2 week challenge



  • jess1jane
    jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
    Hope everyone's weekends were great! I may have fell in love with protein bars this weekend. Ate a few more than I know I should but I plan to work it off. I refuse to let all my hard work go to waste.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies! I had the bridal shower yesterday and the food was very in appealing so I didn't do to bad there but I did have a few glasses of wine. Then we went to a friends house and ordered pizza and then stopped for ice cream on the way home. So I would say yesterday was super healthy, but overall I feel good about my week. I got in 6 runs and 2 DVD workouts and 2 walks with the pup. And overall it was a good week if eating as well. I'm going to say no star for me just because I don't really feel like going back to log yesterday but if I did it probably would've been a silver.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    I went outside to take the puppy out this morning and.... IT STARTED TO RAIN! YEA!! :bigsmile: Sorry - it has just been so hot and we need rain so badly it just made me want to do a happy (rain) dance! Instead I am going to go for a short rain run!

    I had a great weekend - spent most of Saturday with my sister-in-law shopping and getting errands run; went to the beach yesterday in the morning with the puppy and then to the gym for some cardio and weights. I did well with eating even tho Saturday was pizza night. I am not big on pizza so I had a piece but focused on salad. I haven't done my summary yet but I am either Gold or Platinum!

    Chloe - I am putting you down for SIlver because you did so well all week!

    Kadi - wow you are a running machine! I am looking forward to getting back to running everyday but for now I am taking my recovery slow, slow, slow

    Jess - Watch out for those protein bars, some of them have so much sugar and fat... really just a candy bar with some added protein. I found a good site for body fat calculation that had 3 different methods, I used it and between the 3 results it came up with 24%. My trainer said 'no way' it could be that high, more like 18-20 max so I don't think any of the calculations are all that good. At some point I will go and have it measured with the water tank but it is expensive and there is not a place close to me that does it.

    Abigail - I hope you can find some races to run in the fall when it is cooler! If you can survive these just think how awesome you will be when it is actually nice to be out running!
    Speaking of which, I am going to head out for a run while it is still sprinkling and cool out.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Good Morning, ladies! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. :smile: Sat night, the girls spent the night at Grandma's. DH and I took the train to Santa Fe to meet some friends that were in town from CO. It was fun, but we only got 5 hours of sleep. So yesterday I was LAZY and watched movies all day. It was the perfect rainy day. But I ate like crap all weekend. Somehow, my calories were under though! PLATINUM, baby. My macros weren't as bad as thought either. 44/28/28 - considering that I carb loaded all weekend, I'll take that.

    That got me thinking...Maybe I can be like Beeps for two days, then like me for 1 day. By Beeps, I mean protein and veggies...and some fruit cause I gotta have some carbs...Then eat like me, 1500 calories 40/30/30. Repeat. Then 1 day where I might have a little cheat and then my hopefully my week will balance.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    I don't get a platinum star for the week....I was at the baseball diamond all weekend, and even though I didn't eat very much, the choices that I had (pizza, etc) were high calorie.

    So, I ingested 10,200 calories for the week...I think that gets me a silver, but can't recall.

    And then shark week arrived like a kook this morning. I was supposed to weigh-in, today, but with my food choices this weekend, and TOM, I am NOT going to weigh-in. Life will go on if I wait until Friday.

    I am upping my calories by 700 per week....I think that will still give me a 0.5 lb per week weight loss. I don't seem to be succeeding when I drop down to 1,300 cals per day, so I will try 1,400 cals per day - better in the long haul.

    So, my new weekly total, shanaber, is: 9,800 cals per week.

    Also....I am the mother of a provincial baseball champion! So, all-in-all it was a SPLENDID weekend of baseball and I am soooooooooo excited for my son!

    I now have NO (afterhours) kidlet sports until September....omg , COLOUR ME HAPPY!!
  • jess1jane
    jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
    Ha I don't know anything about these stars you speak of, but taking an educated guess, I went back to add up all my calories from the past week. The total came out around 8567. I was pleased with myself that I only went more than 100 calories over, once last week. The other six days I stayed within 100 calories of my goal. I have the bad habit of eating more than I should, and justify it by saying I'll work it off later. Which I do exercise everyday, but not anymore than usual, not enough to justify eating more haha
    Anyway, big news! I plowed through my goal weight and feel more than able to hit my ultimate goal weight soon. Only a five pound difference, but still haha I loved having a goal to work for, so I bought a little doo-dad that measures body fat percentage and learned that I am skinny fat, so I am now working towards losing body fat. Which, unfortunately for me, means I need to start strength training. I haven't done that since high school... We'll see how it goes!

    @shanabar I am always looking for the most reasonable protein bar (ex. low calorie, low sugar, high protein). There is no perfect protein bar but Fiber One has a new line of protein bars out, but they have lots of sugar. Quest bars have a ton protein, and also calories, at least compared to other bars, but the packaging brags about 1g of sugar. Unfortunately, those are expensive SOB's. Ha I had my weekend binge on protein bars and now I'm back to a regular diet of actual food. Except that I added protein powder to my smoothie this morning. It was SO good!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I took my body measurements for the first time today to try to find out what my body fat percentage is. I'm having trouble finding a website to help me input the information. I tried four or five and I get a wide range of answers. Do any of you have a reliable website or should I try to go to a professional for my true body fat percentage?

    I just had to weigh in, I don't think there is such a thing as true body fat percentage, but the ones with the calipers (do you have a gym with staff? they usually have someone who can do it). also the pharmacy has the handheld device but I think it has a pretty wide margin of error. I think I read once the only way to truly know would be if you were dead and they sorted the fat from the rest :frown: ew.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    bronze star for me, I was 1420 over. not great, not terrible...

    Yesterday was our bike and brew thing and I tried to tally it all up and so starting this week in a hole, I might do Monday-Sunday, which is cheating but oh well, I need a head start :tongue:

    This week I have a lot of plans with friends and Mike is out of town, so I will try for 4 workouts and a star of some color...
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Lots to catch up on so just a quick hi to everyone.

    I had a nice long weekend; was off Thursday and Friday and hung out with my sister and her family. The weather was amazing so we walked a lot and spent a lot of time outside. I ate okay. She made chocolate chip cookies on the last night they were here (Friday) and I think I have eaten 3 every day since. Oh well..... I'm not drinking my calories at least. I didn't do yoga yesterday either for the first time in 3 or 4 weeks. I had a lazy Sunday. It was overcast and a little rainy so I just relaxed and it was nice. I was up another half pound last week. My weight gain is consistent so I'm okay with that. Total gain at 15 weeks is 5.5. 5 more weeks till we find out what we're having! Can't wait.

    This week I'll be out a lot again. I have a night meeting tonight and at a conference the following 2 days, off Thursday and back Friday, so I will not be around much. I will do my class tomorrow. My instructor is meeting with me 45 minutes before to go over some exercises I can sub out when the class is doing things I can't do anymore. She's awesome. Wednesday I get out of my conference at 4 so may go home and run solo before I get Daphne from day care. Or maybe I'll lift. The highs are only in mid 80's this week, so I see running and walking in my future as well. Saturday we're headed to Lexington (about an hour away) to some friends' for swimming and hanging out. She cooks good but unhealthy, but I won't be drinking soooo.....

    I hope you all have a great week!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Quick check-in for the star challenge. I got a silver for the week, which is better than I expected. I'll be back to do a better check-in later today.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Good morning! I am a little behind on the curve since I just walked in to start my day :)

    Ok. so the week was meh...there are some things I am proud of and others I just want to do "Gibbs" on myself (swat upside the head) LOL.

    So my goals for the week were:

    Strength training- 2x (YES!)
    Run: 6-5-4 miles (6-5-NOPE)
    Hills: 3x (1X...UGH)

    Replace 2x breakfasts w/ smoothies (YES)
    Lunch: Salad 3X (2x...close)
    Min 20g protein per meal (I was close on most)

    Calories for the week: 10,570 (Ok, this is the tough one...TOTAL cals were 12,863 NET was 10,864) My calories are set up using TDEE so I really shouldn't count NET calories...but they do tell me that I pretty much maintained for this week. Grump.

    I was doing AMAZING all week :) And then the weekend hit. I knew Friday was going to be a bust b/c of date night...and it was so much fun going out to a nice restaurant on the beach and then walking the Waikiki strip and seeing what has changed over the last 15 years. Saturday I worked by tookus off! Volunteered at the USS Oklahoma memorial and did yard work there for 45 min and then came home and raked up two trash cans of leaves, pulled weeds, and trimmed stuff up for almost 2 hrs! Sunday was just inexcusable. Hubby likes to bring me breakfast in bed (No I am not complaining...but he doesn't understand nutrition and we have totally opposite ideas of "healthy)...well usually he brings me French toast for this yummy bakery....well he switched it up and bought me a waffle thinking it was "better"....well, must to my horror and his surprise...that mutha was DEEP FRIED! I ate it not wanting make him feel bad and that just set off a spiral...ending with him wanting Chinese for dinner b/c it was so hot and we didn't even want to get off the couch.

    So new week goals!

    Strength training- 2x
    Run: 4-4-8 miles (gonna have do that on the weekend...ugh)
    Hills: 2x

    Replace 2x breakfasts w/ smoothies
    Lunch: Salad 3X
    Min 20g protein per meal

    Calories for the week: 10,570

    So there it is...now to get to it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    This board is MOVING!!


    I totally don't believe any of the bodyfat calculators, or calipers, or any of it. For me, if it isn't a DXA scan, it is meaningless (i.e. incorrect) data.

    But, hey, that's just me!

    Also, kclynch....there are SOME carbs in the quest protein bars that I buy/eat....so, it isn't like I"m off ALL carbs. (And veggies are carbs, too, right?!??!)

    I got my lifting in-and-done....my butt is SORE....this is a GOOD THING.

  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I like fruit. That is all :wink:

    I did Brazilian Butt Lift + elliptical this morning. Spent 3 hours shampooing my carpets. I am resting fro 20 min and then I am going to get in a second workout.

    I got an invite to another challenge that goes until Xmas. As I entered in my mini goal weights, I realized that I COULD be back to where I was by Christmas!!!! That made me happy. I think I did 4 pounds for the first month, then 3lbs, then 2 lbs. I can TOTALLY do that!!!!

    ****feeling motivated******
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    I have everyone's Star Challenge report for last week except Abigail, so I will post it in the morning. I was heads down working all day today and then took the puppy to agility class tonight - I really needed to get away from the computer for a while. I did get a good run in today in the bit of rain we had - it was actually nice outside for a while until it got super hot and muggy. I was well under for the week so I made Platinum but my macros were really off and I was high on the Carbs and really low on Fat. So this week I am going for platinum again and trying really hard to get the macros back in line! I am running 3 days and training 3 days assuming work doesn't get in the way.

    Kelly - look at you being Platinum 2 weeks in a row!! Two workouts in one day, after cleaning carpets...Wow you are really getting it done! Have you tried frozen grapes for a snack? I made some this morning for this afternoon and they were so refreshing and tasty!

    Beeps - congratulations to your son! It is such a great feeling when you finally wrap up some of the kid activities, at least for a little break!

    Chelneal - I have never heard of a deep fried waffle. I don't think I could have eaten it, even for my husband.

    Ashley - sounds like you are right on target with your weight gain and staying active!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Sorry for the late check-in, was swamped at work yesterday. It was a Silver star for me. All this running is making me hungry! I will check back in later & get caught up on everyone's posts when I have time.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    No worries Abigail! I am having total craziness at work now too!

    Everyone did awesome this week in the Star Challenge! We are going strong heading into the end of the month so I am expecting to see lots of Gold and Platinum for this week. I did drop Shander off the list as I haven't heard from her for a while.


    For those newbies in the group or any one who wants to join in, the Star Challenge is just a bit more motivation to get us going and stay on track each month. You set a calorie goal and try to be under it. You can see the different levels above. You can change your goal week to week if you like. We run it Monday - Sunday and since I am on the US west coast if you post Monday morning and things aren't too crazy here, I will get the results up by Monday afternoon/evening.

    Let me know if you are in for August and what your goals are.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    shanaber, my goals for August are to keep my calories <9,800 per week.

    I have other 2-week challenge goals, too:

    1. minimum 4 x work-outs per week.
    2. minimum 12 x glasses of water per day.
    3. do NOT finish any plate of food! Even 2- or 3- bites LESS than the plate is going to get me back in the swing of pushing food away.
    4. no alcohol for a couple weeks.

    I need a 3 lb dump once my period leaves to make me feel like any of this stuff "matters".
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I was thinking-how do you deep fry a waffle? Is it just a funnel cake?! mmmm...

    I went to Ocean Prime for dinner and it was good. I had a salad and scallops with short ribs, it was good, and not too much food, but really hard to log it....

    Weigh in tomorrow, I am really hoping I am maintaining, but I don't know, TOM yesterday and all...
  • jess1jane
    jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
    shanabar - my goals are < 9300 calories per week

    other goals would be:
    1) drink only water everyday
    2) try to work out earlier in the evening so I can fit more cardio in
    3) start strength training at least three days a week
    4) not be disappointed when I gain weight for that time of the month
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    So yeah...I had some serious ups and downs yesterday.

    Calories were way over...by almost 500 calories. Started with yet another retirement ceremony and once again cake....at least the cake is good so I don't feel overly guilty about eating it, but it is definitely not amazing cake. For dinner I fell in to the trap of "oh well" and finished off my Chinese from last night.

    The good thing was that I had a good running partner and we bee-bopped through 4 miles in a jiffy and felt strong and barely tired at the end.

    Today I have preloaded all my meals and have it about 150 cals under target and sculpting this afternoon so on track for a good day...hopefully that will reset the gain on the scale and I can whittle away at these last 14lbs.

    On a fun note, I think I have been convinced to do the Aloha marathon...training starts in a week :) Also still on track for the Half in August.

    Yeah, that deep fried waffle was no bueno...I think they baked it normally and then threw it in the grease. Ugh. But now I know what those are an wont' be tempted again LOL.