Today I Will ______________



  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Happy Sunday all :)

    Made it through another weekend and didn't do "too" bad with the eating. Went out to dinner last night, I had a clam/scallop combo with a side salad instead of fries. I know they clams and scallops were a splurge so I figured I'd have a salad with it instead of whatever else. Friday I got out for a nice bike ride, I haven't been on my bike yet this summer, its been hooked up in the basment to my trainer. Finally got it off of there and hope to get out more often. Saturday I ran hot hot hot. Hope to run probably this afternoon.

    Lisa, so sorry to hear about your did, I hope you get through the next few days ok and you can get your life back on track soon.

    Siannah - sounds like a fun time for you this weekend! Happy 40th :)

    Brenda - congrats on the running...and yes, sneakers make a huge difference in running. I currently am wearing Brookes Glycerin but usually go for asics nimbus.

    Pam - enjoy your childfree time!! Although my boys are older now, I totally do remember those times I got alone, and how great they were. Hope you get for your bike ride! I did my first bike ride of the year this weekend.

    I am looking forward to this week, going to do my best and soon I will be under 145.
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    8Km done! In 49:24

    Feeling pretty good about my time, now to figure out supper :)
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Since I am not working today I went for a late morning run. Felt really good, even though it was slow. I am hoping that it will help with me deal stress today.

    Today I will eat in moderation, and be proud of who I am.

    Have a great day!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Hello my friend!

    Wow … there is a lot to catch up on!!! After a quick browse I can see you have all been dedicated, motivated and doing great! Nice work!

    Vacation was fabulous. I couldn't have asked for a more relaxing, enjoyable week. I completely failed logging, but overall didn't do too bad in eating and actually got in 2 of my C25Ks ... so I'm hopeful on Friday I'll have maintained. XXing fingers!

    Today was first day back in full swing; less the exercise. I should have planned better as I knew it would be pouring rain tonight and didn't take the opportunity to run at lunch. My son decided today to move his bedroom into the workout room as it's cooler so that is in shambles. So tomorrow I'll have to go full-force.

    Looking forward to catching back up :)
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning!

    I think that today will be a rest day for me, I got called in to work and it is suppose to rain so seems like a good day to take off from exercise. I have not taken a day off in awhile so its time!

    Cindy - glad that you had a good vacation and it sounds like you did pretty well with your food and exercise!

    Lisa - great run! Slow don't did it!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Lisa, hope all goes well for you today, mind yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Will catch up later, all good here!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Well, I'm way behind! Had a busy weekend and a class at work yesterday, so no time to post or to even read much. I'm doing okay, just keep wavering back and forth between 190 and 191. Even was 189 and something a few days ago, but haven't seen that number again so far.

    I did weights last night and will do w8d2 of C25K this evening.

    Lisa, so sorry about your loss. I can relate to the strange, sad feeling. Sometimes, I think it is still a residual mourning for what could have been. I also often don't know where my children fit in the equation. I usually just play such things by ear and hope for the best.

    Siannah, happy 40th and sounds like you had a great weekend!

    Brenda, you are doing great on c25k. I can't believe you are already in week 5. Time passes by so quickly!

    Maureen, your status updates are always so motivating! I'm going to be doing an 8k one day soon (I hope!!!).

    Cindy, so glad you had a great, relaxing vacation!

    Pam, 24 hours kid free sounds like heaven! I love my alone time but then I'm always glad for them to come home!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Guys, it wasn't my 40th (I wish), but a friend's :laugh:

    Glad you had a good week Cindy! I never log when I'm away, that would just be taking it too far for me. :drinker:

    Emy, you're doing great on the C25K, it's 9 weeks in total isn't it, if I remember correctly?

    I did a nice fitnessblender workout last night and my muscles are ouchy everywhere, so at the moment I have no idea what to do tonight, maybe pilates or yoga, trying to get some good stretches in.
  • kumitejs
    kumitejs Posts: 34 Member
    Today I will re-start this whole thing...again. I don't want to post a long story here right now...this is my first post in the Group, since I just joined it. Honestly, I was struggling with the idea of having to log everything and feel like my life is revolving around all of this when I just want to eat smart, exercise regularly and be able to live happily and not worry about every little thing I ate or drank or training. :-)... I lost 10 pounds last year on MFP doing that, and then had a relationship, which was great but got me off track, and then ended very badly in heartbreak, busy life happened and I thought I could relax because I knew all the info and could do it on my own. But, the 10+ pounds is back and - I am, apparently, NOT happy with the way I am of late ! Not expecting to get back to how I was even when I was 40 (I am turning 49 in September)... but would like to shed some of the 30 pounds I gained in those years (when did that happen???) . I would like to lose at least 10-15 of them (ideally 20!!). I am a full time working single mom of 3 teens and regular practice karate, which is my primary form of exercise. I will be passing my second level black belt in December, and that requires a lot of extra training, which I am supposed to be doing every day (outside of my karate classes) - but I am not. SO....once again I am re-starting today. Logging as best I can...and pushing myself to exercise more. This is my second account on MFP so I am starting fresh. I am hoping with some accountability and encouragement, and the occasional kick in the behind, I reach my goals. Oh - the other thing I am doing today - is STOPPING beating myself up for not always being perfect, because that apparently has perpetuated this cyle. (Bad knee and back not helping). I AM going to to my best however. And be kinder to myself. You can add me on your friends list if you would like and I will try my best to give as much time as I can to being active here. Thank you SO much. (Joined this group even though I am much too quickly approaching the "Friends in their 50's! lol)
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I'm on the phone right now, so no long reply, but Hi and welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • kumitejs
    kumitejs Posts: 34 Member
    thank you!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    The funeral is done, and I am numb. I can't believe how exhausted I feel. I did not have (make) time for a run this morning. Tomorrow hopefully I will get back on track. Glad to see everyone returning from holidays, & staying active.

    Welcome Kumitejs.
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Lisa, I am very sorry to hear about your dad passing. Regardless of how weak your relationship may have been, the loss of a parent is a difficult thing to work through. Give yourself time, journal through those emotions you don’t understand, and leave yourself open to talking with relatives about him. I lost my mom to ovarian cancer, she was 52, I was 24. It was rough, and when I’m honest I am real worried about inheriting a predisposition for cancer while checking off quite a few risk factors that I have complete control over fixing. I’d feel like a damn fool if I was overweight/obese and diagnosed with a disease. I actually have that quote in my phone that I wrote at the beginning of this year, “I start this now or after the heart attack. I start this now or after the cancer diagnosis. I have to start this sometime, so why not while I’m feeling good.”

    Siannah, your party sounds perfect! I love reminding myself from time to time that I can go out dancing till the lights are turned on in the club, then go out and eat a big breakfast somewhere at 4:30 in the morning. Here in Atlanta, we have a few great restaurants (besides Waffle House) that stay open all night just for that purpose.

    Kumitejs, welcome, and can you let us know your name? I was in your shoes 4 weeks ago. This group and consistent logging have helped me feel much better about myself and where I’m headed. I read this mantra on facebook yesterday and it was a great thing to say out loud to myself today when I got frustrated. “I do enough. I have enough. I am enough.”

    Cindy, glad your vacay was great!

    Maureen, way to get that bike back out into it's natural environment.

    Emy, congrats on the new shoes. Those make a huge difference!

    What was I just saying about consistent logging. Jeez, I’ve certainly hit my 4-week speed bump. I didn’t log Sat or Sun. Then yesterday got all whackadoo and I never logged. Now today my son dislocated his knee at an American Ninja Warrior kid’s camp and that distracted me a lot. We were lucky that the gym owner is a doctor and he popped it back into place immediately, by the time I arrived he was icing and feeling much better. He’s my gymnast and he’s tough, so I doubt he’ll be down long.

    As for me, I have logged my food for tomorrow and planned at least an hour of heavy-duty gardening outside. The weather is supposed to be cooling off significantly overnight (I'll believe it when I feel it). I am ready to pull some weeds and get dirty! I have a weigh in tomorrow and have no clue where I’ll be. I haven’t binged or eaten more than a serving of any one thing while I wasn’t logging. I just didn’t track and have no idea if my snacks and World Cup game party derailed me too badly. I’ll be checking in tomorrow with the results, good or bad. If I had a bad week, it’s done and tomorrow begins week 5.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Good luck on the weigh-in Pam, hope the scales are kind to you!
    I'm laughing at your son, not at his knee of course (OUCH!), but at his summer camp, American Ninja Warrior Kid, wow, how cool is that!! :glasses: What age is he?
    Also LOL'ing at your speed bump, I hit that one a week before you, but thankfully I'm over that one again and I have not one ounce of doubt in my mind that you will be back to normal, well, right now actually!

    Lisa, take it easy, I'm not surprised you feel this way, these things are draining. Was your dad from this side of the water? Your surname sounds very Dutch actually (unless it's your hub's of course).

    Kumitesj you can do it for sure. 10-20lbs is definitely doable. Stick with us, this is the nicest group I've come across on this site, bar none! My "trick" for maintaining the weight loss is by only allowing me the smallest fluctuation margin. Say 4lbs. And as soon as I hit that upper margin, I must get serious again and will be back weighing and logging. Losing 4lbs is easier than 10+lbs...

    Today I will... focus on arms and core. Most likely a Fitnessblender, I'm a huge fan. Went for an 8k walk last night, gorgeous evening for it.

    Chat soon, Marielle (ha, you though my name was Siannah right :happy: )
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Siannah: my surname is VERY dutch but it is my husband's. His parents were born in Holland.
    Pam: I repeat something similar to myself too, but I also think about how I want to be around until my children are old so that I can drive them crazy for as long as possible :wink:

    Thanks for the encouraging words regarding my father, everyone. I am feeling much better today.

    I must say the past 3 days were extremely difficult. My sister & I, children from his 1st marriage, did not have a relationship with him. We spent the last 2 days hearing that he was a church going man, dedicated to his family, nice, kind, funny, always ready to help people. That is not the man we knew. He did not call me when my grandfather was on his death bed because he was mad at me. He did not call me before I went away to university to find out where I would be living. He did not attend my graduation or see me besides holidays after the birth of his twins, when I was 10, and we only lived a 20 minute drive from his house. Oh well. That chapter of my life is over. I no longer ever have to worry if I could have done more to have a relationship with him. I feel good about my decisions & I showed a lot of class by standing up & participating in all of the funeral stuff. My mantra was "I am proud of who I am".

    Today I will cut up veggies & start the 1st of 7 days of clean eating. I am not going to drink any wine or alcohol for 7 days too! I am going to log consistently & make sure I get a minimum of 10 000 steps per day. Anyone wanna join me on this 7 day challenge?

    To me clean eating means:
    -no take out
    -no processed or store prepared foods (although I will eat store prepared hummus with veggies)
    -cooking from scratch using healthy ingredients
    -increasing my fruits and veggies
    -eating the majority of the time whole foods with only one ingredient, ie chicken, rice, apple, cherries (mmmm got these in our bin delivery this week & they are yummy!)
  • kumitejs
    kumitejs Posts: 34 Member
    Good morning Ladies. I haven't had time yet to read everyone's post and catch up on all of your stories, but thank you for welcoming me.

    I have caught the sad news about Lisa's dad passing; I am sorry to hear that. I know how painful it can be, and more so when the relationship was complicated this way. My deepest sympathies.

    I will try to catch up and get on board with everyone as soon as I can !! I am very far behind !

    Today... I will speak to myself with a kinder voice! That...and log my day and make it to karate because I WANT to and not because I SHOULD.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi all! It's been a couple days since I've checked in. Work has been crazy and I've been working in the garden in the evenings. We have a huge veggie garden and the weeds got pretty thick!

    Today I took a rest day. Yesterday I made it through w5d3 of c25k - 20 minutes straight of running! Splurged a little at lunch today, went to Dairy Queen and had fries and ice cream. It was great! Won't do that again for awhile!

    Lisa, I'm going to join you in your 7 days of clean eating. It will be good for me to add more fruits and veggies to my diet.

    Cindy, glad you had a great vacation!

    Welcome Kumitejs!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member

    Sounds like a tough few days Lisa. Hope you can close this chapter and be at peace with it eventually.
    Re clean eating, in general I am a clean eater, whatever exactly that means, LOL. We rarely have take-outs or buy ready meals, most of my breakfast, lunches, dinners are made from scratch. Well, we buy bread, but the bread here is pretty good and fresh. My friend who lived in the states (New Mexico) for a few years told me the bread there last for weeks, which I suppose means it must be full of additives. Sounds nasty. My downfalls are always, always, the snacks; sweets, biscuits, crisps. And alcohol. If I could stop eating/drinking them, I'd be ridiculously healthy and stick thin :laugh:

    Kumitesj, definitely be a bit kinder to yourself and if I may make a suggestion, change your avatar into something a little more positive as well! Good going on the karate! My eldest daughter has been asking me about joining martial arts in some form, I'll have to look into that. What would you recommend for a 7yo?

    Brenda I'm so jealous of your veggie garden! All we have is three tomato plants in our kitchen window sill, lots of green, but barely a flower on them, so not so sure if they'll even be successful.

    Weather is turning gorgeous here, apparently there's a heatwave forecasted for our neighbours, the UK. Ireland for some reason doesn't get as hot as there though, must be that Atlantic besides us. Anyway, I take any sun we can get, it can be rare here. Will be out walking or cycling tonight if it stays this way.

  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member

    Siannah (Marielle). I missed that yesterday lol. I did think your name was Siannah! Too funny. My downfall is not eating enough veggies or getting take out because I don't feel like cooking and wine. I rarely eat bread. It is full of bad stuff. Some bread has glucose/fructose in it & it takes weeks to go bad or even stale. Hope you get lots of sun!

    I defined "clean" food to me because I don't think food is ever dirty, I know I would have taken a beating on the forums for suggesting something like that, but I guess I'm looking to get back to basics, I know lots of people lose weight eating take out, drinking wine & eating ice cream. I am not successful eating that way. I don't feel that great or have very much energy. I was on the verge of getting out of control, several days not logging food & eating unhealthy stuff & drinking alcohol a plenty! If I don't restrict it, my husband buys it, then I eat it. He does not shop for groceries ever but will often go shopping for snacks..

    I consider yesterday a success. I went for a walk after supper to get my 10 000 steps. I cooked an awesome supper. I did have a protein bar, which I feel I should give up, but I wanted a snack in the afternoon, & it came in the mail with the maca I ordered.

    Thinking about running this morning but I did not get more the 3hrs of sleep so I might just work & walk.

    Have a great day!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Good morning all!

    Lisa, I like your definition of "clean" eating. That is basically what I have been trying to do since I started this process back in May. I feel so much better but it is difficult to keep up at times. Not because I'm not satisfied or don't enjoy eating healthier. I definitely do, but the planning, prepping, and cooking is difficult to do on a daily basis. I actually enjoy cooking, but I am getting a little tired of the grind: get home from work, cook, exercise, talk to the family a little bit, clean up the kitchen, bathe/shower, go to bed. Anything out of the normal throws my schedule off totally and I'm then trying to play catch up. Plus, when I plan something for the weekends, then the rest of my housework, etc. also falls behind as that is really the only time I can dedicate to it. I'm not giving up though! Going to keep plodding along and doing the best I can. I'm feeling healthier than I have felt in a long time, so it is definitely worth it!

    Marielle, you are always like a ray of sunshine every morning when I wake up and check the forum. Your login name reminds me of my youngest daughter and your beautiful red hair reminds me of my son. His girlfriend is a redhead as well. I leave for work at 5:00 am so my husband and children are still sleeping and my son no longer lives at home, so seeing your posts always make me think happy thoughts about my family! Sorry, off topic I know!

    Brenda, great job on completing w5d3! I think that is a major milestone in the program. I know it was for me. I'm doing w8D3 tonight. There is one more run after that then I graduate. The last run just says to run a 5k. Ha! I'm getting through about 2.5 miles now, so I'm still a ways from the 5k distance, but I'm improving all the time and loving it!

    kumitejs, welcome and glad you joined us in here! Speaking to ourselves in a kinder voice is a great idea for everyone! We can be so hard on ourselves sometimes! I don't expect perfection in others, but sometimes I beat myself up about not being "perfect" as if that is even possible!

    Pam, so sorry your son got hurt at camp but I bet he is having a blast! The name of the camp does make it sound awesome!

    Maureen, I'm just now catching up on some older posts and I have to say, the campfire and the clam/scallops dish both sound wonderful! You might have splurged a little, but you sure are racking up the miles, running and now biking! I've been thinking I would like to add in a bike ride every so often. Just have to find a way to fit it in.

    Cindy, I bet you are playing catch up this week after your relaxing vacation. Hope you are doing well!

    I'm interested to see what weigh in brings for me tomorrow. I've been bouncing back and forth between 1-2 pounds for the last two weeks, but I'm hoping to start seeing some more consistent downward movement in the number on the scales. I did start getting compliments this week on my weight loss, so I know that my body is changing. Just need to be patient with the process!