Today I Will ______________



  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Oh no, that sounds awful Iwannabi! Hope you'll get something from the doc later on today. Don't worry one bit about your legs, you're right keeping them cool and aired. Really hope it'll be gone soon.

    Pam, WOW, that's some result! Well done you! :flowerforyou:

    Good luck on your run Maureli. It's not looking too good here either, weather-wise. We've had some great weeks but it's very dull out there right now. Typical, the children's summer holidays start this Friday....

    Emy, I'm on Maintenance for about three years now and I still don't know what my maintenance calories should be. I really think it's trial and error.
    I have it at 1500 net at the moment, as I need to lose a bit again, but I would estimate my usual maintenance is about 1800. I tend to go over that though, hence I'm back logging again now... :grumble:

    Lisa enjoy your meal tonight! You must be looking forward to your trip but I know what you mean, it's not easy keeping on top of things when you're away from your usual surroundings. All you can do is aim for the healthiest choices and keep the portions small. I always think, my "natural" skinny friends have blow outs too, it's normal, it's fine.

    Put on my work skirt this morning and could clearly feel that it's starting to fit properly again and a girl in work wondered if I had lost more weight (she hadn't realised I actually had put on some), so something is definitely happening. Thank god.
    Today I will do the usual really, dig out some online workout tonight, usually Fitnessblender. Will be concentrating on the legs and core.
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    So i got out there and beat the rain. Actually had a pretty good run, sometimes the days your don't expect to are the days you do. It was head wind the first half and when I turned around it felt great coming back with tail-wind. 8K :)

    Diane - you poor thing, hope that awful rash clears up, how terrible that must be. Plus no sleep, frustrating for sure.

    Siannah - I'm not sure if I welcomed you here or WELCOME!! Its a great place, lots of chatting and motivation :) One the the greatest rewards for me is when I can put something on that was tight and have it fit....or be too lose.

    Pam - CONGRATS on the great loss! That should be all the motivation you need for the coming week :)

    Emy - great job on the jogging! You will gain endurance the more you do it, keep it up!

    Lisa - glad that you had a good run after some time off. Enjoy your supper and wine tonight, sure sounds good to me!

    cindy - don't feel defeated with the running thing, it will come! Just keep on with it and you will see days where you will surprise yourself!

    Have a great day to anyone I missed!
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Siannah, I think I would love living in Ireland too. I haven’t made it there yet, but I look forward to it. My mother-in-law traveled there last year and said she’d never met an entire country of people who seemed to truly care about her well-being and how she was doing. They were so kind and helpful, she’s ready to move there too. My brother is currently in Edinburgh, he’s on a 5-month summer vacay to Europe. They’ve been to Ireland before, so I don’t think they’re going to be there this time. They’re loving Scotland though!

    Cindy, keep your head up! You've got some great advice so far. What do you think is holding you back? Is it your breathing, your heart racing, leg/foot pain? I have had different problems with all three over the years. I feel like the thing most likely to make me stop is the breathing/heart racing thing where my mind says “STOP!” and if you can fight through that and just try 10, 15, 20 seconds further, you’ll find you won’t feel worse. In fact, my first mile is always my hardest, hate it, don’t want to do it, want to give up. But then two and three feel so much easier. Obviously if you’re having pain anywhere, you should back off, but if it’s the mental thing of being out of breath, try just living with it a little longer.

    Lisa, that store sounds great. I don’t have either one, a pool or hot tub, but I sure do enjoy the ones at our relatives when we visit. Sorry about the lost sleep and good luck with the trip planning. That is by far my biggest hurdle!

    We were just invited out of town for the July 4th weekend. My parents have a house in the mountains of North Carolina. I was planning to go up sometime during the hot summer months, but they asked if we’d come up for that long weekend because they'll be up there for a couple weeks. My step-mom is a great cook, and I’m already getting nervous about it. Luckily there are ample hiking opportunities, a pool, tennis courts, and 49 steps just to get up to the front door. Hopefully that’ll make it balance out. I’ll have 3 full days at home to eat clean too, so I’m hoping not to erase some of my progress this week!

    Emy, you got the 20 minutes done! Woohoo! You can figure out maintenance calories using the MFP food tracker. If you go to My Home > Settings > Update diet/fitness profile you can change it to maintenance. If you wanted to go full vacation mode (no exercise) just update your activity level (you can choose sedentary) and how many workouts/week, then under What is your Goal? Just put maintenance. When you click Update Profile it will tell you what you need to eat each day. Mine said 2,230 calories/day based on my current weight. But I’m a big, tall girl. You’ll want to put it back to your original settings though so you don’t mess up your food page!

    Diane, who cares how it looks if you feel more comfortable. I hope the doctor sorts it out this afternoon. I’ve had bee stings and other things that have required me taking Benadryl to sleep through the night without scratching myself. I’m a very itchy person by nature, so I feel your pain.

    Today is a rest day, and I'm going to miss having a little more freedom in my eating. Burning 1000 calories is hard, but makes the day more fun food-wise. Today, I shall embrace the hunger. A little pain = change. Happy hump day everybody!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    I ended up not working out yesterday (was planning to do weights). My daughter is leaving for a beach trip today and we had some last minute shopping to do. Will count that as my rest day this week.

    Planning to do w6d1 this evening. I'm a little moody today. Stress at work this week has gotten me down. I was supposed to work Friday (I normally work 4 10s Monday - Thursday), but then found out yesterday I don't have to! I'm glad because I need time to cool off!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Morning ladies!

    We've all been doing great this week … I bet it will show on tomorrow's weekly weigh in. I've kept myself away from the scale all week so I could (hopefully) see a big number instead of small .2 numbers. XXXing fingers, but will be happy with anything that reads < than!

    I'm back to C25K tonight and thank you all again for the words to keep me motivated and doing this ….. I will make it work!!!!

    I've pulled together some recipe ideas from what you've posted and some websites and plan on doing some shopping tomorrow so this weekend/next week I can have different meals. I think my food diary only believes that chicken, salad, apples, yogurt and skim milk exist as that is basically all I enter! :)

    Emy - it's a good day - you are down lbs - getting fit and had time with your daughter yesterday. Enjoy it! :)

    Happy Thursday to everyone!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Hi there!

    Yup, I'm definitely expecting some kind of result tomorrow on the scales as well, I can feel it in my clothes.
    I was meant to do this social thing tonight which I was kinda dreading. But it looks like I can get out of that. Suits me fine, as otherwise I would have been drinking and alcohol definitely seems to have triple-point calories for me!

    I'm on a day off tomorrow, it'll be my first of 10 Fridays in a row that I'm taking parental leave, yay! Does parental leave exists in the US/CAN as well?
    My girls' summer holidays are starting tomorrow, so we have 9 weeks to cover between summer camps and family. Going to take them out in the afternoon tomorrow to celebrate and my eldest will have her ears pierced (eeks!). They might want to go McDonald's, I hope I can convince them to go somewhere with slightly healthier options!!

    Your mother in law's right Pam, I still feel that way even after all those years. People truly are lovely here. And the scenery is stunning too, being from a pancake-flat country myself, I still looove the mountains here. Your parent's house in the mountains sounds amazing too! Hill walking is one of my favourite things to do.

    Diane how are your poor legs?

    I did a pilates/hiit last night, not sure yet about tonight, arms maybe. You're all doing great on the C25K by the looks of it. Maybe I should open the app on my phone again soon as well, jump in at week 5 or something. Mmm, will ponder on that.

    Have a lovely day you all, only 3.5hrs left for me till my weekend starts! :drinker:
  • iwannabinnarnia
    iwannabinnarnia Posts: 179 Member
    Howdy all. Well, doctor was not much help. Said it was "dermatitis of an unknown origin".. He prescribed a steroid cream and a pill to help the itching. The pill does help.. it knocks me out... so can't take it during day.. though I did just take a half dose cause I'm going crazy. The cream is not helping...legs are BURNING today. and the rash looks worse. Called the doctor and am waiting for a return call. Does not look like I'll be running the 5k I am registered for on Saturday. Unless I get a miracle between now and then. It's gonna be too hot to wear long pants Saturday but I can't wear shorts and put sunscreen on these legs with the way they feel and look. Did not exercise at all last night. Soaked in the tub with another oatmeal bath, then my aunt called...and let's just say that conversation was very upsetting and stressful. The doct office scale yesterday did show me at a small loss from last week. But I'll wait and see what the 'official Friday weigh in' shows.

    Parental leave? What is that? I have no children... but I do know most companies offer maternity leave... but Parental leave? HOpe you have a great weekend Siannah. And enjoy the time with your girls!

  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Emy, I’m so glad you don’t have to work tomorrow!

    Cindy, I’ll be posting more ideas on the food thread. I have certain go-to things (eggs, beans, tomatoes, green onions, Clif crunch granola bars) that my food log sees every single day.

    Siannah, that is nice that you can take a day off each week. Here in the US, I think most parents are just putting their kids in camp or sending them off to grandparents. I’m very lucky to stay home with my boys (11 & 7). I homeschool them too, so they’re with me year round. Of course we struggle financially because of it, but having to budget for everything we need/want is a fair trade for me. I do tutor high school & college science which helps out a lot during the school year (and keeps me teaching all day long sometimes)!

    Diana, sorry that the dr. didn’t have any definitive answers. So often they just treat the symptoms without ever trying to find the cause. Have you changed your lotions/soaps? I once used a natural body lotion/sunscreen on a vacation and had the worst bumpy rash all over the chest and arms. It took me all week to figure out what it was. The manufacturer said that since they don’t test on animals, there is a greater chance you get have a reaction to it.

    I’m excited to see the weigh-ins tomorrow. I don’t think I’ve ever had a Wednesday weigh-in like I’m doing now. I think I like it, I get a couple days before and after the weekend to be organized and eat clean. Sometimes those Friday weigh-ins would lead me to celebrate my losses with a weekend of eating, then I wouldn’t look up until Tuesday and think, “Uh oh, only 2 days till weigh in!”
    I got my strength training in this morning and got to bump up the weights on a couple challenging exercises. I’ve been strength training really hard for the past few months, and I think having all that muscle under the fat really helped me drop those pounds my first week. I’m going to keep pushing myself with ST, I feel so nice and strong!
    I’m watching the World Cup right now and Germany just scored, ugh. Both my boys play soccer and my husband coaches, so soccer is pretty important over here today! I’m going to go tune into the game for the last 30 minutes. Hope your Thursday rocks!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Congrats Pam and Emy - great job! Diane, hope your legs get to feeling better soon.

    Missed logging in yesterday, but did c25k. Today did p3w11.

    Lisa, camping sounds like fun, but I also know it can be challenging food wise. Just enjoy the family time!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Well, weigh in done this morning and thankfully I'm down within my usual maintenance range again. Very happy with that, it had slipped for quite some months. Still another couple of lbs to go until I'm really happy (target 60kg/132lbs) but very happy right now.

    Oh Diane, I feel for you, really hope things are improving for you soon. Sounds absolutely awful!
    Parental leave is an unpaid leave. Here in Ireland you can take this up until the child is 8, it's about 80 or 90 days in total. I'll never use up all of them, but for now it's a real life saver during the school holidays. I'm secretly hoping to go parttime after this, but have to see first how this is going to work out in my wages.

    Wow, Pam, you're a home schooler, that's pretty amazing! I definitely wouldn't have the patience for that, LOL!
    You seem to be doing great on the strength training. I do love using the weights as well, but it's nowhere near as heavy as what I'm reading on the threads. I don't go to a gym, do everything at home. We have the barbells and free weights, but I'm still trying to find my way.

    Need to go collect the children in 2 hours again and then we're off into town (Dublin) for some haircuts, ear piercings and lunch, yay!

    Happy Friday!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    I tried posting a few times yesterday, but I forgot to press send! It was a rough day. Our supper with our suppliers was awesome but my wine glass was never empty (not filled by me!) so I ended up feeling "under the weather" yesterday.

    Today I am awake and ready to go to the gym. Heavy lifting day after a big long break. Not sure how this will go but I will try to stay where I was and see what I can do.

    Last day of school for the kids. We are still not sure what we will do with them for the summer. We used to have a 2nd store in another town, & they went to day camp there for the past 4 years. They are desperate to go again, but the driving there and back twice a day is a waste of time, nearly 2 hours a day! They are old enough to stay home but it will be boring, and they will end up being lumps on the couch or in front of the computer. We may alternate weeks or something. I can probably pop home every day for lunch and so they can take a swim in the afternoon when they are home.

    Happy Friday!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Morning everyone! sorry I didn't check in yesterday, I started interrupted and that was that. I ended up having to work part of the day, planned to do my class last night and got cancelled. I think that I won't rely on going to class anymore. Today we are going to halifax - my hubby is doing a triathlon on sunday....this one is an ironman with a half-marathon at the end instead of the full marathon. I will be spectator. lol

    We won't be back til Monday, so I'm not sure if I will check in over the weekend or not.
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Morning everyone! sorry I didn't check in yesterday, I started interrupted and that was that. I ended up having to work part of the day, planned to do my class last night and got cancelled. I think that I won't rely on going to class anymore. Today we are going to halifax - my hubby is doing a triathlon on sunday....this one is an ironman with a half-marathon at the end instead of the full marathon. I will be spectator. lol

    We won't be back til Monday, so I'm not sure if I will check in over the weekend or not.

    Sounds fun! Enjoy!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Today I'm going to get my weight routine in and get my hair done. Been putting it off because I hate actually getting it done but feel great afterwards. My grays are definitely shining through and we have my grandmother's birthday party tomorrow. My dear sweet uncles will give me hell if they see the gray!

    I did w6d1 of c25k last night in the pouring rain. It was actually fun and I went further and faster than usual. Was proud of myself! Brenda and Cindy, hope you both end up enjoying it as much as I do. I find that I look forward to my running days versus my weights days.

    Siannah, congrats on getting back to your maintenance weight! That's so wonderful!

    Maureen, enjoy your weekend with your husband. Sounds like fun!

    Lisa, the kids will enjoy the summer I'm sure. I remember well the lazy days of summer and when the boredom got too much, I started looking forward to the school year. I think this generation of kids miss out on that a lot because we fill their days with activities.

    Diane, I'm so sorry about your skin issues. My youngest has had skin rashes quite often and most of the time, the doctors can't figure out why. It's so frustrating!
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Happy Friday!!!

    I got my Just Dance Xbox game workout on today with some at-home strength work. All in the name of eating some dessert. I am testing my ability to portion control some s'mores bars I'm making right now. I've worked out for and logged a single serving of this dessert, so I'm going to see how I do this weekend with yumyums sitting around. Being a compulsive overeater, I have failed many of these experiments in the past. I'm hoping that my success these past 10 days and my good tracking streak right now will keep me strong!

    Tomorrow is BEAUTY day! I have a haircut in the morning, then a massage and facial in the afternoon. I'm so excited! My sister-in-law gave me the massage/facial certificate that she'd bought but it was going to expire before they return from their European adventure this summer. I was happy to accept it and look forward to using it. I think I'll get up early and ride the bike tomorrow before the appointments, then I can get some lunch out in between.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today I completed JM 90 Body Revolution - woohoo!! Thought this day would never come! Now I can focus on C25K. We can do it Cindy - we just need to stay strong and think positive!!

    Pam, the message/facial sounds awesome! I've never had a message, but always thought it would be very relaxing and "de-stressing".

    Lisa, I bet the kids will enjoy their summer at home. No running, just relaxing! My son is 7 so not quite old enough to stay home yet. I'm looking forward to when he is old enough to stay home and start helping his dad on the farm. It's getting more expensive every year to enroll him in a summer program.

    Maureen, enjoy your weekend!!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Happy Saturday

    I have to tell you. I took 1 1/2 weeks off from working out. After yesterday's work out I feel like I am back to square one! I have that pain, that you have, only when beginning a new program, or just starting squats. I feel it every where. Maybe I should have deloaded a bit after a break.. oh well. I have worked through this pain before, I will work through it again.

    Today I will go for a long run. I haven't done a long run in a while, because I think I had a cold last week. I will just do 1hr 15 minutes again. Hopefully I will be able to walk tomorrow! It looks like a beautiful day out there, no wind, sunny. Normally I would do my long run on Sunday, but I have to work at least for a bit in the morning tomorrow.

    Pam: that sounds like a wonderful way to spend a Saturday. Lucky you!
    Brenda: Good job on completing the JM body revolution.
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313

    Pam, the message/facial sounds awesome! I've never had a message, but always thought it would be very relaxing and "de-stressing".

    Yes Pam very fun. Brenda I vote this is your reward for hitting a specific goal. You will love it!!!!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Today I completed JM 90 Body Revolution - woohoo!! Thought this day would never come! Now I can focus on C25K. We can do it Cindy - we just need to stay strong and think positive!!

    Congrats on JMBR!!!!

    We can do it … and you'll pass week 2 before me ;-) Ha Ha I say that with a loving joke at myself. However, I did it again Thursday and I felt good and no longer defeated. Today is another C25K for me and I'm going to hold it off until after dinner. I love running when the sun is setting and the day is cooling down. You can do it Brenda!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Started week two of C25K today. Cindy, running at sunset sounds wonderful! I run on a treadmill and stare at the wall. I live on a farm and would love to run outside, but there are two many "critters" and people drive crazy and fast in the country. Much safer on the treadmill!

    Enjoy your long run Lisa!

    Have a great day!!