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June workout check in: June-o you want to deadlift



  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    @STEF- Nothing offensive about that gif. DH wanted to know whatI was laughing at.

    My gym has 4 power cages, a smith machine and a whole pile of other stuff. I've never had to wait.

    My workout today: squat 72.5# 5x5
    Bench press 65# 5x5
    BB rows 57.5# 5x5
    Skull crushers
    Assisted chin ups -50# 2x5
    Assisted dips -50#
    Ab work, then 20 minutes on the treadmill. :glasses:
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Wednesday's work out A:

    Squats: warm up, 5x5@95
    BP: warm up, 5,5,4,3,3@55
    BR: 5x5@60


    Squats: warm up, 4x5@95, 1x5@100
    OHP: warm up, 3x5@50
    DL: 1x5@95
    *Felt kind of blah today, like I didn't have enough energy :(

    Have a good weekend ladies!
  • muroo
    muroo Posts: 68
    @muroo: bummer having to share 'your' equipment! .... I mean, don't they know it's yours?! heh.

    My husband and I always check to see what's available as we're walking into the gym and will joke about... 'so and so is on our rack, get ready to rumble...' :laugh:

    Here's a funny flip side: there are some regulars there that know I often occupy the rack for a long time - when doing squats and OHP. They'll see me coming and starting my warm ups and they'll hurry over to the rack to get their lifts done!

    Can't wait until I elicit that reaction! :-)
  • JuliRamone
    JuliRamone Posts: 365 Member
    Just completed Week 3 of SL :)

    Today: Workout B:

    5x5 @ 20kg
    5x5 @ 20kg
    3x5 @ 30kg
    5x5 @ 42,5kg

    5x5 @ 25kg

    1x5 @ 60kg
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Yesterday's workout:

    Squats 115lbs 3x5
    Rows 71lbs 3x5
    Bench 71lbs 3x5
    Crosstrainer for 15 minutes

    There was a dude there who may be one of the powerlifters because his thighs were huge and straight muscle but he was doing squats with SEVEN 45s on each side. He was taking a wide stance and going down to just barely touching a bench below him. Guess he was trying to target a certain muscle? His calves looked so small in comparison to his thighs haha
  • beautifullyblessed16
    beautifullyblessed16 Posts: 180 Member
    Today's workout makes my 6th one so far. I did workout B:

    Squats: Warmup + 5x5 @ 70
    OHP: 5x5 @ 50 (Starting to get challenging on the last rep of each set...lol. I have been increasing by 2.5 pounds from the jump)
    DL: 1x5 @ 115 (Love this exercise)

    I finished in about 35 minutes and am still taking 1.5 minute breaks between each set.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Thought I had great form today, burned a lot. Still have not increased due to finger, but wearing band-aid now instead of gauze and finger condom. Sometime next week can start increasing again.

    Workout A (Sat.)

    Dumbbell side bend - 5 x 10 - 40

    flys 5 x 5 - 40

    ab crunches - 1 x 100

    squats 5 X 5 - 125

    Bench press - 5 x 5 - 65

    deadlifts 5 X 1 - 125

    Reverse curls - 5 x 5 - 55

    underhand bicep curls - 5 x 5 - 80
  • mlanders22
    mlanders22 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm getting more used to the form adjustment for my squat. I wish I would have had the trainer show me the row as well because I'm doubting my form on that one after today's workout. Off to YouTube to watch some tutorials.

    Squat - 5x5 @ 55
    Bench - 5x5 @ 55
    Row - 5x5 @ 55

    Felt really good after my session.
    I wanted to do a long training bike ride, but we've had nonstop rain today. Hoping I can get out tomorrow!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    There was a dude there who may be one of the powerlifters because his thighs were huge and straight muscle but he was doing squats with SEVEN 45s on each side. He was taking a wide stance and going down to just barely touching a bench below him. Guess he was trying to target a certain muscle? His calves looked so small in comparison to his thighs haha

    I would guess making sure he got to depth.

    I've been so lazy about posting my workouts lately!

    Friday OHP/Dead 531 "3" week

    45x10, 135x5, 185x5, 235x3, 265x3, 300x8

    45x5, 65x5, 75x3, 85x3, 95x3

    Sumo Deadlift
    135 3x10

    Paused Deadlift
    185 3x5

    DB OHP 15lb db to get used to movement

    Assisted pullupx3
    Ab rollout x8

    Finisher Reverse Pryamid
    35# kb swings
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I feel like I haven't checked in in here forever! Obv. with taking 2 days off before the race I really didn't have much to report. "Today I foam rolled for 15 minutes before bed. Oh yeah!"

    The race was loads of fun! 7km of crazy steep climbs and slopes, lots of mud (some mudpits tried to eat my shoes!). There wasn't much running at all. I ended up on four limbs a good bit (bear crawled my way up to shift the pain from my calves to my quads a bit at intervals, also, did I say steep?). Most of the obstacles were wooden walls with different methods of climbing (rope, ladder, jumps), there was a set of monkey bars and I managed like 3 of 'em before I fell flat on my butt and had the air sucked out of me xD On, and a mini lake filled with walls to jump over, and one with cargo net and mini "islands" and damn the water was cold! But yeah, biggest obstacle was the mountain. The entire ordeal took about 2 hours for me, I think. It was loads of fun, though! I even got to do a Rocky "Adrianne!!!" scream on the last downward slopes because they were playing eye of the tiger at basecamp haha. I would definitely do it again. Just not within the next 2 weeks lol.

    So once I got home yesterday I was in this lethargic food craving state and that didn't end too well lol. It's okay, this whole weekend is going to be a feast fest anyway, might as well enjoy myself. Since my next day of training includes squats I may wait until Tuesday to get back at it completely. Maybe I'll go in and do Bench Press tomorrow xP
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Rockin' day today, besides rows. Lol. I saw this deload coming a mile away.

    Squats: 5x5 @125lbs, 83% of bw now, this weight illicited some grunts on the 4th and 5th sets on the last couple reps.
    Bench: 5x5 @85lbs, feeling really good with bench, hoping to hit 100+ before a stall
    Row: may as well write l, o, l for this one. I was running out of time (was taking step dad out for breakfast) so only got in 3 sets and couldn't rest as long as needed. 3, 2, 2 @95lbs. Deloading to 85lbs next time, hoping to lose the back rounding.

    I've been eating like a maniac since starting swim lessons, but I'm possibly burning 3000-3400 calories on swim lesson days, especially SL -and- swim lesson days. Been gaining and losing the same two pounds though so at least I know I'm not gaining on my 3000+ calorie days. Most days I'm around 2500 or so.
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    The race was loads of fun! 7km of crazy steep climbs and slopes, lots of mud (some mudpits tried to eat my shoes!).

    Sounds like a blast!
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    There was a dude there who may be one of the powerlifters because his thighs were huge and straight muscle but he was doing squats with SEVEN 45s on each side. He was taking a wide stance and going down to just barely touching a bench below him. Guess he was trying to target a certain muscle? His calves looked so small in comparison to his thighs haha

    I would guess making sure he got to depth.

    Yeah now that I think about it he was doing sumo squats. It was insane to (act like I wasn't) watch though.
  • Padzster
    Padzster Posts: 75 Member
    After continuing with the same weights last week to improve form I upped weights today:

    Squats 70kg 5,5,5,5,5

    OHP 25kg 5,4,5,4,5

    Deadlift 80kg 4

    Not going low enough on squats at this weight so despite success will stick to this weight this week.
    OHP hurt (got a bit of a dodgy left shoulder) plus fails so will be repeating.
    Happy with the deadlift achievement despite fail - it was more due to grip than anything else.

    Got a funny left glute at the moment - keeps pulsing when I'm sitting down so must've worked it well!!!
  • JuliRamone
    JuliRamone Posts: 365 Member
    Today: Workout A:

    5x5 @ 20kg
    5x5 @ 20kg
    3x5 @ 30kg
    5x5 @ 45kg

    Bench Press:
    5x5 @ 26,5kg

    Barbell Rows:
    5x5 @ 40kg ( I DID IT! I DID IT! Failed last time, rocked it today!)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I woke up around 8 with a wonky, "pinched" feeling around my knee (even though I was just fine when I first woke up at 4AM >_<) so I decided to go ahead with the bench press day plan! Figured I'd do a 5/3/1 setup with this since it's not programmed into my normal lifting schedule.

    Bench press (w-u sets not included)
    110x5 (joker set! Felt really strong today!)

    I still had a 115x5 left in the tank, I think. But I wanted to keep some juice for the rest of the day

    Pendlay Rows

    Figured i'd use the 5/3/1 scheme on this one too since there aren't many horizontal rowing moves in the program either. I might do them once every 2 weeks but I'm sure I can progress some!

    Then did 3 sets of
    DB Incline Fly 15x12
    DB Chest supported row 25x12

    Glute Bridge 65x15
    Cable crunches 120x15

    finished up with
    Triceps rope pushdown 45x20, 50x15, 55x13
    Face pulls 45x15, 50x12, 55x11
    Cable curls 45x12, 50x10, 55x6

    some hanging knee raises and I walked by the hand gripper thing on my way out and knocked out a few sets. Figured grip work can't hurt! I got to foam roll my leg a bit too so the knee thing loosened up. A walk here in a bit should help solidify that and I'll be fine to squat tomorrow :)
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Crazy workouts ladies!!!

    @krokador: wow awesome race! Congrats!

    The weekend was horrible for me. I ate like a pig all weekend. Didn't even bother logging any food. lol. I gained 3 pounds. BLEH! Back on track today.

    Workout A today for me
    Squat - 70 lbs 5x5
    Bench - 60 lbs 5x5 - that kicked my *kitten* though lol
    Row - 70 lbs 5-5-4-5-5.. damn row!! i'll keep 70lbs next workout too.

    I'm meeting a trainer tomorrow for form. I heard good things about him and my friend trains with him so hopefully it'll go well :)

    Have a great day!
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    I haven't posted in ages. Y'all are doing awesome!

    I got a big tattoo last week and was honestly too sore to lift for a few days.


    squats 190 3x5 - my squats have really suffered strength-wise since I stopped doing 5x5. Still pain free though so maybe I will just slowly progress back to over 200. Whatever. I will take the pain-free part any day.

    Bench: 135 5,4,4,3,2 Absurdly happy about this. Was supposed to do 130 yesterday and just decided to up it to 135. I'm glad I did. I imagine I'll be plugging away at 135 for a good month or two before I stop failing. Still, BIG GIRL WEIGHTS on the bench make me so happy.

    Rows: 110 5x5. Yep.

    Some leg lifts and a 4 mile run.

    My calendar says I am supposed to start pre-training now for a half marathon in October. I think that means bump up my regular runs to 4-5 miles and add a longer long-run once a week. Right now I try to get one 4 mile run in a week and the rest are about 3 miles. Running in the heat is such a drag. My run yesterday was sooooooo slow but I got the miles in.... also slow running means that marathon training is a huge time commitment. A 5 mile run takes me more than an hour and lifting is always over an hour. Thats a lot of time devoted to working out every day!
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    The weekend was horrible for me. I ate like a pig all weekend. Didn't even bother logging any food. lol. I gained 3 pounds. BLEH! Back on track today.

    this is probably 90% water weight, especially if your weekend included alcohol. I always panic after an extra-fun weekend, but its usually just a day or two of water retention.
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    From Saturday, day A:

    Squats: 5x5 @ 65 (still down, working on form)
    Bench: 1x5, 1x3 @ 60, 3x5 @ 55 (man, I just can't get up to 60!)
    Rows: 5x5 @ 65

    Nothing noteworthy but it felt good. Afterwards, I went down to wait for my one daughter, who was swimming, and I didn't want to get the other kids out of the Kid Zone quite yet so I decided to run/walk on the treadmill. I don't know why but when I started running after a 2 minute warm up, I decided to see if I could run til I hit a 1/2 mile. Then I decided to go for 3/4 and then for a full mile. I ran for 16 minutes straight, which is a really big thing for me. I couldn't tell you the last time I ran a mile -- it wasn't even in high school because when our gym class had to do the mile run, my lazy *kitten* walked the majority of it.

    I know the treadmill is far different than running around my house where there are paths with hills, but now I'm excited to go run later today. We're also going to hit the gym after 10 p.m. Now that school's out, my 14 year old daughter says she's going to go along and wants to learn to lift. We'll see!