Daily Chat Thread



  • jdgro
    jdgro Posts: 30 Member
    SunshineLivel - what type of HRT does your doc have you on? I go to a naturopath and I was really surprised when she wanted to put me on estrogen. Before having these health concerns this past year I would have said I was opposed to HRT because I've heard it can be dangerous for breast cancer. But the naturopath explained a bunch of stuff to me and I have a lot of interplay with thyroid hormones, female hormones and adrenal. She has me on a bunch of stuff and I am doing well . I have been using this topical estriol cream at a half-dose. Also taking probiotics, a good daily D liquid and B12 shots. I went from taking NOTHING (literally I was that person who would suck on a chewable vitamin C I found in the back of the cabinet if I felt like I was getting a cold, and that's IT) to taking about a dozen things a day. It really kind of crept up on me.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Hi all I lifted today- I felt good after even though it was not the best workout ever-// I am glad to get the week started.

    We tried to check out a farmers market but this year they are not allowing pets -- so my kids and I took turns holding the dog across the street. Different rules from last year and hard- as I am trying to come up with activities that don leave my dog alone at home.

    My protein was decent but not good enough.

    My eleven year old has gotten really difficult lately- rude and apathetic- she didn't want to go for frozen yogurt today- very weird.

    Tomorrow I might go for a run / walk- my swim partner cancelled so I might try some running.

    My DD is turning 11 soon. It's hormone time mom, mine is emotional, wants affection one minute and trying to kill me with her stare the next. :laugh:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I hate comments from other people about fitness- it really irks me! I've done a lot of research, I feel like I know what's best FOR ME. That's why I stay away from FB most of the time- too much crap from people who don't really care about me.

    I'm glad to see you all getting good workouts in! I haven't lifted since Saturday. I've been doing a lot of moving, very little sitting still, but it's not the same. One of the littles has been sick. I will do a HIIT session at home tonight and I'm hoping to lift tomorrow.
    Macros haven been good at all. I feel like I'm losing momentum!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    don't know if we are giving numbers but I think I'm a 2/3. last Lifted thurs or friday.....end of school and work this week so a little nutty. Maintaining my weight so good on that. I hope to get more savvy with picture posting. We are having awesome weather and I do get so lazy in summer....okay so long as I don't indulge in treats.

    Had my Anniversary on Monday too! Next weekend hope to get DD to a friend's so we can go out.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Happy Anniversary Barbell!! As active as I am on facebook, I don't talk about fitness unless it's on the New Rules page, Alwyn's page, or Lou's.

    Nice Job Rocky!

    jdgro, sounds like you are off to a great start!

    Today was our annual BBQ at work for all of the kids. i didn't over eat and it actually wasn't bad.

    I typically eat at least one hour before working out otherwise I'll be natious. However, if I don't eat at all, I have a real crap workout. I heard that if you do cardio fasted you are more likely to burn muscle instead of fat. Not at all how sure how true that is, again lot of misinformation and broscience. To each his own I usually say.

    PM, people are ridiculous. I really feel sorry for anyone doing the 1200 cal thing. That's a sad way to live worrying about every single piece of food you put in your mouth and feeling hungry all the damn time. No thank you sir-y-bob. My cousin had a lot of success doing the high rep thing, I don't necessarily think she looks better than me, but at least I know I can move heavy things and pick up my kids in an emergency.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    My eleven year old has gotten really difficult lately- rude and apathetic- she didn't want to go for frozen yogurt today- very weird.

    Tomorrow I might go for a run / walk- my swim partner cancelled so I might try some running.

    My DD is turning 11 soon. It's hormone time mom, mine is emotional, wants affection one minute and trying to kill me with her stare the next. :laugh:

    Oh My! My soon-to-be 11yo daughter was lucky to come home from training this morning unscathed :noway: She lost the plot completely, went into stubborn little miss mode and it was all downhill from there (shall I also mention that I'd left my coffee on the kitchen bench at home, so it had NOT been a good start to the day).

    I love her, but this morning she was very much the quintessential horrid child that I really didn't need. I'm thinking she may actually be grounded for a few days. Need to discuss it with the husband when we are both a little calmer and removed from the situation :wink: Yes, it was THAT bad :sad:

    Re Facebook, you'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now. I don't post fitness related stuff very much at all, maybe once every 6 months? Every single time I post anything fitness related she needs to say something. Every.single.time. She got me so down and doubting myself at once stage a few years ago when I was starting C25K that I just stopped.... and put on another 5kg in the process. My self-esteem sucked at that stage.

    But I know my BIL's like to chat about it (one does crossfit and the other runs and does bro curls LOL), and I have a couple of fitness fanatics on my friends list who like to cheer everyone on, so maybe I'll just try to remember to remove her and her husband from those posts from now on :smile:

    The husband has found a squat rack setup with adjustable bench AND 60kg extra weights on eBay... a little more research to do, but we'll probably end up getting something like that. I suppose I should hurry up and finish unpacking all the leftover boxes in the garage :wink: :laugh: Maybe one day I'll even get him lifting. He's majorly supportive because he can see how happy it makes me.... and he likes the results :bigsmile: :laugh:

    Rocky, happy anniversary for Monday :smile:

    Oh! I just had a thought! Maybe I could take a photo of me using my little pink barbie weights (that the kids now use LOL) and flex my lovely looking back in the picture.... cos y'know, heavy isn't good for you :wink: Or maybe that will be too 'bulky'? :devil:

    Okay. I've finally managed a coffee so I'm feeling partially human. I need to get through about an hours worth of work before I can lift... Need to lift today or I won't meet my quota for the week.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Ok so off topic -

    My diet sucked today.

    Thank you for listening.:blushing:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    dna, my daughter is only 4 and I can already imagine what 11is going to be like! Hang in there! Yay for having a hubby who supports your lifting addiction :wink:

    Sam, thanks! I bet you look a lot better than your cousin- and like you said, heavy lifting is much more useful for real life.

    I got my HIIT done. I did sprints and then push-ups and mountain climbers.

    I forgot to mention today is my 2 year "lifting" anniversary! So glad I picked up a barbell in June of 2012!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    SunshineLivel - what type of HRT does your doc have you on? I go to a naturopath and I was really surprised when she wanted to put me on estrogen. Before having these health concerns this past year I would have said I was opposed to HRT because I've heard it can be dangerous for breast cancer. But the naturopath explained a bunch of stuff to me and I have a lot of interplay with thyroid hormones, female hormones and adrenal. She has me on a bunch of stuff and I am doing well . I have been using this topical estriol cream at a half-dose. Also taking probiotics, a good daily D liquid and B12 shots. I went from taking NOTHING (literally I was that person who would suck on a chewable vitamin C I found in the back of the cabinet if I felt like I was getting a cold, and that's IT) to taking about a dozen things a day. It really kind of crept up on me.

    I'm on prempro, combo of estrogen and progesterone. It made me get a period the first month, hadn't had one in years since I had mirena before menopause. Taking pills currently moving toward patches next month saves the liver from processing the medicine. When I went into menopause it was like, bam batwing, stomach flab, dry dry dry as in ruin your sex life, hot flashes, ***** factor went waay up, and holy forgetfulness. Lol then I read a really interesting article about muscles, bone density, estrogen and general frailty in old age (posted this article in the menopause group on MFP if you want to read) and decided it would be worthwhile to take HRT for a while build up muscle and bone , then off after a couple of years. The risks are pretty small for women in their 50s - goes up for women in their 60s, figure I try to pack some gains on this decade.

    So get this I go on HRT and all of a sudden I feel like slightly bloated the way I used to years ago, slightly crampy, I guess we are women and are going to have female symptoms no matter what we do whether it's endure menopause changes or go back to an estrogen fest. Lol

    Breasts became firm right away, skin firmed up, muscles responding really well to weight training. I bet it's the increased protein, too.

    Glad you're liking the program - congrats on deadlifts - you go!!!

    You like the effects of your cocktail? I never thought of going to a naturepath - great idea! I take D and B-12, too. Guess we are thinking alike! :))
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello- slept in and did not even walk my dog today!
    Tomorrow is my third lifting session(I start with Sunday)

    I appreciate all the feedback - I probably just can't eat before cardio and I can't wake up any earlier so I will have to stop worrying at it.
    My eleven year seems less moody- and maybe well have a good summer after all.

    I am curious about HRT and lifting but not enough to take it- hot flashes for at least five years but my iud suppress my period so who knows if its menopause or not...
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Lifting yester was good...and had over 80g of protein!!

    Today I will bicycle ride, since Zumba class was cancelled.

    My reason for being excited today? The WORLD CUP BEGINS!! Wohoo! I have been waiting for this forever!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Hello- slept in and did not even walk my dog today!
    Tomorrow is my third lifting session(I start with Sunday)

    I appreciate all the feedback - I probably just can't eat before cardio and I can't wake up any earlier so I will have to stop worrying at it.
    My eleven year seems less moody- and maybe well have a good summer after all.

    I am curious about HRT and lifting but not enough to take it- hot flashes for at least five years but my iud suppress my period so who knows if its menopause or not...

    you can get an FSH test and that will tell you whether you are menopause or not. high score=menopause. lol.

    i wouldn't have known unless the mirena was up for removal and replacement - NP did the test before giving me another mirena!

    transitioning into menopause is kind of sucky news though. almost better not to know.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    A friend came over last night and we drank wine, baked cupcakes, and glazed truffles :drinker:

    I woke up with a headache :sick:

    I'll lift later today.
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Looking forward to my last week in phase 1. I have been excited about moving into stage 2 for weeks now. I hope the other stages move a little faster?

    My daughter is finally out of school for summer! Now I need to find a way to stay on track with lifting at the gym with work and kids home 4 day of the week (they are going to camp the 3 days I work). Thinking I need to wake my booty up at 6:15 to get to the gym and back here by 7:30 to get them ready for the day. I know that's not too early for most people, but I am not a morning person. Going to have to force myself to do it. However, the good thing is I will have kept a summer routine so when school starts I will have been in a bit of a routine.

    Also with summer, means I am cracking down on getting my kids to help around the house! They are only 6 and 5--but I personally think they can be helping around the house so much more. Doing a little chore chart today and posting it up, mostly so I can stay consistent!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Runz, hope you recover quickly. That sounds like a good night though :)

    Happy late anniversary Rocky!!

    Summer is definitely upon us. 92% humidity at 7 am this morning. :sick:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member

    I'm glad to see you all getting good workouts in! I haven't lifted since Saturday. I've been doing a lot of moving, very little sitting still, but it's not the same. One of the littles has been sick. I will do a HIIT session at home tonight and I'm hoping to lift tomorrow.
    Macros haven been good at all. I feel like I'm losing momentum!


    I have been 3 x weekly weight-training for nearing 3 years now....but, just this week, I totally feel like ALL motivation has been LOST!

    Now, LOTS of *kitten* is contributing to this:

    1. poor sleep (this is also unusual for me!)
    2. too many meetings
    3. have to dress up for all these meetings - so I don't like the mid-day work-out when I'm all dressed up

    Soooooooooo, what I WANT YOU TO TELL ME is that a one-week FUNK is NOT gonna undo ALL this precious progress I have made! (I did lift once this week and I do believe I can lift on Saturday.)

  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member

    I'm glad to see you all getting good workouts in! I haven't lifted since Saturday. I've been doing a lot of moving, very little sitting still, but it's not the same. One of the littles has been sick. I will do a HIIT session at home tonight and I'm hoping to lift tomorrow.
    Macros haven been good at all. I feel like I'm losing momentum!


    I have been 3 x weekly weight-training for nearing 3 years now....but, just this week, I totally feel like ALL motivation has been LOST!

    Now, LOTS of *kitten* is contributing to this:

    1. poor sleep (this is also unusual for me!)
    2. too many meetings
    3. have to dress up for all these meetings - so I don't like the mid-day work-out when I'm all dressed up

    Soooooooooo, what I WANT YOU TO TELL ME is that a one-week FUNK is NOT gonna undo ALL this precious progress I have made! (I did lift once this week and I do believe I can lift on Saturday.)

    I've been doing the fitness thing for 11+ years. One week funk never hurt nobody. I've gone a whole month in a funk. The longest ever was 6 months- adjusting to new life as a new wife, new mother, new job.

    Take the time off and do other things you enjoy even if they're not "active." In January, I chose to spend more time on my paper crafting instead of working out. I restarted New Rules in Feb. And, check it out y'all, I didn't explode.

    Went to the doctor this morning and peeked at the scale. 137 lbs. Guess who cares? Not me! :drinker:

    OMG the truffles are glazed with strawberry liqueur and they are BOOZEY!

    Marieanne, all the of the stages are shorter than Stage 1. I'm gonna do punch cards for chores for DS.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I have been 3 x weekly weight-training for nearing 3 years now....but, just this week, I totally feel like ALL motivation has been LOST!

    Now, LOTS of *kitten* is contributing to this:

    1. poor sleep (this is also unusual for me!)
    2. too many meetings
    3. have to dress up for all these meetings - so I don't like the mid-day work-out when I'm all dressed up

    Soooooooooo, what I WANT YOU TO TELL ME is that a one-week FUNK is NOT gonna undo ALL this precious progress I have made! (I did lift once this week and I do believe I can lift on Saturday.)


    Beeps, LISTEN TO ME!!! A 1 MONTH FUNK didn't undo it all for me!! A ONE WEEK FUNK JUST MEANS YOU NEED TO REST! You will come back EVEN STRONGER, I just know it! Keep calm, do what you need to do, and give yourself the break you need. I know you've been at it hard and heavy with no real breaks for quite a while now!!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Thank you ladies!! I love you!!

    I know, INTUITIVELY, that a one-week inability to get to the gym isn't gonna DERAIL.

    And, yes, I do take lifting breaks from time-to-time....

    But, because I was in Europe last month, I already HAD a one-week lifting break (actually, it was more like 2 weeks when all was said and done) and sooooooooooooo, a "break" is NOT DUE.

    If I could SQUEEZE in work-outs, I would....I really can't.

    Even next week - looking at my calendar - I'll be lucky to get in 2 sessions.

  • jpore
    jpore Posts: 37 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I want to know what you guys are eating. I am about a month into the program and I am trying to decide whether or not to make some changes to my diet. I do not know exactly what my BF% is, somewhere around mid-high 20's, which makes everything just a guessing game.

    weight: 163
    cals/day: ~1700
    protein:~100-120 (120 if I try really hard!)

    what about the rest of you?