Potter movies... again... lol). Walked the dog every day, as per usual, but this time we let him off-leash. First time I've ever let him! He did great; he trotted ahead then would stop, look at us, and wait til we caught up. Too bad I can't let him do that at home (leash laws, too much traffic and surprisingly more rabbits and squirrels around here that he could chase after and possibly run into the street).

    On to today's workout!

    Bench press - 10 @ 77lbs, 10 @ 78lbs, 10 @ 80lbs
    Push press - 7,8,8 @ 60lbs
    Squats - 8,9,10 @ 120lbs
    Upright rows - 3x10 @ 55lbs
    Split squats - 3x10 @ 60lbs
    Bent over rows - 3x10 @ 80lbs
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    @krok and checker: hope yall feel better! Lifting is awesome, until you hurt yourself and have to cut back.

    I've only been 3 days to my new gym but I've decided dudes there don't do leg day. Or I just haven't gone on the right day yet? Either way today was the first time to see someone else full on squatting (the squat thingy where you load weights isn't the same-not the smith machine).

    So B today:
    Squats 115lbs 3x5
    OHP: 56lbs 5,5,4. urgh. With this cut I think I may have to start from the beginning again at 45. Just can't seem to hit 56 consistently.
    DL: 115lbs. Same as last time, but taking it extra slow now that I'm actually cutting for once. Heavy weights are heavy! ha.

    And seeing as its Tuesday, here's something I heard on the radio: "Today is almost the halfway point of the week!"
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    How do I burn 339 calories? I never realized how much set up move weights here/there, rack up/rack down bar on floor/bar up (but I don' t take all the weights off to do that just some...till I had to do it all with my gimpy finger today. I do warm-ups and cool downs too, but still...so finger didn't like deadlifts, had to hold up my arm in between to get blood down, but I survived. Didn't go up on anything but bench press, was glad I could do it at all!

    Workout A (Tues.)

    squats 5 X 5 - 125

    deadlifts 5 X 5 - 125

    Bench press - 5 x 5 - 65

    underhand bicep curls - 5 x 5 - 80

    Reverse curls - 5 x 5 - 55

    Dumbbell side bend - 5 x 10 - 40
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    I rocked it today!! Woooo I feel great!!
    Squat 95x5x5
    Bench 60x5x5
    Row 68x5x5
    Tried the glute bridges, was light at 45x3x8
    Tricep 18x3x8
    Shoulder shrug 95x3x8
    Decline sit-ups 3x8. Will try to add weight next time, just figures out my bench to decline.

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • tinkystyle
    tinkystyle Posts: 76 Member
    This week I'm working out with my hubby to find my 1RM. Going to transition to 5,3,1 next week. Will be changing up the accessory lifts a bit in order to incorporate hip thrusts and glute bridges to get 'dat azz.

    So Sunday was OHP, 1RM=75. Monday DL, 1RM=190. Took Tuesday off from lifting. Today was Bench, 1RM=130. Still alternating my cardio b/w running-either sprint intervals or slower distance and a cardio DVD.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Awesome work perseverance, massage, hwillmot and katro! You guys certainly are rocking it!

    Quad is still a good bit sore today, so I had to foam roll for like 10 minutes before today's session on top of my usual warm-up xD

    20 min to work on 1RM deadlift went a lil like this:
    the bar broke off the floor for about half a second, but I just didn't have it in me to pull it up further. Still managed to pull 2 plates! (I got confused because I didn't swap my 25 and 15 for a 45 so for a moment there I thought I had 235 lol. But it was 45, 25, 15, 5 xD)

    Then 12 mins to work up to a 1RM Push Jerk
    112.5x1 this wasn't a clean rep but I locked it out! It gets a lil scary at this point though, I gotta say!

    Then I moved on to the cardio session from hell:
    - 3000m row
    - 60 burpees

    For time. (23:30). Obv. had to break down the burpees into mini sets and chip away at 'em. This was so simple yet downright evil.

    Now I'm done with regular lifting until possibly next tuesday (maybe monday if I recover really well from the race). 2.5 miles run tomorrow morning. Lots of yoga/mobility work over the next 2 days. Race on Saturday. I'm so excited!
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    @Stef -- I really prefer to go to the gym later in the evening! The rest of the day, the weight room can be really busy, but after 10 p.m., it's only what I call the graveyard shift. There are a handful of us that are there pretty consistently and we all leave each other alone, except to say "hey." That's what I like!

    This is from last night, which was day A:

    Squats, 5x5 @ 85
    Rows, 5x5 @60
    Bench, 2x5 @ 60, 1x4 @ 60, 2x5 @ 55

    Even though I couldn't bench all 5 sets at 60 lbs., I did better than the last day a! I was super happy about that. Plus, I went up in weight for squats but really focused on form so I was super happy about that.

    I also ran yesterday. I started back on the c25k program almost 8 weeks ago, but I've taken it somewhat easy, repeating days until I felt more comfortable. Yesterday I tackled week 4 day 1, which is warmup, jog 3 min, walk 1.5 min, jog 5 min, walk 2.5, jog 3 min, walk 1.5 min, jog 5 min, cool down. I made it all of the way through, running the whole time when I was supposed to, plus I ran extra since I was still almost a mile from home when I finished the c25k running. Being able to run those 2 5 minute stretches was really, really thrilling for me!

    I think I need to fix my schedule, though, so I'm not running and lifting on the same day because it's too tiring.