Welcome! Introduce Yourself!



  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Welcome M0n1caH !

    See you in the daily threads!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Hey all! I've actually been on MFP for a while. I joined after I had my second kiddo to drop the weight. I suddenly gained (partly due to my thyroid going haywire). I then got preggers and gave birth to my third. That weight has been a lot harder to drop. I gained about 45 pounds with him and have finally lost that...have about 25 more to go until I hit my goal weight,
    I'm 32, been married 10 years and have three kids, two girls and a boy, ages 2 and 4 and 6. I'm a major geek. To drop weight I first trained for a half marathon. I have since moved on to triathlons and training for them is primarily the only workouts I do. I have done three half marathons, probably half a dozen sprint triathlons and four Olympic triathlons.
    I haven't been as faithful in logging and such so I've hit a nasty plateau so I'm hoping being part of a group that posts frequently will help hold me accountable.
    Thanks everyone for the chance to join your group!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Welcome valmaebel!

    I started running in May 2013 and am running my first half in June. My trainer is a triathlete and keeps suggesting I work on my swimming & biking skills too, so I'm looking forward to your updates about your training to see what it's really like. :)
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Welcome valmaebel!

    You are so inspirational, to do all that with small kids! Awesome!

    See you in the threads. :smile:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,131 Member
    Hi all,

    This group seems to be calling out to me. I have been off MFP for a while after successfully losing 30 pounds (post menopause!) and finding good ways to maintain without having to log here. Now I'm feeling a bit waffle-ish, so I think logging and being accountable here will help again, so that I don't slip!

    I'm 60, 5'1", keeping the weight 120-124, but should probably aim for 115. I ride horses when I can (bareback mostly, on my gorgeous appaloosa, but getting back into dressage and jumping now that my knee has recovered from the injury that made me ride only bareback!) and trying to keep inspired to go to the gym or do other exercise. It is my slipping in this area that has me worried.

    Looking forward to a good June!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    jugar, welcome!!

    We are a pretty diverse group as far as activities. I look forward to hearing about your workouts and especially your riding. Glad to hear you are bouncing back after an injury. See you in the daily threads!
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Hi! I'm xcal. I currently reside in Houston, TX with my husband and our 3 hyper dogs. We have a lab mutt, a German Short-Haired Pointer, and a pit mix.

    I have been active for around 9 years. I started working out to lose weight, but I slowly fell in love with it. I started out mainly as a runner, which happened to be easy for losing all the extra weight I was carrying. I got up to running a half-marathon, but I ended up injured 2 weeks prior and never got to run it. After that, I slowly worked back into running. I've pretty much have ran the entire 9 years. I've dabbled in weight lifting on and off for 9 years. I started lifting somewhat seriously almost a year ago. I finally started seeing the changes I wanted to see when I started lifting, so I've stuck with it since.

    Back in October 2013, I ran my first OCR. I entered a radio contest as a joke and got picked to be on the local Tough Mudder team. That was it for me: I was hooked. I've run several since. I am currently training for the Spartan Ultra Beast in Sept 2014 and a GoRuck CLS in November. I currently lift 3 days a week, run or ruck at least 4 days, do a long ruck (12+miles) 1 day, and hot yoga 1 day.
  • Melonpaul
    Melonpaul Posts: 323 Member
    Hi, I'm Melinda, I'm 25 years old and I live in Winnetka, CA with my boyfriend and our dog. I just started adding more activities/exercise into my life after being lazy for about a year (focusing on my job). Lately I've just been doing simple strength training and some work out DVDs after I get home. On the weekends I usually try to be more active with hiking or biking. I'd like to lose about 30 pounds, I'm currently 185 lbs. but mostly I would like to feel better as I've been feeling very sluggish and tired. I'm looking for people to talk to, swap receipes and lend support.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Welcome xcal! I'm glad to see you jumped right in on the daily threads.

    Welcome Melinda! Please feel free to jump in to the daily threads. It's where we check-in every day, to keep us motivated and accountable.

    See you both around!
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    I’m 39, a toddler mom, loving wife and work FT. I LOVE reading, slow cooking, and reading about slow cooking!

    Right now I weigh in around 181. I’ve made a LOT of small changes over the past 2.5 years (I was 236 when pregnant in 7/11) that have led to slow, steady and sustainable weight loss. My BIG goal is to reach my goal weight of 150 by 12/31/14. I turn 40 (!?!?!) later this summer and I am done fooling around.

    My current workout schedule is: walk or ride the recumbent bike 3-4 days a week, lift at home once a week (my least favorite), and lift with trainer once a week. Sometimes for variety I’ll do a DVD like Tae Bo, Denise Williams’ Ultimate Fat Burner, or Power 90. I use a fitness tracker and try to get in 8k steps a day.

    I’m good at:
    Rising early
    Drinking loads of water
    Working out consistently
    Meal/snack planning/preparation

    My challenges are:
    Making healthy food choices happen after dark
    Emotional eating
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Official "welcome" Aprilfoolbride!!! It's nice having you on the daily threads!
  • ShraddhaOm
    ShraddhaOm Posts: 10 Member
    hi. i'm shraddha and i'm 35 years old, living in ann arbor, michigan. i'm a professor, writer, yogi, wife, and mother to an amazing 14-month-old. we're a vegan family and i generally love cooking (and eating ;-)), though lately i'd rather do other things at dinner time and don't want to be bothered with it much. i'm 5'3" and my healthy and stable weight used to be around 125 when i was in my twenties - i have a pretty solid build i guess, so i look and feel slim and fit at that weight, even though i think it comes out as high end of normal in terms of BMI. i gradually gained weight into my 30's, and then had a baby last year which added a little more weight that's still lingering. i think pre-pregnancy i was 134, and now i'm 143. i want to get back to being strong and fit before getting pregnant again. we want to have another baby in the near future. so i've entered my goal weight as 125, though i'm more concerned with getting stronger and eating more mindfully than an actual number on the scale. i don't even know if it would be possible to lose 18 pounds before getting pregnant, depending on when we start and how long it takes to conceive!

    i've been practicing yoga since 1997 and that is my regular exercise. since my baby was born it hasn't been very regular though. i want to practice 6 days a week, as i used to do. i also want to do more walking into town instead of working at home (for the summer i am doing writing and research, which i can do anywhere).

    i'm having a lot of trouble committing to exercise and eating well, in part i think because i feel so weak from having a baby, which is discouraging, and also because i know that soon i'm going to be "big" again, so it's not as though i'm going to look slim for long! it will be good to be strong through pregnancy but there isn't that visual motivator in the same way. i'm also exhausted at the end of the day after work and then caring for my toddler, so i tend to overeat at dinner and afterwards with snacks. getting my yoga in helps me stay on track with everything else though, so i'm hoping some accountability here will help with that too!
  • Flacachica
    Flacachica Posts: 328 Member
    ¡Hola! I'm Jenny and I live in Minnesota. I have a 4 yr old daughter and a 2 yr old son. I work full time and am a loving wife to my husband of almost 10 years! I'm currently on a 166 day streak on MFP and have lost 22 lbs in that time.

    I turn 40 this year and said enough is enough! I will not be the "FAT" mom. I will not sit the sidelines while my kids run and jump and play. I'm tired of yo-yo'ing and want to make a permanent life style change. I had big plans to lose 50 lbs by my 40th birthday (which is in August), but that's not happening. My weight loss has been VERY SLOW this time around and I'm currently stuck in a big 'ol plateau - which sucks - but it's not going to deter me this time! :explode:

    One of my fitness goals for this year was to be able to do a 5K. I'm happy to say that I finished the C25K program and did a 5K about a month ago. Loved it!! Unfortunately I was sick the day of the race (sinus infection) so I only ran about 2/3 or so -- so I still want to do another one to run the entire thing! Sort of "redeem myself" if you will. :laugh:

    I do all kinds of workouts. I love trying new things! I've done many Jillian Michaels videos (30DS, 6W6P, LFBM, Cardio Kickboxing ... etc). I love Zumba, Kickboxing, general aerobics and interval training. I'm still learning to love running and trying to incorporate more strength training into my workouts.

    My new goals are: to drink more water, do a little something of exercise each day (even if it's 10 minutes!), and break through this plateau! I've been on plateaus before (after losing 15 - 30 pounds) and it's usually game over for me at that point. Not this time! I am motivated. I've got about another 40 - 60 lbs to lose. I will do this!! I love support and will give all the support I can! :drinker:
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Welcome! Welcome!

    We are so happy to have you!
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Welcome shraddha and Jenny!

    Balancing new motherhood with healthy living just takes practice. I found protein bars and shakes really helpful.

    So far this year I have lost about 10lbs. Like you, Jenny, I find plateaus frustrating but I AM NOT GIVING UP DO YOU HEAR ME, PEOPLE? Even if it takes me until Spring 2015 to reach my goal weight (instead of by the end of the year--my goal), I will be getting healthier every day in the meantime.

    Everything counts, so if you do an extra 10 min workout every day, you'll sneak in an extra hour of cardio.

    Let's do this together!
  • jess1jane
    jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
    Hi! My name is Jessi, I'm a college student from Iowa. I'm just trying to start something healthy habits before going back to school. I get so caught up in studies and socializing that I don't pay attention to my eating habits and working out is basically nonexistent since it is so much more inconvenient than living at home. I always do way better in the summer since my mom supports eating right and has invested a lot in a home gym where I can work for a bikini body. But I'm about to start my junior year of college at the awesome university of Northwest Missouri State (woo! go Bearcats!) and I really want to stay active and healthy and I could use all the help I can get. Just a fun fact: working out at home is so easy because I haul my tv right next to the stationary bike and elliptical and watch Star Trek for a couple hours everyday. It makes the time go faster and I don't feel like I'm suffering so much. A personal goal of mine is to be able to say that I have watched every episode of Star Trek that ever aired on tv. Anyway, it's nice to see such a nice community of people in this group and I'm excited to be a part of it.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Welcome Jessi! Love your enthusiasm and I have done my share of Star Trek marathons in my day. :). What ever the obstacle, I'm sure you can find a way to fit in some good healthy activity while in school too. There's always a way, because it's too important to let slide. We're all here to help you with some solutions and accountability.

    See you in the daily threads!
  • tlicttbh
    tlicttbh Posts: 89
    I am 58, female. I was about 5 pounds overweight a few years ago, when our family went through a terrible tragedy. I gained 5 pounds over the past few years. So now I would like to lose 5-10 pounds. I have had problems with emotional eating for the past 40 years, but am getting a handle on it. The most helpful books I have read ( in case anyone else has this problem) are: EatQ by Susan Albers and Overcoming Emotional Eating by Geneen Roth.

    For the past year or so, I have taken Yolaties, a combination of Pilates and Yoga...lots of core and balance work. You could call it standing pilates. I really like it. Some of the blogilates moves are very similar. Most recently, I took a TRX suspension trainer intro class. I am learning to use it. It is taking my workouts to a whole new level. I can do the standard plank for 1 minute. Doing it on the TRX with feet suspended takes my workout to a whole new level. If you aren't sure what TRX is, you can do a search on TRX.

    I work out 3X/week. I do cardio on the exercycle or recumbent elliptical. I have bad allergies so I don't usually walk outside. I do strength training on a combination of TRX, stretch bands and free weights. I do core and balance and flexibility exercises. One of my concerns now that I am a senior citizen is that one of the top 5 reasons a person moves to assisted living or a nursing home is balance (and falling) issues. I like to use the different equipment at the gym...TRX, pilates rings, big ball, 8" round ball, straps, stretch bands, balance pads, etc.

    After our tragedy, I retired. I volunteer about 12 hours a week, mainly with the DD (developmentally disabled) population. Our church has a special service and about 1/2 the people are DD and we serve a free meal afterward. (so now I can easily cook a dinner for 50). Today I am helping to teach a dance class at a day program for DD adults. I get to exercise and volunteer at the same time!

    I am looking for an active group where there are new postings every day. So many of the MFP groups are inactive. I hope to check in daily.
  • tlicttbh
    tlicttbh Posts: 89
    P.S. I prefer to do my MFP communication on this MFP website, rather than individual emails. So if you "friend" me and I don't respond, that's why. But I do plan to try to log on to this group once a day.
  • tlicttbh
    tlicttbh Posts: 89
    PPS I forgot to say that I have been 30 pounds heavier than I currently am.