Today I'm proud of myself for....



  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Ran my first race (a 5K) this morning since I was diagnosed with and began the fight against bulimia. It was difficult with all the anxiety but I just jogged the first mile, then peace settled upon my heart and mind, and I ran the last 2 miles fairly briskly.

    Still hope to be strong enough to run the Marine Corps Marathon in late October.
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    You all are doing so great! I love reading about your accomplishments! Congratulations to you all!

    I'm proud for not stopping at the grocery store and eating more when I got home after work yesterday, even though I thought about it and easily could have. I had a binge day at work again - that's pretty much the only time/place I binge anymore.

    Proud of my walk/jogs to spin class and that I am jogging more than walking these days. I never thought I'd be a jogger. Ever!

    Keep up the great work everyone! :happy:
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,455 Member
    I'm proud of myself today for actually joining a gym. I've been putting it off, but now is the time - I'm on night shift now, and I'm planning on using the 24 hr gym on my nights off. My hubs goes there, and he really likes it, and I'm hoping I'll like it, too :-)
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Not buying crap at the grocery store yesterday, especially because I went to pick up a few things for dinner and was hungry when I went.
  • RachelWithoutAPaddle
    RachelWithoutAPaddle Posts: 98 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for not binging. It's generally been my MO to sit around on Sundays and eat, but I didn't do that as bad today. My friend and I went out to lunch, I picked a middle eastern restaurant, thought that it'd be a safer choice. Went over my calorie goals, but no where like I used to!
    I'm proud of myself today for actually joining a gym. I've been putting it off, but now is the time - I'm on night shift now, and I'm planning on using the 24 hr gym on my nights off. My hubs goes there, and he really likes it, and I'm hoping I'll like it, too :-)

    Maddog, I'm going back to my gym tomorrow after a health-related hiatus. I'm proud of you too! It takes a lot of strength to go back and I've been putting it off. Seeing you joining really motivates me to go back!
    Ran my first race (a 5K) this morning since I was diagnosed with and began the fight against bulimia. It was difficult with all the anxiety but I just jogged the first mile, then peace settled upon my heart and mind, and I ran the last 2 miles fairly briskly.

    Still hope to be strong enough to run the Marine Corps Marathon in late October.

    Dennis that's fantastic! Congratulations on your 5k!
    You all are doing so great! I love reading about your accomplishments! Congratulations to you all!

    I'm proud for not stopping at the grocery store and eating more when I got home after work yesterday, even though I thought about it and easily could have. I had a binge day at work again - that's pretty much the only time/place I binge anymore.

    Proud of my walk/jogs to spin class and that I am jogging more than walking these days. I never thought I'd be a jogger. Ever!

    Keep up the great work everyone! happy

    Great job Greeky! I've been on the fence about starting to run/jog, I'm all kinds of not a runner, but I'm going to try. How do you like Spin class?
  • ilikesitspicy
    ilikesitspicy Posts: 24 Member
    Went for a swim today after not working out in ages. I really enjoyed it and I think it boosted my mood a lot! In fact, I didn't binge today after 2-3 months of daily binging!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Had great workout yesterday - 11 mile run.

    Got up hungry again last night. 1 am. Had a protein mug cake pre-prepared in case I got up. Avoided binge, ate protein mug cake. It is heavy & dense. Felt satisfied, went back to bed.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Wow, it's hard to keep up with all the fantastic updates here! I love it though :)

    Rachel, yes it is! My husband and I paddled the river for our anniversary, and our lil' chi-weiner was along for the ride :)
    Today I'm proud of myself for not binging. It's generally been my MO to sit around on Sundays and eat, but I didn't do that as bad today. My friend and I went out to lunch, I picked a middle eastern restaurant, thought that it'd be a safer choice. Went over my calorie goals, but no where like I used to!

    It's so great when you can enjoy yourself, go over goal a bit, but not stress because you know you're not binging, just enjoying your meal. :)

    Greekygirl, glad you are enjoying a good exercise routine! It's so nice to get into that groove and it sounds like you've hit that sweet spot :) Also, kudos for the grocery trip. I have pretty much banned myself from going there hungry lol

    Maddog, I hope you enjoy the new gym! What are you planning on for your routine? I desperately need to get back to lifting.

    Ilikesitspicy, congrats on a binge-free day!! Exercise can definitely help your mood, it's one of the best stress relievers out there!

    Dennis, nice run! Sounds like your pre-planning worked very well for you last night, great job!

    Today I'm proud of myself for having an enjoyable, yet fairly tame weekend. I was mindful of my eating, but also had fun. It's nice to remember that I can do both.
  • allisson2014
    allisson2014 Posts: 4 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for holding onto hope and keeping going despite feeling very heavy and fat. I'm proud of myself for managing a stressful situation. I'm proud of myself for being kind to others. I'm proud of myself for low GI breakfast. And for journaling for the first time in years, as well as sending a message on this forum.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Allisson, I'm proud of you too. So glad to have you here :). Someone on my friend list had this great status one time. I'll try my best not to butcher it now: Remember those times when you wake up and just feel "heavy", "fat", "chubby", "jiggly", <insert your word of choice here> for no apparent reason at all? And remember those times that you wake up and just feel "light", "skinny", "tiny" etc. for no apparent reason at all? Why does this happen? Because those are JUST feelings! You can't possibly wake up one day skinnier than you've ever been, just like you won't wake up one day and suddenly be bigger than you've ever been. These are feelings and should be treated as such. They are not the real truth and they should never hold you back from what you really want to do. Acknowledge the feeling, and move on with your day knowing that at some point, it will pass.

    I think my friend stated this much more succinctly and beautifully, but I hope you get the idea :)

    Today I'm proud of myself for finally getting back to the gym and lifting. I'm slowly losing mobility in my legs from DOMS but it was SO worth it :)

    Edited for 2 S's in Allisson :) cool!
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    So many updates since I was last here! Such great accomplishments...

    Dennis, congrats on the race!! That's great news. Whenever you're feeling badly, try and focus on that inner peace you know that you have. It's a great tool! Great job on eating a sensible portion when you woke up in the middle of the night - I know that can be a tough time.

    Greekygirl, I'm proud of your walks, jogs, and spins too!! You're doing super well. Grocery shopping while hungry is such a recipe for disaster for me. In Supersize vs Superskinny, they had this experiment where they kinda starved out one group and fed the others healthy snacks while distracting them with what they thought was the experiment before setting them loose in a grocery store for the acutal experiment. The people who went while hungry got around 1200-1500 calories for their lunch, whereas the people who were given snacks averaged around 400-700 for their lunch. I may have the actual numbers a bit off, because I seem to recall an even more drastic difference, but that goes to show you!

    MadDogManor, Make great use of that gym! You're gonna get so much stronger!

    Ilikeitspicy, That's amazing!! Great job! Swimming really helps me out, too. Keep up that heart healthy habit and congrats on a great day of not binging.

    WillLift4Tats, I think the biggest thing here is that you're learning that you can have fun and not have to eat a bunch. That's something everyone struggles to learn, and I'm currently doing my best to emulate you! Food isn't everything. Fun times are! As for the DOMS, embrace that pain, haha! It just means your body was busy being a badass.

    Allisson, super proud of you! If you're feeling down or heavy, you should do things to make yourself feel light and happy, much like journaling and taking care of yourself. Great steps in the right direction!


    I finally got a pool membership! I'll be going for my first swim session in ages today. I know my endurance will be norwhere near where it once was (competitve swimmer), but I know what my goals will be. I'm proud of myself for not feeling hesitant about wearing a swimsuit in public. Wanna know why? Cause no one gives a hoot what I look like! I'm there to swim, and so are they.
  • mixedbag4444
    mixedbag4444 Posts: 189 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for not snacking on the chocolate chips while baking. It doesn't seem like a lot but I tend to rack up a few extra hundred calories whenever I do that!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Woke up from an after-work nap and almost binged. Stopped myself. Went for a 10 mile run. Still came in under calories for the day.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Crepes, I'm so excited for you and your new pool membership! Swimming is such an invigorating, yet peaceful workout. What is your favorite stroke? (definitely not sure if I'm using the right lingo here; not a swimmer lol)

    Mixedbag, some of our smallest habits can be the hardest to break. Great job! May I ask what you were baking? :)

    Dennis, awesome win! I'm betting you felt a whole lot better after your run too :)

    Hmmm, I have nothing I can add so far, but I'll be sure to do something I can be proud of by the end of the day!
  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for eating my lunch sandwich WITHOUT Mayo OR Cheese! .......It was an Ice Cream sandwich, but I'm still considering it a victory. :)
  • Shersuntha
    Shersuntha Posts: 19
    Today I am proud of getting out of the house not only once, but twice despite not wanting to.
    I am proud of my self for being on track with my food and for keeping up with MFP again.
    I am proud of myself for talking to a stranger despite anxiety.
  • RachelWithoutAPaddle
    RachelWithoutAPaddle Posts: 98 Member
    Today I am proud of myself for picking myself up after a day of gross overeating and not letting it ruin my day today!
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    ...not having a knee-jerk reaction to cravings for binge food today, but instead really thinking it through and not just acting mindlessly, which I tend to do a lot. Really trying to distract and delay which I had not been doing lately. Posting here and really making an attempt to not give in. I know it's not worth it!!!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Great_Mazinga, that's great! It matters not what the struggle is, but only that you conquered it :)

    Shersuntha, sounds like you made a great day with many small steps of success, great job!

    Rachel, congrats! I know how tough it can be to move past something like that. I'm glad you were able to!

    Greekygirl, you are so right, it's NOT worth it! Good for you for thinking it out and taking steps to prevent the knee-jerk :)

    So for yesterday, I'm proud that I got in my challenge jumping jacks and battled my DOMS through yoga. And today, I'm proud that I'm allowing myself a treat and not letting it mess with my head. Of course, I'll be battling the "oh no" for the rest of the day, but so far, I'm doing ok!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    WillLift, good for you! Your treat sounded yummy :)

    Four days binge free for me. It doesn't sound like much, but it's an accomplishment after a week right off the rails. My diary isn't fantastic - probably too many treats - but my focus for now is one cheat/no trackingnday a week, not going over daily calories by any more than 100, and allowing myself what ever I want for evening snack regardless of macros. I figured whatever keeps me from eating bags of chips nightly! And I know I will slip up - and that's OK. But it won't turn into a weeklong binge fest.