Today I Will ______________



  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Good morning everyone! I've not found much time for posting this week. Going to try to do better! My son got back to town last night from his trip to Wales and England. My youngest comes home from her two week trip to Wyoming on Friday, so I will soon have all of my chickies in one place again! So glad, as I have been missing those two.

    I did another 5K on Tuesday, but this time a little slower. Now that I know I can do it, I need to relax and not push so hard. I know for most people my pace would not be pushing but right now for me, even a 12 minute mile seems like a long way off! I noticed a little pain in my heels on Tuesday, so I'm going to try to ease off a little for the rest of the week. I would really like to get in another run tonight but I think I better try something else, maybe a bike ride. I have the red dress run this weekend, so have to save my energy for that!

    Brenda, the Piyo really does sound great! It's funny how before working out seemed like such a chore, but now there are so many different things I want to try and not enough time!

    Pam, you have had some great trips this summer! I'm definitely jealous! I have heard that running will be easier once the temps cool down. I can't wait!

    Maureen, I know you enjoyed your company, but I bet you are enjoying the peace and quiet now!

    Lisa, hope things get better soon. Nothing worse than that grumpy, hormonal feeling and you just don't even know what causes it or how to make it go away.

    Marielle, hope you and your mom had a great visit and that you enjoy your trip back home!

    Have a great day friends!

  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Sorry girlies, no time to catch up here at all at the moment, and I'll be leaving this weekend as well, so I'll bow out for a bit, back in about two weeks!

  • summerluno2
    Hello and thank you for the kind words last week. Been a long week, but we all made it through. I definitely didn't log, ate what I wanted and will admit, while it felt good at the time, I can feel it on my now and it doesn't feel good. Started back to work today and back to logging and jogging. I'm going to pass on weigh in tomorrow, as there is no doubt I've put on and I just don't want to know what the number is. Next week I'm hopefully be back to a maintain weight.

    I'll catch up on posts later … hope you are all well and still at it.
  • kumitejs
    kumitejs Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Ladies! Just a quick wave hello ! I haven't really been keeping up with all the goings on with you all, though I have been keeping up with my logging and training ! I am happy to hear of all of your happy reunions, vacation plans and your day to day successes. Even the lower days and the boosts from everyone is heartwarming. It is great to see such a great group of women together like this for support, sharing and encouragement ! I wish I could follow it more ! You all continue to be an upbeat source of inspiration !

    Last weekend I had my karate camp from Friday night to Sunday. Lots of training and activities in beautiful surroundings with good people. It was exhausting and I was covered with mosquito bites, but it felt good. My oldest and youngest were with me as well so that was fun. Although my son doesn't do karate, he took photos of the training (he is responsible for my new profile pic!) and took part in the kayaking, archery and indoor rock climbing. I'm chugging along with everything else and keeping positive. Summer going by much too quickly !!!!

    Cheers to all of you !!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all, Happy Saturday.

    TOM started a week early, which explains the miserable mood I have been in. I think the last maca I bought may have been red maca (I just bought a whole bunch of it again) and it doesn't work on female hormones as much as the yellow, so I suspect that is the reason.

    Today I will be on the soccer field from 8:45-6ish. We have 6 games between the 2 kids & only one that over laps. Most of the time we will just be sitting in the sun or helping to coach DSs team.

    Yesterday I lifted weights, & seem to have hurt my right shoulder and elbow. I can't figure out how. Hopefully it gets better by Monday. It actually woke me up at night!

    Have a great day!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good morning! Started week 8 of c25k - didn't make the 28 minutes :frown: Will have to try again tomorrow or Monday. Did Piyo afterwards - love the stretching!

    Lisa, hope your shoulder heals quickly. Wow, all-day soccer - actually sounds like fun! It's been cloudy and rainy all week here so I'm jealous you'll be sitting in the sun!!

    Kumitejs, what a great weekend! I agree, summer is going by waaayyyy too fast!

    Enjoy your day!
  • kumitejs
    kumitejs Posts: 34 Member
    Off for an afternoon and evening at the Old Port in Montreal with two of my kids. Plan is to maybe rent a quadricycle, enjoy the beautiful day, visit the Science Centre (we haven't been there since they were young!), grabe a bite, see the IMAX movie on Lemurs and then in the evening we will be going on the Montreal Ghost Walk tour, which we have never done. It starts at 8:30 p.m. and lasts for 90 minutes, taking you through the streets of Old Montreal telling old stories of ghosts, witches and criminals in the history of Montreal with the guide in constume. Should be fun! Lots of walking to be done today! Looking forward to it. Gorgeous weather!

    Lisa - I hope you feel better soon ! (I remember the days of being a soccer mom ! The end of summer tournament with all 3 kids playing at different fields at different times was quite a challenge ! Good times though!

    Bhox3 - Keep it up ! I think it is awesome ! Perserverence will ensure success!

    Hope all the rest of you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Whew! that was a busy weekend. Soccer all day on Saturday (kids played well) & yesterday we cleaned the house, then went out on a boat with friends. The kids tubed behind the boat while we visited. I needed to do that. I had been feeling down that I don't have many friends left, but after yesterday I believe they are still there, just busy, like us.

    Not a great weekend for exercise but I am up bright & early heading to the gym to get myself going. It is a new week & I am ready to get back to carefully eating what I am supposed to, and exercising every day.

    Have a great Monday!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Good morning all! Well, I survived the Red Dress Run although there were a couple of times I wasn't sure I would make it. It's hard partying all day from sun up to sun down! I don't remember it being so exhausting 20 years ago!!!

    Brenda, you will get that 28 minutes! You are flying through the program and doing so great!

    Lisa, I'm glad you had a good, fun weekend. You definitely deserved/needed it! Glad the kiddos had great games and played well.

    Johanne, great to hear from you! The visit to Old Port in Montreal sounds like a lot of fun!

    I'm planning to lift weight today, and today is the first day of my 12 week online nutrition coaching program! I'm really excited!!!

    Hope everyone else has a great weekend and will catch us up later!

  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning girls!

    Monday morning is here and I am hoping for a nice sunny uneventful week. I have a sore quad muscle from doing a Jillian Michaels workout last week. Took a couple of days off of running because of it, but was able to do 8K yesterday without much problem. Today....not sure what to do, maybe a bike ride. Don't think I'll run

    Had a nice weekend, went to supper on Saturday night with friends and then back to our place for drinks on the patio afterwards. Love summer so much. Yesterday we drove to a beach and went for a nice walk. Something we don't' often do.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Maureen, I'm sad to see summer come to an end! My daughter went back to school yesterday. Great job on running again after being sore!

    I'm planning to run this evening. Started a new program this week called Running for Fat Loss by Runkeeper. Not sure if I will like it or now. We will see!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all!

    I am still not quite myself yet, and have low energy, but I know it is coming back. I know it! Very sad about Robin Williams. Depression is a horrible disease.

    Yesterday it was a rainy day so I came home from work and did some long over due cleaning & washed my kitchen floor, moved everything out & did the whole thing. It took a while but I am happy it is done. It is amazing how much dog hair finds its way under the fridge!

    Emy: I think I will plan to do that red dress run some time. It looks like a lot of fun! I have never been to New Orleans so it would be a good goal for me. Glad you enjoyed it! I just looked at the Runkeeper, running for fat loss program. Looks like a good plan. I may print that up and do it as well. Hard to believe that 8 weeks takes us into October!

    I am very sad to see summer coming to an end too. It feels that we haven't had enough of one this year! They are saying that we are going to have a super cold winter like last year again. I just wish that we got enough sun and heat to make up for it now! I can't really complain though, because it is much more comfortable to run in the cooler temps anyway.

    Pretty sure I have procrastinated my way out of running this morning. I am quite sore from lifting yesterday, and I woke up at 4:30am. I think I will be more productive if I skip it today. I also have a bit of a cough. Last year I ran with a cough & ended up with pneumonia, so I am a bit afraid. I think it is allergies but I don't want to go through that ever again!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • summerluno2
    Hi ladies.

    Trying to get back into the daily cadence of everything and I've been pretty bad at it all. I am scared of a scale.

    So yesterday I was good, logged and jogged. Today so far have logged and plan on a jog tonight. I figure if I commit myself to writing that will help as well.

    There are many posts to catch up on. But I saw some threads on summer ending and yes … it's getting close :( The sun has been setting here so much earlier and before I know it; it will be too dark to do my run at 7:30. I like eating dinner and letting it settle before I head out. I'll push it to the end though. I wish it was flatter at work so I could do during the day, but there is not an area without hills and they aren't little hills so it makes the already hard jogging HARD!

    Hope you all have been well … I'll be back tonight to catch up on your posts.

    PS. I made zucchini pizza last night - yum! zucchini cut length-wise in half, scoop out middle, toast for 5-7 mins, add sauce, cheese and toppings and toast for another 7 mins. it was really good!!!!!!
  • summerluno2
    Goot my run in tonight. I do enjoy the summer nights out there …. definitely getting darker earlier and I'm going to miss the summer nights.

    Checking back in to say I made today work. And I will tomorrow too!

    Do check out the zucchini recipe; definitely felt like I was eating pizza :)

    Off for some sleep - night all!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good Morning all!

    Cindy: Love the idea of the zucchini pizza. I have been getting lots of zucchini in my bin & struggling to use it so I think I will make that this week. Sounds very yummy!

    I am headed to the gym for weights. Somehow I am still sore from Monday. At least I know I am working hard enough, and hopefully making some progress.

    Tonight I start prepping for our camping trip next week. It was supposed to be our supplier supper out but he cancelled so that gives me extra time We have yellow jackets in our trailer and we have to find the hole to the nest or else my son is going to spend is week getting stung. He gets stung if there is a yellow jacket in near our neighbourhood. I can't imagine if there is a nest living with us!

    have a great day!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Good morning! Cindy, the zucchini pizza sounds wonderful! Reminds me that I need to ask my friend for her cauliflower pizza crust recipe as well. She just made it back into town Sunday, and I've only talked to her once since then. Glad you got your run in!

    Lisa, let me know if you try the running for fat loss. I haven't been able to find much feedback about it online. I did my second run of the program last night, and so far so good.

    I've been having a little soreness in one knee, and last night after my run, I pulled that leg up behind me for a stretch and I realized it was more sore than I even knew! I then ended up having a charlie horse in that calf during the night, and it's pretty sore this morning. Hoping it clears up pretty soon. I'm out of epsom salts (I've been soaking in them 2-3 times a week) so I better make it to the store to replenish my stock. I also think I'm going running shoe shopping this weekend. I think it's time I invested in a new pair of shoes!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • summerluno2
    Good Morning.

    Rain, rain, and a lot more rain today. So much there are flood warnings everywhere. I guess it's an indoor day…haven't taken out the kettle bells in awhile so will do those tonight to get some activity in.

    Lisa/Emy, I'm looking at that running app now too - thanks for the idea! The iTunes reviews are pretty great. In searching I also saw MapMyWalk which looks interesting and is free; so I'm downloading that for a try. Anyone see or use that?

    Lisa, your camping trip sounds fun -- good luck with that nest!!! I give you credit for getting up so early. I always set my alarm for 5:30 for a morning walk, but never make it.

    Hope everyone else is well.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Good morning everyone! Marielle, here's hoping you are having a great time and that you come back to the group soon! I miss seeing your posts first thing in the morning!

    Lisa, you should definitely think about doing the red dress run. It's a blast! You do have to have a lot of endurance though! Not for running, but for partying!!! Also, be prepared to be shocked (or maybe not depending on how easily shocked you are!). I was quite distracted when we lined up for the race by the young man wearing nothing but a red apron (and I do mean nothing!). There was also a hot chick contest after the run which was quite interesting. It could probably rival some of those spring break videos that spread like wildfire. It was won by Jerry who looked quite attractive in his dress, but he had some stiff competition from five ladies who tried to outdo one another in removing clothing! There was also live music, great food, plenty of beer and water and great camaraderie. After the first hour or so, it was just like a big house party where you feel like you know everyone. Then, about 2 or 3 in the afternoon our group left the park and headed to Bourbon Street where we joined the dancing in the streets! Not something I could do every weekend, but maybe once every 5 or 10 years!

    I'm loving my online nutrition class that started this week. I'm learning a lot, not really much new yet, but reinforcing some of the things I've picked up here and other places. I'm on a little bit of a reduced calorie plan from where I have been the last few weeks and I'm calorie cycling with higher calories on lifting days and lower calories on rest days. So far so good. I did weights last night, and tonight I will do the third workout in R4FL.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member

    I forgot to respond to your question to the group about mapmywalk. I did try it, but removed it almost immediately. I can't remember why I wasn't crazy about it though. I do think my sister uses it and likes it. I've been using the Nike+Running app, and I read good reviews about the one Lisa uses. I can't remember the name but you can see it in her statuses. I've been planning to switch to it, but I've just been too lazy to do it.

  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    ETA: Looks like I start the new thread for this topic! I feel like I should say something inspiring or something!

    G'morning all!

    Cindy: I have MapMyRun installed but my main running app is iSmoothRun. I sync iSmoothRun with everything (myfitnesspal, fitbit, mapmyrun). I like it is because it gives me a monthly total of my kms. I have Mapmyrun installed because it allows you to have friends, & share routes with them. The mapping feature of that one is good, I do not like that they often ask for money for their monthly premium membership. It has a nice interface & looks good though. I listen to Zombies Run with iSmoothRun & it makes my runs fun!

    Emy: I only get leg cramps when I do not drink enough water. Also, doing squats should help with your knee pain, as you strengthen your legs. I had knee pain before I started heavy lifting & now I don't. (I now have hamstring & butt pain, & shoulder and abdominal pain & every muscle in my body pain some days LOL) Better self inflicted muscle pain then joint pain!

    Alright, enough procrastinating, I going for a 5km run before I run out of time again!

    Have a great day!