Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Happy Monday!! :drinker:

    Did you get your chair fixed Jen? And repainted due to kitty scratch? LOL We have a half wall around our stairs and Miss Nyxon likes to jump up there. Often she'll leave a mark in on the wall. Drives hubby crazy! I'm like, meh! Fix it once a year and it's all good. You really have to be looking at it to notice it but he's a little anal when it comes to that stuff :laugh:

    I had my RMR tested a few years ago and when I plugged it into that big spreadsheet it told me I was undereating - or something like that! so I really didn't go much further in it but there was sure a lot of info there.

    I finihsed reading NROL4Life yesterday - found it very interesting. Totally different than 4Women. He didn't go a lot into nutrition but he did talk about some Fire, Fuel, Free diet that was really intriguing. Basically each meal is either Fire, Fuel or Free. In fire, half of your plate should be lean protein and the other half fruit and/or vegetables. Fuel changes those numbers to 1/3 with the other 1/3 carb. Free is just that - eat what you want (within reason). HIs suggestion was restaurant meals or special occassions like Christmas or Thanksgiving (or someone's birthday) Based on 4 meals a day, two-three of those should be Fire and two should be Fuel (on workout days) and you get three free meals a week. No calorie counting - just sensible eating. Sounds doable but I think it would be easy to get out of hand if you weren't tracking. I'm so used to tracking I'd probably just continue.

    I have two workouts left until I'm finished the program - I just can't bring myself to do them! I only walked the treadmill this morning - at least I didn't go back to bed like I did last week LOL I will try again tomorrow - it's only 2 for F sakes -why can't I just get er dun???
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    As we speak... my hubby is lovingly relocating my weights/barbell into the man cave so I can work out again... YAY!!!! .... so Blue... wanna restart with me :bigsmile:
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    When I started WW in 2006, points were essentially 50 calories per point. Points were based on age, height and weight (and some other thngs). You decreased 1 point for every 10 pounds lost. By the time they changed to Points Plus around 2011 (dates get fuzzy LOL), my daily intake was 18 points (900 calories) plus the extra weekly points you could use as you like and activity points earned. Silly me tried to not use the weekly points or activity points because it's all about less food in, more calories burned - right? The Points Plus program changed the points to approximately 40 calories per point (formula was more complex but that is a good approximation) and my target was 26 points a day plus the others or 1040 calories per day. Again, I tried to not use many or my weeklies or any activity points.

    With the change of program, I started putting on weight despite weighing and measuring food, following program 90-95 % of the time (we all have those days whether it is a "because I wanna" or special events). I truly believe that over 6 years of netting below my BMR has suppressed my metabolism. Some folks call it "starvation" mode. I have spent the last couple of years trying to heal the metabolism. I'm using Heybales spreadsheet to help me try to pin down that sweet spot and get the scale going down again after gaining 25 or so pounds after the WW program change.

    Revving the metabolism is why I started doing weights - don't want to be "skinny fat" and muscle burns more calories. NROL was spoken highly of in the Eat More to Weigh Less group. I started going to Curves a year ago and while I still go 2 days a week, I felt it wasn't enough. Got my nerve up to go to a gym and start weights. While I'm just 2 workouts into stage 2, I am glad I did. I haven't seen weight loss (yet), but I am stronger, seeing some definition, the chicken wings don't wobble as much.

    Guess I've rambled enough - hope y'all have a great day!

  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    When I started WW in 2006, points were essentially 50 calories per point. Points were based on age, height and weight (and some other thngs). You decreased 1 point for every 10 pounds lost. By the time they changed to Points Plus around 2011 (dates get fuzzy LOL), my daily intake was 18 points (900 calories) plus the extra weekly points you could use as you like and activity points earned. Silly me tried to not use the weekly points or activity points because it's all about less food in, more calories burned - right? The Points Plus program changed the points to approximately 40 calories per point (formula was more complex but that is a good approximation) and my target was 26 points a day plus the others or 1040 calories per day. Again, I tried to not use many or my weeklies or any activity points.

    With the change of program, I started putting on weight despite weighing and measuring food, following program 90-95 % of the time (we all have those days whether it is a "because I wanna" or special events). I truly believe that over 6 years of netting below my BMR has suppressed my metabolism. Some folks call it "starvation" mode. I have spent the last couple of years trying to heal the metabolism. I'm using Heybales spreadsheet to help me try to pin down that sweet spot and get the scale going down again after gaining 25 or so pounds after the WW program change.

    Revving the metabolism is why I started doing weights - don't want to be "skinny fat" and muscle burns more calories. NROL was spoken highly of in the Eat More to Weigh Less group. I started going to Curves a year ago and while I still go 2 days a week, I felt it wasn't enough. Got my nerve up to go to a gym and start weights. While I'm just 2 workouts into stage 2, I am glad I did. I haven't seen weight loss (yet), but I am stronger, seeing some definition, the chicken wings don't wobble as much.

    Guess I've rambled enough - hope y'all have a great day!


    Ok.... so let's address a few things :) first - starvation mode isn't true (look it up - plenty of research). Facts are simple, if you eat less than you burn you will lose weight.

    Now, as you stated you are now using the TDEE method. I use that as well and don't log any calories burned per se, just eat my allotment. Sometimes I am over and sometimes I am under... it all evens out in the end. You are lifting right now, so scale weight is NOT going to be your factor in determining anything. I use the scale simply because I am a geek and I like to see what is happening to me daily. I don't let it affect anything.. just record it.

    Think of it this way... I would rather weigh 160 with a rock hard body than weigh 135 and be skinny fat. Weight is a number and I pay more attention to inches :) I found with me, around 1700 seems to be my sweet spot for losing. I have been trying 1800 for the last week or so and nothing pans out, so it seems I will go back to 1700. It is all trial and error... the spreadsheet for TDEE is just a guide so just adjust as you need.

    Trust me - it will be ok :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    As we speak... my hubby is lovingly relocating my weights/barbell into the man cave so I can work out again... YAY!!!! .... so Blue... wanna restart with me :bigsmile:

    You bet I do! I've decided I'm going to do this program again - albeit a little modified. Six workouts of each and everything with 3 sets of 8 and an AMRAP at the end. I won't repeat the duplicate stages. I found that 4 just wasn't enough - I was barely getting the form down when it was on to the next stage. So we'll see how this goes. I didn't take pics or measurements before but I will take them this time. I will try to remember to take them BEFORE my 5 day long weekend as who knows how much torture I will put my body thru with food and drink during that time frame :wink: July 2 is my start date. The plan is MWF - I did really well on that until the second round of stage 7!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I will start the 30th then :) Since my first will be almost all bodyweight - looking at this StrongLifts... can't decide but I think I am more comfortable with NROL since I know it....

    Make sense?...

    HOWEVER, there are no lunges in stronglifts.. :grumble: which might be a trump card.... LOL

    eta.... Sense does not equal since... stupid typo...
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Truth be told, I took out the lunge where the top of your foot rests on the step :laugh: I never felt compfortable doing that one. I added a weighted lunge instead. I also took out the hip flexion (sp?) and the prone cobra because I didn't find them effective at all. I think it's still going to be a tough workout! I did the pages in excel if you want me to send them to you?
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    When I do the lunges during stage 3, I step back rather than forward--I find I have much greater control that way, esp for the hopping lunges. Easier on my knees and just as effective on my thighs.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I think it's in stage 6 where you do the barbell lunge - just like the back squat only you're doing stationary lunges. I liked that one! Very effective.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    no, I just hate lunges... any type, any where lol always have - I am NOT that coordinated to do them properly and end up literally falling over so I just look like a douche attempting them LOL

    Ok fine.... I will do the NROL... but if you see me throwing crap after lunges - don't say that you weren't warned LOL

    ETA: ideas if you have them...

    I can't get rid of this headache above my right eye... my shoulders and neck are KILLING me and nothing I do is helping... I think this week (since not lifting) I will do just some quick 20min cardio sessions to see if it will loosen up... Any thoughts??
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I'm sorry your headache still hasn't gone away :cry: The only thing I can think of is heat and muscle relaxants - which I'm sure you've already tried. when my back spasms, I go and sit on the heated seats in the car :laugh:

    I'd forgotten how adamantly you were opposed to lunges LOL I have the same balance issues you do - let's just say execution isn't always pretty! And that, my dear friends, is why I like working out at home :bigsmile:

    Went for a run this morning (anything to put off those last two workouts LOL). It was much better than the last time - I was able to make it thru the entire 4k only stopping to tie my shoes (that keep coming undone!!) My pace was about a 12-1/2 min mile (about 7-1/2 min km). I just can't seem to go any faster - I pity my poor neighbors sleeping with their window open - they get to hear my heavy breathing at 6 am LOL
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Yes adamant is understatement yeah lol

    I am debating on getting this set up - has pulldowns and everything....

    I don't think I will ever reach max weight for it - or if I do.. then we need to talk LOL
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I couldn't access the link (I'm at work but will check at home). I have what they call a functional trainer - weights attached to cables that can be adjusted to different heights to work different muscle groups. Then there's different attachments as well - ropes, bars, Ds. The reason I tell you this is because I've alrelady maxed out at 200lbs on the pull downs. Now before you think I'm superwoman or something :smokin: I'm pretty sure it's not a true 200 lbs. I read somewhere that sometimes those have a 2:1 ratio where mine is more like 1:2. I'd say my lats should be around 100lbs based on what the other weights I'm doing are. I was using the D attachment with the cables at the bottom for the step ups and the weights on each side were 30lbs - maybe more I can't remember. I'd have to check. I switched to dumbells for stage 7 and I was doing 20lbs in each hand. If the weights are true and if there's a possibility you won't reach max weight then go for it! I have to go back to the store to find out how to add more weight onto mine. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd max out - but if they're not true weights then it's pretty easy.

    I may have a pic to upload to my profile - I'll see if I can't find it (I'm not talented enough to be able to post pics in the forums LOL)
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    The one I linked actually uses the plates so it would be a true weight ... which I thought was pretty cool that you have to add the barbell plates to it :)

    Here it is (see if I can do this)


    it hates me... will put it in my pics.. so you can look there LOL
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    CLAM! You're back :)

    Holy crap you guys have been busy while I was gone. Love it :) I'm super slammed this AM, but hoping to get more time to check-in in this afternoon.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    CLAM! You're back :)

    Holy crap you guys have been busy while I was gone. Love it :) I'm super slammed this AM, but hoping to get more time to check-in in this afternoon.

    I am!! dealt with some issues but I am here and continued to lurk ;) Blue and I are restarting together next week... of course she will out do me... but I will catch up :bigsmile:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Hi Meg :flowerforyou: Did you have a good trip?

    We had the option for the weight plates as well but we're pretty limited on storage space so we went this way. Had I known then what I know now ...
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Hi Meg :flowerforyou: Did you have a good trip?

    We had the option for the weight plates as well but we're pretty limited on storage space so we went this way. Had I known then what I know now ...

    I got plenty of storage now that he moved it all out in the cave :) he is actually measuring the area to see if it will fit comfortably... and the one I was looking at has 8 pegs on the sides (4 on each) to place the plates for storage... I WILL have to get a new bar one day because I went cheap and that won't safely hold more than 200lb so he will surpass that way quicker than I will.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Blue and I are restarting together next week... of course she will out do me... but I will catch up :bigsmile:

    Yeah, I don't think so LOL I'm sure your starting weights will be higher than mine - even after I finished the program. That's why you don't see me posts weights very often :wink: They're all so low LOL
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Blue and I are restarting together next week... of course she will out do me... but I will catch up :bigsmile:

    Yeah, I don't think so LOL I'm sure your starting weights will be higher than mine - even after I finished the program. That's why you don't see me posts weights very often :wink: They're all so low LOL

    Bull LOL remember its been a long long time for me... I will be lucky if I can squat my 30lb bar lol