2 week challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    I need to get back to work but couldn't read thru without comment...

    Come on Beeps - think platinum! Its only Wednesday - you can get back on target the rest of the week!!

    Chelneal - I always sweat so much more when I run indoors. Or maybe I just don't notice it as much when I am outside. Another good exercise for hip-flexors is what I call fire hydrants - start on hands and knees and lift your knee up and out to the side (like a dog at a fire hydrant :smile: )

    Abigail - I hope the storms stay away so you can get your race in!

    Ris - it sounds like you don't really need to lose anything more just build those muscles back up and do some toning! You'll get there!

    Chloe - I refuse to give up my glass of wine :noway: I just work it into my calories.

    I rode a bike for the first time in ages a while ago and my butt went numb too! But what was worse was when I got off, my legs were like jello and down I went :huh: With all the running I do I would never have thought it would be an issue so now I do cycling in the gym so hopefully that doesn't happen again.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies - quick check-in.

    Abi- Hope it didn't storm for you and good luck with the run!

    Ris - Good for you for being able to maintain. That's awesome! All my girlfriends that have had babies say the same thing... that they are back at their goal weight but nothing fits like it used to and things are just a bit... wonky.

    Hi chelneal! Good for you for getting those runs in.

    Beeps - I think you have to ride your bike pretty consistently to not get "frozen butt". It took me a month of spinning consistently before that feeling didn't always happen ha ha. Keep your focus, it's only Wednesday, you can do it!

    Shanaber - I'm having the same problem... lot's of work and still dorking around on MFP... sigh.

    Got my lifting in at lunch time today. Man... push-ups combined with my weight gain is no bueno. I could barely do them before! But it's done :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    ...I have this (bad) repeat pattern forming where I can be LASER-focused for like, 8- to 10- days....then I lose it for a week or two....then LASER FOCUSED for 8- or 10- days....rinse. repeat.

    This is called MAINTENANCE....that is NOT the recipe for BODYFAT LOSS.

    Geezuz.....I need to get the *kitten* with the program, recognize I WANT BODYFAT LOSS....recognize that I WANT THAT DRESS TO FIT LIKE A GLOVE....and just SUCK IT UP, PRINCESS.

  • jess1jane
    jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
    Hey guys! I'm happy to report that I was able to get an ab workout in right before bed. I'm hoping my eyes aren't playing tricks on me because I feel like I can see a difference, but it hasn't been very long since I started strength training so I don't know... I am slowly drinking more water every day.... Still not up to eight glasses though, but I'm getting closer and I'll be there soon. Unfortunately, I'm still taking sleep-aids at night because I know I would stay up forever if I didn't. But I slept great and I was super excited this morning when my scale decided to be my best friend and give me some good news that suffering through cardio is paying off. I watch Star Trek Enterprise when I work out, it aired thirteen years ago and I was too young to understand it, but now that I'm older I'm totally crushing on Connor Trinner, he played one sexy chief engineer!
    And I also wanted to say thanks for all the encouragement I got since I joined this! You ladies are amazing and I hope y'all have good days too!:)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I had a super-fun family night last night....I ate and enjoyed myself!

    Soooooo, that's *it* for the week! For Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun I am going back to a protein shake for lunch, a protein bar as an afternoon snack, and a normal size dinner (of protein and veggies only).

    I'll weigh on Monday!


    (Oh, and I'm lifting today and tomorrow....which will bring it to four times this week.)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    checking in....

    Still doing well with eating this week. Three 3 mile runs so far and did Piyo buns workout this morning. Also getting out of work a little early today so I plan on taking the pup for a walk tonight. I will run tomorrow morning. And then my goals for the weekend are to get in one dvd workout and one run. Also to keep my calories under control. No plans for Saturday, but I have a bridal shower Sunday so I will try to make good choices there (I will indulge in a cocktail or two and stay away from dessert I am thinking). I am doing better overall when I stay away from sugar completely.

    Shanaber- yea I don't think I will ever be able to give up my wine....I figure I did it for nine months and I will probably have another nine months of no booze eventually, so I am going to enjoy it for now.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    The last two nights have been no workout/eating out, but the weigh in yesterday was only up .5 lb from last week so I was ok with it. I think I can have a reasonable weekend. Mike is traveling next week so I think it will be easier for me to eat healthy.

    I will try shopping instead of eating:tongue:

    I will workout tonight, tomorrow and Saturday...
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Where is this week going?

    Yesterday was another good day. Calories came in pretty good...a little over my target but my exercise covered the excess (which it shouldn't since I do TDEE). The weather was on my side for my 5 mile run with nice breezes, I didn't even mind that I forgot my water bottle! I got a lululemon silver something or other t-shirt and it was a dream to run in too! My run wasn't all rainbows and unicorns though as I significant fatigue in my thighs (legs of jello) and my calf was really tight until about mile 3.5. Also having issues with my plantar fasciitis for the past 2 weeks....the bottom of my feet just burn and ache like I have been running barefoot on cobblestone roads (yeooch!) I remembered then I had taken out some really old stinky Dr Scholls arch support thingy's from my work boots and either the bottom is really flat or I took out the insole (can't remember, that is old and stinky those suckers were). But bought some new ones for "active" lifestyles with arch support and I am now "gellin' " under the balls of my foot and heel....and I need to lots fore stretching.

    Busy day at work planned! Didn't get on the treadmill this morning for hills b/c my feet just HURT! Planning on rowing this afternoon for low impact. Lots of snacks in the office today ... uh oh!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    UGH- I was typing and I hit something and lost it!

    I'm feeling amazing this week. I have been eating well and working out. I have lost a lot of core strength though. Next week is my last full week off and there is a lot I want to do before I go back to work.

    Amy-.5 is good, especially after camping.
    Beeps- If you can stick to just protein and veggies for three days - wow! I lack the will power for that one!
    Jess- I have been watching Friends during my cardio- makes the time pass by
    Ris- Your skinny. Be happy! I know what you mean though. The skin on my tummy will NEVER be the same.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    kclynch - I HATE the vanishing post!!

    I made it to the gym and got my lifting in!

    And, TA-DA!!! I FINALLY got to 115 lbs on my deadlifts....meaning; I do NOT have to change out the 35 lb plates anymore....whew! THAT TOOK FOREVER.

    But, now I am here and it will be SUCH a time-saver when switching between deadlifts and hip thrusts.
  • jess1jane
    jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
    Just watched Big Brother. Got my guilty pleasure in for the day now gotta power through a workout and a headache. Hope everyone else feels more motivated than I. But I will feel better tomorrow knowing I got it in. This headache may even stop me from blowing all this hard work on a thirsty Thursday.
    klynch - haha makes me feel more normal knowing tv is a solution for being allergic to cardio
    beeps - congrats girl! that's a huge accomplishment!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    I am doing well still this week - keeping my calories and macros in check!
    My sister-in-law arrived today from Dubai via Luxembourg and will be followed on different dates by her daughters and my brother-in-law. They are going to move my niece into college and all of them will be here until September... I didn't realize until tonight they were going to be here beyond the August 20th move in date.. sigh. It means lots of cooking, eating and going out but I think I have just about convinced my sister-in-law to go to the gym and train while she is here - we'll see.

    Talked to the trainer tonight about the weight gain and inability to lose much. We talked a lot about how it is just a number and shouldn't be a focus (Beeps I think we had this conversation too!). It is really how we feel and if the clothes still fit (they do). He also reminded me that my body won't react to cardio or have the after burn of calories the way it did when I was heavier and the weight just came off with the running. Guess that means I just have to work harder and up my game! Game ON!!

    I don't watch TV when I do cardio cuz mostly I am outside, but in the gym or at home I still just listen to music. What is on your playlists ladies? What kind of music do you like to listen to?
  • Kadi82
    Kadi82 Posts: 361 Member
    Checking in....

    This week is going reasonably well. I think I'm on track for platinum. Even with my varied shifts at work. And stressing about home.

    Hubby got a job today Yay! After being unemployed for a bit it's a relief although we still have to get the net cut for around 2 wks until I can pay the bill. So I will be missing from Monday until the 7th at the latest. Food, Petrol and the mortgage are a bit more important.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Kadi - congrats on husband getting a job! THAT'S AWESOME!

    shanaber - will you train with your sister?!??!? That could be fun, or it could be a nightmare...

    jess1jane - believe me, my deadlifts are not that great...nothing to write home about. I still cannot even lift my bodyweight and I've been at this nearing 3 years. I'm a terrified WIMP in the gym....more terrified of injury than anything, so I stay at heavy weights that, with utmost effort, could probably get heavier, faster, than what I choose to do!

    I am off to the gym again, today....it is raining cats-and-dogs and the wind is gusting to 90 km per hour!! Terrible weather....especially since today was supposed to be the first day of son's baseball playoffs.
  • jess1jane
    jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
    Ugh I half-assed my workout last night. So I felt bad about quitting early and just crawling into bed to fall asleep watching tv. But its a new day and I feel ready to take it on! I kept dreaming about going back to school and showing off all the hard work I have put into being healthy and happy. I got new motivation in hoping that I'll have hot neighbors near by, although I don't know my new neighbors yet and its a small chance they will be hot much less men but its just a fantasy to keep me going for the rest of the summer. Healthy me is dreading back to school because it is going to be so much harder to eat right and work out. As much as I hate living at home, at least my mom keeps healthy food around and has her own mini gym with all the equipment she has bought over the years.
    shanabar - I try to listen to upbeat music and the one song that I can always count on to get me moving is "Call on Me" by Eric Prydz
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Doin' the happy Friday dance!

    Yesterday was an acceptable day even though I didn't do any exercise and my calories came in around maintenance. Those snacks got me yesterday and my meals add up to my goal...and my snacks of grabbing the goodies across the room added up to exactly my overage :) I left work early to work out (my rowing) but when I got home I sat down and ...well...that was that. I fell asleep and slept hard! Woke up and helped the hubby grill and then back to bed. I have be rewarded though today with my feet not hurting as much and feeling well rested.

    Today I need to do a 4 mile run and then hubby announced tonight was date night and so not sure what I am going to do with calories...dinner isn't till 8pm so things might get a bit off.

    Now all I need to do is survive the weekend (my weakest time) and maybe be in-line for a good week :)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    So I am wrapping up a pretty good week...

    I am in line with my calorie goal so far, not just to keep on track this weekend.

    I did 3 mile morning runs Mon, Tues, Wed, and Fri

    Thursday I did a morning PiYo buns workout and ended up getting in a bonus 2 mile run.

    Also did 2 evening walks with the pup.

    I am pretty proud of staying on track with no cheating at all this week (except my wine, but that doesn't count because its planned). So I just need to stay away from sugar completely. I think that is the trick for me, when I consume a little bit of sweets it triggers something in me. We have 3 weddings in Sept and Oct and I wanna look good, so thats my motivation! I want people to say OMG you just had a baby less than a year ago :laugh:

    Ris I hear ya on the tummy troubles. I am back to prepreg weight also, but I definitely don't look the same as I used to.
  • jess1jane
    jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
    I took my body measurements for the first time today to try to find out what my body fat percentage is. I'm having trouble finding a website to help me input the information. I tried four or five and I get a wide range of answers. Do any of you have a reliable website or should I try to go to a professional for my true body fat percentage?
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Checking in real quick to report on the race, the storm held off, but the heat was intense & I felt awful! It took me forever - 45 minutes which was two minutes longer than last week. I did a quick run last night since I had to pick up my daughter at summer camp & got home right before it got dark. Tomorrow I will do a trail run with some of my Mudderella team members. The good news is they had someone take pics at the race & I look super skinny in them. :) Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Kadi82
    Kadi82 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi all

    hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I did a 10km run today which felt good.

    I'm going to be platinum this week. I'm about to head to bed soon and I've got 1000 to spare.

    I might be able to pop in as someone said I should go and use free wifi so I might do that