Welcome! Introduce Yourself!



  • superfitconball
    superfitconball Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, I'm Connie. I just turned 33 and am looking to lose about 20 pounds.
    I used to be fairly active (gym, half marathons, sports, yoga) but then my job turned insane and I ended up working 60 hour weeks and eating on the road all the time. I'm making changes in that and re-prioritizing my life and health.

    To get in shape I'm starting a paleo diet, strength training 2-3 times a week (starting the "Modern Women's Guide to Strength Training Program) and a short run / walk with my dog 2-3 times a week. I've had trouble staying the course in the past and struggled to lose any weight in the past, so I'm glad to find a group that is all about encouraging others to stay on track.
    Please do add me so we can keep each other accountable.
    I look forward to getting to know some of you and getting in shape together!

  • Dorothyk351
    Dorothyk351 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone I am Dorothy,I am from Valparaiso, IN. I need to lose about 40 lbs and I basically just walk the dog for exercise I need to start doing a little more. I am looking to get some motivation and accountability on this journey. Feel free to add me as a friend on here. It would be nice if we could all check in on each other most days to make sure we keep up with some exercise most days. I have a total gym I need to start using again to go with my walking.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Welcome Dorothy!

    I think other newcomers have been welcomed in the daily threads, but just to say "Happy to have you!".
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member

    I'm Jane (yes, my mom was a fan of Austen) and I just joined the site.

    I am 27 years old, 5'10" and hoping to lose ~20lbs.

    My story is that I used to be a swimmer until I had to quit during university due to injuries. (Breaststroker's knees and a torn rotator cuff.) In the intervening years I got a desk job and sort of let it take over my life! I was probably about 180lbs at my heaviest, and am now about 172lbs. I'd like to get down to around 150lbs, but am willing to be flexible when I find a healthy weight.

    I am hoping to get back in the pool three days a week and also do some running/flexibility work to start. Hopefully begin adding some strength training later in the fall.

    Feel free to add me as I am always looking for workout friends. (This stuff is hard without a team.)
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Welcome Jane! See you in the daily threads. :)
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    Hi I am Annie, I am a 27 year old stay at home mom to four energetic girls ages 2 -6. I live in Northern California and enjoy a variety of hobbies; gardening, reading, cooking, wheeling, camping..
    I would like to get back down to my per-pregnancy weight or size, which means I have 40 some pounds to lose, I really don't know how that happened.... yes, yes, I do.... In the last year and a half I have gained a significant amount of weight, and I am currently at the heaviest I have ever been (yes including pregnancy weight). After seeing a picture of me from this weekend, I decided to really commit myself to living healthier. I don't want to hate pictures of beautiful moments because I look like crap. My goal is to lose 1lb per week, although in the past I have been discouraged by the scale so I refuse to weigh myself on a regular basis. I am approaching this commitment to health and fitness differently than I have in the past, I am starting out as a beginner. I am taking it slow, making healthier decisions every time I eat. So far my biggest problem is the late night snacks, and the constant cravings for all things unhealthy.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Welcome Annie!

    Basically, we just check-in on the daily threads with what we've done (or not done!) for the day. Feel free to jump in. I try to check-in everyday, whether I workout or not...it keeps me accountable and honest (plus, reading everyone else's workouts is really motivating)

    See ya!
  • Name's Donyelle. 23 year old YouTuber from North East, USA. This is my second account and I deleted the old one due to personal reasons. I'm a caretaker for my mother and I have an AWESOME congenital disorder called Agenesis Corpus Callosum, and ADHD.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Welcome Donyelle!! See you in the daily threads!
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Hello everyone, I was hunting for an active group with accountability, and after skimming through what feels 100 pages of group descriptions, I really liked this one! I like the idea of a daily thread for workouts.

    I was at my goal weight around 2008, but I gained a lot of weight since then and have been fighting ever since to get back. I have a bad habit of doing well for a few days, then sliding back into bad habits.

    I turned 40 last year and really want to reach my goal weight in 2015. I have 2 cats and 4 stepkids, and a really supportive boyfriend, and I want to make all of us proud!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Welcome Rising! So glad you joined. Basically just commit to checking in everyday, and the accountability becomes automatic. Plus the support, inspiration, and help from other group members is pure gold!
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    Hello, wow well it's been a while since anyone has introduced themselves.

    I'm a sahm and have 3 children (7 yrs, 6 yrs and 1 yr). I started working out April 2015 and downloaded MFP May 2015 with just a few postpartum lbs to lose. I'm now in the process of recomping. I've never been sporty or athletic and I've always been a light weight. I've never had a lot of muscle, I'm slowly trying to change that. I workout basically whenever I can. Sometimes it's 5 days a week, other times it's just twice a week. I have a major sweet tooth and a lot of junk, a lot of people follow the 80/20 rule for healthy/sweets, I'm more like the 50/50 rule....yep.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Welcome Jan! I'm with you on the sweets! A major weakness for me! ;) We usually just check in with each other each day. You'll see a thread with the date on it and it starts with some motivational meme. Looking forward to sharing this fitness journey!